WandaSue walks briskly toward the school building in which the voting is taking place, smiling.
This is your big day, babydoll! she thinks, This is the day I get the recognition and respect I so richly deserve. This is also the day I'd better get my duds over to my new place. Glad Tiffany and Holly showed up last week to volunteer for my campaign staff. Without them I would have stayed over in Pleasantville, not realizing I'd get busted if I didn't live in this town, the town in which I am going to be the Mayor!.......oh hot diggety-dog!! There they are now......Holly and Tiffany, on 'exit poll' duty. I tried to get some of my staff into the voting place, but that's off-limits to anyone working on a campaign, but the voting commission said stationing them outside as exit poll people would be legit.
She waves at her two new friends, who wave back gaily. TV cameras are all over the place, and as they see WandaSue approach the school, they aim the cameras toward her. She walks over to the guy from Channel 3. "Are you going to vote for yourself?" the guy with the microphone asks, shoving it in her face. "Of course!" she answers, "why would I vote for Vince Wells? Get a life!"
The reporter chuckles as the camera keeps rolling. Tiffany and Holly rush over and stand with her to make sure they get on the News too. "Hi, everyone out there in TV land!" Holly gushes.
"Who are they?" the reporter from Channel 9 asks, annoyed that now he'll have to go to the trouble of writing down their names or at least trying to remember them, a skill he has yet to master.
"These ladies are exit poll people," WandaSue explains as she continues on into the building to cast her vote. She takes her position in one of the voting booths, votes, and when she emerges from the booth the same reporters and cameras are waiting for her again.
"Ta ta, fellas! See you at my inauguration!" she says flippantly yet with confidence.


William paces, waiting for the others to join him in the foyer so they can all go over to the school where the voting is taking place, "Hey, come now or this train is leaving without you!" he yells up the stairs.
Eleanor comes down the stairs, dressed and ready to go, but asks, "You're sure we're eligible to vote now, William?"
"Yes! We all registered back when I had those phony birth certificates made," then yells out louder, "Snap to it, folks or you're on your own!"
It takes another ten minutes, but finally the group is assembled. "Why do we all have to go together?" Bess asks, "We can't all fit into your car."
"True, but being our first time voting, I think we ought to show up as a family," William explains something he thought he'd already made clear.
Celeste, the only person there who can vote without phony identification, snaps her purse shut and announces, "Let's do it! Let's elect WandaSue......I never thought in a million years I'd be saying that." Coralynn

Jerry sees the gang from Winding Willow arrive as he gets out of his car by the polling place, and waves. They wave back. Eleanor rushes over and asks, "Have you voted yet?"
"Just about to do that now," he answers, taking her arm, "Let us do it together like a proper couple!"
"A couple, maybe, but proper? Eleanor grins.
"Somehow I always had the impression that English royatly was proper and even stiff. That is until I met you!"
"Hate to disabuse you of your preconceived notions, kid. Most of us are real hell-raisers, all except William who tries hard to keep us on the straight and narrow...."
"Hasn't he given up on that yet?" Jerry asks, then his attention is diverted by two women who he can see out of his peripheral vision who look awfully familiar.
Couldn't be, he thinks, no way. My imagination is out of control...
"JERRY!" a female voice yells out and within seconds he is being hugged by some woman. Eleanor is taken aback and glares at her.
"Don't you remember me?" the woman asks loudly, "I'm Holly! You know, your true love from college days!"
Eleanor glares harder.
By this time the other woman joins them and Jerry realizes with a jolt that this is the infamous Tiffany, Roger's old girlfriend from college. The one Rog still thinks he's going with, due to the amnesia.
The coincidence that they should show up at this particular time boggles his mind.
He's speechless.
Eleanor is glaring still. "You remember!" Holly keeps repeating, "Holly! You know Holly!"
"I know," he finally manages to say, "You two living around here now?"
"YES!" Tiffany exclaims, "We're living at the Camelot Condos just outside town! Imagine running into you here. You can't be living here, too......"
"Yes, this area is my old stomping grounds, grew up around here. But why are you here?"
"Just got a wild notion to pack up and make for a new base of operations...." Holly begins.
"You aren't still dealing...."
Holly slaps his arm, hard, "No, silly! Tiff and I are free-lancers. Right now we're exit poll takers."
Eleanor is still glaring, then urges Jerry, "Come on, we want to vote........."
Jerry is so stunned at seeing these two apparitions from the past that it takes him a minute to shake his mind back to the present. "Oh yes, nice seeing you, ladies."
Eleanor actually pulls him away from the scene. He gives her a strange look, "What's the matter?"
She shakes her hips and raises her voice an octave and mimics, "Ohhhhhhh Jerry, surrrrrrrrrrrely you remember me!" as the walk through the door into the building.
"You're jealous!" he stops walking and looks at her in amazement, "The great Eleanor of Aquitaine is jealous!"
"No I am not jealous. But if one of those floozies puts one toe of one foot across my boundary they are going to get chopped!"
"But love, they don't want to invade your boundary......."
"They want to invade yours. Same thing....."
"Eleanor, Eleanor, Eleanor, who could ever tangle with you and come out in one piece?" he laughs.
"Many have tried; none have succeeded!" she laughs along with him as they enter the polling room.


WandaSue pulls into the parking lot of Camelot Condos, the huge moving van following behind her. Lucky for me they had an unfurnished condo, she thinks, this is the classiest place in town, too. Good enough for the mayor, I would say!
Gwendolyn Young hears the sound outside and looks out to see the moving van. "Now all the condos are occupied," she thinks, "so I'll probably have more time to spend with Sal now that I'm not almost chained to this desk in case someone comes in to rent or buy one. Sal has been so good to me, too, buying me expensive clothes and jewerly," she admires the diamond tennis bracelet on her arm, "and in time maybe he'll make good his promise to leave his frumpy wife. I can hope so, but I'm not complaining; the way things are now is exciting and romatic. Just wish he'd lose forty or fifty pounds........."
She hears "RIGHT HERE!" which is WandaSue yelling at the driver of the moving van.
She wonders how someone who is obviously white trash managed to get herself elected mayor, or at least she will be by the end of the day, she thinks, then realizes she still has to drive into town and do her civic duty.
She gets up from her brocade chair and puts on her cashmere coat as the day has turned chill. She runs her hands over the fabric and smiles as she walks out from the office and locks the door behind her.

It takes the men the moving company hired over an hour to carry in all the furniture WandaSue instructed them to load. "Over there!" she barks at one, then another. "No, move it to the......left!"
Within another hour everything is in its place, and she waves the guys farewell. The rooms are all furnished now, and she wonders what on earth she's going to do with all that extra furniture of BB's she has stashed in that apartment half way between Chappaqua and Pleasantville. "Wonder if that growling dog tape still works!" she laughs, "One of these days I'll have to dispose of that stuff. But for now, I have to play Mayor for four years. First thing I'm gonna do is get the zoning board to zone the Montgomery ranch residential, no horses allowed. Or I can tell Billy Bob I'm going to.....unless he files for divorce and I get my mitts on half of all his earthly possessions. Looks like a win-win situation to me!" she slaps her thigh as she unpacks her groceries and stuffs the freezer compartment with.............yep, you guessed it!


Tiffany and Holly drive back to their condo, as two others have relieved them of their 'exit poll' duties, and wonder if WandaSue has moved in yet. "Let's ring her doorbell and find out!" Holly suggests, excitedly, "It would be great to get in on the ground floor in this town..."
"And Wandasue Montgomery is a sure way to do that," Tiffany finishes the sentence.
They ring her doorbell and are greeted by none other than the person they seek, still carrying her tray of HungryMan dinner.
"Come on in, you guys!" she flings open the door, "Had lunch yet?" she runs a fork around the tray to collect up the last bits of corn and shoves them in her mouth.
The two women look at each other and decide not to be hungry, "We already ate!" Tiffany lies.
"Come in and see my new digs!" WandaSue is thrilled that she has friends at last. The last month or two over at her apartment in Pleasantville she had gone stir crazy as she had alienated every 'friend' she had, but now that she was about to become Mayor, things would be different, oh so different.
"Watching the returns from the election?" Holly asks, following WandaSue around as she leads them through the rooms of her new place.
"It's too early for that, but you know what the results are gonna be...." WandaSue says with braggadosia.
"I love your dining room table," Tiffany decides to get on WandaSue's good side by complimenting everything she can.
"Yeah. Solid wood, too! Hey, you guys need more furnture? I have an apartment full of stuff as good as this, maybe better, even."
"Our condo came furnished," Tiffany reminds her, "but........"
"Hey! They can always store that stuff. I'll drive you out to my extra apartment tomorrow and you can pick out anything you want!"
After the grand tour is completed, they sit in the living room.
"I was wondering," Tiffany starts on her fishing expedition, "Do you know anything about Ms. Young, the woman who works for this place?"
"Not really. Why you wanna know?"
"We've seen her get into a long, black Cadillac every night we've been here. She leaves the office, this car pulls up, a greasy but obviously wealthy man gets out, puts her into the car as if she were the Queen of England and off they go."
"Think it's Mafia?" WandaSue asks, "I can smell Mafia a mile away!"
"You mean because of the black Caddy?"
"Oh yeah, those people love black Cadillacs! They also cheat on their wives bigtime!"
"After you get to be mayor," Tiffany tries not to be obvious, but it's difficult, "will you have access to police records or any other records that might have lists of suspected Mafia?"
"Sure! After I'm mayor, I'm making Travis McGee the police chief. He'll be so grateful I'll have access to any durned thing I want!" WandaSue slaps her leg, "but what are you going to do with the info? Blackmail the guy?"
Tiffany and Holly exchange startled glances, not realizing they're dealing with one of the most successful blackmailers in the county.
"Just curious, but you think we ought to?" Holly asks eagerly, hoping WandaSue will think she came up with the idea.
"Sure! Nothing wrong with that!" WandaSue answers.
Tiffany and Holly both smile and think, 'This is going to be easier than we thought. And the Mayor of the town sanctions it? Plus she has the new police chief in her pocket? Full steam ahead!'


