Marilyn and Moose see Rhys approach the house, carrying one suitcase, and rush to the door to let him in.
"Just got done with my dancing lesson!" he comments as he comes inside, "Tomorrow night is Bess' birthday party and she insists on teaching me everything she knows." "That's going to be so fun!" Marilyn smiles at him, "Another party over at the big house. Now that I'm not wanted for questioning as a material witness in that talk show host kidnapping Wandasue pulled off, I could move back there."
"On the other hand, you could keep staying here!" Moose suggests. She tilts her head and smiles at him.
"Well, I just hope my moving in isn't going to crowd you," Rhys says apologetically.
"Are you kidding?" Marilyn laughs, "This house is enormous! Wait till you see your apartment!"
"Is an apartment a room?" Rhys asks.
"Follow me and see," Moose tells him as he leads him up two long flights of stairs into what was once the attic.
Rhys sees a living room, totally furnished, a small kitchen, and a bedroom, also totally decorated. "Oh my! This is too much!" he says, "What if I go back to my own time and place? I'll feel guilty about you doing this for me."
"No problem. If you leave, we have an apartment for the next person who needs it," Moose assures him.
Rhys is still in shock, "How did you do all this so fast?"
Moose puts an arm around Marilyn's shoulders and brags, "When this woman decides to get something done, it gets done quickly!"
Marilyn walks around the living room demonstrating how the TV works, and the VCR and then takes him into the kitchen where she shows him all the appliances there and how they work.
"My head is spinning!" Rhys exclaims. "If I stay here, I must do something to pay you back, but I have no skills other than being a pirate."
Marilyn sits on the couch and the two men join her. "Rafe had that problem, too, but he was a highwayman. All he knew how to do was rob people, so you two have a lot in common."
"What's he doing now?"
"He's working in the fitness center John bought," she says, "then there's Hotspur, who was a big medieval military type.....he's now selling real estate. So there are things you can learn to do, too."
"Don't worry about that," Moose tells him, "I make an obscene amount of money writing romance novels, and the only reason this house was such a wreck until this fair lady came along is that I had no idea how to go about fixing it up."
"Are you done writing the book about Megaera?" Rhys asks, his eyes becoming misty.
"All done! Ready to send to the publisher. Want to look it over before I do? Your account of the story added a lot, let me tell you, without it the book wouldn't be half as good. I know!" Moose gets excited, "Since you sort of wrote half of the book, I'll split the money I make from it with you, 50 - 50."
"Oh no, I couldn't take your money."
"Oh yes, you must!" Marilyn gets enthusiastic, "Matthew is so stinkin' rich he can well afford it!"
Moose laughs, "Stinkin' rich, am I? Marilyn, you have a way with words!"


"Dinner's ready!" Celeste called out.
William came out and sniffed appreciatively. "Mmmm! Celeste, that smells divine! What is that?"
"Beef stroganoff. And keep your fingers away from that pot! It's hot!"
William laughed. "How many for dinner tonight?"
Celeste looked up at the ceiling as if the answer were written there. "Let's see...John just came in and is in the shower. Rosamond went to that new French pattiserie to pick up desert. Marthy and Jack are celebrating their two month anniversary and are in the City. They are going to a Broadway show afterwards and staying overnight. Bess is in her room. El and Jerry are attending that new art gallery opening in Manhattan. Guess that is it!"

Rosamond walked in the door. "Oooh! Wait until you see what I bought!"
She opened the box with a flourish. William looked at it. "What is it?"
Rosamond looked at it too. "I don't know. But doesn't it look absolutely wonderful?"
William looked closer. "Rosamond, I'm not sure...but isn't that..I mean, look a little closer..."
Rosamond looked at it. "I don't see what you are getting at."
William turned the box sideways. He continued to stare. "I think you went to the wrong bakery, Rosamond."
"What do you mean?"
William blushed. "Where did you go?"
Rosamond looked puzzled. "I went to that new French bakery. It is right across the street from John's fitness center. Why?"
John came downstairs. "Hello, luv! What did you buy?"
Rose opened the box. "I don't know what it is, but it is chocolate."
John burst out laughing. He looked at the box and took it out Rosamond's hands. "I think we need to put this up until Will goes to bed."
Rosamond said quizzically, "What do you mean, John?"
John whispered in her ear and Rosamond grew red. "OH! OH! OH! I am so embarrassed!"
John shook his head and tried to keep a straight face. "And you a married woman!"
Rosamond's face flamed. "I'd better see to Julie. She's fussing!" She practically fled from the room.
Celeste put the spoon down and walked over. "What seems to be the problem?"
William and John burst out laughing.
"Nothing! Nothing at all! It's just..." They both couldn't stop laughing. They opened the box for Celeste. She said, "Is that what I think it is?"
John chuckled. "Yes, 'Mom'. Rosamond bought her cake from that new X-rated bakery!"


At six o'clock sharp, those in the house took their seats. Rosamond sat there with two bright pink spots on her face. William and John tried to keep straight faces. Bess slid into her seat. Celeste took the salad and passed it around.
Rosamond took a bite of salad and looked speculatively at Bess. "You've been keeping busy lately, Bess. Getting ready for your party?"
Bess gushed, "Oh, I've been having the best time with Rhys.."
John looked up sharply. "Rhys? You've been spending time with Da....Rhys?"
Bess looked questioningly at him. "Yes. Why? Rhys is turning into a wonderful dancer! I have been teaching him the latest dance steps and in turn he has been teaching me dances that the women used to do in Tortuga. Some neat gypsy dancing. A very colorful town. Maybe someday Rhys and I can go..."
Bess stopped suddenly. "OW! Rose! Why did you kick me?"
Rose looked innocently at Bess. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie! Did I kick you? I thought it was the table leg!"
Rosamond looked covertly over at John. He got that little furrow between his brows when he was not pleased with something. Rose knew it quite well because in the three years she had known John she had managed to put it there.
William changed the subject. "What are you wearing, Bess, my dear?"
Bess continued on. "Bethia has offered to make me a dress. I thought since it is February, I would get a nice bright red velvet. Rhys said he likes..OW! Rose, would you PLEASE stop swinging your leg?"
John looked at an imaginary spot on the wall. His brow still furrowed. Uh oh, Rose thought. She hurriedly changed the subject.
"We are getting near a completion date for our house. We hope to be in there in the next three weeks. Murph is putting the finishing touches on it. It will be wonderful!"
Bess clapped her hands. "Oh! We shall have another party! A housewarming! I can plan it! Rhys said he wanted..."
John threw his napkin down. "What is going on? JUST WHAT IS GOING ON, BESS?"
Rosamond and Bess both jumped a mile. Bess because she had never had John's shortness directed towards her; Rose because she still never quite got used to John's temper when his buttons were pushed.
Bess asked, "John, are you upset I am seeing Rhys?"
Bess said, "Well...yeah!"
John reached for the wine and poured a big goblet. "That's just great, Bess. JUST GREAT! How old are you anyhow?"
Bess sniffed. "Nineteen."
John looked disapprovingly at her.
Bess said defensively. "Well, I will be...tomorrow!"
John shook his head and took a deep drink. Rosamond tried to smooth things over.
"Celeste, would you help me decide what kind of plants to put in the kitchen? I am good with herbs but regular houseplants, and I am at a loss."
Celeste scrambled to defuse the situation too. "Why, surely, Rose. We can go to the nursery."
Then Bess blurted out, "Hey, I just thought of something! If I marry Rhys...John, I will be your STEPMOTHER!"

John looked up from his plate, fork poised in the air. "WHAT??"
Rose looked up and made motions wordlessly and frantically to cease and desist.
Bess looked at John and said, "Well....yeah! It only stands to reason. If Rhys and I get married, I will be your stepmother..OH WOW! I'd be Daniel's stepmother, too! Would you guys have to call me 'Mom'?"
John threw his napkin down and stood up. "Well, that tears it! I'm outta here!" He walked out of the room. Rose looked at Bess, rolled her eyes, and ran after John.
Bess turned to Celeste and William with wide eyes. "What? Did I say something amiss?"
Celeste just shook her head in disbelief.

