Abby sees Palmer Real Estate emblazoned on the side of the car and walks toward it. Hotspur gets out and opens the passenger door for her. She settles herself in the seat, fastens the safety belt, then hears a now familiar voice from the back seat, "Hi, daughter! Ready to buy a house?"
She turns and sees Jim sitting there in the suit he wore at the house-warming party, looking very respectable and even sober.
"You know, you really don't have to buy me a house!" she reiterates, after having told him that every time he'd called her on the phone in the last 24 hours, all excited about the prospect of buying her a house.
"I want to!" he replies, as he has every single time.
She resigns herself to the fact that he is indeed going to buy her this expensive present. It's not that she wouldn't like to own her own home, of course, it's that procuring one this way seems strange, weird, actually.
"You said you wanted to see the house on Pleasant Valley Lane?" Hotspur asks.
"We can go there first, but I think you ought to see several before you settle on one," he tells her in his best 'real estate man' voice.
"It's situated behind the house where Celeste and Marilyn and those people live," Abby explains, "I think that location would suit me."
"Don't forget, you'd be almost right behind my place, too!" Jim adds with enthusiasm.
Oh yeah, she thinks, I have no problem with that unless Jim decides to play the patriarch and meddle in my affairs. This kind of thought makes her feel guilty, after all, he is buying her an entire house, but she can't help but feel uneasy over the future of their relationship if Jim sits in the cat-bird's seat.

They pull up in the drive at 222 Pleasant Vally Lane.
Abby sees a large house, not as large as the one in which Celeste lives, and certainly not as large as that mansion Jim lives in, but bigger than any house she's ever envisioned owning.
There are two cars parked in the drive, which could mean the owners are still living in the house, Abby notices as they walk to the front door.
"Mr. and Mrs. Stackpole are moving to Florida soon," Hotspur explains as he rings the bell.
The door is opened by a tall woman with hair dyed so black it's almost blue, well, actually it is blue. "Mr. Percy. Come right in!" she greets them nervously.
Abby wonders if the woman is always this nervous or whether there's something about the house she's nervous about anyone discovering.
The interior of the house has spacious rooms, but very outmoded decorating. The deep purple hue on the living room walls clashes with the red couches. Abby tries hard to picture the room with a different color scheme, which taxes her imagination.
They walk through a dining room, painted chartreuse, a kitchen that has modern appliances thank goodness, a den with built-in bookcases in desperate need of repair and a family room replete with orange shag carpeting. Abby tries to envision this room with a more conservative color scheme.
As they walk from room to room Hots points out all the great features of each one, hoping that at last he can unload this masoleum.
The upstairs contains six bedrooms and three full baths. Abby wonders if in the future she'll ever need this many rooms. You never know what the future will bring, she thinks, and mentally places her future family in the rooms. Hmmmm, if I end up having just two children, they can each have a bedroom and a separate play-room, she futurizes.
The attic is a run-of-the-mill affair, and they stay there briefly.
The basement, when they finally walk down there, seems dry. No moldy smell. Abby likes all the shelves lining the walls. Mrs. Stackpole has put up preserves, obviously, and they take up most of the room on the shelves.
"...and if you like to can," Mrs. Stackpole points out, "this basement is a perfect place!"
"Yes," Abby agrees, though she has no intention or desire to can anything. Perhaps old boxes of Christmas decorations would go well down here, she muses.
After the grand tour, Abby, Hots and Jim leave the house and get back into the car.
"Well?" Jim exudes, "What do you think? You like it?"
"I like it, but it needs a lot of work! The orange shag carpeting, for instance....."
"I'll pay for a complete re-decorating!" Jim tells her, as Hots puts the car in gear and they begin to back out of the driveway.
"We're going to look at a couple more houses before you decide," Hots tells Abby, "at least you need to see other places so you can compare them with this one."
"What's the asking price on it anyway?" Abby asks.
"Six hundred fifty thousand," Hots replies as they drive down the road toward the next destination.
"That's cheap!" Jim exclaims, "I want to spend at least a million."
"No need...." Abby begins.
"HEY! I can use the difference between the cost of the house and a million to redecorate!" Jim relaxes now that he's figured out how to blow an entire million on Abby's house.

The next house in untenanted, but Hots has the key with him and unlocks the door. Abby sees rooms even bigger than the ones at the first house, plus she hears dogs barking and asks, "Why do I hear so many dogs barking, Hotspur?"
"This house is next to a kennel. They raise Rotweilers," he answers matter-of-factly.
"No thanks!" she turns to leave.
Hots can see this house is a definite 'no.'

The third house is nestled under huge trees, and they have to duck to reach it. Abby swats mosquitos, which swarm all around her and is glad when they finally get inside.
"Now, this house has historic value," Hots announces proudly, "This is where somebody named Floyd whacked his wife to death with an axe! Happened back around 1850."
Abby looks at him in amazement. Who'd ever want to live in a crime scene, no matter how long along it occurred, and why is Hots telling her about it as if it were a positive?
"No thanks!" she says decisively and walks toward the front door.

Back in the car, Hots is confused, and asks, "What was the matter with that house, Miss Bennett?"
"Livingston!" Jim corrects him.
"NO, it's Bennett," Abby insists, "I'm sorry, Jim, but that's been my name for 24 years and I want to keep it."
"Ohhhhh, I was so sure you'd take my name," Jim sounds depressed.
She turns around and smiles at him, "No offense. If I have a child at some future time, I'll give him or her Livingston as a middle name. How about that?"
"You'd do that? That would so so cool.........let's see, Robert Livingston whatever! I like it!"
"I do too, Jim. Sounds distinguised."
Hots asks again, "What was the matter with that house?"
"It's a crime scene!" Abby tells him, "It may as well have yellow police tape around it."
"It happened a long time ago! It's historic!"
"Sorry, Hotspur, but I can't do it. I like the first house the best, the one on Pleasant Valley Lane. Let's put in a bid on that one."
"OKAY!" Hots brightens and heads the car back to the Palmer Real Estate Company.


Chad Baumgarten sees the recent action on the property at 222 Pleasant Vally Lane and phones his client. "Bad news! A bid has just been put in on the property you want.."
"So we outbid them!"
"They bid 700,000, though, thats a hundred thou over what you bid."
"#$#&*$" the client responds.
"What do you want to do?"
"Put in a bid for 705,000!" the client instructs the broker.
"OK, will do! But really, there are better deals to be had."
"It has to be that location!" the client sounds firm.
Chad Baumgarten sighs, hangs up and follows the instructions, muttering, "All this so he can build a tennis court?"