The phone rang and Rosamond answered.
"Hey, Rose--it's Eleanor. Look, I know you are tied down with the children but if you want to vote, I'll stay with the kids while you run over."
Rose said, "No, that's OK."
"Oh, is John going to watch them?"
"John and I talked it over. We decided to skip this election. Vince Wells is a crumb but Wanda Sue is no better. She's a pie-eating contest woman and because of all the blackmail she has done to us, we decided to exercise our right NOT to vote. We honestly just could not do it."
"I understand. I guess we haven't been burned by her like you have. It will be funny to watch if she IS elected."
Rosamond said sourly, "Yeah. Ha-ha. I'd better go. Jenna needs feeding."
Eleanor laughed. "Better you than me!"

"What do you think, John? I know it is the same year as yours. Do you think this is a good price?"
"Well, you can never go wrong with this year and it would be an investment. Yeah, the price is good. And it is fully loaded."
"Hey, I'm sorry it's the same color as yours but black is the only color they have."
John laughed. "Well, you won't have a car-seat in it like I do sometimes. So yes, it's a good deal and I say go for it!"
Daniel turned to the car salesman who was wearing a bowtie and said, "Ok--it's a deal! Write it up!"
The salesman smiled and whipped the pen out of his pocket so fast you would have thought it was the gunfight at the OK Corral.
Within an hour, Daniel was the proud owner of a 2002 Corvette. Black. Just like his twin brother's.

Angela Barzini kicked off her shoes in her living room. It felt great to be back from Palermo. What a chore that was! Aunt Sophia. She was so..old country! No wonder Daddy got out when he was a boy. Hot, humid...She poured herself a glass of vino rosso that she imported from the family vinyards.
Our own family label. Barzini Vinyards.
She sat cross legged on the couch and pulled her phone book out. Now to find Daniel's phone number. Think it is about time his wife finds out what he is up to. She opened it to 'G' and scanned down the list. Let's see...that was Winding Willow that he lived on...
Angela could still feel the crimson flush of embarrassment when she realized that Daniel was married and had a beautiful family. Three kids. No one has three kids these days. Must be a good Catholic boy there. And that baby his wife was carrying. She looked pretty fresh. Like a newborn.
Angela started counting and doing some calculations. That cad was fooling around with me--and all the time his wife was due to deliver a baby! How could he! Her finger ran down the list of names. N? One T or two? Oh--here it is. G-W-I-N-N-E-T-T.
Winding Willow. But wait---the name isn't Daniel. It is---JOHN! I can't believe it! He must have used his middle name. His full name must be John Daniel Gwinnett. He must use his middle name. Daniel. What nerve!
Angela picked up the phone and dialed the number in the phone book. A woman's voice answered, "Hello?"
She cleared her throat and said, "Yes, hello! Is this Mrs. Gwinnett?"
"No, she's busy right now. This is Bess. Can I help you?"
Bess? Must be the nanny!
Angela said, "Yes. Well. This is Beatrice of the Di-dee Diaper Service. Mrs. Gwinnett is to receive a complimentary diaper service for the next month. I just have a few questions..."
"Ooops! Sorry! She's in the middle of nursing Jenna. Can I help you?"
Angela said, "Yes, maybe you could. We have the baby's name as Jenna. The date of birth is.." and here Angela lied to find out exactly when Jenna was born--"October 7th."
Bess said, "Oh no! That is wrong. Rose had Jenna October 14th."
Angela wracked her brain. October 14th. Wasn't that the night we went to Chez Pierre for dinner? You mean his wife was in the delivery room when he was wining and dining me? Among other things?
Bess said, "So when does the diaper service start? I mean, it's nice and all but she doesn't really need it with disposable diapers."
Angela said, "Hmmmm?? Oh! We'll let you know. Good bye."
She hung up before that Bess person could question her more.

Angela Barzini sat there and pulled another cigarette out of the pack and lit it. She smoked it to the end and then stubbed it out and lit another one. She repeated this over and over until she had smoked the whole pack.
She went to the computer and pulled up the Chappaqua Chronicle archives. She quickly typed in 'birth announcements' and pulled up the days right after October 14th. There it was on the computer. And everyone knew if it was in the computer, it was carved in stone.
The birth announcement read: John and Rosamond Gwinnett--244 Winding Willow Chappaqua NY--a girl, born October 14th, 2004. Jenna Rose, weight 5 lbs. 5 oz.
OK--so there it is. Proof positive he was with ME the night his wife had the baby. Wonder what lame excuse he used. And there it is again. 'John'. I'll bet he uses Daniel when he's out leching around.
She up-ended the cigarette pack and found none. She took her wine glass and smashed it in the fireplace, stomped off to bed, dreaming all sorts of scenarios. Whatever the outcome, Daniel was going to pay the price. A very high price. After all, humiliation does NOT come cheap.

JERRY'S Coralynn

"But we have to tell her," Jerry argues with Eleanor.
"She's not going to like it!" Eleanor insists.
"Whether or not she likes it, the fact is that we've found Tiffany, the gal Roger dated in college......the one he still thinks he's dating because of the amnesia."
"So what will this do for Roger?"
"If we can get Tiffany to go to see Roger with us, she can inform him that it's been 9 years since college..."
"And coming from her will carry more weight than coming from us, his close friends?"
"Jeeez, I don't know, El, but we have to try."
They pull up to Beth and Roger's house, get out of the car and approach the door, ringing the bell, which is answered immediately by Beth, who's wiping her hands on a teatowel.
"Hi! Good to see you! Have you voted yet? I'm going to after Bess finishes babysitting for Rose. Soon as she gets here off I go! Pity we have to vote for that shank WandaSue!" she laughs.
"We just voted, but I have something to tell you totally unrelated to that," Jerry begins.
"Really? Has Roger had a breakthrough? If he has, why hasn't the psychiatrist or whoever phoned me about it? He's due to be released tomorrow, you know. Maybe when he gets home the familiarity will jog his memory. Sure hope so! I'm getting discouraged hearing him refer to Tiffany this and Tiffany that...." she prattles on and on nervously.
"Sit down, Beth." Jerry takes her hands and gently steers her to the couch.
"Uh oh! He hasn't died, say he hasn't died!" Beth's face shows alarm.
"No, no, nothing like that. In fact, I think what I found may help him....."
"Or not!" Eleanor can't resist. Beth looks toward Eleanor with a pleading expression.
"Jerry found Tiffany, that's what he's here to tell you." Eleanor says.
"She was at the polls when we voted just now," Jerry continues, "She recognized me and we talked for a few minutes. Seems she's moved here."
"It's sheer coincidence. We didn't contact her and tell her to come, she just did. One of those weird cosmic things that happens every now and again...."
Eleanor adds, "Tell her about Holly, too, Jerry!" then without waiting for him to reply, tells Beth, "And, to make things even more ridiculous, Jerry's old girlfriend, Holly, was with Tiffany. She was all over Jerry like white on rice!"
Beth doesn't respond to this last piece of information, as the fact that Tiffany is in town is by itself enough to boggle her mind. "So...." she tries to formulate a question, but isn't sure what to ask.
"So we think that if we take Tiffany to the hospital and she tells Roger that over nine years have passed since they last saw each other, it may reinforce what we've been telling him," Roger tries to make it sound like a positive.
Beth tears up, "Or........he could think that now she's here they can get back together!"
"You can come, too, in fact, I think it's wise for you to be there so that he can see his Past and his Present in the same place."
"Or his real love and his 'pretend' love, that's me the one he's only been told he's married to...."
"This is going to turn out in time, Beth, you must have faith!" Eleanor puts her arm around Beth.
They can see Bess on the porch, and when she rings the bell, Beth lets her in and, trying to act like nothing is wrong, shows her the pad upon which she has written down instructions.
"I may be a little longer than I'd planned, Bess, I hope you don't mind."
"Don't mind at all! Your little ones are so much fun.......are they napping right now?"
"Yes, they were just put down about 15 minutes ago. Here's my cellphone number if you need to contact me..."
"Got it!" Bess smiles, wanting to be cheerful; knowing that Beth is going through an extremely rough patch with Roger having amnesia, but not having a clue that Roger will soon be reunited with his old love of bygone days.

