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Daydreams Deeper than Reality
Monday, 24 January 2005
The Grand Opening Ceremony
Mood:  silly
Now Playing: Masquerade - Phantom of the Opera
Today is the grand opening! Ok, so not the most compatable term to use, but today is the day that promotions start for our guppy sisterhood. 2 people might join, 20 people might join...I'd be flabberghasted if 200 people joined! However, here's to the start of something fun and exciting. A place for gals to drop by and chat about life, love, and most importantly, guppies. Guppies being the bestest friend in the whole wide world. A friendship developed on love, insanity, love of insanity, imagination, movies, music, and experiences tying in these and many other topics.

So cheers to guppies everywhere!

Peace out,

Becky & Kris

Posted by realm3/guppy_sisterhood at 5:17 PM EST
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