Abby is back at work by noon. Jeremey hears all about her morning looking at houses and makes appropritae comments like "Rottweilers?" and "Floyd did what?!"
Her cell phone rings. She answers it and hears Hotspur on the other end, "We have to up our bid, Miss Bennett. Seems someone else wants the property pretty badly and raise his or her bid to seven thousand five."
"Shouldn't you be discussing this with Jim?" she asks.
"Yes, and I did. He said keep bidding until we get it. I wanted to keep you appraised of the situation."
"Thank you, I appreciate it. Talk to you later," she clicks off and tells Jeremy, "Someone else wants the property pretty badly. I wonder why."
"Who is it?"
"The real estate agent this person is using doesn't have to divuge the name of his client, so who knows?"
"Then he or she has no idea who he or she is biddding against, either, right?"
"Right. I hope Jim doesn't have to spend a lot more than the house is worth!"
"Not meaning to sound cold, Abby, but he can afford it," Jeremy points out.
"I know, and he's determined to spend as much money on me as he can. I suppose if he ended up paying a full million for the property that would make his day!"
Jeremy laughs, "Why didn't I get a Dad like that?" Abby swats him with a rolled up newspaper and laughs as well.

"Yes, sir, they bid $750,000. I think that puts it out of your range," Chad Baumgarten informs his client.
"We bid 760,000!" comes back over the phone line at him. "I want that property! It's perfect for an Olympic sized pool!"
"I thought you said......."
"After that house is demolished that is."
"You'd have to have the property rezoned, wouldn;t you?"
"You mean you plan to demolish that lovely house so you can put up a tennis court and a Olympic sized swimming pool? What do you have in mind, a fitness center? If so, you need a zoning variance, which is very hard to come by, especially in an area set aside as residential, and this town is about as residential as they come."
The client sighs loudly, "Bid seven hundred sixty thousand! I'll go higher if I have to, but maybe this will knock the other party out of the ballpark."
Chad hangs up and wonders if the Client is next going to say he wants the place to put in a major league ballpark. Nawwwwww...
The Client is thinking, If Chad Baumgarten really knew why I wanted the property I could be in big trouble.........

GOOD NEWS!.............by Coralynn

Marthy and Jack burst into the house, laughing.
Celeste looks up from her magazine and queries, "You two are sure happy, what's it about?"<> Marthy is breatheless, "Oh Celeste! They accepted our offer on the house and......and.....we close in two weeks and we move in!"
"That was fast," William comments.
"Jerry has to be the best real estate man in the world! He's pushing it through as fast as he can!" Jack tells them, sitting at the kitchen table, picking off a few green grapes.
"I Know!" Marilyn exclaims, "We can have your housewarming the same night we have Rose and John's! It can be a 'traveling' house warming! That will be elegant!"
"And, then, there will just be four of us living in this big rambling house!" Eleanor states, "After having the place packed to the rafters, we'll have so many empty rooms it'll be weird!"
"Think we oughta invite some of the 'guys' back?" Marilyn asks.
"NO!" the other three all say simultaneously.
"You don't miss the wild behavior? You don't miss tripping on dirty sneakers on the staircase?"
William shakes his head, "I shall be the only man in this house. I wouldn't mind having another, reliable man here to help out. I could use a lot of help with my gardens."
"Hey, we can garden! Women garden as well as men, but if you're looking for volunteers, William, you're out of luck!" Marilyn kids him.
"I thought as much," he laughs, "but I still need to extend my gardens. My flower gardens are quite lovely this year, but I have in mind to plant a vegetable garden as well. Tomatoes, corn, cukes, peas, beans....."
"Oooooooooo, my mouth is watering!" Eleanor takes the magazine Celeste is holding, swats William on the head with it, hands it back to Celeste and adds, "You have enough room for a vegetable garden, don't you?"
"No. I want a large one. I want one so extensive that it gets a write-up in the newspaper. I can use the fresh vegetables on my cooking show, too. Maybe I could even market some! Or do what Paul Newman did with his salad dressing: put them in markets all over the country!"
"You intend to donate all the profits to charity?" Celeste asks.
"Of course not."
"Well, that's what Paul Newman does."
"Does he, now?"
"Sure does. So if you want to look like one of the good guys, I suggest you do the same!" Celeste points out.
"But I still have to pay for the new land I'm buying and I can make payments from the profits....."
"What land? You haven't given up the idea of buying Jim's place next door?" Marilyn asks, confused.
"No, I had to give up on that, but there's another place nearby..."
"Henry8's castle? HA! I don't think so!" Eleanor snorts.
"There's this property in back of us............you can see it out the window..........."
"OH NO you don't!" Marilyn is going into attack mode, "Abby Bennett is buying that place."
William looks almost stricken, "Abby Bennett? So she's the one I've been bidding against?"
"Bidding against? Is this house on Ebay?" Eleanor glares at him.
"No, of course not. But I put in a bid, then the other person outbid me, then I put in a higher bid, and that person outbid me again, and so forth and so on. The way things are going this will be the most expensive vegetable garden in Westchester county."
Marilyn fixes him with an evil stare, "You better drop out of this 'bidding' buster, because Abby is getting the house, even if I have to...."
"Go ahead, Marilyn, deck him!" Eleanor glowers.
"Oh, alright, alright! You women! You're impossible when you stick together the way you do. I have to give up my dream of the best vegetable garden in the state because one of your friends wants it?"
"That's the idea, William," Celeste tells him, "and, since you're surrounded by women, I suggest you either adjust to it or go out and find a couple other men to live here, but............we have to vote on whether or not we want them in this house."
William sputters, "A man is supposed to be king in his castle, errr home, and somehow I'm being ganged up on by a bunch of females who think they can call the shots....."
"Females? Are you using that as a prejorative?" Marilyn marches over to him and looks him straight in the eye.
"Sorry. Women! How's that?"
William stands, puts his newspapers in a nice neat pile and takes himself and what's left of his dignity outside to mope and maybe do a little weeding.

...AND THE WINNER IS......by Coralynn

Abby and Jeremy have just returned from having responded to a call from a distraught old lady whose cat climbed too high in the tree and couldn't figure out how to get back down.
"Now, that's what I thought I would be doing primarily. When I came here I didn't have any idea there would be murders and mayhem," Jeremy comments.
"Not as much as L.A., though. That place was a nightmare!" Abby responds as she hears her cell phone ring. Taking it out of her pocket she clicks it open and hears Hotspur's voice, "You won! The house is yours!"
"Really? Did the other party give up?"
"Must have, because when I phoned the broker the other person was using, just to make sure, he said that his Client had changed his mind about the property. He was confused about why, because he said his client had been so set on acquiring the place."
"Whatever the reason, this is great news!" Abby says, then clicks off.
"Now all I have to do is redecorate every room in the house. Wanna help? I don't think the Fab Five would be particularly interested in helping out a woman, besides, they were just in our neighborhood. Of course we could say the house was your's.....that might make it a better candidate."
"I don't think so!" Jeremy laughs.
"You know, Jeremy, that place is so big that you could actually live in it with me and we'd seldom see each other.......with 3 full baths upstairs, we could have our very own 'suite' so to speak."
"Why Miss Abby!" he pretends to be shocked, "Are you propositioning me?"
"Maybe, maybe not!" she joins in the kidding, "but you could live rent free! Think about it."
"Oh, I will, believe me, I will!"

