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BREAKING NEWS- YOU MIGHT KNOW THIS, YOU MIGHT NOT, BUT ACCORDING TO NINTENDO (AND THIS IS OFFICIAL) THOSE SHOTS OF THE CEL SHADED LINK ARE NOT ACTUAL GAME GRAPHICS, APPARENTLY THAT WAS JUST A TEST OF THE ENGINE. This isn't the first time this has happened though, there's a host of beta shots for OoT (most of which can be found here). I hope this puts some hope in everyone's hearts, because theres still a possibility we could get Space World 2000 quality with a Space World 2001 engine.

The Spaceworld 2001 Zelda hate page

Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if one of these pages is on every active Zelda site there is. So what am I gonna be doing here? Well first I'm gonna post a couple pictures just for a reference to what I'm talking about.

I'll give a link to one of the videos to so you'll get the full impression of this horror. SEE THE VIDEO
Ok and before I get to anything else I may as well give my own opinion. I think this new cartoony idea for Zelda is probably one of the worst screw ups Nintendo's ever done, and you know my opinions on Nintendo's messes pretty well. If you read the "Why we hate Nintendo" article, where ever that is now, you'll know quite well. But this Spaceworld 2001 Zelda is horrible. They reverted it to an animation on a freakin' 128 bit system which is a big waste of technology considering that video from Spaceworld 2000.
See what I'm talking about?

That was almost perfect there wasn't a polygon in sight, you could see the reflections in Link's sword, they used some kind of bump mapping thing to put actual chips and bends on Ganondorf's sword, and god look at the lighting effects. I can't believe they got rid of all that, and from what I heard (though I really don't know where) the reason they got rid of all that is they that it'd scare little kids. I think Nintendo would go into denial if they ever listened to me tell them that kids don't play Zelda. It's true, however, for starters it involves to much reading for them. I hear it complained about all the time by anyone under 10. They say that OoT has too much words. The puzzles are to hard to solve for them, or they tend to get lost in the dungeons because they don't pay attention to the scenery of the rooms or don't know how to use a map. Also the clues they get for what to do next are to hard for them. You'd have to tell them exactly what to do in small words for them to figure it out. Everyone I know in my area was born without a personality, but those who own OoT are always asking me simple questions because they just don't grasp the complexities of Zelda. The age of those kids are always about 10 or 11. I answered the stuff, just because I like doing that, but they couldn't get more then 5 feet in the game without getting puzzled again. So eventually they just quit asking me questions; probably because they quit playing the game at all. So there's no reason in hell to make a Zelda game for kids since they don't play it, and even if they did it's just to hard for them. If they do make a Zelda aimed for kids expect it to be filled with puzzles like step on the red floor tile to get the biggoron's sword and that kind of simple stuff, the enemies are gonna be retards that probably take 5 minutes to turn around when you hit them. Did you see Link hit that moblin from behind in the video? It grabbed it's ass and howled in pain. I guarantee you that probably {censored} EDIT: gave it a bad owey and defeated it. And finally the thing that destroys the whole Zelda ideal. The story's probably gonna be "Ganon captured Zelda. Go save her, Link!" and nothing more.

You know, I could let the poor graphics pass, since that would leave room for huge worlds, length, and complexities. But I know that's not the reason they did it. You know why? Ok another reference from the video, download it if you haven't, besides the moblin ass slash there's the ending where Link jumps onto the chandelier and the moblins run off the ledge and run in place for about 4 seconds before realizing they weren't standing on anything and fall, and of course the killer's where Link winks at the camera. This makes it obvious this is gonna be a really bad Banjo-kazooie. I guess that's my opinion pretty much, but this is after the initial shock so it doesn't exactly have heart to it. When I get the auto-reply from Nintendo for my E-mail I'll post that up too since that really says it good.


It's logically been determined that this Spaceworld 2001 Zelda is not exactly what the final release is gonna look like. So this game may not be as shitty looking as originally thought. I just got an idea for what a 128-bit cell shaded game can look like this week in NP where they showed pretty much a cell shaded vigilante 8. It looks good and the game itself looks fun. There's hope yet... The 2001 pics still suck.

Ok now here's where you come in. I know you're watching; this site's gotten 2000 hits in the first few weeks so there must be someone looking at it. First try E-mailing Nintendo at this address. You'll get an automatic response in about a week, but they mention it's been forwarded to someone who can handle this. Oh if I only knew who. Doesn't matter I guess since that computer's probably forwarded about a couple million messages to this guy so far. You may still get a better response if you mail them via slug-mail (normal letter-mail) since they can't have a computer answer those as easily. In fact, flood them then they'll realize their mistake, get in contact with NOJ, and tell them about it. Since I know the Japanese have to be reacting the same way to this horror we'll probably make a pretty big impression if 2 countries hate Miyamato's new idea. Ok, Nintendo Power's address (it's the only mailing address I know, sorry.)

Nintendo Power
Player's Pulse
P.O. Box 97033
Redmond, WA 98073-9733

Try them and see what comes up. To help your odds of getting your message in the magazine make it about 1 paragraph long.

And now the most important interactive thingy: E-MAIL US!!!! We've only gotten one E-mail from the 2000 viewers and he thought we were using HTLOZ's images (which we're not).

Ok now for some unofficial stuff. Try going to this site: -Here- This is from the Odyssey of Hyrule, and if the popularity of this site is what I truly suspect, we're not going to get any E-mails about this. So just read about it here they have a lot on it. Also, please sign this petition. So far about 7,000 people have signed and that's not to bad, but it could use all the help it can get: -SIGN- I'll add more to this page when it comes along. Including when Nintendo gets the smart idea to change this Zelda back to the one at Spaceworld 2000.

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