The three get into Jerry's car. He drives back to the middle of town to see if Tiffany and Holly are still serving as exit poll takers, but they are nowhere to be seen.
Roger idles the car and frowns, "now how do we find them?"
"I hate to tell you this, Jerry, but they told us they were living in Camelot Condos," Eleanor wishes she didn't remember this, but.....
He makes a U turn and heads out of town toward the Condo complex. Beth sits in the back seat saying nothing, but looking stricken.
They pull into the parking lot and exit the car, going to the Office to find out just which condo Tiffany is living in. As they enter the office, Ms. Young is just hanging up her cashmere coat, after having been out with Sal for a noontime date. She sees her reflection in the small mirror by the coat closet and admires the new diamond earrings Sal just gifted her. They catch the light and sparkle with a vengeance. She is pleased.
"May I help you?" she asks the three people standing in the office, "we have no condos for sale or rent presently, but I can put you on the waiting list."
Jerry steps forward, "We aren't here to rent a condo. We need to know in which one Tiffany Winthrop lives. She's an old friend of ours.....we just ran into her downtown a while ago and she said she lived here."
Privacy is high on the list of priorities at Camelot Condos, so Gwnedolyn Young is loath to divulge any information about the residents.
She shakes her head, "I am not at liberty to give out that information."
"I understand. Can you give us her phone number?" Jerry is hoping for something, anything.
"I believe she has the phone number that was there when the last tenants lived in that unit......" she flips through her book and jots it down on a post-it note, handing it to Jerry.
"May I use your phone to call her?" he asks.
"I suppose so." she leaves the room, goes into the powder room to freshen up, taking her cashmere coat with her just in case these people have come here to steal. They look respectable enough, but you can't be too careful........

Jerry hears the phone ring and ring, over and over. No response. He taps his foot in impatience, not wanting to give up, letting the phone continue to ring.
"LOOK!" Eleanor yanks on his arm and points out the window where the two women are seen coming out of a condo.
He lays down the phone and bolts for the door, running outside to where Tiffany and Holly are strolling along. Eleanor glances at Beth, who is standing frozen in her tracks.
"Come on, Beth, we may as well....." she tells her wryly, "let's get this over with."
"I.....I....can't!" Beth pleads.
"Yes you can, now just stick with me, kid," Eleanor tries to lighten up the whole situation, which is a huge challenge. Finally Beth begins to slowly follow her across the room and out the door.....
Gwendolyn Young re-enters the office to see the three people out in the parking lot, the phone sitting on the desk, still ringing.

By the time Eleanor successfully gets Beth to join the group, Jerry has explained most of the story to Tiffany and Holly, who find it all very interesting.
"Oh here she is, poor dear," Tiffany gives Beth her best phony smile, "You''re......oh my God, you're Ashley Judd! I didn't know Roger married you!!"
"My name is Bethia...." she replies weakly to this tall, striking blond, who has 'money' written all over her in the cut of her hair, the clothes, everything. Beth wants to disappear....go home.....not stand here talking to this gorgeous creature from Roger's past.
Jerry leads them over to his car and they all get in. Eleanor sits in the front with him while the other three women sit in the back, Tiffany still fascinated by the resemblence between Beth and the famous actress.
"Don't people come up to you on the street and ask for autographs?"
"Well, they must be blind. So how did you and Roger meet? You know, my dear, you could do worse than Rog.....he has to have a very successful medical practice by now. You picked well!"
Beth is becoming annoyed at the inference that she married Roger for his money, as is Eleanor, who turns around and snaps, "Beth is a mulit-millionaire in her own right!"
Both Tiff and Holly look surprised. Holly comments, "Well, good going, Roger!"
Again, the inference that he married her for her money. Was there no end to the superficial comments coming out of the mouths of these two women?
They ride on in silence, Beth's hands awash in perspiration as her nerves refuse to calm down. Terry

Angela laid on her bed, stewing and plotting. He's not going to get away with this! That two-timing cheater! She grabbed the phone book again and looked up the number. She dialed and let it ring. A woman's voice came on the line.
"Is this Mrs. Gwinnett?"
"Yes, it is."
"Did you know you are married to a cheating SOB?"
"He's been cheating on you. He's been with other women."

Rosamond looked at the receiver in disbelief. Someone accused John of adultery? Must be a disgruntled fitness customer. It has to be...doesn't it?John came downstairs and kissed Rose on the cheek.
"What's for dinner, hon?"
"Hmmm?" she said, distracted.
"Dinner. Food. Eat."
"OH! I stopped off at the store and got some fried chicken. I hope you don't mind."
"No, sweetheart. I know you have been tired iwth the baby. But eventually you ARE going to use that new gourmet kitchen we put in, aren't you? I mean, everything is state-of-the-art."
"I know. Yes, I'll use it. But I won't cook pot-roast."
John grimaced, remembering the beaning that Victoria Sheffield took in their kitchen.
"I don't blame you for that one. You OK, hon?"
"Yes. John--do you still find me attractive? I mean, I feel like a cow with nursing and sometimes I feel like I am covered in baby spit-up and it's been three weeks and we can' know."
John kissed the top of her head and said, "You look fine to me. Now--where's the chicken?"
He pulled the chicken out and started to put dinner on the table.
She looked after him and shook her head. NO! A man who helps in the kitchen would never do that..just because it's been three weeks since I had the baby...STOP IT, ROSE! The man love you! But that phone call...
She shook off her feelings of insecurity and helped John put the food on the table. Coralynn

When they finally find a parking space in the hospital parking lot, Bethia takes several deep breaths to keep herself from visibly shaking. This is not going to be enjoyable, she thinks, I have to be in the room when Roger meets the girl he thinks he's in love with. But, if she's able to convince him that it's 2004, not 1995, it'll be worth it. I hope. I pray.
Tiffany and Holly are in rare good spirits as they get out of the car and follow Jerry toward the entrance. Eleanor takes Beth's arm reassuringly as they follow behind.
"It's going to be fine!" Eleanor tells the other woman, wishing she believed it herself.
Going up in the elevator the only sound is of Tiffany and Holly joking around about all the fun they had in college with Jerry and Roger, laughing at the 'inside' jokes they recall. Eleanor glares at them. What cheek! she thinks, but when Beth looks at her, El just smiles reassuringly.
The elevator comes to the correct floor and they walk out into the hall. Jerry, who visits Roger on a regular basis goes straight to the hospital room, walking in, but gesturing for the others to wait till he signals for them.
"How are you today, old man?" he kids his pal, "I have some visitors with me today. You remember Bethia, your wife..."
"You told me she was my wife, Jer, but for the life of me I can't place her......I try, I try hard, but I can't get the memory back."
"I also brought someone from the past who will confirm what I've been telling you all along......this is 2004, not 1995.." he gestures for Tiffany to enter the room. The others follow right behind, but stand back.
"TIFFANY!" Roger yells out when he sees her.
She hurries to his bedside, reaches down and gives him a kiss. A real kiss, too, not one of those air kisses people give each other out of politeness. She then lays her head down on his chest as she sits on the chair by his bedside. He strokes her hair. Bethia cries out and runs from the room. Eleanor races after her, "Beth, don't worry.........she's going to bring him around........uhhhhhhhh......she's going to help..........."
Beth's face is streaming with tears, "She has no intention of helping, Eleanor! She wants him back! I can tell!" and breaks into wracking sobs.
"No, no, no, she has to be affectionate to establish........uhhhh........."
"She only wants to establish that she's his girlfriend! Don't try to whitewash this, she wants him!"
Jerry walks out into the hall with a grim expression, "She wasn't supposed to do that!" he tells Beth, "I'm angry, in fact I'm pissed off!"
Beth continues to cry, but now she hugs Jerry, who at least realizes how terribly wrong this has gone.
Eleanor realizes that Tiffany and Holly are in the hospital room with Roger unobserved, alone, not good, so she goes back into the room and hears Tiffany saying, "Roger, you have always been dear to my heart, I've thought you of almost every could I ever leave you? No, don't say dumped me. But I was being so bitchy, you had cause....but I've we can start again!"
"How long has it been?" Roger cranks up the bed so that he's in a sitting position, which causes Tiffany to have to take her head off his chest.
"A while, dear."
"How long?" he was told it was nine years by Jerry, now he wants to hear it from Tiffany.
"Oh a few years."
"How many?" his expression is becoming more serious.
"Nine," she whispers.
"Jerry tells me that it's 2004 and that I'm married to Bethia and that we have infant twins...."
"You have children?" she slides the chair farther away from the bedside.
"That's what I've been told."
"Well, that changes everything!" she stands up and straightens her clothing, "I don't like little children, and if you have some, then the deal is off!" she walks toward the door, not looking back.
Holly grabs her arm and tries to reason with her as they both sweep out into the hall, "But Tiff......let the woman raise the kids......all you want is....."
Then they see Jerry and Beth standing there, listening.
"It's been real, Jer!" Holly waggles her fingers at him, "See ya around sometime!" as she scurries after Tiffany who is by now punching the button for the elevator over and over again.

