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Welcome all to the Realms of Twilight created by Talon Drachenstalker and Aceline Requiem.  Please feel free to look over the site and feel free to come play with all of us in the Realms of Twilight.  Our goal is to bring the fun back to online role playing and at the same time allow people to write good Story Lines.  Our forum is based on the fact that the Story Line is the important part of the RP and the dice and battles are just filling to round things out.  If you have any questions about the RoT please send an Ethereal Mail to-




RoT Home Creation of the RoT Gods and Lands
Ranks/Dice/XP Chart Battle Rules Mage Rules
Assassination Rules Story Telling Healing and Resurrection
Enhancers RoT Shops and Services Guilds/Kingdoms
Freelancer Exiles Scrolls of the Dead
Clavigers RoT School Application

The Realms of Twilight is a division of the Dragon's Web Role Player's web site.  The Realms of Twilight is based off of the Short Stories created by Kevin Coryell, however all the worlds and storylines held within this forum are creations of our individual players and all Copyrights shall stay with them when it comes to their characters and worlds.  For more information on Dragon's Web please click on the dragon to the left.

(Dragon's Web and the Realms of Twilight are Šopyrighted to Kevin Coryell 2002, if you wish to use any of these materials and are not a part of the RoT please contact Kevin at for permission)