Rosamond caught up with John in their bedroom. He was putting his jacket on. Billy Bob's jacket, to be precise.
"Just where do you think you are going, John?"
"Out where?"
"I have to go to the gym. I have to pick up some papers. And Slim wanted the night off so I will close up."
Rose bit her lip in restraint. Then she plunged in. "Don't pay any attention to what Bess says. We love her but we all know she's a bit of an airhead."
"Whatever." John forced a smile. "Honest, honey, I have to go. Don't worry. I'll be back before 10:00 pm." He kissed her goodbye and went down the stairs that led out from their balcony.

John pulled into the gym and parked his car. He pulled his collar up and walked briskly into the office. Daniel was getting ready to lock up. "I thought I was going to relieve Slim."
Daniel sat down in the office. "I let him go early. It's kind of quiet since Dad--Rhys--left."
"Rhys left?"
"Yeah. He said he was offered room and board over at Moose's house. Or is that Meese's house? Whatever. I heard Marilyn is spending quite a lot of time there. Think they know...uh, an item? I mean, does she come home at night?"
John looked at Daniel unbelievingly. "What business is it of ours?"
"Dunno. But isn't if fun to speculate?"
John sat down and leaned back. He put his feet up. "We have a bigger problem than that."
Daniel put his feet up too. They looked like bookends. He raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Yes?"
"It's Bess."
"What about her?"
"She's seeing Dad---Rhys."
Daniel burst out laughing! "Rhys has an eighteen year old honey?"
John scowled. "It's not funny, Daniel!"
Daniel staightened his face but when he saw how serious John was, he howled with laughter. "John, he's thirty. Hell, we ALL are!"

"So? Don't you think the age spread is just a bit...much?"
"Hell no! She'll be nineteen tomorrow! Do your math! Rose is 22. That's only 3 years older than Bess."
John stood up and grabbed his keys. "I should have known better than to try to talk to you. Let's see how funny it is when Bess wants you to call her 'Mom'."
Daniel roared with laughter by then. John kicked his feet off the desk. "Laugh now. But just wait unti we become 30 year old men with a newborn brother and sister!"
Daniel tried to stifle his laughter. "Aw, hell, John! Don't get your jocks in a twist."
John sighed. "Yeah, I guess. We don't even know if Rhys is going to stay."
Daniel said, "And besides, we have that party tomorrow night. We can assess the situation and then decide if we have a hot new mama!" John sighed, ushered Daniel out and locked up.

WANDA SUE Hits the Coralynn

WandaSue clicks off the television and paces the room in frustration.
No one to talk to. Nobody to torment; this is horrible. Billy Bob can just stay out there on Noah's Ark a lit-tle bit longer and rethink his attitude about this divorce thing. If he thinks he's going to walk off with all that loot and leave me.....flat.....well, actually I'm not flat with the million I have from blackmailing him, but....but....that was revenge money. Now I want above board alimony, like a real wife would get. I want him to acknowledge me.......oh hell, I just want the money is the Gods honest truth.

She goes to her computer and brings up the Google search engine. Just for fun she types in "Rosetramp," and up comes:

... You never had that before. Guess the stress of Rosetramp marrying her
stud did it to you." Billy Bob pointed to his deer head. "WHAT ... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

... That way Rosetramp will be sure to be the one who gets it. I KNOW! ... Could that be
the black SUV that belongs to Rosetramp?" Wanda Sue peered a little closer. ... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages

... You guys are like the Three Stooges! It's no wonder you couldn't hold on to Rosetramp, Studmuffin! ... All Wanda Sue could manage was, "AARRRGGGHH! That Rosetramp!

... - 86k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

... than you! I just want to go home!" Wanda Sue snarled, "You're not exactly my idea of a fun date, either, Rosetramp! We'd better ... - 101k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

"HEY!" she yells, "MY name is on here, too! Look! it says "WandaSue peered a little closer..." then what, then what? How did my name get in here and is this about me and is it about....

She clicks open Story51 and begins to read. Uh-huh, that happened, but I didn't know about that.....hey, I'm getting in on the conversations over at the big house! Sonofagun!! Wish I had someone to tell about it. OH, good, here's a link to the Table of Contents...........that puppy sure loads slowly. Ahhhhh, someone put pictures on it, some of them even move. That's clever, I suppose. Just a minute! Just a minute! There's a picture of me riding a pig! How did they ever get a copy of that?!"
Just a minute, they didn't, it's supposed to be written by Coralynn and Terri, whoever the hell they are! but......let's see, let me read this part where I came to town........uh huh.........that happened.........yeow, how did they find out?..........uh huh.............right again. This is weird, freakin' weird! OK, so if this part is true, maybe the part down here about some Pirate is, too."
She spends quite a long time reading about Rhys and John and Rhys and Megaera and Rhys and Molly. Ahhhhh, now Molly sounds like a gal I could get along with! Yeah! Hmmm, I would they react if I went and fetched olde Mol here? That would be fun. Rosetramp would have a cow! I'd love to see the expression on her face when ol' Mol walks into their house in the flesh, just as real as can be.
Let's see what this last part is about.......oh ho! a party! Hey, if I get movin' I can probably get Ol' Mol here in time for the party, a birthday party, aye? That Bess girl? Well, Bess, you just added a new person to your guest list! Terri

"WHY do you girls always plan formal parties? Why can't we JUST ONCE have a party with jeans?" John complained.
Rose was trying to zip up the back of her new dress. A burgundy velvet that she just bought. She turned her back and John zipped it up for her. "Have you seen the guest list?" he asked.
Rosamond looked through her jewelry box. "Hmm? No, no I haven't. Bess planned it all."
John sat down on the bed and groaned. "Jeez. She could have invited the Devil himself just because he looked good in leather pants!" Rose picked up her diamond tennis bracelet and held her wrist out to John. He deftly fastened it and then looked at his ties. He just stared at them.
Rose came up behind him and put her arms around him, laying her head against his back. "Don't fret, darling. You know Bess. She gets wild ideas. She's like a butterfly. Flits here and there..."
"Yes. But Rhys is vulnerable."
"But the allure is the pirate in him. She and Will must have watched that movie a hundred times. Will would always imitate Captain Jack Sparrow. He'd sashay up to Bess with that swagger, lean towards her and say, 'I'm Captain Jack Sparrow...savvy?' Never failed to crack Bess up. That's why he does it. Although I think Will's heart belongs to his Aunt Marilyn!"
John said grimly, "And wait until he finds out that his grandfather is a pirate. I have pity on Hollywood if he ever does! Johnny Depp will be out of a job before you know it!"
Rose patted his cheek. "You worry too much, darling!"

Eleanor was helping Bess get ready. Eleanor said casually, since she had already heard the 'guess what' version of the story from Rose, " and Rhys are seeing each other?"
Bess was looking through her makeup case for just the right shade of red lipstick.
"Oh, yes! I am teaching him to dance! For a pirate"--and here Bess sighed---"he is really 'with it'. And the fact that he looks like John--well, I don't need to tell you how attractive he is!"
Eleanor took her dress off the hanger. A beautiful peacock blue silk. Jerry will love it, she thought. "Bess, dear, you are forgetting one thing."
Bess looked up. Eleanor continued patiently and cautiously, "He is NOT John. Any fanciful ideas you have of having a relationship like Rose and John...well, it doesn't work that way. Rosamond and John were instantly attracted to each other. Like a refrigerator and a magnet. As much as they love each other, it hasn't been easy for them."
Bess put her arms up and shimmied her dress down her body. She did a few shakes to get into it. "Would you mind the zipper, Eleanor?"
Eleanor zipped her up. Bess returned the favor. "Where does that leave our friend Slim Skaggs? A noble lad if ever there was one!"
Bess looked in the mirror and put her blush on. "Oh, Slim is fun! Reliable! "
Eleanor frowned, "Yes, but don't bank on that reliablility too much, Bess! He patiently waited through that whole Nathan debacle." Bess turned around to survey how she looked in the back. "Yes..but he's not a time-traveler."
"So...I don't know. Rhys is wonderful and exciting and sexy and.."
"And in love with Megaera still."
"Julia Megaera Stafford Gwinnett. John and Daniel's mother. Marilyn told me the whole story over lunch. I swear, that love story can bring tears to your eyes."
Bess said flippantly, "Yeah, yeah. But she is dead and gone. And I am here. How do I look?"
Eleanor said, "Like a precious little lamb." And under her breath, she muttered, who is gonna be slaughtered!

