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Information on Vhaeraun

Clergy and Churches

Vhaeraun's Weapons

Orders and Dogma of Vhaeraun

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Vhaeraun's Weapons and Defenses

Anyone with good eyesight would notice the ebon long sword attached to his side. Nightshadow is a sword of quickness that is invisible in darkness. Vhaeraun's other weapon, Shadowflash, a silvery short sword, flashes an eerie light that continues to brighten the sky and will eventually blind a person or thing if not stopped. When the Masked Lord weilds Nightshadow, he can create a magical bladebend, this causes those who are within a range of 70 feet from him, to retract and bend to strike the holder instead only to revert back to normal afterwards.
Another useful object that Vhaeraun has is that long black flowing cloak of his. Those whom gaze at the cloak in the dark will be able to see right through it to that which lays behind it. Once removed from his shoulders, the cloak begins to fade into oblivion till nothing is left. Also, another usefulness of the cloak is it absorbs spells and also attract magical missiles.


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