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Me and my general randomness...



Basically- just look 4 your name!

To Maria: hun, y dont we ever hang out nemore?

To Emily: how did i end up missing you this summer? Allah!we still gotta go to that small concert...and pac sun. my fellow Krak Baby of Set Krew. Long live Stage left Orgy.

To Steve: Uncle Stebe! God! rabid squirrel, fucking eagle! thanks for listening to me for 3 or 4 months.

To Anna: ur my sis and theres not a thing you can do about it! Bunny!"i didn't see too many people walking around in wheelchairs""Ha, Ha! He's got a knot in his tail!"

To Gayea: The Queen Of The Fairies!


To Shan: "'Abby stop it!''Stop it!''Suck me!''Suck me!" "stop it! your making her wet!" whats so wrong w/ saying ur my shannon?

To Erica: Smilys match everything

To Mike: moral support

To Allymasen: girl u da best, i wuv u soo much. thanx 4 dragging me into youth group!

To Les-me: swimming topless in ur pool... "Ellie, youre the only one who hasn't messed my name up, come have sex." "Lisa, can i touch your froot loops?"

To Jose: "hair.. hair..little kid.." you still hold the award for listening to me bitch...

To Lisa: Master, i love you, but wait until Thursday. "'Stop it!''Stop it!''Fuck me!''Fuck me!'" and "Lisa! Stop fingering the stage!" more crucible quotes... we're gunna have soo much fun next year i cant wait.

To Chad: the chicago soundtrack is awesome. we need inside jokes, and i love you.

To Missy: my second sister. welcome to the mallardi family, u have ur own razor and ur own bedroom. am i your twin, or your triplet?

To Lexi: my sexi lexi. i wuv you. "I wanna be a bird in the after life, you can fly, you can shit on peoples heads, and you can sit on Those Things without getting ur ASS electrocuted!" DST 4 Life!

To Tolla: ur cuz has scarred me for life, normally i'd be fine, but that was especially unfair. moof! (cow getting hit by truck), our purple moo cow melted in the rain, tear. ur awesome hun!

To Matt: how the phuq did i miss giving u a shoutout? ur the best, even tho im definatly crazier than you. u still have my strawberry!

To Rob: Meow! i can't belive u lost my bracelet. we're all going sign shopping sometime soon, remember to take me w/ you. and oh, the chili peppers really were that interesting.

Thanx guys! stupid stuff like that!

last updated: 8/10/03

Yo! You still reading? Wow, I’m impressed, you just made me feel so special. I wuv you.

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