"How will they get back?" Beth asks Jerry.
"Let them take a cab, I'll be damned if I'm driving those two back to town. Let's go back and talk with Rog some more. I think by now he's getting a good picture of what Tiffany was and is all about, and Beth, you won't be bothered by her again, not ever. If I see her around Roger I'll call the....."
Eleanor shakes her head, "The cops? But I know what you mean, Jerry. That one is a real piece of work."
"They both are!" he adds as he puts an arm around each woman and leads them back into the hospital room.


Tiffany and Holly hail a cab and hop in. The fun of the day has evaporated. "Children! I should have known!" Tiffany grumbles.
"You don't need him anyway, Tif, there are a lot of men out there.....richer men..."
"You're right Hol, and I mean to find me some!" her spirits rise.

When they arrive back at Camelot Condos, they pay the cabbie and head for their place. "Time to eat dinner!" Holly announces, "Hey! I wonder if the election returns are in yet!"
"Turn on the TV," Tiffany suggests.
By the time the TV is warmed up, they hear banging on their door. Holly opens it and sees WandaSue standing there, in high dugeon.
"Have you seen the returns yet?" WandaSue asks as she enters their living room.
"I just turned it on," Holly answers.
The three sit and hear the news anchor saying..."The race for mayor of Chappaqua has been won by Vince Wells, a landslide victory for the incumbent.....90% to 10%. It was an interesting race..."
they turn down the volume.
"HOW?" Tiffany yells out, "When we were taking the exit poll we must have asked 250 people who they voted for, and only two of them said Vince Wells!"
"Somebody must have jimmied the voting machines!" Wandasue concludes, "And tomorrow morning I'm launching a protest."
"We'll be right there with you!" Tifffany says with passion, "You don't screw with one of my friends and get away with it!"
WandaSue is gratified that she is in the friend category, but still bothered. How could that creep get away with it? How did he tamper with the machines? Did someone break in last night and do it? This is beginning to sound like.....watergate!


WandaSue's clock radio goes off.......she reaches over to push the snooze alarm and knocks it on the floor.
"*#$%!" she yells as she reaches down for it, wondering why she's in such a foul mood, then realizes it's because Vince Wells thinks he stole the election. Oh no you don't, buddy! she thinks as she stands up then gropes her way into the kitchen, Today I prove you jimmied with the voting machines, and today you will see the inside of the jail! That'll show you what screwing with one of Tiffany's friends gets you!!
She has to smile, remembering the outrage expressed by her two new friends. After I'm mayor, and I will be, you can bet the farm on it, I'll reward their loyalty. Yessirree bob! Maybe I'll set her up with Billy Bob..........yes! what a great idea! If she can get the jerk to propose marriage, then he'll have to divorce me once and for all, and if he does that..........heh heh heh!

Fast-forward an hour:

Wandasue arrives at the polling place with as many of the people on the Election Committee as she could roust out of bed that early in the morning. The chairman has the key and opens the building; they walk to the gymnasium where the machines were set up for yesterday's voting and find it........empty.
"I didn't order the machines removed!" the chairman yells angrily.
"Exactly! And you didn't order anyone to rig them so that the votes went to Vince Wells, either..." WandaSue says with conviction.
"We're going to launch an investigation!" the chairman's face is red with fury.
"That's a great idea, but how are we gonna prove that I won the election?" Wandasue's first priority is making sure she gets to be the mayor, let these guys figure out who the burglars are on their own time.
"Is there a paper trail?" one of the women on the committee asks.
"There should be," one of the other women offers, "And I think the county recorder's office has the data. Let me phone them and see if we can get in to examine them today." she whips out her cellphone and after a few moments of conversing with whoever it is she finds on the other end of the line, announces, "Yes, they have them. Let's go!"
There is scurrying as everyone goes back outside and gets in their vehicles, heading for the recorder's office. WandaSue doesn't follow, as it would look partisan if she showed up, but tells the chairman of the committee to phone her the minute they find out what the real results are.
She smiles as the caravan of officials barrel down the street, knowing that her victory is but an hour or two away.

Returning to her condo, she turns on the television and sees the smarmy face of Vince Wells, a smile as broad as the grand canyon, answering questions, "No, I wasn't surprised by the results! Regardless of the shrill accusations against me, the people of this town support me. They know I've been the best mayor they've ever had."
The interviewer's eyebrows raise ever so slightly, "What is your proudest accomplishment as mayor?"
Vince Wells' face shows confusion. He sits there desperately trying to formulate what good thing he accomplished, then reverts to his canned response for everything, "That shrill woman would have driven this town right into the ground, she's a lackey for the eastern-liberal-establishment! She's owned, lock stock and barrel by the intellectual elite....."
"Intellectual?" the interviewer has seen and heard WandaSue, who is not quite as dumb as a post, but intellectual?
"She fronts for them," he insists, "She would have raised taxes. She would have diverted funds to worthless endaevors like a new hospital for the insane, or a homeless shelter. She would have had 'losers' moving to town, panhandling on the streets, accosting decent upstanding citizens as they go about their business."
"All that? How do you know?"
"I know the type. Bleedin' heart liberal, that's what she is."
WandaSue is writing down all these accusations as fast as her fingers will move, as most of them sound like a durned good idea. Yeah! New mental institution, new homeless shelter.........we'll have that and more, Vince Wells, just you wait!

Fast forward three hours:
WandaSue's phone rings but once before she grabs it.
"We just finished counting the votes by hand, and you are the clear winner with 92% of the vote!" the chairman of the committee tells her excitedly.
"Thank you so much!" she wants to let out a Texas 'yahoooo' but now that she's the mayor, or will be when she's inaugurated, feels it beneath the dignity of her new position in the town.
"We're going over to the Police station now, lodging a complaint against Vince Wells, and whoever else we find was responsible for the bogus vote."
"That is ever so kind of you," WandaSue trys out her 'cultivated' voice, imitating Ms. Young, and finds it pleasing. Very pleasing indeed.


Angela grabbed her gym bag and headed to the fitness center. As she slammed on her brakes and slid her car in sideways, she noticed the Corvette. Yeah. That's him. He's here. I saw him get out of that car when it was on Winding Willow. She peered into the car. On the passenger seat she saw a box of Pampers. Well, looks like Loverboy has been grocery shopping. There was a bottle of One-A-Day children's vitamins on the front seat, too. Oh for Pete's sake! How domesticated can you get? She flicked her cigarette in the grass and walked into the gym with a head of steam.
As she entered the gym, she saw John talking to a client about how to use the rowing machine. Angela felt her heart do a little flip. Why is it all the terrific looking guys are married? Or bastards? Or both. She went into the locker room and changed. I wish Antoinette was here. I hate working out alone. As she came out of the locker room, John passed her and said, "Hi!" warmly.
Angela stood there, not believing it. He said hi. But there was no recognition of anything that had passed between them.II may just as well have been another client. Wonder if he holds that Jeep getting burned up against me. I can't help it if Papa is over-protective.
She saw John go into the office and she went over to confront him. As she neared the door, she heard him on the phone.
"..yes, I picked up the Pampers...newborn, economy size...what else do you need?..just write it down and I'll stop at the Grand Union and pick it up on the way, don't read it, just fax it over to me...well, then, you tell Will I said he couldn't...darling, a son always listens to his father over his mother...because a boy can always wrap his mother around his finger. Especially that, I'll be out of here by five o'clock. Slim will close, I'll change here and shower here.... I know, we're supposed to go out with Jack and Marthy....Eleanor and Jerry are too distracted by Roger right now....ok, I'll watch for the list...kiss the kids for me and I'll be home no later than six...OK...I love you too, darling!"
John came out of the office. Angela had just enough time to bend over and tie her shoe. Cheater! she thought. I'll rock your cozy little world.

John said to Slim, "I'm going to change and then I'll be out of here. You're OK to lock up?"
Slim said, "No problem. Now that Bess is out of my life, I really don't have one. A life, that is."
John clapped him on the shoulder, gave a sympathetic smile and headed to the locker room.
Angela watched him go inside the locker room. She looked both ways, intent on confronting him in there. She saw the coast was clear and slipped into the men's locker room. John had gone into the shower but his locker was cracked open. She got a brainstorm idea. A real get-even.
She grabbed a Magic Marker she saw lying on the table. Then she opened the locker and took John's briefs. She put a big mark on the label.
An 'X'
And then she slipped out.

