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Wednesdsay 31.3.04

GO and see 'Democracy' at the National Theatre if you possibly can - well worth it. Regular readers of this site know how savagely critical I can be of anything cultural I go and see, but there isn't much you can find fault with about Michael Frayn's new play. It's intelligent, witty, very well written and interesting to boot (worth reading a botted biography of Willy Brandt before going.) It is a touch long, and there are various political and historical names and concepts to with Germany that are thrown about seemingly at random which might be a little overwhelming, but, yes - go see. We like :-)

Thursday 1.4.03

THREE bits today. Firstly, and scarily, it is a year to the day tomorrow since I moved to Berlin. Unbelievable.

Secondly, this article about Muslims being urged to fight terror - finally. Islam's had an understandable PR crisis in recent years (to put it mildly). The terrorists the western world is currently trying to defend itself against are indeed Muslims; that, however, is secondary to the fact that they are fundamentalists. So when George Carey stands up, as he did last week, and talks of the civilised Christian West versus the backward Muslim East, Mark gets angry - fundamentalist Christians, for example, could be just as bad (and have been throughout history). We've already seen in Israel what fundamentalism in the Jewish faith can do.

Thirdly, and on a more cheerful note, Berlin is to introduce talking litter-bins. I love Germans :-)

Friday 2.4.04

DAY of ups and downs yesterday. I had my career-plans slightly trashed after receiving a rejection-letter from my main source of hope for employment, and then met a man who told me that, while having a language degree was all very well, it's not very bloody useful unless it's coupled with something else. This isn't good news because I'm not particularly good at anything apart from the 'pure' (ie useless) side of the language. This all left me thinking that I should never never abandoned my original career-plan (academia) and should head for that. So I think the thing to do is to try and just *get* something which will tide me over for a few months (aka Waterstone's), take a break from studying and go back and do a Master's next year. Possibly.

And fuck it, jobs aren't everything. There are more important things in life, as I was reminded yesterday evening. Everything willl all just fall together somehow :-)

Monday 5.4.04

BLOODY Kath ended another of our -many- splendid verbal brawls the other day by saying: 'Oh yeah, and what's more, you've got a really gay arse.'

Momentarily taken aback by these hurtful words of the utmost outrage, I stammered out the necessary interrogatives to find out exactly what makes an arse gay as such (I mean, as far as I know, my backside doesn't frequent gay bars unless it's with me, isn't camp, doesn't like Kylie Minogue all that much and certainly doesn't drink alcopops.) So having ruled all these out, I was intrigued to know. Apparently my arse is 'gay' because, according to the belle dame sans merci (sans lots of other things à la tact and niceness if you ask bloody me) 'it's just really tight and swings around and is'

Am scandalised.

Tuesday 6.4.04

NEVER mind how I stumbled across this - the question is: is this the most nauseating site on the entire web? Suggestions please.