TOO GOOD TO Coralynn

Molly watches the sun sink lower in the sky, "If Rhys were here, we could be seeing this together! That rat! Gone!"
She goes below and rummages around in the chests of booty she and her crew have accumulated. Gold coin, jewelry, casks of fine wine........things that carry great value in the marketplace. Things that can make her so rich she never has to put to sea again. She snorts, "So what else would I do, set up a little flower shop? I don't think so!"

Suddenly a woman appears in her cabin; a woman she has never seen before. She startles and asks, "How did you get in here?"
"I'm here to help you, Molly!" Wandasue says in a friendly tone, "I know what happened to Rhys. I know where he is. I know you were done wrong."
"You know where he IS?" Molly finds this hard to believe.
WandaSue sits on a wooden crate and crosses her legs in front of her, smiling, "I can even take you to him. I can do that right now this minute. Interested?"
"So what'll it cost me?"
"Not a penny, not a farthing, not a franc."
"Huh! I don't believe you. What's in it for you?"
"Lots. I like to rock the boat, shake up the apple cart, you know, destroy the status quo. In other words, pal, I like to stick it to the rich snobs on Winding Willow."
"What's Winding Willow?"
"That's where Rhys is with the rich snobs. In fact, he'll be a guest at a big party tonight, and I think you have the right to be there."
"How do I get there?"
"I have a magic coin that can whisk us there in two shakes of a lamb's tail. But first, grab your finest gown, because at this party you've gotta be dressed to the nines!"
"To the nines?"
"Just shove your best stuff in a sack, and don't forget to bring diamonds, lot and lots of diamonds."
"I get it, you're after the jewels!"
"Wrong you are. I wouldn't mind having a few," Wandasue runs her fingers through an open chest of diamond jewely, "But, believe it or don't, I want you to be such a knockout that all the other women look like horse dung compared to you!"
"All this just because you don't like 'the rich snobs' as you call them?"
"Yep. You got it!"
Molly begins to get into the spirit of the thing now, "That sounds like fun. Wouldn't mind seeing Rhys again! Is Megaera there, too?"
"No, she isn't, but hey, if you want her, I suppose I can go....."
"No. I don't want her there. I want to see Rhys dangle on his own rope, so to speak!" she laughs as she picks up her sack of fine jewels and gowns and is whisked off when WandaSue touches her arm.

Molly looks around at WandaSue's apartment and whistles, "What a place! Where is this anyway?"
"This is in Westchester County, north of Manhattan, and it's about 400 years later!" WandaSue answers proudly.
"Nawwww, matey, it can't be 400 years later!" Molly laughs.
"But it is!" Wandasue thrusts a newspaper in front of Molly's face, "Look at the date!"
Molly squints her eyes as she concentrates on reading the date, then looks at Wandasue with a nonplussed expression, "How....?"
"I have some magic, let's just leave it at that," she answers, not wanting to divulge the location of the coin, the stolen coin to be exact.
"Rhys is here too? Did you bring him?"
"No, but someone else used magic and got him here. You'll see. He'll be at the party."
"Are you going to the party?" Molly asks innocently.
"Yeah, I'm going to dress like a man, even paste on a mustache, and pretend we're a couple, but first we have to get you all duded up so you can knock them dead."
Molly snears, "I've knocked many a bloke dead! My aim is flawless!"
"I don't mean that kind of dead, Mol. Can I call you Mol?"
"Sure, why not. Now, let me change clothes. This red one is my favorite, so I'll wear that, and this diamond necklace is worth a king's ransom, so I'll put that on too," she comments as she gets into her finery.
Wandasue drags out an old suit of Slim's and puts it on, tugging the sleeves up shorter and tying on a cumberbund to keep the pants from falling down. The mustache she stole from the makeup room of the mini-series is surprisingly realistic after she gets it glued on. She views herself in the full-length mirror and comments, "I shall be Marmaduke Farrington, and you shall be my date, Miss Molly, the fairest damsel in the land!"
Molly fluffs out the fringe that hangs down from the shoulder straps and grins, "The fairest, aye, the fairest. Ahhh yes, Rhys, you can't get away from me that easily. I'm your true love, and....your worst nightmare!"


Rosamond reached into the closet and pulled out a J. Garcia tie for John. "Here. Stop moping! And wear this watch. That way I can tell you apart from Rhys. And Daniel if Bess was foolish enough to invite him. And for heaven's sake, put a smile on your face!"
John forced a smile.
"That the best you can do, John?"
"Yes," he said curtly.
"OK. I just wanted to know. Come on. Let's go downstairs. And I hope this party will be uneventful. But I doubt it. We never have normal vacations or parties. Must be that cosmic dust in the time travels."

Eleanor answered the door. Jerry stood there with a bottle of champagne. He whispered, "It's for just us! And I love that peacock blue on you!" Eleanor laughed and said, "I'll put this aside. Oh, look! Here comes Bethia and Roger."
Roger helped Beth off with her coat. El patted Beth's stomach. "And how are the little Bidwell twins?" Bethia arched her back and rubbed it. "I wish I could go back in time and talk to Julia Gwinnett about this! I wonder how she ever coped with those two!"

Rosamond opened the door and there stood Moose, Marilyn and...Rhys. Rosamond's face colored as she faced her father in law. And memories of that disastrous 'date' came flooding back. She noticed how much more he looked like John dressed in a suit. Why couldn't I have a father in law that looked like one? Like Senator Montgomery did?
Moose looked uncomfortable in his suit. He kept tugging on the collar. Marilyn looked resplendant in her plum colored satin dress.
"How pretty, Marilyn! And Moose! My, aren't you debonair!"
To Rhys she said, "Hello...Mr. Morgan."
Rhys gave her a shy smile. "Shouldn't you call me Rhys? I don't expect you to call me Dad."
Rose stammered, "Rhys. How are you?" Clearly Rose was uncomfortable. John came up behind Rose and put his arms around her. "Hello, Rhys. I just found out you are staying at Moose's house. Things didn't work out with Daniel?"
Rhys said, "Oh, yes. Fine! But Moose had some letters that I needed to see. Letters from your mother that explained a lot."
John raised his eyebrow. "Really? Moose? You had Mother's letters?"
Moose explained about the wooden chest with the letters. "They were from my Xgreat grandmother Lydia Cunningham."
John laughed, "Well, Moose, I guess we are distant cousins. I knew there was a reason that I liked you!"
Rose slipped away quietly to the kitchen. She helped herself to a glass of scotch that she felt she needed.
"I think we need to talk," a voice from behind her said.
Rose dropped the glass of scotch in the sink, shattering it. "I-I don't know what you mean."
Rhys helped Rose pick the pieces out of the sink. He grabbed her hand. "Hey, there's no need to be afraid, Rosamond. It was an honest mistake. In fact, I am delighted you are so in love with my son."
Rose withdrew her hand and grew red. "I-I have to check on my baby," and left the kitchen. Rhys stood there. I need to straighten this out, he thought.

He walked upstairs where Rosamond was putting the covers over Julie. Rhys said, "Rose, I want us to be friends. Let's--parley, as we pirates say!"
Rosamond said quietly, "What you must think of me! A little tart!"
Rhys laughed out loud. He tried to stifle his laughter but wasn't succeeding. "A tart? How can you be a tart with your own husband? Nay, I think it is wonderful! It is what life is all about." Then he became quiet and took her hands in his. "It is what I had hoped for with my Megaera. We had but a scant two months together. You and John have a lifetime together. I only wish that for Daniel."
Rose laughed in spite of herself. "Yes...but with some one else!"
Rhys said, "I heard enough of the story in bits and pieces to draw my own conclusions. Marilyn filled me in on the rest. Daniel, much as I like him, is a scoundrel. He is like my brother Cerwyn. Reckless. Every family has one. So let us put our misunderstanding behind us and move forward. You are my daughter in law, girl! You love my son and he loves you."
Then Rhys bent over and tenderly touched Julie's cheek. He said softly, "And you gave me a granddaughter named after my Megaera." He straightened up and looked Rose in the eye. With a twinkle in them, he said, "Next time a boy? Name him Rhys!"
With that Rosamond burst out laughing, took his hand and squeezed it. She made her peace.


