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whatever I feel like today
Mon, Oct 4 2004
sprain (I think?)
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Melodies of Life
Topic: painful injuries/school
Okay, first off, I'd like to say that Melodies of Life is one of the best songs in existence. It's addictive. I was humming it during all my classes.

Talking about classes, I had 1st period gym today, since it's Monday. I don't like gym at all. But I don't mind some of the sports we play, as long as they're in practice-stage. We got to play lacrosse, and I paired up with my friend, Elise. We had fun, but she pegged me with one of the harder balls, and it hit my pinkie. Owwww...

My finger still hurts, and I figure that it's sprained. Andrew put a splint on it when we got home. Thank-you Andrew!

My good friend Courtney was absent today! That totally sucks. Last year, we had all the same classes, so I never memorized my schedule. This year I have to, because she has only 3-4 classes with me. Whaaah!

Fan fiction calls. Bye!

tip:: Sliced turkey on the frying pan = smoked turkey. its very tasty!

Posted by realm3/kenziel at 2:46 PM EDT
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Sun, Oct 3 2004
first day/ king richards faire
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Melodies of Life
Yay! My own blog!

Uh, I guess I'll introduce myself. Kenzie L. at your service! My family consists of Sharyn, my mum, Edward, my daddy, Bethany, my little sister, and Andrew, my big brother.


Today, mumsy, daddy, Bethie, and I went to King Richard's Faire. It was a hell of a lot of fun! It's a medevil town (sorta). They have all these medevil buisnesses and activities. I got pink horns and a really pretty/sparkly emerald heart necklace. I also shared a turkey leg with mum, and cheated my diet (south beach diet) and bought hot apple cider- which was deadly delicious. I loved it. The faire was SO much fun!

I'm gonna go read some fanfiction right now. It's my favorite thing to do. And I might look up cheatcodes for my game. Farewell!!!

Posted by realm3/kenziel at 7:39 PM EDT
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