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~An Adventure~ ~Hatching At Last~Flights Of Fancy~
Name: Cara
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 13

Build: Slim
Skin Color: White
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Appearance: Cara looks just like any other 13 year old. Nothing out of the ordinary really. Her hair hangs down to her
waist and is always pulled back and curled. She is always perfectly dressed, her nanny wouldn't have it any other way.

Personality: Cara is the typical spoiled little rich girl. She likes to have things how she wants them, when she wants them.
Although she is spoiled, she is in no way cruel. She is a sweet child and helps younger children and small animals when
she can.

Past: Cara's mother died while giving birth to her and her twin brother. Her brother did not survive either. She was raised
primarily by her wealthy landowning father, who constintly doats on her, so she is extremely spoiled. Her faithful pet Snow
is never far from her. Snow is a rare albino tiger given to her by her father for her thirteenth birthday. Since she never knew
her mother and has never really had a mother figure in her life, she has grown rather attached to the local healer Sideara and
her Bunny Dragon Suki.

Bond: Robin
Pet: Snow