Alan Carson put his folders in the file cabinets, unholstered his gun and locked it in his desk drawer. No sense taking it with me. He checked his watch. I'll grab a quick shower in the locker room. Nice of the citizens of Chappaqua to furnish a locker room and shower for their men in blue. He opened his locker and brushed his suit off quickly. He grabbed his shampoo and soap and a towel.
Travis came in. "Where are you headed this evening, Alan?"
Alan sighed. "If you must know, 'Beav' I am going to a cub scout meeting. They want me to teach them to make 'smores."
Travis looked at him dubiously. "You lie! There's no cub scout meeting tonight!"
Alan looked at him wide-eyed. "REALLY?? Oh, that's right! Tonight is the night we raid 'Lollipops'."
Travis looked at his work schedule. "Why wasn't I told?"
Alan shook his head. He took it out of Travis' hands and said, "Forget it. If it is scheduled, it isn't a surprise raid, is it? Sheesh!" Alan disappeared into the showers.
Travis waited until he heard the water running and then he opened Alan's locker.

Hmm...must be a clue here somewhere where he's going...he rifled in the uniform pockets and then in Alan's suit jacket. Stuck up on the shelf was an invitation. To a party! How come HE gets to go to all the parties? He scanned it quickly. Winding Willow...WINDING WILLOW?? Is that all these people do is party?
Then he got a dreamy look in his eyes and started humming 'This Magic Moment'. Yeah. That was some New Year's Eve Party. I just have to get into another one of those parties. That pitcher of milkshakes was dynamite!
What did they say it was? Kahlua? Must be some cow from Hawaii.
The water turned off and Travis quickly skimmed the invitation..eight o'clock..and Alan is wearing a suit...must be semi-formal...
Alan came out with the towel wrapped around him. "You still here? Isn't it past your bedtime, Junior? Or did you draw park duty and you're going to try to catch the muggers in drag?"
Travis sniffed, "I haven't had to do that in over a month."
Alan's cellphone rang. "Hello? Hi!, it's at 8:00. I'll be there in half an hour...OK,.. no, I'm looking forward to it too..ha-ha..yes..OK--see you then."
Travis looked expectantly at Alan. Alan explained patiently, "It's for the raid."
"Why the suit?"
"Yeah, sure."
Travis left the locker room. Hm...Pieter Van der hoff can't make it. But maybe Antoine Leroux can!"

Travis sat in his car and adjusted his wig. A jet black one. He looked in the mirror. A nicely trimmed black one. Complete with mustache. He put on some wire-rimmed glasses. Ah! I look like a Sigmund Freud type! No one will ever recognize me! He pulled his turtleneck up almost to his ears and then folded it down. Out of the back seat he grabbed a tweed sportscoat and put a voice-activated tape recorder in his pocket. You never know when you will find that John Gwinnett making a drug deal or his wife lining up her afternoon delights....those moneyed to-the-manor-born!
He parked his car down the block and walked up to the door. He knocked. Roger opened the door.
"Bon soir, Monsieur! My name ees Antoine Leroux. I come from zee Provence region. Ah! I see my bon ami over there!" Quickly he walked over in the general direction of no one he knew. Roger shrugged. He figured this French Fry must have been someone Bess met on the set of Time and Chance.
Travis walked over to the bar and found a drink with salt around the rim. He picked it up and said to the bartender, "I say, thees is not clean! Voici! Beaucoup de salt on it!"
"It's supposed to be that way!" the bartender said.
Travis dropped his phony French accent. "It IS???" He stuck his finger in the tequila and dabbed it on his tongue. The bartender shook his head and said, "That ain't the way to do it! Mr. Gwinnett? You want to show him how to do it?"
John came over and explained, "I learned this in the Caribbean. Lick your wrist, shake salt on it. Lick off the salt, take as shot of tequila quickly, and then bite down on a lemon slice."
Travis looked dubiously at him. "'re kidding, right?"
John shrugged noncommittally, "I don't know. But you ought to see my wife do shooters! She's a pro!"
Daniel came over. To the bartender, he said, "Sam, give this man a Four Horseman!"
Sam grinned, "Are you sure? He's a greenhorn!"
Travis squared his shoulders. "I'm up for it!"
Daniel and John looked at each other. They gave each other an evil grin. Daniel said, "Set 'im up, Sam!"
Sam cocked his finger at them. "You got it!"
He lined up four glasses. Amber liquid filled each one. Traivs looked quizzically at each one. "What do I do?"
John explained, "Each glass contains one ounce of Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, Jose Cuervo or Captain Morgan. You have to slam back each one in succession and then tell us which was which."
"That's it?"
"That's it! I supposed you do that with wine. You know, Burgundy, Bordeaux, Cabarnet Sauvignon..."
Travis realized he had backed himself into a macho corner. He squared his shoulders, steeled his spine, curled his lips into a defiant sneer. "No problem!"
He picked up the first glass and held it up to the light. He held his breath. He put it to his lips...
Daniel slapped him on the back and said, "GO ON AND DO IT!"
The liquor unexpectantly shot down Travis' throat. He coughed and John and Daniel burst out laughing. They watched as Travis grabbed the other four and slammed them down.
"Well?" Daniel asked.
John leaned forward expectantly. Travis said confidently and pointed to each glass. "Cuervo, Morgan, Daniels and Beam!"
John shook his head no. Daniel said, "Let's try it again!"
They had Sam fill up four more glasses. Travis took a deep breath and slammed them back. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and said confidently, "Daniels, Cuervo, Beam and Morgan! Right?"
They shook their heads no again. They set Travis up again. Now this is twelve shots by now. Travis slammed them back once again. He slurred, "Morgan, Beam, Cuervo, Daniels!"
John and Daniel laughed uproariously. "Wrong! They were all Jim Beams!"
As soon as they walked off and their backs were turned, Travis grabbed the edge of the bar as his eyes glazed over. Oh, yeah! Off to a flying start!

WHO?! Coralynn

WandaSue parks her car about a block from the big house on Winding Willow and tells Molly, "They'd recognize my car, so we'll walk the rest of the way."
Molly has a hard time figuring out how to open the car door. In the meantime WSue has run around to the passenger side and opened it for her, saying, "If anyone is watching us, I have to pretend to be a man and men open door for ladies."
Molly snorts, "Since when!?" and gets out, immediately walking in the direction in which the car was headed, up the sidewalk.
WandaSue runs alongside, yelling, "Slow down! You're walking too fast. You move like a field hand! Ladies don't take such long strides!"
Molly stops dead in her tracks and frowns, "So I have to walk like a simpering little fool? Like some of those pampered darlings we used to see in ports who acted like they couldn't get out of bed unaided? I'd rather walk like a live person, thank you!"
"No, no, no, you misunderstand!" WSue tugs at her arm, "You just have to walk slower.....please. I know this timeframe, and if you stride up there real fast they'll know something's fishy."
"Oh alright, but I just noticed, 'Marmaduke,' you're shorter than I am. Is that the fashion, too?"
"No. I can't help it if you're two inches taller, and with those heels on more like four or five inches taller."
"Stronger, too!" Molly boasts.
"I'm sure you are, but tonight please act like a 21st century woman. They're strong, but not like a pirate, they hold down jobs, but don't swashbuckle all over the ocean, they speak up, but they don't yell out 'Arrrrrr, Matey!' the way you do. In other words, try to fit in."
Molly twists her mouth up on one side and says, "I shall be so soft and helpless the men will fall at my feet, and Rhys will swallow is tongue when he sees me."
"Ok, that's good. We're at the front door now. Think 'demure,' think 'elegant,', I'm pressing the doorbell. I hear someone coming. Here we go!"

