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Mystic Planes
Friday, 20 June 2003
The Initiation
Just an FYI, Daypaw will not be putting a great deal of work into making this page look 'pretty' so don't expect a great deal from it. First updates, Woo-Hoo!

Winner for the Member quest has been chosen, work on the page has commenced, and there have been a few changes. The Member Quest will come RIGHT AFTER Aderes, so heads up. With all of the delays and such, peoples personal lives have gotten past this and that, so we can put it back on the planned time. Sorry Kyle, gotta wait to meet the dood that stalks you via mind-link ^_~

Tyler has lost his tonsils? Yes, I will get harped at for saying this, but hey- blame Nick for telling me XD Tyler has recently had his tonsils removed, so congrats to him for not making a scene about it on the game ^_^ A Moonie Doll to Minosha!

Recreational insanity has inspired a new quest to take place after the Member Quest and Haen, which will be fun for the followers of the Sugar and Cookie. More importantly, the Sugar Cookie! Anyways... Inspired after going 3 days without decent amounts of sleep, reading Through the Looking Glass, watching Alice in Wonderland, getting a sugar high, then going swimming while listening to very odd techno music, then topping it all off by watching A Clockwork Orange on DVD.... Fear the Moonie, fear her.

No more update, go home!

Posted by realm3/memberquest at 4:30 PM
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