THE FASHION SHOW, part 1:........by Coralynn

Bess comes out of her room, her eyes rimmed in red.
"What's the matter?" Marilyn asks.
"Oh, I just spent about an hour on the phone with Slim! He said his father and wife are driving back to Texas tomorrow and want to meet me, but he doesn't think it's a good idea. I asked him if he was ashamed of me, and he said he was proud of me, but ashamed of them. Now, that sounds like a flimsy excuse to me, after all, how bad can they be?"
Marilyn ponders this, then answers as diplomatically as she can, "Well, they raised WandaSue, or at least her Dad did. Look how badly she turned out!"
"But Slim 'turned out' as you put it, just great!"
"Bess........Slim was far from great when he first hit town a couple or so years ago. He was almost as bad as WandaSue, though he's done a complete 180 now. His father could be a nightmare!"
"Well, nightmare or not, I talked Slim into bringing him and his wife to the fashion show this afternoon. I'm modeling Bethiah's newest line. It's sensational too! Since I have to be there, I can't meet them in town here, so I told Slim he just had to bring them to the show!"
"Hope it all goes well," Marilyn says cheerily, though she has reservations, big reservations.
"OH! there's Bethiah now!" Bess sees Beth's car pull into the driveway, then hustles out of the house and gets in.
Marilyn looks out the window, gets Beth's attention, waves, then the car pulls out and heads for Manhattan.


William sits out on the deck, paper and pen spread out in front of him. He scratches his head and writes names in a column, then goes back and crosses out several.
"I can't have Napoleon living here! Why did I put down his name?" he chastises himself.
"I don't want any of my direct progeny here, either. None of those crazy people trapped back at Court in the 12th century. If I'd wanted any of them I would have brought them with me in the first place."
"Hmmm, we already have Beethoven. Composers are good. Let's see, what other composers do I know about? Robert Schumann? No, he went nuts. We have enough mental instability around here without adding him to the mix. Tschaikovsky? He's a possibility, though he was gay and that might bother some of the other guys.......hell, what am I saying? It would bother me!........Puccini? Now there's a guy who knew how to write opera! I'll put him on the short list. Rachmaninoff? I like his stuff, wonder if he was stable. I think so; the only negative thing I've heard about him is that he lacked self-confidence. That's no crime. Do I dare bring a head of state here? Someone who was King or Emperor? Those guys might try to take over and run things, though,.......I don't need the competition. Who do I know from history who was just like me? Someone stable, fair, just, merciful, intelligent, forceful but willing to listen to reason......... This is hard! There just aren't that many people in history as good as I was and am. I know, if I said this out loud, Eleanor would smack me over the head with a rolled up newspaper. Good thing I'm keeping all this a secret for now.
He takes his list inside, puts it in the drawer of his nightstand and gets ready to go into Manhattan to tape his cooking show.

THE FASHION SHOW, pt 2..................by Coralynn

Bess dons the lovely outfit from Bethiah's fall collection and takes a deep breath before she goes out onto the runway.
She pretends confidence as she walk out, turns, walks to the end of the ramp, turns, then hears a strident female voice, "There she is! Oh, she's gorgeous!"
She scans the audience to see who has broken protocol, and, after seeing several well known movie stars and society women, spies Slim sitting with his Dad and.......a very trampy looking woman who keeps yelling out, "Oh my! she's lovely!"
Bess is filled with horror. Trying not to show how she feels, she completes her walk and, once offstage, runs to her dressing room where Beth is waiting ready to help her into her next outfit.
"Beth!" she exclaims as between the two of them they switch to a new outfit, "I think Slim's step-mother, the new one, is yelling when she sees me on the catwalk. I'm so embarrased!"
"Try to ignore her, dear," Beth advises as she zips up the back of the dress and pats Bess on the arm, "Surely no one will know she has any connection to you!"
"Nobody has ever shouted from the audience! And, when the others realize she's only shouting when I am walking down the runway, my career will be over!" Bess moans.
"I'm not going to fire you," Beth tells her.
"Oh, that's right. Whew, that's right." Bess is relieved as she again approaches the runway and is ready to walk out again.
She is only half way down the runway when she is joined by someone who hugs her. She's terrified, then sees the hugger is this same woman, Slim's new step-mom. She has apparently jumped up onto the runway! Bess shakes her off as Slim approaches the runway and grabs at Trix's ankles, yanking her down again.
"HEY!" Trix yells so loudly that several security guards race toward the rucus. Bess finishes her walk, trying not to shake, but barely manages it. She again rushes into the dressing room.
"That's IT!" she yells, "I can't go out there again! Slim's new stepmother jumped right up on the runway and hugged me! Right in front of everyone! Now I understand why Slim was so set against me meeting his so-called parents."
"Oh no!" Beth realizes what a trauma this is for the younger woman. "What are we going to do, though? Who's going to model the other five outfits?"
"You can do it!" Bess suggests.
"Me? I still have 10 pounds to lose after the birth of the twins," Beth explains.
"But you look great! Here, let's try this outfit on you," Bess helps Beth into an ice green cocktail dress, then stands back to appraise it, "You look like a million bucks in this."
"Alright, I guess...." Beth sees her reflection in the large mirror and realizes she doesn't look half bad. She leaves the dressing room and walks down the runway.
By now Slim, red-faced, is trying to talk Lem and Trix into leaving, and Beth hears his voice whispering, "Ya see? Bess is all done......that model is Bethiah, so let's go."
Trix, however, has no concept of voice modulation and says loudly, "You know her? Is she a friend of yours?"
"I never saw her before in my life," Slim whispers, hoping that closes the discussion, as any friend of his is apt to be assaulted by this ditz his dad married.
Oh alright!" Trix says, again loudly, "Let's go!"
The three of them make more than the usual racket as they climb over others in the row and make their way to the exit. Beth is now finishing her walk and glances out to see them go through the doors to the vestibule and then hopefully out of the building altogether.


William sits in the car as his driver proceeds into Manhattan, thinking, still thinking about who he might bring to the 21st century to be 'another stable man in the house.' He takes out a fresh sheet of paper and starts to list a few possibilities.
He thinks, "Movie stars: how about Clark Gable? Nope, too recognizable. John Barrymore? Too much of a drunk and a womanizer, nope we don't need that in the house! James Dean? He died awfully young, surely he deserves a better chance, but he seemed awfully gloomy. Hmmm, I'll put him on the short list, with reservations. Movie stars are tricky, though....people tend to recognize them. Look at the times we had to hide Marilyn from the Papparazzi. OK, how about scientists? Galileo? He was intelligent, he has that going for him, and God knows he didn't deserve to be killed by the Catholic Church! What a travesty that was, but..would he find it difficult to adjust to a century in which the earth being round is a given??.....hmmm..... OK, how about philosophers? Plato was quite a jolly chap, and highly intelligent, but he basically just wrote down what Socrates said. Maybe Socrates should be on the short list. Yes, I'll write him on here. Artists? Not Picasso, he painted weird looking stuff. Van Gogh? His stuff is better, but how stable was he? I know! Michaelangelo! Yes, I'll put him on the list. How about independent thinkers? Anne Hutchinson had the kind of mind I like, but alas, she's a woman! Too bad, but you don't get on the list, Anne. OK, there must be someone else, but who?