"Hi, is this Rosamond?"
"Yes--who's this?"
"Oh, you don't know me. Yet. I'm your husband's girlfriend. The one he's been cheating on you with."
Rose's voice quavered ever so slightly as she said, "LIAR!"
"Oh, am I? Well, honey, I have proof that he's been with me. When he gets home tonight, why don't you check his briefs? When you see the label, you will see a big 'X' on them. And then ask yourself, 'how did she know it was there?' Only one way, sweetheart. I MUST HAVE SEEN HIS JOCKEYS."

Rosamond hung up the phone. It seemed like it was in slow motion.
"Mommy, didn't you hear me?"
She turned and saw Will standing there. "I asked if you had my pernission slip for my field trip."
She seemed dazed. "It's over on the refridgerator, Will."
Will took it off the magnet and looked at it. "You forgot to sign it."
Rose took a pen and signed the bottom. Will looked at it. "Mom, you signed it 'R. de Clifford'."
Rose shook herself out of her mental haze. "I'm sorry, Will." She crossed out the name and wrote 'Rose Gwinnett'.
The baby started to cry. Rose went into the living room where the bassinet was and picked up her little baby. She took her to the rocking chair and nursed her. John came in the back door.
"I'm home!" Julie toddled to him. He picked her up and kissed the top of her head.
Will said, "Hey, Daddy! I got an 'A' on that spelling test."
John smiled and said, "Great! Want a beer?"
Before Will could answer, Rose shouted, "Don't you dare!" John winked at Will. "I knew it would get her riled up. As always!"
They high-fived each other. John said, "What time are we supposed to meet Marthy and Jack?"
Rose looked at her watch and said, "Oh! Celeste will be over here any minute."
John said, "Not a black tie affair, I assume!"
Rose's head shot up at the word 'affair'.
"I don't have to dress up in a suit, do I?"
Rose snapped out of it. "No. Just casual. Jack is celebrating his new job at Di-Tech. In the computer operations."
John swung Julie back and forth under his legs. "Good. I am pretty tired but we did promise them we would meet them. Daniel is at that seminar in the Poconos for the next five days. It's hard being at the gym and alternating it with the studio. I'm glad I have Slim but he's not as well-organized as Daniel. I will be glad when he gets back. I don't have time for much of anything."
Celeste came through the back door. "Hello, my pets! I know I am early but Rose, maybe you would like to take a long leisurely bath and get ready."
Rose sighed. "Would I!"
She handed the sleeping baby over to Celeste and went upstairs. John was already upstairs. Rose tried to stem the flow of doubts that were going through her mind. She came up to John and put her arms around him.
"Well, what is that for?"
Rose said, "I just wanted you to know how much I love you."
She hugged him and put her arms around his waist. She tried to ever so carefully pull his waistband on his jeans away and cautiously pull his underwear waistband so she could see the label.
John caught her hands and said, "Rose, I love you too but come on! We have to get ready to meet Marthy and Jack."
She hugged him again and tried to peer around. Darn, he would have to be taller than me!
John laughed and said, "Hey! You know I am ticklish!"
He gently detached himself from her and then waggled his finger at her. "Won't do you any good! Jenna is only three weeks old!"
He propelled her around and gently pushed her towards the bathroom.
"Go take advantage of Celeste and relax in the tub. I have a few phone calls to make."

He made sure he heard the water running and dialed a number in the Poconos. "Hi, it's, I'm home now....I saw her today but she didn't make any motions out of the, by herself....I don't know, I didn't watch her 24/7...she didn't take a class, I know that for a fact....I took a shower there and by the time I got out, she was gone...I guess she must have gotten the idea through her head....well, you know what they say, out of sight, out of mind....oh, for Pete's sake! I don't know who 'they', you just pay attention to the, I won't let anyone, not even Rose...she doesn't suspect a thing. OK, I'll see you in a few days...right. Don't worry! Bye!"
"Who is on the phone?"
John whirled around and Rose was standing there wrapped in her robe.
John said, "No one. I was just calling the gym to make sure everything is allright."
Rose looked at the phone in John's hand and then his face. "Is it? Alright I mean?"
He hastily hung the receiver up and said, "I guess so."
Rose said quietly, "Are you going to change your pants? I bought you a new pair of jeans.."
John said, "No, I put these on at the gym. They are clean. Just let me run a razor over my face and I'll be set in a few minutes."
Rose sat down and brushed her hair out. She then took out her makeup and tried to apply it with shaky hands. She had a hard time getting the eyeliner on straight. Then she took out her necklace. She could hardly fasten the clasp. She stared at her reflection and looked at her tired face. Running after two children and taking care of a newborn was taking its toll on her.
Who is this woman who called me? Do I know her? What does she know about me? She picked up her hair brush and threw it against the wall.

Angela Barzini sat in her Lexus one door down from the Gwinnett house and across the street. She was hidden under the shade of the trees. She had followed John to the Grand Union and sat in her car while he went shopping. She saw him come out with a couple bags of groceries. Looks like the little woman has him doing her grocery shopping. You'd never catch a Sicilian--or even an Italian!---man doing the grocery shopping!
She followed John home and watched as he took the bags out of the trunk. She lit her cigarette and took a drag on it, inhaling deeply. She looked at the exterior of the house. Pristine white. Fall flowers in the front. A big oak tree with a rope swing. She looked towards the back yard. Is that a stable he's having built? For what? Horses? He looks like the kind of man who would have ponies for each of his kids. Spoiled little rich kids. What's this? A woman going up the porch steps? Must be a nanny or a babysitter. He can't give me the time of day but he can take his wife out. Didn't he say they were meeting someone for dinner? I'll just sit here until I get another look at her. Why not? I haven't got anything else to do tonight... Coralynn

After WandaSue gets the good news, she walks over to Tiffany and Holly's condo and rings the bell. Holly answers it and asks her in. "What happened? what happened?" she is almost jumping up and down with anticipation.
"I won, of course! They counted the paper ballots and I got 92% of the vote! Vince Wells may end up in jail if they can prove he was behind jimmiying the voting machines!"
"This calls for a celebration!" Tiffany exclaims, "What'll we do to celebrate?"
"Go to an expensive restaurant, then skip out on the bill?" Holly offers.
"That might have been fun before I won the election, but I don't dare do that now...." WandaSue is quick to point out.
"Oh yeah, you have to behave in a becoming manner!" Holly agrees.
"I also have to get rid of this Texas accent," Wandasue goes on.
Tiffany and Holly resist the impulse to agree that her accent smacks of hillbilly, but Tiffany manages to say, "Who would you like to sound like?"
"Well, Ms. Young over there at the office sounds pretty classy. I could imitate her, or..........Katharine Hepburn!"
"Without the wobble in your voice, though..." Holly suggests.
"When she was young. You know how she sounded so aristocratic. Almost sounded like she was from England or some place like that."
"OK, so we pay the bill," Tiffany returns to the celebration idea, "But we go to a fancy restaurant and order lobster."
"Yeah!" Holly almost drools.
WandaSue doesn't want to admit to her new friends that she's never had lobster, so she replies, "That's my favorite! Tell ya what, I'll make reservations and pick you guys up at 8, is that too early?"
"Perfect!" Tiffany tells her, "Shall we go to the Edwardian? I hear it's divine!"
"Great! See ya later!" Wandasue returns to her condo and looks up the Edwardian in the phone book. Dialing the number, she waits with anticipation. This is the first time she's ever made dinner reservations in her entire life. McDonalds and Burger King don't require that. The phone is answered by a man with a cultured voice, "Edwardian, may I help you?"
"Yes," she puts on her newfound aristocratic voice, "I wish to make reservations for three for eight o'clock tonight."
"We don't have any openings till 9:30," the man replies.
"Not even for WandaSue Montgomery, the new mayor of Chappaqua?" she tries that tack, and almost falls over when he answers, "Just a minute, yes, I see a cancellation. 8 o'clock, for three."
"Thank you ever so," she says, grinning, then hangs up the phone and does a dance around her living room. WandaSue, the 'important person,' whoever would have dreamed it?


