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whatever I feel like today
Mon, Oct 4 2004
sprain (I think?)
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Melodies of Life
Topic: painful injuries/school
Okay, first off, I'd like to say that Melodies of Life is one of the best songs in existence. It's addictive. I was humming it during all my classes.

Talking about classes, I had 1st period gym today, since it's Monday. I don't like gym at all. But I don't mind some of the sports we play, as long as they're in practice-stage. We got to play lacrosse, and I paired up with my friend, Elise. We had fun, but she pegged me with one of the harder balls, and it hit my pinkie. Owwww...

My finger still hurts, and I figure that it's sprained. Andrew put a splint on it when we got home. Thank-you Andrew!

My good friend Courtney was absent today! That totally sucks. Last year, we had all the same classes, so I never memorized my schedule. This year I have to, because she has only 3-4 classes with me. Whaaah!

Fan fiction calls. Bye!

tip:: Sliced turkey on the frying pan = smoked turkey. its very tasty!

Posted by realm3/kenziel at 2:46 PM EDT
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