TOUCH DOWN......................by Coralynn

William arrives home at the same time two other cars also pull into the drive. He sees Beth and Bess run into the house as the occupants of the other car try to catch up, but make it to the door just as it slams shut.
"Slim! Long time no see! How goes it?" William greets.
"Not so hot, William! This is my Dad, Lem, and his new wife, Trix. We went to the fashion show in Manhattan, you know, where Bess was modeling Bethiah's newest clothing line? Well, Trix here, who has to be the friendliest person on the planet, jumped up on the runway and gave her a hug. Bess is freaked out."
"So that's why she ran into the house and slammed the door, is it?" William smiles, as he takes the measure of Lem and Trix, and finds them scary upon first inspection.
They all go inside, but find no Bess, who has fled to her bedroom. Bethiah says a cheery, "Gotta go now, folks. The twins and all, you know!" and beats a hasty retreat.

Trix immediately goes to the fridge and grabs a couple bottles of beer, tossing one to Lem. "Don't know what all the fuss is about!" she insists, "I only hugged the girl. You'd think I'd hurt her or something. I just want us to be best buds."
Lem adds, "What's the matter with your girlfriend anyway, Slim?"
"There is nothing the matter with her. She's a model and models walk down the runway by themselves. The prospective buyers do not, I repeat do not hop up on it, too. It's just not done."
"Well, I think that's a silly rule! People around here sure are unfriendly! Good thing we're going back to Texas tomorrow, where people know how to be....."
"I think you should leave now," Slim cuts her off.
"Leave?" Lem doesn't understand, "Leave before I've had a chance to meet your fiance?"
Slim herds them toward the door as he says, "Yes. Next thing I know you'll be trying to talk her into investing in your solar-power for Scotland scam."
"I was thinking of telling her about it........" Lem's voice fades as they go outside and the front door is closed behind them.
Celeste laughs and goes to Bess' bedroom door, rapping upon it gently. "The coast is clear, you can come out now." she tells the humiliated young woman hiding in her room.
Bess' face peers out, "Gone? Good! Slim was right, they're a nightmare!"
"Just be glad they don't live locally. It could be worse," Celeste commiserates, then turning to William, asks, "Have you come up with any ideas of which 'stable' man you're going to bring to live here, William?"
"Yes. I certainly have, and I've come to a decision!" he announces happily. "In fact, I'm off to fetch him right now!" he holds his time travel coin and disappears before he gets a chance to hear Celeste remind him, "Remember! We get to vote on it........."

William finds himself in the Sistine Chapel. Looking up, he spies Michelangelo lying on his back on planks just a couple feet below the ceiling.
"That certainly looks uncomfortable," he comments loud enough for the other man to hear.
Michelangelo pauses in his painting and peers down to see a man standing there in very strange garb, very strange indeed.
"I'm concentrating!" he yells, "go away!"
"Don't you ever take a break from your painting? At least to go to the bathroom?"
No response.
"How about for a coffee break?" William searches his mind for reasons the other man might come down from there so he can talk with him properly.
No response.
"Someone has just broken into the gallery and is smashing the Statue of David!" he fabricates, and this time Michelangelo reacts, sitting up suddenly, smacking his head on the ceiling. "Owwwww!" he yells out as he then chambers down from his lofty perch and when he reaches the floor, begins racing toward the gallery.
William follows him, of course, and when they reach the statue of David, Michelangelo reaches out to touch it while William holds his coin, touching the other man's arm.

Celeste is basting a chicken when suddenly she hears voices in the living room.
"Where am I?" is being said over and over. "Oh nooooooo," Celeste groans, "William has brought some poor unwilling fellow into the 21st Century!"
She enters the living room and sees William with a man who looks like someone out of the 15th or 16th century, and probably a European by his garb. She wipes her hands on the tea towel she's carrying with her and raises an eyebrow, "I say there, William, we seem to have company! Are you going to make the introductions? And, pray tell, how did you get this magnificent statue here as well? Where have I seen it before?"
"Celeste, this is Michelangelo!" William tells her proudly, "He has come to live with us!"
"I have done no such thing!" the other man thunders, "You have played an evil trick! The church will investigate you and find you guilty of witchcraft, then you'll be burned at the stake!"
William expected a happier attitude on Michelango's part, and now realizes that everyone isn't eager to be whisked 450 years into the future without a bye-your-leave.
"I must apologize for my hasty behavior," William tells him kindly, "but I knew no other way to get you down off that scaffolding than to tell you this magnificent statue was being smashed."
"What of my other works?" Michelangelo looks around desperately, "where are they? Were they destroyed? Where is this place anyway? This does not look like Rome!"
"It's America," William respond happily, "You're going to love it here!"
"Never heard of it! Is this some kind of joke? I want to be dispatched back to Rome immediately."
Celeste gives it a try, "Might you just stay here for one day and then decide, sir?"
Michelangelo turns his eyes toward Celeste and sees a very non-threatening person, "I shall stay one day. No more, no less. One day. Then I must be back at my work! I have to earn my salvation by painting glories to God! Otherwise I shall fry in hell, surely you know that!"
Celeste shakes her head. This person is going to be tough, riddled as he is with religious tyranny disguished as dogma.
"Surely, we understand. But come, have some dinner, there, there's a nice boy, sit on the chair here by the table and tell me how your ceiling project is coming along, Mickey."
Michelangelo likes Celeste, but fears William, who, he is sure, is a tool of satan.