John helped Rosamond into her coat. "We won't be out too late, Celeste. Thanks for watching the children. We'd stay home but Jack is excited about the new job and they wanted to celebrate," he said.
Rose kissed the kids good-bye and straightened the blanket on the newborn.
"John, maybe we should stay.."
John took her by the hand and said, "No, we are going out. We can use the break." Celeste said, "Don't worry about the kids. I have each of your cell numbers. Have a good time!"
John opened the car door for Rose. What is the deal here? He hasn't done that in a while. John whistled. He never whistles.
She sat there and drew her coat around her and when he got in the car, she asked, "What has put you in such a fine mood anyways?"
"Hmm? Nothing. Just that life is good!"
He reached over and kissed her on the cheek. On the cheek? Like he would his mother? She drew her coat tighter around her.
Why would a woman put an X on John's jockies? If there is such a mark. Could it be Penelope Patterson playing a dirty trick on me? Maybe she is just lying and trying to freak me out. Get me rattled. After all, the Daytime Drama Awards are next month. She's always been jealous. But this is beyond obsession. Maybe when we get to the restaurant, I can drop something and when John bends over to pick it up, I can grab his underwear and give him a wedgie...then I can see the waistband and the label... don't be absurd, Rose! she said to herself. The man is NOT cheating on you. But why would she say that...?
"Rose? You haven't heard a word I said, have you?"
"What? I'm sorry. I guess I have a lot on my mind."
"I was telling you I may have to go to a fitness seminar in Kansas City next week."
"Fitness seminar? Kansas City? But John! I can't handle all this by myself!"
"Get Celeste to help you. I'll be gone for only a week."
"A week? When did you find out about this?"
"Last month."
"Last month? And you are now just getting around to telling me?"
"I guess it kind of slipped my mind. Rose, it's no big deal."
Silence. Then--
"John? Am I getting...old-looking?"
He burst out laughing and said, "What? Where did that come from?"
Rose pulled down the visor and looked in the mirror. "I think I see some crow's feet..."
John flipped the visor up and said, "You look fine."
Fine? Not beautiful? Not gorgeous? Not even lovely? Fine? Fine!
She tried to stem the rising feeling of distrust.
"OK-looks like Marthy and Jack are already here. Hope they have a table already."

Rose and John did not see the Lexus swing into the parking space two rows over. Angela shut the car off. She watched John open the door for Rose and put his arm around her waist. She fumed. She sat in the car and ruminated over what she had seen on Winding Willow when they left the house.
He opened the door for her. Well, that was gentlemanly! He never did that for me! Even following, I could see they were talking. No arguing. Looked like normal conversation..what happened, didn't she check his briefs yet? Must not have. She's still talking to him. Somehow I have to turn the heat up a bit. What to do? She thought quickly and dialed a number.
"Lou? Angela! Say, I'm in the parking lot of Casa del Prado...No, I just had a hankering for mexican tonight. Why don't you come on down?..say, fifteen minutes?...OK, I'll get us a table. Bye!"
She clicked off her cellphone and said to herself, 'Now to get a table near Daniel so I can see how he operates!'
She locked her car and walked in to Casa del Prado like she had the world on a string.

THE Coralynn

WandaSue stands in front of her full length mirror, admiring the reflection that looks back at her.
She smooths the long, gold sequined dress, but it snags on her nails, "ouch!"
"This is so elegant!" she says aloud to the mirror, "There will be no woman in that high toned restaurant who will outshine me! These chandlier earrings even match the dress, and this necklace, hey, eight strands!"
The doorbell rings, and when she opens it Tiff and Holly enter, wearing simple silk sheath dresses, Tiffany in maroon and Holly in forest green, each with a single strand of pearls. "Let's take my car!" Tiffany suggests, "I just picked it up today and I'm dying to try out all the bells and whistles on it!"
"Fine!" Wandasue agrees, then wants to go back in her room and change out of this over-the-top outfit she has on, seeing the other two women looking elegant, but understated. So that's what they do! she thinks to herself.
"You look like a million bucks!" Holly exclaims, that is after she gets over the initial shock of seeing WandaSue dressed like someone from a carnival. Wandasue replies, "thank you," then follows them out to where Tiffany's car is idling out in front. She slides into the back seat, her sequins catching on a button sewed into the leather upholstery. She yanks it free, which leaves several sequins embedded in the car seat. She groans, but to herself.
"I have the greatest idea!" she tells the other two women, who are both sitting in front.
"You do? Great, what is it?" Tiffany asks as the car pulls out onto the highway.
"Well, you know how I bill myself as WandaSue Montgomer?"
"Yes," from both.
"The Montgomery part is because even though Billy Bob and I have been separated for twelve or fiteen years, we aren't legally divorced, so I have the right to use that last name, which must bug him royally."
"What is your last name?" Holly turns around as far as the seatbelt will allow.
It takes all the control the other two women have to not burst out laughing; as the name fits WandaSue so perfectly.
"Montgomery is better," Tiffany says diplomatically.
"And his is a very prominent family, so...."
"Why don't you get a divorce?" Holly wants to know.
"Well, you see, it's like this. I'm in no great hurry. Billy Bob knows full well that if he divorces me he'll have to pony up half his earthly possessions to me."
"But you've been separated..."
"Makes no difference. It's a long standing marriage, so he is screwed!" WandaSue lapses back into her hardboiled voice, the one that sounds like she's about to yell "Sooooooooooeeeeeee!" to alart the pigs that she's coming with their food.
"Wow!" Holly comments, "Good deal, but you can't get all that stuff till he files, right?"
"Right! And that's where you come in, Tiffany."
"I think he would absolutely flip over you. You look like a blueblood, and his snooty family would do anything in their power to get him married off to a woman with a fine pedigree."
"I'm don't want to marry anyone!" Tiffany says decisively.
"No, no, you don't have to. Just get Billy Bob so crazy about you that he proposes. You can accept, then go back on it later, order to marry you he has to divorce me!"
"Ahhhh, very clever, but why would I want to do that? What's in it for me?" Tiffany asks.
"Well, I could give you all that valuable furniture I have stashed in the apartment out of town. I could give you ten thousand....."
"Higher," Tiffany says matter-of-factly.
"Twenty thou?"
"OK, OK, fifty thou!"
"Maybe.........but what's he like? Is he some old fat toad with acne scars and a nose that spreads out all over his face, ears that stick out like Prince Charles? What disgusting thing would I have to put up with? If he's ugly, the price doubles."
By now they've arrived at the restaurant, and park. "What, no valet parking?" WandaSue wants to just once in her life use valet parking.
"Lots of open space here," Tiffany tells her as she reaches over to kill the headlights. But on the way, she spies a man in the parking lot who takes her breath away, "Look! over there, one row up.........."
"That's Billy Bob!" WandaSue tells her, triumphantly, "Not too shabby, huh?"
Tiffany tries to play it down, "He's not the ugly toad I pictured, so you're in luck, WandaSue!"
"Why did you let him get away?" Holly asks incredulously.
"His family broke us up. The Montgomerys, the snobs of the western world!"
Both Tiffany and Holly fully understand why the parents would object to him being with WandaSue, but don't let on. "Families can be such pains!" Tiffany comments as she sees this gorgeous looking man get in his car and pull away, then adds, "You've got a deal!"

By the time they've walked from the car to the entrance of the Edwardian, WandaSue is limping so badly she has to hang on to Holly for support. "Damn shoes!" she cusses.
"They are rather high," Tiffany comments.
"Tight, too! I'll never buy shoes on ebay again!" WandaSue says as she hobbles so slowly that it impedes their progress.
They finally walk inside the restaurant and check in to say that yes, they have reservations, and when the man behind the desk asks what name, WandaSue tells him.
"And which of you might be Wanda Sue Montgomery, the soon to be mayor?" his eyes pass over the two attractive women then over the garishly overdressed one.
"I am!" WandaSue says, speaking as aristocratically as she can considering her feet feel like they've been bitten by a shark.
"Ahhhhh," he replies, then, "do you have any identification with you, Miss?"
Knowing that he obviously doesn't believe her, Tiffany tells him, "I can vouch for her."
Indecision plays across his face, then he gives his head a very subtle shake and simply says, "Very well. Mr. Prince will see you to your table."
An old man comes forward and mutters, "this way, please." They follow him, slowly, as he walks in a shuffle, which suits WandaSue just fine because she can barely put one screaming-in-pain foot in front of the other.
He indicates the table and pulls out a chair for each of them. WandaSue plops down on hers as Tiff and Holly daintily slide into theirs.
WandaSue has to scootch the chair forward, and as she does so it makes a whomp, whomp, whomp sound on the floor. Diners nearby glace over to see who is making that dreadful racket. Tiffany and Holly want to duck under the table so that no one sees them with this classless person.
WandaSue picks up a menu and snaps it open loudly. "Lobster, huh? At sixty bucks a pop? What highway robbery is going on here?!"
"Shhhhhhh," Tiffany tries to smile while she hushes up this hillbilly woman.
"OK, I'm game! I didn't blackmail Billy Bob for over a million smackers for nothing!"
"You did what?!" both women say simultaneously.
"Oh yeah, he was easy. He married this snooty woman name Rosamond, who I called Rosetramp because that's what she was. She tried to pass another man's baby off as BB's. Now, mind you, he wasn't free to marry anybody, but he was too stupid to know that, so when I hit town and found out what he'd been up to, I informed him that he was a bigamist and I had proof and so..........."
"He paid to keep you from telling?" Holly is amazed.
"Oh yeah, he thought that I could be bought off. NOT. But before he knew I was gonna blow the whistle on him no matter, he paid me over a million to shut up. Easiest money I ever made!"
Tiffany and Holly are impressed. This woman is white trash, but she has a shrewd mind, not an ethical mind, but who needs ethics anyway?


