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Wednesday 28.4.04

SO it wasn't the most intelligent thing I've ever done to pick a verbal fight in my German oral exam. I was being examined on my German by two experts on German feminist linguistics - so, GUESSWHATIDID???!


Clever Mark decided to wade in and provoke both of them, and then run cowering in a linguistic corner. Was a good argument though :-) Not sure if my German was any good, but fuck it, it's over now. German linguistics proper starts tomorrow, goes on for 6 days. Nice. I love take-home papers.

Thursday 29.4.03

SOMEONE please tell me that this report is a joke. The BBC proposes pet TV.

Now, admittedly, my experience with animals is perhaps somewhat limited (few fish a couple of years ago; massive, lazy, moulting, furball, moody, strangely sociable and beautiful cat, now residing in front on a hearth in Yorkshire) - but from what I do know, it's not going to be a roaring success. Said cat, for example, couldn't care less what's blaring out of the TV, as long as there is a lap to sit on. Over the years, I've tried to get her interested ('Oooooh, Dinah, look, there's a tiger on the box! No, the telly, not the wall. No, that's my stomach you're looking at. Oh, forget it') - but in vain. I shall be watching with interest to see if the Beeb does any better.

On another note, I've got this damn take-home paper now, and written a third of it already. Nothing stunning. French oral exam tomorrow morning. Joy.

Friday 30.4.04

IT'S not that I crashed and burned this morning. I didn't - I think I spoke acceptable French. But it was, I think, far below what was expected of me. Oh well.

Monday 3.5.03

EVEN though the world should be, by rights, crashing down around my ears at the moment because of finals-worry, I had a prolonged moment last night of everything being just - OK. For a while, it nothing mattered because in the end, everything will come tumbling down anyway. I know this makes me sound like I'm on some sort of dodgy mushrooms, but it was a state of mind induced purely by alcohol and circumstances. The reason I write this now is because I've just put Brand New Day on and realised that I actually can decline French verbs, and everything, again, for the moment, is just - OK.