"I am almost finished," he tells Celeste as she places a dish of food in front of him. He examines it, picks at it with a strange implement that has tines, and carefully lifts a bit to his mouth. He's never tasted anything like it before, but it's quite good, actually, plus he trusts this gentle woman who seems to have his best interests in mind.
Celeste joins him at the table, leaning toward him, smiling, "I've always had in mind to go to Rome and see your famous painting on the ceiling of the Sistein Chapel, and all your other wonderful paintings and sculptures."
"You've heard of me?" he wonders how this could be.
"Oh yes, dear, everyone knows your name. You are considered one of the masters of art, unrivaled and unequalled in the history of the craft!" she sounds so enthusiastic that Michelangelo decides she will be his one true friend, forget that odd man who brought him here.
"I am glad to hear that, dear lady. Tell me, though, just where am I right now?"
"You are across the wide sea in a new land called America. You are also experiencing the year 2004."
Michelangelo is shocked, "That bad man used witchcraft! He shall be burned at the stake! I did not request being brought so far forward in time!"
Before Celeste explains the situation any further, Eleanor, Rose and Marilyn burst through the front door. Celeste knows the statue of David is the first thing they'll see when they enter the living room, so she listens carefully to hear their reactions.
"Mickey" is fearful that he will now have to interact with more of that bad man's cohorts, and sits in his seat rigidly, his fork frozen in midair.
"WOW! Look at that!" and "You've got to be kidding! Did William buy a replica of the statue of David and have it hauled in here?" and "Now he's cute! I could go for him!" then laughter and other remarks are made as the threesome enters the kitchen and sees Celeste sitting with.........Michelangelo!
William has been waiting in the dining room, keeping away from Michelangelo, who seems to have taken a dislike to him, but decides to join the group since others have arrived.
"Is that your statue?" Marilyn asks.
"That's the original statue of David?" Eleanor is beginning to be excited.
"Yes. There is no other."
"HA!" Marilyn responds before thinking it through, "You'd be surprised how many replicas of this are all over the place. Why, in Las Vegas......"
Celeste shoots her a warning glance which stops her in mid-sentence.
William steps forward, even though M. is now recoiling from the other man's advance.
"I brought this fine chap here because, as you may remember, I stated to you all that I needed another man in the house."
"Mickey" looks at William intently, scrowling, "You interrupted my painting! I had an area this big".....he stretches out his arms, "......to yet finish. I will be damned for eternity if I do not finish my great painting to the glorification of God!"
Eleanor sits beside him and says gently, "You did finish it, friend. I know this is hard for you to comprehend, but all is not as frightening as I can tell you're thinking it is. Sometime we can even fly to Italy and I'll show you how wonderfully your Sistine Chapel turned out! People come from all over the world....."
"FLY?!" this piques Michelangelo's interest in a big way, "Did you use my drawings for a flying machine? Did it indeed fly?"
No one is sure whether or not M.'s drawings had any bearing on the history of aviation, but William, trying to ingratiate himself with the other man, replies, "Yes, oh yes. Without you we never could have gotten it off the ground!"
"Mickey" takes a fresh look at the 'evil, bad man' and concludes that at least he's up on current inventions, but that still doesn't make him acceptable! No it doesn't........he's still a witch or a warlock or something along that line.
The back door into the kitchen opens and Will and Robin enter, Will all excited about their hour in the woods out back. "Uncle Robin says I'm an excellent archer!" he beams.
"Ah the lad is such!" Robin agrees.
John resents Robin taking credit for the archery skills that he, John, taught the boy, but says nothing.
"Who is HE?" Michelangelo asks, irritated.
"He's Robin of Locksley, and he came here with Rose and John," William explains, "surely you've heard his nick name, Robin Hood."
"Never heard of him!" 'Mickey' grumbles.
"Looks like you have two other men in the household, William!" Eleanor says cheerily, "and, if I have to admit it I will...........they're both winners! How do you think that ever happened?"
"Because, because....I think before I bring someone into the century," William pontificates, "as opposed to some of you who drag whoever and whatever happens to be nearby back with you from whatever ridiculous timeframe....."
"But Robin came back with me, not you!" Rose objects, "You can't claim credit for him!"
"Nay, I cannot. For once, Rose, you brought back a decent person, not an ark full of animals or every single soul on the Titanic, or....." by now everyone is laughing, so William joins in, slapping his knee, "You know, these past few years have been wild! Someone ought to write this all down in a book....."
"Someone already has," Celeste reminds him.
"Oh yeah, those two women......one's in Florida, where's the other one?"
"Arizona," Celeste answers, "you know, the hot, dry place."
"Ahhhhh yes, well someday I shall go seek this person out and ask how in bloody blue blazes she knows what's going on clear across the country....."
Robin pours himself a cup of coffee and sits on the chair next to 'Mickey,' who tries to move further away, but can't, as he's hemmed in by Eleanor's chair. "Should we perhaps get some clothing that resembles what the other men in these times are wearing?" Robin directs his question to Rose.
John glowers at him and thinks, Can't the man get over it? Why is he hanging on Rose's every word, and why is he usurping my rightful place with Will? I don't like this one bit!
"'Mickey' here could use an update, too," Celeste adds.
"Hmmmm, who could we get to take these two fine gentlemen to the mall to outfit them properly for the 21st Century?" William ponders.
"BILL!" the others all yell out in chorus.

Michelangelo stands up and walks toward the front door, "I'm not going anywhere! I don't know what a mall is, but I'm not going there! I don't know who 'Bill' is, but whoever he is, I'm not going anywhere with him. I'm going back to Rome........now!"
He opens the door and looks out. Odd things are moving down the street on their own, occasionally making loud harsh noises he doesn't understand. He recoils and shuts the door again.
Approaching William he demands, "You got me here, you take me back!"
"But you promised to stay one day," Celeste reminds him in a friendly tone.
He sits down again on the chair he occupied but a few minutes before and looks at Celeste. "Yes, I did say that. But I refuse to go to the mall with Bill. End of discussion!"
"I'LL go!" Robin says eagerly, "I think this century is interesting, Mickey!"
"That's another thing," Michelangelo complains, "My name is not Mickey! You can't call me Michelangelo?"
"Well, you see , it's like this," Celeste explains, "Michelangelo is 5 syllables, but Mickey is just 2. It is ever so much easier to say."
William offers, "We'll vote! Let's vote between 'Mickey' and 'Ange'...........alright, show of hands now, and you only get to vote once, how many in favor of 'Mickey?'..........OK, now, how many in favor of........"
"Stop this nonsense!" Michelangelo stands up again and goes into the living room, away from the bad man who would change his name as well as kidnap him from his rightful place.
He sees his statue of David standing in the living room and feels a small degree of comfort. At least he has his statue to give him a feeling of normalcy.
He hears William talking in the other room.........
"Bill? Howdy neighbor! I have a couple new arrivals in the house................no, you'll never guess who.............alright, alright...........clue #1: he's a painter and a sculptor.................no, earlier than that..............bingo! you got it! The other new arrival goes back even further, lived at the time of Bad King John..............yeah............how'd you guess it so quick? Right! Robin of Locksley! ................you want to meet them?................wonderful! Come on over................maybe you and I can take them to the mall for some modern clothes!..............................stop laughing! I know, you and Henry8 had a small riot when you took him................that was funny!....................Great, see you soon!"
Michelangelo can see that no matter what, he's stuck here, as is his statue, plus this 'Bill' person is coming over and thinks he's going to meet him and that other guy, the one dressed in leather and leaves and God knows what else! He sighs and leans back in the recliner with the lever on the side and is soon asleep.

William has just finished telling Robin what he's apt to find at the mall when they hear Bill come into the house through the front door, which is highly unusual, as he ordinarily rings the doorbell first. Bill runs into the kitchen, where he hears voices, flusterd and red faced. "Come quick!" he tells them, "You have a giant man with curly hair, naked as they day he was born, walking around out front!"
Everyone follows Bill outside, past the statue of David............whoops, the pedastal of David, they notice to their horror, and sure enough, walking briskly down the sidewalk is a 13-foot tall man with curly hair naked as a jaybird!
Bill is the first to reach him and tries to stop the forward motion of this herculean person. "Sir! Stop!" he finally steps right in front of the walking statue and it has to stop or run him over. The statue looks at Bill and asks, "Know where a guy can get a decent pizza around here?"
Bill chuckles and replies, "Come with me! We have some in that house.........hurry!"
Everyone follows Bill and the statue into the house as the sound of police sirens are heard getting louder and closer.
They hurry the tall guy into Celeste's quarters just as they hear banging on the front door.
William looks out. "Travis McGee again!" he groans as he opens the door. "What can I do for you, officer?" as asks politely, which is at least better than what he'd like to say.
"You really did it this time! One of your party friends was reported walking around naked, naked outside! The neighborhood is in an uproar! I'm here to arrest him."
"Nobody here fits that description, officer," William says as he closes the door and locks it.