Beth hears the bell and, since she's standing nearby, opens the door. There stand people she hasn't seen before, but she thinks 'Bess made out this guestlist. Must be friends of hers,' and smiles. "Welcome to the party!".
WandaSue and Molly walk into the foyer and look around. The guests are clustered in a very large living room, the furniture having been pushed back against the walls to create a large open space, perhaps even a dancefloor.
Molly thinks 'demure,' and walks with mincing steps, following WSue, then thinks 'elegant,' and stands tall with her shoulders back, her chest leading the way into the room ahead of her, not her usual way of locomotion.
Beth extends her hand, "I'm Beth Bidwell....."
WandaSue lowers her voice as much as she can and growls, "I"m Marmaduke Farrington, and this is my friend Mo......Monique!"
"Glad to meet you, Monique, are you a friend of Bess'?"
Molly smiles, but just barely, as a lady would never show all her teeth, especially when they're as dark from chewing tobacco as her's are.
"Well, then....." Beth leads them into the large room where everyone is assembled.
Molly spies Rhys right away. He sure looks different in those clothes! she thinks as she saunters in as ladylike a manner as she can and is soon standing in front of him with a triumphant, yet ladlylike, expression on her face.
Daniel has no idea why this strange woman is standing in front of him, but an inch from his face, giving him such an odd stare, but, being an opportunist, grabs her and gives her a wet one right on the lips, saying "Hi babe, where have you been all my life!" then laughs uproariously.

John and Rhys, standing together across the room, see this transpire and both mutter, "Oh no, not Molly!"

In another area of the room Alan Carson is chatting with William, and his date, Tori Sheffield, is paying close attention to the activity involving Daniel and the strange women.
"I'd better get closer to this action," she thinks, "After all, I get a big payday if I turn in something scanalous to my father's newspaper, the STAR."

Bess, who hasn't moved more than three feet from Rhys during the course of the evening, also hears this and looks up at Rhys demurely, "Who's Molly?" she asks coquettishly.
"Uhhhhhh, someone from my past."
Needing to get the attention back on herself, Bess signals for Jack, who's in charge of the music, to crank it up louder, and when the dance music wafts over the room, she tugs at Rhy's arm, "Let's get out there and show them now marvellously you dance, Rhys!"
He looks at John, who shrugs, so he reluctantly allows himself to be led out onto the dancefloor, keeping Molly in his sight line constantly.
He sees her obviously talking to Daniel, as her mouth is moving, and her expression is becoming angrier by the minute.
Rhys dances Bess to the back of the room, hoping he won't be seen.
Even with the music playing, he and everyone else can hear her talking to John, or rather yelling at him.
"You have to be Rhys! What game are you playing? I came here to be with you doubled! Which one of you is lying? Which one of you is Rhys?!"
WandaSue has decided to stay out of it and give Molly free rein, but is chuckling with satisfaction. Way to shake up the troops, Mol!
Then Molly sees Rhys and Bess at the back of the room. She storms over to them and yanks Bess away. Bess pushes her back. They scuffle and soon Marilyn has joined the frey, helping Bess overcome this obnoxious woman.
With her arms pinned behind her by Marilyn, she yells out, "Rhys Morgan is MY man! Mine!"
Travis McGee sees three of the same guy. Now, he knows the Gwinetts are twins, but now he sees three. He shakes his head, which only aggravates the headache he has coming on. He rubs his hand across his eyes to clear them, which only makes them hurt. He staggers to where Rhys and now John and Daniel, are talking with a woman whose arms are pinned back, as well as that feisty Marilyn woman, and a younger one......whats-er-name.
He stops just in time. You can't go over there and break up a fight, man, you're not supposed to be a Cop, you're supposed to be.......uhhhhh......Maurice somebody? Gaston Lereaux? No.........what in hell is my name supposed to be? He finds a chair and collapses on it.
John, Daniel and Rhys take Molly out on the deck and leave her tied to an Adirondack Chair. She screams and hollers so loudly that Daniel returns and gags her, making sure the knot is tight behind her head. She tries to shake her body so violently that the chair falls apart, but it does not......the chair is built like a tank.
Celeste has watched all this from a distance, "I know what happened here. That miserable WandaSue brought Molly here and......let's see......oh yeah, there she is, dressed as a man. Shall I blow her cover? Why not?"
Celeste casually walks to where WandaSue aka Marmaduke Farrington, is sitting and yanks her up out of the chair, ripping off the mustache and wig. The music stops as does all conversation, as WandaSue is unmasked as an intruder.
William strides over and says sternly, "You are to leave these premises immediately, Wandasue Skaggs."
She's at a loss for words for once in her life, but looks toward the door through which she can see Molly still thrashing around on the Adirondack Chair. William notices and goes outside, unties Molly, leads her into the house, her arms still bound behind her, and thrusts her at Wandasue. "And take this baggage with you!"

WandaSue and Molly skulk out of the house. As they hear the door slam behind them, Molly turns to WandaSue and asks, "Is this the typical party you have in 2004? If so, matey, take me back where I belong!"


Travis stood there shakily. That was a dirty trick the Gwinnett boys played on me. Now it looks like they are triplets. And they took that poor woman and tied her to an Adirondack chair. Yeah, it just goes to prove one thing..John Gwinnett is a sneaky bastard! Whoa, I'd better put something in my stomach.
He wandered over to the table and took an hor d'oeuvre. This isn't going to fill me up! Jeez, what I wouldn't give for a Happy Meal! A woman sidled up to him. She said under her breath, "Well, Travis McGee as I live and breathe!"
He looked over and said in his phony French accent, "Domage, mademoiselle! Je m'appelle Antoine LeRoux." I think, Travis thought. Then Travis looked closely. He whispered, "Tori? Tori Sheffield? How--how did you recognize me?"
Tori laughed. "I took drama in high school. I can spot a disguise a mile away! And that phony French accent. For Pete's sake--or should I say Pierre's sake--you sat next to me in French 101. You had the worst accent ever!"
Travis took her by the arm over to a corner. "Shhh! I'm on a delicate undercover mission. We have had this house under surveillance for the past year."
Tori's eyes widened. "Really? Whatever for?"
Travis puffed himself up with importance. "We have it on good reliable information that this is the house of a drug lord."
Tori looked around. "That William guy?"
Travis whispered, "NO! Don't be a simpleton! That Gwinnett guy. John. And his wife is, well, let's just say she has a problem that can't be satisfied. IF you know what I mean!"
Tori said, "Travis, you always were the King of Drama. But I tell you what. I write for Architectural Digest. I am getting ready to do a piece on the manor houses on the area. My date is good friends with Mr. Gwinnett and I think he may be able to get them to agree to an interview. It would be a coup. The two hottest stars in Daytime Television!"
Travis made a face. Tori said, "What was that look for? As I was going to say, one hand washes the other. You find something out, let me know and vice versa."
Travis looked over. "You came with HIM??"
Tori said, "Who? Alan? Oh, I've only been seeing him for a few months. A nice guy. He brought me to the New Years Eve Party. Now THAT was a wild time!"
Travis hmmphed. Alan! Seeing a woman my age! Why, he must be at least 33! Tori got a brainstorm. "I have an idea! Since this place is so crowded, no one would miss us if we went upstairs and did some snooping. It's well known in bridge circles that the medicine cabinet holds secrets like you wouldn't believe. Who's on Valium, who's on the Pill..who has digestive upsets...So, Travis McGee, Supercop....are you game?"
Travis held out his hand and Tori high-fived it. "Let's do it!"

"Alan? It's 9:00 and I have to take my antibiotic. They are in my coat pocket. Are the wraps upstairs?" Tori asked.
"Yes, I think in the middle room on the left."
Alan resumed talking to Moose. Tori whispered to Travis, "Give me one minute and then come upstairs."
Travis stood there saying under his breath, "One Missisippi, two Mississippi..."
By the time he had 60 Mississippis he headed upstairs. "Tori? Tori?" he whispered.
"Here!" A hand touched his shoulder. He jumped a mile. "What are you trying to do, give me a heart attack?"
Tori said, "We have to work fast. Let's try this bathroom medicine cabinet." They opened it up. Tori gave him a notebook. "Here. Write!"
She rattled off, "Antacid...Pepcid....Valium...the prescription is for August 2002. Hm..wasn't that when that disastrous 'Spend A Day with William the Conqueror' aired? No wonder he's on Valium...aftershave..the usual stuff...oh-oh!"
Travis poised the pen in his hand. "What? What?"
Tori laughed, "Well, I'll be! The big guy is LACTOSE-INTOLERANT!"

