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G'day My Name is Sean ......I'm 37 Years of age. I am a member of the Royal Australian Navy I have served 19 years and have obtained my trades as an Electrician/Electronics Technician and a Hydraulics degree from working on Guns and Missiles.


meus terra, meus prosapia, meus veneratio, meus vita

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I am Married to Jen who I met on Meetmeonline an irc chat program in 1997 but we never looked at each other in a way other than friends but over a year later we met and we realised that we are to be more than friends for that I am glad as Jen says you never consider looking in your own back yard for happiness Jen is an inspiration in my life and I love her and her children very dearly. Jen and I were married in Sydney on the 20th of January 2001.

Tribal Wars 

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Thanks again for dropping by and enjoy !!! And before you ask .. I am very proud to be an Australian I believe we really are the lucky country hence the national flag on some of my pages as well as the desire to serve my Country till it comes to my retirement ... I feel there is no other place in this world to live (and I've been to a few countries) Australia is barren and harsh yet it has a certain beauty that you can't find anywhere else in this big world we live in, !!

I hope you enjoy your visit.

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Last Updated 5th March 2008

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