Artwork and Fanart Section

This is the Fanart and Artworks section. Here there will be artwork scanned in by me done by me and my friends and some I take from my adoring fans. Submission is not open yet, but don't worry, I'll let you know when it is, K?

Anime man This is an early picture of mine. I don't think it's so bad.
Cyborg Angel A recent picture. The wings didn't turn out as good as I had hoped, but I still like it. She's my first shot at a cyborg.
A real hottie I drew this randomly one night. Stayed up til midnight doing him...I mean drawing this pic.You can stop laughing now.
Sadness I know it's a dark picture, but I still like it.
Sleepover I didn't do a good computer editing job on this. See, all my male friends are dolls! Can you tell which one is me??
Eva scene A Photoshop assignment I did for my Multimedia class. What do you think of it?
Desert BabesAnother one made in Photoshop, while I was practicing making shadows. I liked it so much that I kept it.

Let's not fight, let's all make love together!~Male Maze *or* Back to The Library