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Fan Fiction Challenges

SMK Fan Fiction Challenge #2

Results: Since I only got one story before the deadline, I am extending the deadline indefinitely. There will be no winners. If you would like to answer this challenge, send in your story anytime, and I'll add it to my fanfic page.

rankamateur's story, "Role Reversal", has been added to my fanfic page.

Have you ever seen any version of the movie Freaky Friday? It's about a mother and daughter who switch bodies and have to live each others lives for a day. Well, yet another version of it has just come to theaters. And because of that, I came up with an idea for a new SMK fanfic challenge. Here it is:

Write a fanfic in which Amanda and Dotty switch bodies.

- or -

Write a fanfic in which Amanda and Francine switch bodies.

Your story can have no higher than a PG-13 rating. Send your stories to me at Please send your story as an attachment. If you have any questions, contact me at the above email address. Be creative and good luck!


SMK Fan Fiction Challenge #1

Winner: "A Brand New Case" by rankamateur

2nd: "When I Am With You" by Gail Delaney

3rd: "Missing Factor" by PaxSaMKers


Below is a list of 12 words.  At least 10 of them must be included in your story.  

Waterfall Ghost
Locket Shakespeare
Sponge Used Bookstore
Fire Poison
Fishing Boat Narcoleptic
Blackmail Antiques

Your story can have no higher than a PG-13 rating.  Stories must be in by October 1, 2002.  If you need an extension, e-mail me in advance and we'll work something out.  Send your stories to me at .   Please send your story as an attachment.  The winners' stories will be posted on my fanfic page.  If you have any questions, contact me at the above email address.  Be creative and good luck!