On to Eleanor's medicine cabinet. Tori opened it. "OK, Wonder Woman! Here's your secret! Have you ever seen so many vitamins outside a health-food store? No wonder the woman has stamina! Perfume--L'air du Temps. Why am I not surprised?...nothing else incriminating...Damn!"
They moved stealthily on to Bess' room. "Medicine cabinet....look at all that moisturizer and face masks! Yep! This looks like a girl on the verge of womanhood!" Tori laughed. The bed had a stuffed teddybear on it and a poster of Orlando Bloom and one of Justin Timberlake. On the dresser was a corsage of roses that were quite dried out. Tori looked around. "This could have been my room eight years ago! But I would have had a poster of the Back Street Boys!"

Just then they heard footsteps up the stairs. Tori and Travis plastered themselves on either side of Bess' door.
The bathroom door closed. They both made a mad dash out of there.
Marthy and Jack's bathroom held nothing of interest. Since Travis and Tori didn't even know them, they were out of their room in one minute. On to Marilyn's room. "Holy cow! Look at all those cosmetics!" Tori said. Travis picked up a bottle. "What's this? So-lite 40? Shampoo?"
Tori grabbed it. "Ahhh! Developer for hair color! Well, that proves it!"
"Proves what?"
Tori said impatiently, "Were you this dense in school, McGee? Hair bleach! Obviously she is just a Marilyn Monroe look-alike. The whole world knows that Marilyn Monroe was a natural blonde! Sheesh! Now...perfume? Oh yes! Chanel Number Five! Boy, this woman has the Marilyn routine down to a science!"
After taking some quick notes, she closed it up. They headed down the hall. Travis paused outside the door. Tori said, "What's the problem?"
"I--I think this is Gwinnett's bedroom."
"So? You want to find some stuff, let's go!"
Tori was already into the room. She sat on the bed and bounced up and down. "Waterbed."
Travis looked at it. "You sure? It looks like a regular bed."
Tori rolled her eyes. "Trav, are you sure you graduated in the top 10% like we thought you did? Book-smart and naive! Nice comforter! Down-filled."

Tori heard little noises from the other room. She quietly went in. Julie was stirring.
"Oh, Travis! Look! I didn't know they had a little one! Isn't she precious?"
But Travis didn't hear her. He was in the bathroom rummaging through the medicine cabinet on his own. Yeah, let's see what vices you keep here.. What's this? Ripped Fuel? Some sort of steroids, no doubt! Yeah, well, Gwinnett, they are ILLEGAL! I'll take some to the lab and have them analyzed...
Travis held them up to the light. At least they aren't Teddy Ruxpin shaped! He slipped a few into his pocket. Now let's see...after shave...look at this! He's got one of those quatro razors with four blades! I use Bic disposables! A few bucks and you pitch them! HA! No shave cream for him! Shave GEL! Oh! And what is this? HIS AND HERS SHAVE GELS! Oh yeah, the lifestyles of the rich and famous...
Travis picked up a packet. Looks like a calendar dial..let's see... Little pills went all over the floor. Travis was scrambling to pick them up.
Tori was in Rosamond's closet holding up a black velvet dress to her and sticking her leg out to admire how it would look on her.
"What's going on in there, Travis?" she whispered.
Travis said quickly, "Nothing, Tori! Nothing at all!" He chased the little white pills all over the floor. Quickly he stuffed them into the packet and shoved it into the cabinet.
Tori came in and looked through it. "Hmm....vitamins, toothpaste, mouthwash, the usual stuff...oh! And here!"
Tori picked up the calendar dial packet. "Well, well! Mrs. Gwinnett is on the pill! You didn't fool with this, did you?"
Travis wordlessly shook his head no.
Tori said, "That's good! I'd hate to see Travis McGee be blamed if Mrs. Gwinnett got pregnant!"
And with that, Tori laughed and closed the medicine cabinet door.

B. & E. at BB' Terri

"Rats! Now where is my key?" Bobby Joe patted his pockets. He dug deep in his jacket pocket to try to find his house key. "I know I took it off the ring when I had my car in for repair."
He looked over and took a car count. All of Billy Bob's cars were there and there was a light on in the living room. "Good. He's home. I'll get the spare key from him."
He ran up the porch steps. No white towel on the doorknob indicating Billy Bob is entertaining female company. Bobby Joe opened the door and yelled, "Hey, BB! You decent? Not that it matters.."
He walked in the living room. The TV was still on. A grilled cheese with just crust was sitting on a plate. A full bottle of beer sat on the coffee table. Bobby Joe yelled, "Hey, BB! You upstairs? I'm giving you fair warning...." He headed up the stairs and peered in Billy Bob's room. No one. The bed was made. That's odd, Bobby Joe thought.
"Come on, Billy Bob! Are you freaking me out?"
There was scratching on the closet door. Bobby Joe thought, oh great, he's been robbed and they stuck him in the closet. He opened the door and expected to find a bound and gagged Billy Bob. Instead, he found Phoenix the Pompeii wonder dog bounding out. The dog whimpered. He had something in his mouth. It was a piece of red cloth. Bobby Joe bent down and soothed the dog.
"Hey, Phoenix! Where is your master? And why are you in the closet?" The dog ran to the door and bounded up on it. Bobby Joe opened the door and Phoenix ran up to BB's truck and circled it frantically. Bobby Joe stood there puzzled. What is that dog trying to tell me?

BESS' Coralynn

Slim can see Bess and Rhys from across the room, and frowns. Why is she making such a fool of herself over that guy? he wonders. So he's tall and handsome and all that, but what am I, chopped liver? Bet he's one of those time travelers who pop in and out of here constantly, maybe that's what she finds so attractive. Hell, I'M here all the time, plus I saw her first!

He moves closer to where Bess and Rhys are standing, and hears her say,
"You're the hit of the party, Rhys! You dance like a dream! When we have our own place, we can have parties and dances every week! I can't wait!"
"Our own place?!"
"Yes! Maybe we can buy a house right here on Winding Willow so we aren't too far from our friends. And when we have babies, they can play with Rose's little girl and Beth's, too. A little play group, won't that be fun?"
Rhys pulls away a bit and looks at her intently, "Bess, I have no idea what you're talking about. Did we make plans I know nothing of? Buying a house? Having babies?"
"That's what married people do, silly!" she says merrily, but inside her mind she's beginning to feel frightened and insecure.
"No, Bess, we aren't getting married. Did I ask you to marry me, and if so, when?" he asks in total confusion.
"I just assumed....."
Rhys lowers the volume on his voice even more and tells her, kindly, "I'm very sorry if I misled you, Bess. I am not here in this century to find a wife."
Tears spring into her eyes and humiliation overwhelms her as she walks away and goes into the kitchen, then out the door onto the deck.
Rhys is aghast. How did all this happen? He feels sorry for her, but not sorry enough to go along with her plan to marry.
Slim slips away and goes outside as well. Bess is sitting in a deck-chair, sobbing.
He quiety sits on another chair and waits for her to notice him, which she does after wiping the tears away.
What do I say? he wonders, should I mention what I overheard or........I know, I'll help her save face by pretending there's nothing wrong.
"I've been looking for you, Bess. You know, you're about the best dancer I've ever seen, would you like to accompany me back inside and show the others what real ballroom dancing looks like?" he says enthusiastically.
She takes a deep breath, then exhales, "Yes, Slim, that would be lovely."
He leads her back inside, then, as they begin to dance, holds her close and whispers, "You're the most beautiful woman at this party."
Her spirits begin to lift. She looks up at him and feels validated and secure.
"You're pretty hot yourself," she grins as they swirl across the floor.


Tori looked around. There has to be SOMETHING on SOMEONE in this house. A house this big has GOT to hold secrets. Big ones. Profitable ones. She started rifling through John and Rosamond's dresser drawers. Travis came into the room. "Are you out of your mind, Tori? That's personal property!"
Tori poo-pooed Travis. "How else do you find out what people are all about? Underwear drawers hold lots of secrets. 'Premature' baby birth certificates, adoption'd be surprised what people keep in their underwear drawer. VERY surprised, if you get my drift...." Travis stood there with a quizzical look on his face. "...which obviously you don't get. My drift, that is."
Travis and Tori heard someone coming up the stairs. "Quick! Under the bed!"

