This is a fan site built to showcase custom Lego creations based on Hasbro's GI Joe. No custom works shown on this site are available for sale or trade.
As a kid I didnt have every Hasbro GI Joe toy right away and most of the time I'd have to wait untill christmas or my birthday to get the major vehicles and fill out my figure collection. Watching the old sunbow cartoon was nothing but a big tease in anticipation for these special ocasions so I took matters into my own hands and made my own customs out of what I had available. I excelled in art since grade school and applied that talent to my custom works.
My original custom mini figures were drawn by hand on pieces of white paper or color matching construction paper and taped around the torsos like little vests. It was something similar to what I did years earlier with my fisher-price "little people" Star Wars customs I made waaaay back when I was in kindergarden. With those I just took a roll of paper and drew the outfits I wanted and wrapped them around the barrel shaped bodies and held it with tape. The original Kenner R2-D2 figure with sticker around the barrel droid body was my inspiration for those. Not bad for a little brat eh? Hehe. That method developed into a way to customize Lego mini figures for years to come. I didnt even read mention of anyone else using this technique or concept untill around 1999 on some newsgroup (alt/legos or some such).
In the mid 90s I didnt have my own computer yet so I spent my study hall time in the high school library using their computers and the drawing program contained in their primitive word software. Using old GI Joe catalogs for reference. They printed in black & white so I had to color them with fine tip markers and looked really cool. It became one of my first projects to redo after getting my first computer, photo editing software and a color printer. And that opened up the possibilities of printing self sticking labels. And eventually something I always wanted to do, print labels for vehicles.
My early vehicles were as acurate as I could get with the colors I had available which meant the colors were off most times. There were times when I had red dragonflies and grey hiss tanks. For YEARS I waited for green pieces to come out. Eventually more parts and colors became available and my vehicles evolved and morphed into what you see on this site today.
Even after getting all the Hasbro figures & vehicles I continued to make Lego customs. The scale is great. I could make the things Hasbro never made before like a 2 seat Hiss tank, a cobra air transport and playsets and theres nothing like blowing a wing off a jet or have Storm Shadow kick a tank untill it falls to pieces without actually breaking the toy. Then putting it back together again and again.