Michelangelo has awakened now, the banging on the door having roused him from his deep slumber.
He looks toward his statue, then sits up and yells, "WHERE is my statue? What have you done with it?"
John and Robin have been trying to keep the giant man in the kitchen, but to no avail. He walks into the living room, looks down at Micelangelo and asks, "So you're the one who trapped me in that stone!"
"I sculpted a statue!" Mickey says emphatically.
"Well, bud, you got me trapped in it......" everyone else is now in the living room, dying to find out about this odd phenomenon. The giant man sits on a couch, which all but breaks it, and proceeds with his story, "I was running from the gendarmes........they had swords..........they caught me.........they ran me through.............I left my body, but I was still so terrified even my spirit looked for a hiding place. I saw this man," pointing to Mickey, "making a statue, so I hopped into it. I have been trapped thusly for how many hundreds of years?"
"Many!" Rose tells him, trying hard not to glance at his nakedness but failing.
"I missed out on hundreds of years! I missed out on marrying, having a family, traveling, fishing, boating, skiing, hang-gliding......"
"How do you know about these things?" John asks, totally amazed.
"I may have been a statue, but I can read!" the giant man/statue replies.
Michelangelo is not one bit impressed that some guy got stuck in his statue and has now comandeered it as his own. "I want you back up on that pedestal, do you hear me? Hop up there NOW!"
"No can do!" the giant man stands up, as everyone averts their eyes. Celeste rummages around and finds a large sheet, and proceeds to drape the giant in it.
"What are you doing, woman?!" he asks with a very deep, loud voice, as the vocal cords of a 13 foot tall man would be twice the normal size, making a sound like one hears in movies in which they simulate the voice of God.
"Oh my, you looks so grand in that toga!" she remarks, as the other agree. "It's YOU!" and "White is your color!" and such.

"I'm starving!" the statue tells them.
"You eat?!" William asks, not knowing much about statues who come to life.
"Hell yes, man! And my mouth has been watering every time someone walks by my place in the gallery eating something. I don't think they're supposed to bring food into the gallery, but they do, and it's been driving me crazy! I could eat a horse!"
They all go into the kitchen. Celeste brings a frozen pizza out of the freezer and is about to pop it into the oven when he snatches it out of her hands and downs it in less than 10 seconds.
She frowns. This guy presents problems. A lot of problems.
'Mickey' is still sputtering, "You're MY statue, now get back up on that pedestal!" but is ignored. He keeps repeating it nonetheless.
"Why did you come to life now?!" Eleanor asks.
"I have had this recurrent dream in which a lady in a flowing golden dress tells me that if I can get the statue in which I am encased moved forward in time, I could then have the power to take it as my own body," he explains. "Thanks to this man here.." pointing to William,.."that's exactly what has happened."
"But you're so tall!" Bess remarks looking up, way up at him.
"I don't think there's a bed made that can accomodate a 13 foot tall person," Bill remarks.
"Get UP on that pedestal!" 'Mickey' again.
Celeste gets a gleam in her eyes, "I'll see what I can do," she tells them knowingly.
"Could you do you think?!" Marilyn asks.
"I'm going to try," Celeste goes into her room, shuts the doors, and begins looking through her magic potion recipe book.
"So what's your name?" Bill asks.
"I've been called 'David' so long that I've forgotten!" the giant replies, "So..........I guess it's David."
"What were you doing that made the gendarmes kill you?" Rose is riveted by this whole story.
"I stole a loaf of bread, sort of like Jean Val Jean."
"You read LesMiserables?" Bill is flabberghasted.
"I told you, I can read!" David answers, going to the refigerator, opening the door and proceeding to shovel everything in there into his mouth.
Bill sits down and remarks, "Robin, do you mind if we put off going to the mall till tomorrow? I don't want to miss a minute of this!!"
"Me either!" Robin agrees, "Ya know, David, we sure could have used someone like you in Sherwood Forest to scare away our enemies, though that shiny surface you have might have made you difficult to hide!"
"True. I admire your going after that awful King John, Robin! He has to be the worst king in the history of England."
By now the others have stopped asking him how he knows all this. He already told them, he reads!

William hates to miss watching the 6 O'clock TV news, and after turning it on, sits in his chair for his early evening ritual. The first thing the announcer says is: "This just in: Michelangelo's Statue of David has come up missing! Reports are that the entire statue, pedestal and all, are gone and cannot be located anywhere in Rome or Florence or any other of the repositories of fine art. The Louvre in Paris reports no sudden addition of this famous statue, as have the other major art galleries of Europe. Stay tuned for developments which we will bring to you as they occur."

'Mickey' hears this and yell out, "I'm ruined! Do you hear me, I'm ruined!" but no one seems to care. He glares at David and again points to the pedestal, "Get up there! This is your last chance!"
"Last chance before what?" David looks down at him, "You going to send me to bed without my dinner?" and laughs heartily, which is very loud and deep considering it's coming from a sounding board as huge as David has in his head and chest.
Celeste comes out of her room, carrying a liquid in a small cup with an uncertain expresssion on her face. She approaches David and hands it to him. Being as ravenous as he is, he doesn't ask questions, he just gulps it down, then belches.
The belch about sends the others across the room, considering it's coming from....[and so forth and so on, you get the idea].
"I almost forgot! Beth and Roger are supposed to come over and watch Queer Eye with us! It's on tonight!" Eleanor exclaims, "This is the two hour episode in which they remodeled James Livingston's place next door. He's coming over, too."
Celeste crosses her fingers and hopes her project to shrink David down to normal size works by then. Even if it does, he still has that statuary look to his skin. She sighs, wondering what potion could correct that, but doubts there is one. Well, there's always makeup!