They lifted up the bedskirt. They looked at each other, wild panic in their eyes. Waterbed! They both headed for the shower and pulled the curtain shut, ducking down in the tub. They held their breaths. "Are you sure we are alone?" Sounds of kissing and breathlessness. "Shhh! Someone will hear us! We'd better go downstairs before we're missed!"
"Oh, darling! I can't stand to see you and not touch you or hold you or..."
More sounds of heavy breathing and kissing. Then silence.
Tori and Travis popped their heads up. "Did you hear that?" Travis breathed.
Tori scowled. "Yes. A real scandal and I don't even recognize the voices. Rats!"
Travis said, "I'll bet it was Gwinnett and his wife."
Tori shot him a look of disdain. "Get real, McGee! A married couple does NOT cut out of their own party to grab a quick make-out session! This party is just ripe with.."
Travis said, "What?"
Travis looked around. "I wonder where he keeps his cocaine."
Tori's ears perked up. "Cocaine?"
Travis puffed himself up with self-importance. "Yes. I busted him for cocaine possession last year. He slid through my fingers. He's wily." "What happened?" Tori asked.
Travis said, "A loophole." He didn't feel like telling Tori about the Krispy Kreme powdered sugar. "Just wait. When he least expects it, I'm going to put his a.."
"Ah! There you are!" Alan said. "I thought you may have gotten lost, this is such a big house."
Travis flattened himself against the door so Alan wouldn't see him. Alan looked quizzically at Tori. "I thought I heard you talking to someone."
Tori thought quickly, "I had my tape recorder out so I could make a few notes. The Gwinnetts have such exquisite taste that I want to do their new home in Architectural Digest. Do you think they would give me an exclusive when they move in?"
Alan put his arm around Tori and said, "Oh, I'm sure I could put in a good word for you, Miss Sheffield!"
Tori gazed in his eyes and broke the embrace. "I'll be down in a minute, Alan. I have to powder my nose and repair my makeup. You go on and enjoy the party."
Alan kissed her lightly. "Alright, but don't be long. I didn't come to this party stag."

She listened to his retreating footsteps. She yanked Travis out from behind the door.
"OK, start looking around for anything I--I mean you---can get on them." Travis looked quizically at her. "What do you have against them? I mean, I have to uphold the law. But what is in it for you, Tori?" Tori thought fast. "I am an upstanding citizen, Travis. If there is wrongdoing in my community, I want to see it rooted out."
Travis got a gleam in his eyes. An accomplice! Tori Sheffield of all people! She was a social climber in school. One of the 'in' crowd! Funny how life after high school changes you!
Travis pulled out more drawers. Nothing revealing.
Tori said, "Guess it will be the Architectural Digest for me, then." Travis muttered, "I'll bet he's already moved his stash to the new house!"
Tori said, "What, Travis?"
"Nothing. We'd better get downstairs before we are both missed. And don't forget, my name is Antoine LeRoux."
"Mais oui, monsiuer LeRoux!"


Tori and Travis turned to go. Tori took one last look at the bedroom. Something wasn't quite right...what was it? The fireplace...something out of kilter. She grabbed Travis' arm. She whispered, "Go in the hall and keep a lookout!" Travis started to say, "What...?" but Tori shoved him out in the hallway.
Her eyes skimmed the fireplace. She ran her hands over it. Bricks. But something is not quite right. She felt around. Something loose. A brick. A loose brick. She moved it and with a bit of tugging, she wrenched it loose. Behind it was a wooden box. She started to open it and heard Travis clear his throat.
"*Ahem* *cough cough*" then his voice, "Ah, Madame! Zee bidet is in use!"
The woman looked at Travis incredulously and colored. "I just need to freshen my lipstick!" she said frostily. "Bidet indeed!" The woman stomped off.
Travis whispered, "Tori! Would you hurry up? I hear someone else coming upstairs!"
Tori looked around and saw a laundry chute. She opened it and sent the box down to the depths of the laundry room. I'll get it later, she thought.
Tori hurried out of John and Rose's bedroom. Just as she closed the door and stepped out in the hall, Rosamond came upstairs. Travis slipped into the laundry room by ten seconds.
"Oh! Miss Sheffield! I just came upstairs to check on my baby."
Tori acted surprised. "I had no idea you had a baby! How old is she?"
Rose said, "She'll be a year old in April."
Tori did some mental calculating. Wasn't she married to that good-looking rancher at the time? Whose baby is she?
Rosamond went into the room to check on Julie. She straightened the covers and then she sniffed the air. Perfume? Was someone in here? No, must be my imagination.
Tori stood before the hall mirror and primped, stalling for time. She whispered, "Travis? You in there?"
"I'll take that for a 'yes'. I'll let you out when Mrs. Gwinnett goes downstairs."
Rosamond opened the door and closed it. "I think Alan is looking for you, Miss Sheffield."
"Please! Call me Tori. Mrs. Gwinnett, I write for Architectural Digest. I'd love to cover your house when you get moved in. When can we talk?" Rose played it cool but she was inwardly excited. "I expect to be in by the end of March. I think we can work something out by then. Why don't you give me a call?"
Tori said, "Thank you. I'll call you in a couple weeks and set something up."
Rose smiled, "I'll walk downstairs with you."
Tori glanced at the laundry room door. Their voices drifted down the hall as Travis heard Rosamond ask Tori, "So, how long have you been seeing Alan...?"

Travis opened the laundry room door and peered out. Coast is clear. He took one last look around. There HAS to be something I can get them on. Just you wait, John Gwinnett. Before this is all over, I'LL be the hero!

Tori came up to Alan. He smiled and handed her a drink. Tori looked around. "I can't believe there are three men who look almost identical! What is the story there, Alan? Triplets?"
Alan didn't want to explain anything about time travel to Tori so he said, "Of course, you know John and his twin brother Daniel. That is their cousin from Wales. His name is Rhys."
Tori laughed. "It must be disconcerting for Mrs. Gwinnett! She must have a hard time at family functions, making sure she ends up with the right man!"
Alan laughed a little since he had been privy to the situation. John had told him quite a bit of the story over racquetball and beers. "Yes, well, I am sure she has it figured out."
At least by now.
Tori said brightly, "I'll bet there is a story there!" She linked her arm through Alan's and said to herself, And I bet I can worm it out of you! And just what is hidden in that wooden box? I'll have to figure out how to retrieve it somehow...

Travis made his way gingerly down the stairs. He passed a hall mirror and quickly adjusted his wig. As he entered the dining area, clusters of people were standing around making idle chit-chat. Tori stood there talking to Alan and John. She raised her eyebrows ever so slightly at him and gave him an 'I'll get hold of you 'later' look.
Travis gave an inperceptible salute to her. Alan turned to Tori and said, "That guy looks really familiar. Do I know him from somewhere, Tori? You were talking to him. You know him?"
Tori thought quickly, "Oh, he's something to do with the production on that mini-series that alot of these guests were on. He's French. I can't recall his name but it was typically French. He was asking me if the crab dip was real crab or if it was that crab they spell with a 'k'. You know. Whitefish they pass off as crab and get away with it because they spell it 'k-r-a-b."
Tori was thinking of how she could manage a way to get down to the laundry room. It must be in the basement, she thought. Most laundry chutes end up there.
Whatever is in there, it must be pretty hot stuff to be hidden away like that. To the average person, they would never even know that brick was out unless you stood at the right angle.

Marty Henshaw was on his cellphone.
"Uh huh...uh, no! That is definitely a dark cloud with a silver lining!, this will be as big---no, BIGGER!--than Gone With the Wind...well, remember Back to the Future? They took that and divided it up into a couple movies, even though they filmed it back to back...yes, well, I'm at a party at William Conqueror's house. What perfect timing! OK, I'll make the annoucement...OK..Let's do lunch! Bye!"

Marty turned to everyone and said, "I'd like to make an announcement."
Everyone looked at him expectantly. "I didn't want to say anything until I had to. ABC has shelved 'Time and Chance'."
A collective gasp went up over the partygoers.
Bess moaned, "There goes my big debut!" and banged her head on Slim's shoulders.
Hotspur turned to Eleanor. "You want I should throttle Marty?"
Eleanor tried not to laugh at the sincere face that Hotspur had. "No, no! Don't do that, Hots. You don't want to make Barbara a widow!"
Marty made a simmer-down motion to the crowd around him.