"Over here, Rose! John!" Jack called.
The place was unusually crowded. They wended their way through the filled tables to Marthy and Jack. Rose kissed them both, John just gave Marthy a kiss. He clapped Jack on the back and said, "Good job, man! A job at Di-Tech!"
Jack grinned and said, "It was the plum job I wanted! Marthy and I had dinner with the head of human resources. I swear, this little lady could charm anyone!"
Marthy blushed.
"And how is that precious little baby? Any pictures?" Marthy asked.
John whipped them out faster than Rose did his credit cards.
"Here she is! Isn't she a beauty? Look at those dark eyes! She looks just like Cecily!"
Marthy oohed and ahhhed over the baby. Jack said, "Well, maybe the next one will look like you, John!"
Marthy said, "Oh, with those devastating grey-green eyes! Like the ocean!"
Rose stood up and said, "I'll be right back."
"You OK, honey?" John said.
"Yes. Just need to splash some cold water on my face. It's kind of hot in here."
She left to go to the ladies room.
She took a paper towel and wet it, applying it to her cheeks. This is what I get for doing too much since the baby was born. Next thing I know, he'll want me to go back to the gym to teach aerobics!
The door to the ladies room opened. A striking brunette walked in, make up expertly applied. Red lipstick. She had a Gucci bag and she rummaged through it. Rose closed her eyes and patted the paper towel on her face.
"Hey, you alright?" the woman asked.
"Yes. Just a bit tired."
The woman smiled brightly and said, "You look like you have been logging some late hours. You work nights?"
Rosamond said, "No, I have a newborn baby. She's been getting me up every three hours. I haven't had any sleep. At least uninterrupted."
"Oooh! A new baby! Is this your first?"
Rose said, "No, I have a boy and another girl. This is our third."
"THIRD! My, you look so young! You must have gotten an early start! What did you do, get married when you were thirteen?"
Rose laughed, "Not exactly!"
The brunette took a brush out of her purse and started to brush her hair.
"Wow, three children. Your husband must love you very much. Not too many men would put up with such a large number of children without boltiing!"
Rose looked at the stranger in the mirror and said rather cooly, "Yes, he does."
She gathered her purse. The woman said sweetly, "You enjoy the rest of your evening!"
Rose smiled briefly and left.
Yeah, you just enjoy your dinner and the rest of your evening. Because when you pick up the clothes he drops on the way to the shower, it will be a whole new ballgame!"

LOBSTER & Coralynn

WandaSue's eyes bulge when the plate is set in front of her with a huge lobster sitting on it. She wants to fake it, but the other two ordered lobster tails, so she's the only one with the complete beast sitting there staring up at her. What to do with nobody to imitate? She takes her knife and fork and tackles the shell as Tiffany and Holly watch her in amazement. As she presses down with her knife the lobster suddenly shoots off the plate onto the floor.
Hol and Tif can't control their urge to laugh, though they try to mute it, hoping their new but influential friend won't be offended.
"How in blazes are you supposed to eat one of these things anyway?" WandaSue decides she might as well laugh along as it keeps her from looking even more pathetic than she is.
Tiffany reaches over and holds up the shell cracker placed at the head of WandaSue's plate. WandaSue looks at it, then down on the floor where her meal is laying, not sure what to do next.
The waiter rushes over when he sees the problem and removes the lobster, asking, "Would you like a replacement?"
"No," WandaSue replies, "Just bring me what they're having."
"Very good," the waiter says as he goes off carrying the errant lobster that used to be her meal.
Wanting desperately to change the subject, WSue sits forward and asks the others, "OK, now, how are we going to blackmail that guy, that mob guy who picks Ms. Young up from work almost every night?"
"You know, WandaSue, I thought it over, and blackmailing a man who's part of the Mafia might be just a tad too dangerous, but..........we could blackmail her."
"Yeah, but she hasn't any money!" Holly points out.
"She'll get some!" WSue interjects, "From her lover, that greasball."
"Won't he want to know why?" Tiffany dips a forkful of lobster into the drawn butter.
"She can make something up, betcha!" WSue presses on, "If she has that guy around her little finger, she can say she needs a new........a new mink coat.........or she needs a facelift, yeah, that would be good, that's what I'd tell him."
"She'd be too embarrased to tell him she was being blackmailed, wouldn't she?" Holly conjectures.
"I think so. If he thought that, he might dump her. The heat getting too close and all. I wonder if his wife has any idea......" Tiffany tips her head to the side.
"Hey, let's find out who the hell he is before we wonder about his wife!" WandaSue points out as another plate is placed in front of her, a plate with lobster in plain view. She takes her knife dinner fork and is about to go at it when Tiffany picks up the little bitty fork and hands it to her, figuring she may have saved another meal from landing on the floor of The Edwardian.
"OK, then our first mission is to find out who the guy is. Speaking of guys, WandaSue, how do I meet that Billy Bob hunk you say you're still legally married to?"
"Easy! He has a horse ranch outside of town. I can draw you a map on how to get there. You just make an appointment to see some horses that you're interested in buying, then drive out there and he'll show you the horses he has that could be for sale if enough money were offered.....and bingo! you're off and running!"
"Sounds perfect. My parents had a thoroughbred stable, so I know my horseflesh. In more ways than one!"
All three raise their glasses, clink them in the air, Tiff and Holly saying "A votre sante!"....WandaSue saying, "HUH?!"

BAD NEWS from the Terri

Rosamond came back to the table.
"Where's John?" she asked Marthy and Jack.
Jack said, "Oh--his phone rang and he said he had to take the call. I think he's in the bar with the call."
Rose bit her lip and tried to stem the rising panic. "Did he say who the call was from?"
"I think Daniel."
"But--Daniel is out of town."
Jack shrugged. "Maybe it was long distance."
Marthy patted her hand. "Hey, Rose! It's not like you to be so jumpy! Are you alright?"
Rose shrugged. "I guess so. Marthy--do you sometimes feel like there is a black cloud above you and it's about to drop a deluge on you? Like some sort of impending doom?"
Marthy shook her head. "No, but you've been out of sorts for a while. Maybe you should see a doctor? Maybe you have post-partum depression."
Rose sighed. "Yes. But who? Roger still thinks he's in medical school.
"What about the doctor you saw when you were expecting Julie?"
"Oh, ugh! Dr. Underwear! No way!"

Over at the next table, Angela Barzini and her friend Lou DiLorenzo were enjoying their fajitas. Lou said, "What made you get a craving for Mexican and ask me to join you? Not that I mind, Angela."
Angela said, as she put more sour cream on her fajita, "Oh, Lou! Why can't I ask my best friend to join me? We haven't caught up on things in a month!"
Lou narrowed his eyes and said, "OK, who's the guy?"
Angela stuffed the fajita in her mouth and said, "Why do you think there's a guy involved?"
Lou said, "Because I know you, Angela. You always want the unattainable. The ungettable get."
Angela smiled slyly and said, "Shut up and enjoy the dinner, Lou! It's on Daddy!"
Lou shrugged and helped himself to another tortilla.
"You know, this food is really fattening. I am supposed to be on a diet. I got a personal trainer at the fitness center and he's trying to work with me so I can lose fifty pounds by the time Carmella Russo gets married next month. Nice guy. Really fit."
Angela glanced over at the foursome at the table in back of her. Which was now a threesome. Now where did Daniel go? Looks like things aren't too happy in paradise. The little lady looks pretty stressed out...

John sat down at the table.
"I'm sorry, honey. That was Daniel. He called me from the seminar in the Poconos and said that he ran into Peter Sanderson. Peter told him that an email just went out today and all the franchise owners will be meeting in Kansas City after all. But the bad part is that I have to leave in two days."
Rose wailed, "John! No!"
"Sorry, honey. But yes. Peter booked a flight for me and the ticket is being emailed. It's probably on the computer right now. I'll be gone for a week. It's the annual meeting."
"Can't they send someone else?"
"No, Rosamond. I have to be there."
"Well, thank you very much! I have just lost my appetite!"
She threw her napkin down and walked out.
John turned to Marthy and Jack and said, "Well, that's that! I'm sorry. Looks like we are going home now."
Marthy said, "We understand, John. Take care of her. Three kids are an awful lot to handle."
John nodded. "Yeah. Goodnight."

Angela Barzini looked over as Rose threw her napkin down. She smiled to herself. Doesn't look too happy now, does she? Looks like she's leaving. And there goes Daniel following her out. He doesn't look too happy either. Maybe the stress of not knowing is too much for her.
Angela turned to Lou and asked, "Another margarita, Lou?"
"Sure, Angela! What's put you in such a good mood?"
"Oh, I just feel like celebrating!"

