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September 23, 2003.
He. Hehe. Sorry about the absolute lack of anything even remotely resembling an update since March. This summer I stayed in the cities and had no internet in my apartment and thus no time to even touch my site. Today I updated my Silent Letters section, but that will probably be all I do for a bit. I should have more time later when I will do . . . ummmmm . . . more things. Yes. I have a whole shit load of new online quizzes waiting to be put up, so I'll do that soon-ish as well.

March 28, 2003.
Okay. So in the next little while, I shall be updating my page in regards to the war in Iraq. I don't know exactly what I will do with the space I make, but something is going to put up. Right now what I have made is a page of names. I will update it hopefully every day or two with the new names of those American and British soldiers who are KIA, MIA or POW's.
Remember that in order to view my page correctly, you must have a screen size of 1024 x 768. Otherwise, the pictures will cover up part of the words next to them.

Silent Letters

A page for Jess
My Lord of the Rings pages
A Pale Blue Dot
I am . . .
Favorite Quotes
Farscape Saved!
Happy 20th Birthday Jess!!

Click here to read my DreamBook
Click here to sign my Dreambook

Thanks to General Janson for his various picture/graphic/text help!!
Email: CallistaScully at