"ABC feels it is too long. They didn't want to have another 'Roots' or 'North and South' on their hands. They feel that the mini-series has gone the way of the typewriter. Served its purpose but is now obsolete. Then it was discussed making it into a night time soap like 'Dallas.'"
Eleanor turned to Rosamond and whispered, "Yeah, and there could be a terrific cliffhanger, 'Who shot Henry2?"
Rose choked on her champagne. "Oh, El! What a horrible--and perfectly wonderful--idea! The list of suspects would be endless!"
Daniel said, "You mean that talk-show junket was for nothing?"
Marty cleared his throat. "No, not at all. Because it caught the eye of the distribution department at Touchstone. They are going to release it--are you ready for this?--IN THE THEATRES!"
Everyone clapped and cheered and whooped. Marthy turned to Jack and squeezed his arm. "Oh, Jack! Your behind the scenes camera work! You'll get credit! Your name will roll at the end. Special effects! Maybe George Lucas or even Spielberg can use you!"
Marty continuted to explain. "It will be divided up in four movies, to be released every six months. Like Star Wars but with a shorter interim. That way the theatre-going public won't forget. They will no sooner get their fill of the first movie when the second one will be hot on its heels. We are going to report next month in the studio to film a 'bridge.'"
Bill Murdoch said, "A bridge?"
Marty continued. "We need to edit a bit. We need to end each movie on a cliffhanger to keep the people salivating. Everyone that was in the movie? Gang? We report back to the studio for a bit of filming. Not much. The screen writers are working on this starting Monday."
An excited buzz went around the crowd. Everyone was excited. Except one person. John Gwinnett. He frowned. Here we go again, he thought.

Rosamond glanced at John. Uh, oh. I know that steely look in his eyes. His jaw is set. Well, thank goodness he doesn't get a twitch in his eye! Or sputters like William! This must have to do with the additional filming. I wonder if Henry will have to come back. Maybe I'd better send Will somewhere for the duration.
The party began to wind down. William looked at the hors d'ouevres or what was left of them. The crab---that's 'C-r-a-b'-- dip went over well. Slim turned to Bess and asked her, "Would you like to go to the Battle of the Bands concert with me tomorrow night? Marthy and Jack have two extra tickets."
Bess turned a radiant smile on Slim. Her humiliation with Rhys was pushed into the back of her mind.
"Slim, I would like nothing better. And I have acted like such a ninny! I--I'm so sorry!"
Slim gave her a hug. "I'll let it go this time, Bess, but I think we should do some talking soon. If I'm going to be 'your guy' then I think there should be some understanding between us."
Bess was so happy that Slim was still in her life that she would have agreed to anything at that point. She gave his arm a squeeze and a quick kiss. "Sounds good to me, Skaggs!"
Slim was on cloud nine. He had his girl again and he was bursting to tell everyone his news. Maybe when it quiets down...

Tori was trying to figure out how she could retrieve the box she threw down the laundry chute. She took a deep breath and turned to Alan. "I'll be right back, Alan. I need to powder my nose."
Alan sighed. Either she has the shiniest nose or a bladder the size of a pea! he thought.
Tori caught Travis' eye and gave him a look that signaled, 'I need to see you.'
Travis's eyes followed Tori as she went into the kitchen. He waited 30 seconds and then went in himself. Tori grabbed his arm. "Don't ask any questions, Trav! Just keep a lookout. I have to go in that door and search for something."
Travis looked at her. "What? What?"
Tori ignored him and looked around. She figured out the path the chute must have taken. There was the door off the kitchen. This must lead to the laundry room or the basement. She looked around and opened the door. It was dark. Carefully she turned on the light. Am I good or what? she thought. This is the laundry room! She looked up at the walls. Running down it was a galvanized chute. Underneath was a laundry hamper. She surveyed the room. Why, there's about four chutes, each ending in a laundry hamper. So that's how they do it! Each bedroom has its own hamper! Well, well! It beats the heck out of separating everyone's laundry! Somehow I can't picture Rosamond Gwinnett doing her own laundry! She glanced quickly over the hampers. On top of the one in the far right corner stood the Holy Grail she was searching for! She quickly tucked the box under her arm and went out of the room. Travis stood there nervously. He stage-whispered, "Tori, what do you have under your arm? It looks like a wooden box!"
Tori made 'shush' noises at him. "Jeez, Travis, you catch on quick! Of course it's a wooden box!"
Travis reached out to touch it but Tori slapped his hand. "It's mine! And remember..this never happened! If you are a good boy, I may tell you what is in it. But I can't look now! Cover me while I run upstairs."
Travis scowled. Now I know how the driver feels in a getaway car! Tori disappeared up the stairs.

She found her coat. And her purse was right next to it. She wrapped the box in a towel she found in the hamper and shoved it in her purse. There! I'm almost home free!

Eleanor sat down, kicking off her shoes and rubbing her feet. "Whew! My dogs are killin' me!" Celeste surveyed the damage. "Not too bad! I think if we all pitch in, we can have this done in half an hour!"
Slim grabbed a Hefty bag and said, "OK--shall we divide up into teams and see who gets done first?"
Marthy made a face. "What does the winner get? A pizza party?"
Bethia laid down on the couch and closed her eyes. Roger looked at her affectionately. "That's my girl! She's not only eating for three, she's sleeping for three, too!"
Rosamond started to pick up plates left behind and scrape them into the bag that Slim held out. She said, "William, are you ever going to have a party with PAPER plates?"
William bristled, "Mrs. Gwinnett, bite your tongue! We have an image to maintain! When you get your own place, how you conduct your dinner parties will be your own affair! While in this house, we use china!"
John was exceptionally quiet. Jerry asked him, "Did Marty's announcement upset you, John?"
John sighed. "I'm just tired of the whole thing. I would insist that Rosamond give up her career as an actress but I don't want to sound like her former you-know-what. So I keep my mouth quiet and hope for the best. Maybe she will get this all out of her system. I thought maybe moving into our own house may do the trick."
Slim took a deep breath. "I have an announcement to make. Since I consider all of you family, I want to tell you all. So far John is the only one who knows."
John smiled encouragingly at him. Slim broke out in a smile. "I have been accepted at the New York Medical College! While I am not doctor-material, I am taking the courses required for a radiologist!"
Everyone clapped. Rosamond gave him a big hug and kiss. "I knew you were destined for better things, Slim! You've come a long way from asking me for pizza and sex!"
Bess' head shot up. "WHAT??"
Rose laughed, "It's not what you think! It was in the days when Slim thought he needed to be suave!"
Together, they all worked hard and got the house straightened up in record time.

Rosamond went down the hall and checked on Will. He was sound asleep but he'd left his flashlight on. She shook her head. I really need to have John talk to him about this. But I guess I should be glad he is so engrossed in reading. She looked down and saw it was Superman comic books. Oh, well, maybe it will lead to more sophisticated literature. When she got back to their bedroom, John was in the bathroom brushing his teeth.
She pulled down the blankets and looked around the room. I am really going to miss this room, she thought. But I guess it is time to grow up. John and I are a family now and we need to be on our own. I feel like I am leaving home. Hmmm.... something looks different in this room. I can't quite put my finger on it....
John came out of the bathroom and flopped down in bed. "What a night! I hope when we have parties, hon, it is less stressful than the ones here."
Rose slid under the blankets. "I still say the answer is paper plates!"
John turned out the light. In the darkness, Rose said, "John?"
"Are you upset about Rhys and Bess?"
"No, not really. Bess is an airhead. I love her but she's an airhead. And Rhys is not familiar with the machinations of 20th century women. Even though they were born in another century."
"Is that all that is bothering you?"
"No. I think you know what is, though. Don't you, Rosamond?"
Rose's voice came from the dark. "Yes. Yes, I do. Please don't worry. It will all be over soon."
"I hope. I just worry whenever Henry is in the picture. Now, let's get some sleep. It's been a long night."
Rose lay there in the dark. Why can't I put my finger on what looks different in this room? 'Whatever it is, it is imperceptible Maybe by the morning's light, I can figure it out. It probably isn't important....

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