Rose took out her keys and unlocked the car door. John caught up to her.
"Rosamond, what is your problem?"
She slid in the car and said, "Nothing. Nothing at all."
John sighed and said to himself, 'so it's going to be one of THOSE nights.'
He opened up the driver's door, got in and drove towards home. They didn't say a word in the car. John just turned the radio up. When they pulled in the driveway, Rose got out without a word and without waiting for John. She marched in the house. Celeste was reading a magazine.
"Home so soon?"
Rose said, "Yes. I didn't feel too well. I think I am just tired. Were the children good?"
"No problem. I just gave Jenna a bottle. She should sleep for a few hours."
John came in and said, "Now just WHAT the hell is....oh! Hi, 'Mom'."
Celeste looked down her reading glasses. "On that note, I think I am going home."
She shrugged into her coat. John said, "I'll walk you home."
Celeste said, "No, dear. It is only four houses down."
"No way. What kind of gentleman would I be? I'll be right back, Rose."
"I'll be in bed."
He sighed and opened the door for Celeste.

" 'Mom', I just don't know what her problem is. Hormonal?"
Celeste said, "What happened at dinner?"
"Things were fine, or so I thought. She was kind of quiet. Then I got a call from Daniel that I have to go to Kansas City day after tomorrow. She totally freaked out and told me I wrecked her appetite."
Celeste said, "Let's access the story and see what is going on."
They walked into the house and Celeste flipped on the computer. A huge 'POP' and then an electrical smell.
"Aw...&^%$!" John said. He crawled under the computer table."Looks like it's burned up."
Celeste said, "Well, William has been wanting an excuse to buy a new one. I'm sorry, John. I think she is overwhelmed and tired and yes, hormonal. Be patient." He kissed her on the cheek and said, "Thanks! I can always count on you!"

Rosamond checked on the children. The baby was in the bassinet in the nursery adjoining the master bedroom. She hung up her clothes and washed her face. As she was drying off, the phone rang. Must be John delayed at Celeste's...
A voice whispered, "I saw you tonight. You were out with my lover."
Rose said, "Excuse me? I think you have the wrong number..."
"No wrong number," the voice whispered. "You were at Casa del Prado and you left without eating."
Rose's heart thumped.
"Who--who are you?"
The whisper again. "I am your husband's lover. I told you that. When he left the table, he met me in the bar. Stolen moments. You will look at the face of every woman you run across and wonder if I am the one.."
Rose stood there with the phone in her hand, unable to move.
John came into the bedroom and said, "Honey, I'm sorry...hey, who was on the phone?"
She hastily hung it up. "No one. Wrong number. I--I've been getting alot of those lately."
John threw his clothes in a corner. "Well, I've got a full day tomorrow at the gym. Let's get to sleep."
He pulled the covers back and slid into bed, turning the light off.


Rosamond said, "Fine! Just fine! I can use the sleep too!" She bounced into the bed, sending John ever so slightly in the air. In the dark, he said, "Rose, if you need medical help.."
"OK, OK...but if you ever need to see a doctor.."
Quietly she said, "And just who am I going to see? Roger? He's a frat boy again. Can't even remember the best thing that ever happened to him."
"Mmmm?" He was almost asleep.
"John, do you think men are like bulls?"
He flipped the light on. "What in hell are you talking about?"
Rose propped herself up on her elbow and said, "Men are always searching for a new cow. It is not in their nature to be monogamous. Once a bull has had a cow, he never goes back. Not ever. He searches for a new cow. Once I read that a farmer had a bull and 99 cows and when the bull got...finished..with each female cow, the farmer was out of luck and had to trade the bull in for another one because once the bull had serviced a cow, he was finished with her."
John sat up and folded his arms across his chest. He just stared at her.
She continued, "You can paint the cow blue, you can paint the cow pink. You can spray on perfume, you can smear the cow with garden gnomes.."
"What? Garden gnomes?"
"You know..that invisible stuff that lets one person know they are attracted to another and not even know it.."
"OK--that's the word. But the bull won't be fooled. Been there, done that. It is an inherent need for men to sow their wild oats. It gets men off the hook for their piggish behavior since they are hard-wired that way and cannot help it and cannot be blamed for the way they have evolved."
John laid against the headboard and listened.
She caught her breath. "So." She paused. "That is the old cow new cow theory. Men are always searching for a new cow. Do you believe it is true?"
John shook his head, turned off the light and said, "Goodnight."
She gave the blanket a yank and yelled, "IT ISN'T A GOOD NIGHT SO FAR!"


Rose laid there and tried to go to sleep. The supposed evidence of her husband's adultery was lying on the floor a few feet away. It was tormenting her. She listened to the even breathing of her husband. She threw the blankets back and tip-toed out of the bedroom, downstairs to the utility closet in the kitchen.
Rose found what she was looking for. The flashlight. I just have to check it out. The little voice inside her said, 'but what will you do if you find that X? wake him up and confront him? cry? sew him in a sheet and then whack the tar out of him with a broom?'
I don't know what I will do, she answered herself. I guess I will know when I find it. She quietly tip-toed back into the bedroom and shone the flashlight around the floor. John bolted up out of a sound sleep and flipped the light on. Rose stood there with the flashlight in her hand.
She stood there like a deer caught in the headlights.
"I, uh...uh..uh, dropped the back of my earring earlier this evening and I just remembered it and wanted to get it before I forgot again and sucked it up in the vacuum."
John got out of bed and took the flashlight away from her. "Forget it. I'll buy you a hundred earring backs if you'll just get back in bed and let me sleep!"
Just then the baby started crying.
Rose knew how she felt. She could use a good cry herself.
She went into the nursery and picked up the baby. She changed her and nursed her.
When she came back into the bedroom, John's clothes were gone.
Lying now in the laundry room.
Courtesy of that laundry chute Murphy had built into the hallway.


Angela sat at the bar at Casa del Prado and ordered more margaritas. She smiled in satisfaction for a phone call well done.
Stan the bartender, asked her, "Hey, where's Lou?"
Angela traced the salt around the rim with her finger and then sucked it off.
"Lou had to go home. Early work day tomorrow I guess."
Stan said, "You OK, Miss Barzini?"
"Huh? Oh. Sure. Never better."
"Where's that guy you came in with a couple times? The one with that Jeep. Kind of a work-out jock."
Angela took a big swallow of her drink. "You mean the devastatingly handsome guy with those gorgeous grey-green eyes and light brown hair?"
Stan said, "Well, I wouldn't describe him like that but yes, I guess that is the one."
Angela said, "Don't know anyone who fits that description."
Then she dissolved into giggles.
"Miss Barzini, are you sure you are OK?"
Angela grabbed the bartender by his shirt collar, stuck her face into his and said, "As OK as I can be. Tell me, Stan, have you ever cheated?"
Stan went nose to nose with her. ""
She let him go and said, "Fix me another one. And make it a strawberry margarita this time."
Stan said, "Miss Barzini, don't you think you have had enough?"
"Enough? Stan, there isn't enough tequila from here to Guad...Guad..Guad.."
"..thank you, Stan. Guadala---what you said---to qualify as 'enough' "
"But Miss Barzini, as bartender.."
"Who do you work for, Stan?"
"Your father."
"And who signs your paycheck?"
"Well, actually the bookkeeper..."
"You know what I mean."
"Ok...your father."
"Right. My father. Now keep 'em coming. And I'll tell YOU when 'enough' is 'enough'. And I damn well am nowhere near that yet."
She finished off her margarita and ordered again.
"Yes, Miss Barzini?"
"Stan, why do men cheat?"
"I'm not sure what you mean, Miss Barzini."
"I mean, why do they cheat on their girlfriends? With their wives?"
"Miss Barzini, I think you mean it the other way around."
She continued as if she didn't hear him. "Isn't a girlfriend enough for them? I mean, they have the girlfriend. Why do they need to cheat on her with the wife?"
Angela leaned over and motioned for Stan to come closer. She tried to focus her eyes.
"I have a theory. It is called New Cow, Old Cow. Men always go back to their old cow. It's hardwired into their nature..."
She slid off the barstool and landed on her butt on the floor. She was laughing uncontrollably. Stan leaned over.
"You have had too much to drink, Miss Barzini."
She said, "Maybe you are right. Bet my boyfriend's little Missus never gets out of control. Bet she is a prude with those three kids..."
Stan said as he wiped off the counter top. "Three kids and a prude?"
Angela picked up her other margarita. "Three kids. Think I saw a dog or two. Maybe even a cat. Yes. He's cheating on me with HER! Well, I',m not done with her yet.."
She laid her head on the bar top and passed out.
Stan sighed and picked up a phone. He dialed a number and said, "She's here. And she is in no shape to drive home...OK, when the limo comes, I'll pour her in...No, sir, no problem at all..I'll keep a watch on, something about that guy she is seeing and cheating on her....seems he's married....yes, sir. I'll keep my ear to the sir, just doing my job. Thank you, Mr. Barzini."
Stan looked at Angela face down in the peanuts. Oh yeah. Daddy's little pride and joy.
He sighed and wiped the bar down. He lifted her head up and wiped under her face and then let her face go back down in the peanuts.
What the hell...she already was over her sodium limit for the day.
Stan put his towel down, looked at the passed out woman and thought, 'NUTS!'
In more ways than one.

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