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Wednesday 10.3.03

WOOO, lots to update on here. Funny few days ranging from the ultimately quiet (sitting the flat on Sunday having an argument with my landlord over the phone about whether our fridge had a filter. He settled it by suddenly realising he was talking about the bloody washing machine) to the insanely busy (decided yesterday that I clearly haven't got enough to do so have taken up the student cause with regards to the AUT strike; whilst I still abhor what they're doing, I've come to realise that it's necessary as this the only political card they have to play. Unfortunately, it means that I might not get a degree in June. Interestingly, none of the UCL students have had any official communication about this as yet, which is where I have stuck my oar in) but there we go.

The play is slowly falling together. Rehearsal on Monday went brilliantly, today's was more mediocre. Friday will be an interesting test, and then we get into the theatre on Sunday for the play itself is next week.


Tuesday 16.3.04

Giggle. Fuck. Play is in two days.

Actually, is all falling together. Having an insane week involving German scripts, theatres, road-cones and trollies, but am having a laugh too :-)