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As I accept the mantle of knighthood, I hereby pledge myself
to defend all those less capable of defending themselves;
to serve my realm, and thus its rulers and people;
and to display at all times those qualities of knighthood
that set me apart as a true servant of god and man.

Therefore, I pledge myself to be an exemplar
of the following virtues:

HONOR: To conduct myself in a manner befitting my station.
To hold myself to a higher standard, so that all may know me
as a person who can be trusted and whose word is as
good as my bond.

JUSTICE: To uphold the law, both legal and common,
in a manner which gives consideration only to the right,
and never merely to wealth or power.

VALOR: To display the qualities of courage and strength
without malice, but for the sake of defending those
whom I have pledged to serve.

COMPASSION: To view my fellow man with my heart
and not with my eyes. To give all the benefit of the doubt,
whenever confronted by a choice between the letter of the law
and the spirit of said law.

SACRIFICE: To place the good of the people I serve
above my own consideration. To give of myself
completely, without reservation.

HONESTY: To hold myself as the epitome of truthfulness.
To strive to be a person who will believed
by all without question.

SPIRITUALITY: To recognize God as the source of all
my strengths and abilities. To give honor to H
and not to take credit for myself.

HUMILITY: To recognize myself as a person blessed for
no great merit of my own, but rather, for the good
of those I serve. To act as a servant, and to never use my
abilities to place myself as a better to any other person.

Thus, as I pledge myself to these virtues and to those
I am sworn to serve, I hereby accept the title of
Knight of the Realm, and all that it entails.
I do swear by my blood and the blood of those I hold
dear to never waver from the oaths I take this day.
I willingly give my life as a life of service,
that all who know me will know me as a defender of truth,
and a protector of those in need.


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