The Bunch

Latest Moments of The Bunch

Intro to The Bunch:

The Bunch is slightly difficult to explain. I'd like to explain it as basically the Role Playing Game Meets The Sims played between Ashli and Jesika (me!). The characters for Ashli's side of The Bunch include videogame characters (Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Clocktower), and anime (Inuyasha). Jesika's side (Mine) is made up of musical artists (Linkin Park, Jon Davis -From Korn), and Pink Sammi (Pink Sammi is a fictional character derived from a conversation on flying pink salmon, and my pink scissors from the 6th grade). --The sides are quite uneven; the ratio of Ashli's charaters to mine is abhorrid,-- and we've been going on with this for about two years. In The Beginning, for the first few months, we would get online everyday and roleplay for hours (And, uh, we still do). So far...We've got people dating, having kids, some deaths (quite lovely homicides they were, if I might add), and just all kinds of great things going on (And I mustn't leave out the cookie making, or 'THE Hut' *Cough*).

Here I shall show some interesting episodes of The Bunch as they happen, and keep updates of anything new.

For instance...
The last worthy episode that wasn't filled with Admins Gone Mad (Show mercy...we're just teenage girls!) was when Eddie seized a book containing information that Inuyasha and Kagome did not want shared. Eddie, being the annoying and sick little pervert he is, made Inuyasha so mad that he turned Full-Demon. With his mighty fingernails, Inuyasha sliced Eddie right in half (Lovely homicide/aggravated assault). This, in turn, made Chester the happiest man alive, and Rebecca along with him was relieved for that pest to finally cease to be.

"Finally, some action..." -Jon

Ashli: time for STORY TIME! ^^

Admin: .:the bunch:. enters

*The Bunch Enters*-Admin

Admin(Ashli): *sits in the middle of where the bonfire would be * okay... today.. i am going to tell of a story... *eyes open and they're all big and glittery, and innocent leprechaun music plays* it is a legendary true fairy tale of an elderly boy, and a young girl...


Inuyasha: ...*Immediately alert*

Wait...... true fairy tale....thats....a paradox or oxymoron, isnt it? -Brad

You're a Moron.....-Sammi

Admin: They had journeyed together for a long while, and... *looks at sammi* *bursts out laughing* ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not! -Brad

Yes, you are -Phoenix

Admin: ok ok ok, anyway...

Am not! -Brad

Shut UP, you idiot -Sammi

Hmph. -Brad

*Shakes head* -Phoenix

* is STILL happy that Eddie is dead* -Chester

Admin: they had journeyed together for a long while and they thought their journey was going to come to an end...

*listens with eyes wide like a little kid* -Joe

Admin: the elderly boy had gotten his wish in becoming a full demon by an evil mistress... although deep down, all the boy wanted was love... she held her mirror up to his face, showing him how much his demon side despised his innocent human side, and with that... the demon broke loose once again...

Inuyasha: *growls*

Admin: the young girl was binded by an evil spell formed by the mistress, and struggled with all of her strength to be freed, while their companions they had met a while back watched in horror... she then ran to the boy, grabbing his arms and clenching his haori screaming, 'stop it! stop it, please! i like you as you are, please don't change!' but nothing was


Admin: the young girl thought of only one thing she could do to the boy to save him, since she had been salvaged by him so many times...*Shows picture* <-she looked up at him and leaned in.... ...and planted a kiss upon his bottom lip, hoping for him to return back to normal...the boy DID return to normal by the girls kiss, surprised that she cared for him so much...


Aww...! -Admin (Showing some support)

Admin: so he kissed her back, returning the love she felt for him. he then pulled her into an embrace, telling her that he'd stay the way he was for her despite his gay old love and they lived happily ever after. LMAO!!!!!

.......Aw. -Brad

*Gives him weird looks* -Almost Everyone...

Inuyasha: *after struggling out of masking tape for the whole story, finally rips it off his wrists and feet and then his mouth and growls* WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!?!?! *comes up to me*

Admin: *looks up* its a nice story...

Inuyasha: GRRRAHH!!!!!!!

Kagome: *Calmly takes Inuyasha by the arm and sits him next to her* Calm down, Inuyasha.

It was a pretty story! ^^ -Admin

Inuyasha: *grumbles and mumbles profanities*

....I guess that was a true fairy tale...*looks like he's thinking really hard* -Brad


....And I guess you really are a Moron...-Sammi

Lulu: ...

No I'm not....-Brad

*Rolls eyes* -Sammi

*Looks at Lulu* -Mike

Lulu: *Smiles*

*Smiles the Famous Shinoda Smile* -Mike (Yeah, you know the one.)

The Bunch ||| The Perverted Trio ||| Not All There ||| SockPuppets!|||
