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Zelda 1 road map

Here are directions to most of the locations in Zelda 1, I found these rather hard to find, so don't feel bad taking a peek at these. (Note: if there is just 1 arrow, that represents 'go 1 screen in that direction' if there is an arrow and a number next to it, go that direction that many times. Also, the letter 'V' or 'v' represents down.)

Level 2>4 ^2 >2 ^ < ^
Level 3^ <4 v >
Raft (Inside Level 3)< ^2 <2 v (Secret Passage)
Old Woman's directions (for the screen that looks like the sweedish flag, lost woods, whatever) ^ < v <
Level 4^ <2 ^ (cross the water via dock and raft)
Ladder (In Level 4)^2 < ^2 >2
Magic Sword (I think you need like 8 hearts or something in order to actually recieve it)> ^5 < ^ <3 v < v <2 ^ and push the stone (or just try all of them until one moves) :)
Level 5> ^5 < ^ >4 ^(keep going up till you get there)
Power Bracelet> ^5 < ^ <3 v touch the top of the right stature
Blue Ring^ <3 ^3 (find stairs)
Level 6>2 (Push Left stone, take middle starcase) v < ^ < ^5 > ^2
Wand (In Level 6)< ^5 > ^2 (Secret Passage)
Bait (60 ruppees)^ <3 ^3 (find stairs, NOTE: This is the same shop you bought the blue ring from)
Level 7^ <4 ^ <
Red Candel (In level 7)^4 < ^2 >2 (Secret Passage)
Boss (For Level 7)^4 < ^2 >4 ^ > (Secret Passage) >
Level 8> ^2 >3 >2 v (Burn the tree)
Magic Key (In level 8)(Open's any door)^6 > (Secret Passage)
Boss (Of level 8)^4 < (Secret Passage) ^
Level 9> ^5 < ^ cross ^ <2 (bomb bottom left rock)
Red Ring (In level 9)^2 < (Secret Passage) >2 v > ^2 (Secret Passage)
Silver Arrow (In Level 9) ^2 < (Secret Passage) >2 ^ < (Secret Passage) <2 (Secret Passage) ^ (Secret Passage)
Gannon (Boss for Level 9)^2 < (Secret Passage) >2 ^ < (Secret Passage) <2 ^3 < (Secret Passage) < (Secret Passage) ^

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