William wonders what Celeste is up to; she has that 'look' on her face again, so he walks over to her and whispers, "What's up?"
She looks surprised, and he notices a hesitation, which usually means she's fishing around for an answer that will satisfy the other person, without telling too much.
She finally just gives in and whispers back, "I gave 'David' there a shrinking potion."
"You gave him a what?! Haven't you read Alice in Wonderland? Are you aware that he could end up 8 inches tall?"
"Yes, of course. I have an antidote ready just in case. But let's not think of worse case scenarios. I think he could be just a tad shorter right now. What do you think?"
William has trouble seeing any height difference, but suggests, "We should measure his height now, then compare his height later....."
This conversation is interrupted by David yelling out, "I'm melting! I'm melting!"
[I know, another story, sorry about that].
Everyone stops what they're doing and look at David, who is shrinking before their very eyes.
Michelangelo is yelling, "STOP!"
The others are saying nothing, but stare in fascination as this 13 foot tall man/statue begins to approach normal size. Celeste keeps her fingers crossed, hoping he doesn't continue to get smaller till he's 8 inches tall as William speculated.
It takes but three or four minutes until David is the same height as John. Celeste holds her breath and prays he stablizes there.
Mickey is yelling, "Get back to your original size, do it now!" over and over.
David looks at John, whose eyes now line up with his own, and comments, "I think I need a smaller toga now, what do you think? Pink? pale green?"
John, still shocked by this whole phenomenon, asks, "Anybody here have some real clothes for this guy? All my stuff is over at our new house."
"I know!" Marilyn jumps up from her chair and makes for the phone, "I'll call the Fab Five! If I can talk them into coming over here to watch the TV show tonight, maybe I can talk them into bringing David some really good duds!"
"Yeah, Queer Eye for the straight statue!" Bess quips.
Mickey is far from amused. His best creation is now a guy about 6 ft 1, instead of 13 feet tall. Even if he did agree to get back up on the pedestal it just wouldn't be the same. "I'm ruined!" he mutters for about the twentieth time that day as he goes back into the living room and plops down on William's chair with the lever on the side.

Marilyn is successful in talking the Fab Five into coming over, and bringing some cool duds, as she put it, but that still leaves David standing there draped in a sheet.
"We only have half an hour before the show comes on!" Eleanor glances at the wall clock, "what say we make a big batch of popcorn!"
David sees her take out a box labeled Pop Secret and sees her put it into a box type thing. She punches something on the box type thing and it makes an odd sound. Soon he hears a bop-bop-bop sound coming from it, then seees her take out the bulging container, opening it and dumping fluffy white things out into a huge bowl. She repeats the process ten times, and each time he can't imagine what is going on.

Since everyone is going into the room with soft furniture in it, he follows. The lady who everyone calls Eleanor turns on another, bigger box and a picture appears, a talking picture, of all things. He's read about this, but seeing it in real life is still a shock.
The popcorn has been placed around the room when the doorbell rings and James Livingston from next door arrives, followed by Beth and Roger, followed up very shortly by the Fab Five, who bound into the room with great enthusiasm.
"Where's the patient?" Carson asks.
It takes but a minute of scanning the room before he sees a guy with odd looking skin draped in a sheet. "You must be the one!" he laughs, "come with me. I know something I brought will fit you and make a much better fashion statement than that! I mean, fella, you look like you're trying out for a part in Julius Ceasar!"
Carson drags David into one of the empty downstairs bedrooms and within a minute or so emerges with a man who looks normal in every way, except, of course, his skin still has a statue-sheen.
"What is the matter with this guy's skin?" he asks the group at large.
Rose replies, "Uhhhh, he has a rare skin condition. It's not contagious. It's............genetic, yes that's it, it's genetic."
"One of those guys who can't go out in the sunlight?" Jai asks.
David shrugs. He hadn't thought that far ahead. He also wonders what he can do about the odd surface of his skin, which appears to be a permanent feature of his body.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is on, the intro is on the screen, and the five guys marching toward the camera has everyone all excited. "This is it!" James Livingston says excitedly.
After a few commercials, the next thing they see is a montage of family and friends telling why this person needs a makeover. They watch as Eleanor states "we met Jim on the set of The 1643 House, and enjoyed his personality greatly, but for fashion and for grooming, he was abysmal. Then, when he inherited the house next door and we got a look at the conditon it was in, the deplorable decorating, we just knew we had to contact the fab five for an extensive makeover."
The others look at Eleanor and smile.
William's face appears next, "Jim is a great guy, but clueless about hygiene and wardrobe, so we're hoping the Fab Five can update his look, and that house! It's a nightmare!"
Everyone smiles at William.
Next the screen shows:

Mary Ellen hadspuffy eyes, a red nose, and her normally immaculate French Twist is just that. Twisted. Her hair hangs in strands around her face, mascara smudged around her eyes. She holds an icepack to her head.
The camera whirrs. A man asks, "Are you Mrs. Mary Ellen Montgomery?"
She shades her eyes and says, "Yes, I am. Do you have my delivery?"
"No, ma'am. We understand that you are a close cousin of James Philbrook Livingston?"
"What of it? If this is an interview about his new-found fortune..."
"No, ma'am. This is an interview for 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' and..."
"Queer Eye..."
"I heard you the first time! My 'what' was just a reaction of astonishment, not a question! What is this about?"
"Mrs. Montgomery, we want to know if there is any way you feel that Mr. Livingston can be improved."
"I'd suggest you take his brain out and give it an oil change and an overhaul."
"The man needs a dose of reality and the real world!"
"Do you have any suggestions that may help us improve him? We are doing a makeover on him.."
"A what?"
"We are remodeling his house, his clothes, his grooming..."
"Grooming? You have to HAVE grooming to improve it! He has no grooming. He has no class. The man looks like a nightmare. How are you going to improve on THAT??"
"If I may have a minute of your time, Mo-Mo..."
"Mo-Mo. Isn't that your name?"
"GET OUT! GET OUT!" Mary Ellen screams as she pushs the interviewer out the door.
The scene goes black.
By now everyone is howling with laughter. Even little Will, even David, who has no idea who this woman is, but is enjoying the camaderie.
"Mickey" is not amused, however. He is still glaring at his Statue of David, knowing that it has now been ruined forever, never again to be something people from all around the world come to view. He is bereft.

Billy Bob and Bobby Joe came into the living room loaded with nachos and cheese dip, chips and sour cream dip, and Coronas with lime.
"Hey, have we missed anything?"
Senator J.R. Montgomery leaned back in the recliner with the remote. "No, it starts in a few minutes. Let me have some of that beer...and skip the limes! Where did you get that idea anyways?"
The guys just shrugged. "Don't know. It just kind of evolved, I guess."
Mary Ellen Montgomery came into the room with her ice tea and mint and shortbread cookies.
"I don't know why we have to watch this drivel. I want to watch the Home and Garden channel."
"Oh, come on, MoMo! You'll love it!" Bobby Joe said.
Mary Ellen pursed her lips and said through clenched teeth. "DO NOT call me that, Robert Joseph! Your mother, who is my best friend, would be shocked at the disrespect!"
Billy Bob looked at Bobby Joe and rolled his eyes. He mimicked his mother by mouthing the words along with her. Bobby Joe could barely contain his laughter. J.R. picked up the remote and kicked in the sound.
"Ah--here we go! Meet the Livingstons!"

The interview with Mary Ellen played on the screen. Mary Ellen's mouth dropped open at the way she looked.
"My-My hair! It is in a little ball! And my eyes---PUFFY! What happened to me that morning?"
Billy Bob said, "Maybe aliens kidnapped you, substituted a Pod Person for you and did some sort of mental experiments on you and erased your memory so you didn't remember a thing?"
Mary Ellen said, "Don't be ridiculous! Those things don't happen---do they, J.R.?"
J.R. said, "Well, now, I heard of a guy out in Roswell, New Mexico..."
Bobby Jo said, "What was the icepack for, Mrs. M?"
"I had a headache."
"Why didn't you just take an aspirin, Mrs. M?"
"Robert Joseph?"
"Mind your own business."
"Yes, ma'am."

"...take his brain out and give it an oil change and an overhaul!"
Mary Ellen sat there and her face flamed. Billy Bob and Bobby Joe dissolved into laughter.
Then came, "..GET OUT! GET OUT!" The screen went black and then into a commercial. J.R. shook his head.
"Well, Mary Elllen..."

Billy Bob and Bobby Joe were rolling on the floor with laughter when they saw Wanda Sue sit next to Mary Ellen. They totally lost it when Mary Ellen fell face first into the Lobster Newburg. Mary Ellen sat there, her face flushed. The show then flashed to Mary Ellen going through Jim's closet.
Billy Bob roared with laughter. "MOM! You look like an otter trying to open a clam! What the heck were you looking through his pockets for?"
Mary Ellen just stared ahead. The next scene was Mary Ellen rifling through the medicine cabinet, taking out the bag of pot and tasting it.
Bobby Joe couldn't contain himself. He said, "MoMo...you are a BOULDER!"
Mary Ellen could barely get this out. "Stoner."
They totally lost control of themselves until J. R. declared the evening a total disaster and turned off the TV."

DAVID DECIDES.........by Coralynn

David half watches the TV show and with the rest of his attention he notices what a great time the Fab Five are having, laughing, kidding around, tossing popcorn at other people, and saying outrageous things that cause everyone to howl with laugher. "I wonder if I could be like that?" he thinks, "Now that I'm mobile again, could I have that much fun? Would those guys let me be part of their club?"

The major part of the production is being shown. They cheer as the barber cuts two feet of hair from Jim's head, even Jim. They wince when they see Jim heading for the jeans in the swank department store, only to be yanked away from them by Carson, which elicits applause. The redecorating of the house is rapid and efficient and all lean toward to televison to see just how it was done.
"Incredible!" Marilyn exclaims.
The doorbell rings.
Marilyn goes to the door and lets Moose into the house, after giving him a welcoming hug. David sees this and wonders what he can do so that she hugs him like that, too. Maybe if he was one of these fab guys he could get hugs? Everybody hugs the fab guys; he's never seen such affection displayed.
He resolves to become one of them, that is if they'll have him.

After all the redecorating is shown, the announcer says, "Right after the break: The Housewarming party! Will Jim be able to carry it off? Will he be able to reproduce the meal he's been shown? Will he wear his new clothing or lapse back into his old ratty outfits? All this and more when we come back!"
During the commercial people race for the bathrooms, go out and fetch more drinks, then hurry back in and settle down for what promises to be one of the most entertaining parts of the show.

When the camera clearly shows Mary Ellen Montgomery going up the stairs, then another camera picks her up going to Jim's room, then a third shows her rummaging through his closet, Rose yells out, "That's my ex monster in law! Look at her! What a b...."
John clamps his hand over her mouth, "no swearing now, Rose."
"Well," Carson stands up and gyrates a bit, "I didn't promise not to swear....she's a bitch! Alright, boys and girls, let's all say the word together........."
They all yell it out, then fall on the floor laughing.
David decides he must become a part of this scene! Fab Five has alliteration going for it, but the Fab Six would have HIM.

The evening is wrapping up. Beth and Roger have left, as has Moose and a few others.
David hopes the fab five don't leave yet; he still has to make his pitch to them.
Approaching Carson, he smiles and asks, "What does a person have to do to join your club?"
"Yes, you know, the fab five club. I want to become a member."
"But the club is all full. There are five of us, that's why it's called the fab five!"
"You can't make it the fab six?" David asks hesitantly.
"No, not really. Why do you want to join anyway?"
"Because you seem to be having such a good time. I haven't had good time or any other kind of time in hundred of years, and I just thought....."
"Hundreds of years? You mean that literally or figuratively?"
"Literally. I've been trapped, you see, trapped within a statue."
"HUH?!" Carson can't believe this.
"I was up on that pedestal there, the one shoved way into the corner of the room. Come, see for youself..." he leads Carson to a corner where the pedestal has been used as a kind of coat rack. David removes them one by one and there it is....a pedestal.
Carson leans down and looks at the name on the stone, "It says David."
"A statue of David? OH MY GOD!" it hits him, "You mean Michelangelo's statue of David?"
Mickey has been sitting by himself all evening in the dining room with the lights out, not wishing to mix with any more of the bad man's friends, but when he hears his name, he pokes his head into the living room and sees David and some other guy examining the pedestal that used to support his masterpiece sculpture.
"That's the one," David tells Carson, who then looks very, very closely at David and remarks, "Ya know, I thought I'd seen you somewhere before! You're a bit shorter than the statue I saw, but otherwise, you're him!"
Michelangelo mutters, "I'm ruined," and goes back to his chair in the dark dining room, laying his head on the table.
"So do I get to join?" David is hopeful now that at least one of the fab guys knows who he is.
"Wait here," Carson instructs, as he walks to where the other four guys are standing and goes into a huddle with them. David can see them, one by one, glace over at him, then return to their discussion.
All five of them then approach David and Jai, who lost the straw pulling, tells him with as much kindness as he can, "David, we are honored that you would consider us worthy, but we cannot have six people in our group, we have to have five. However, if you would like to be a consultant, we would value your input."
"You mean it? A Consultant? Wow! But..........that means I can't live with you," he hangs his head.
"We all live in different places," Jai explains, "we don't have one central place where we all live."
Jim hears part of this conversation and joins them, "I have plenty of room at my place, David, and if you'd like to live at my house it would be great."
"Would it be fun? Would people hug on me the way they do these guys? Would people laugh at my jokes? Would that pretty lady Marilyn want to be my friend and kiss me upon my cheek?"
"Sure!" Jim is feeling pretty expansive from the drinks and watching the TV show all about him and his house.
David sighs and nods his head, "Then I shall. Are you going home now?"
"Yeah, in a minute," Jim answers as he quickly connects with Marilyn and Wm and Eleanor and Celeste, thanking them for the party.
As he heads for the door, David is right behind him. William notices this and gestures toward their retreating figures, "I say, Marilyn, it looks like our friend the statue has found a new home."
She laughs.
Mickey pokes his head into the living room again just as his statue is walking out the door with somebody, and cries out, "Stop that man! He's stealing my statue!"
Celeste is the only one who notices him, so she walks into the dining room, sits beside him on another chair and commiserates, "You know, Mickey, when our children grow up, they leave. It's difficult, yes, but it's the circle of life."
"What are you talking about, woman?! He's a statue, I tell you, a statue! I'm ruined! I'm ruined!"
"Would you like to return to your own century tomorrow?" she asks sympathetically.
"NO! Not until my statue comes to his senses, gets back to his normal size and gets the hell back up on that pedestal!" Mickey declares as he pounds on the table, then looks plaintively at Celeste, a tear making its way down his left cheek.

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