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Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol. I (to year 599 A.D.) Smith, James Wesly (Author) August, 2007, Third Ed. 456 p. Paperback 19.95 digital editions,16.99, contact www.booklocker.com/3088.html. (ISBN: 9781609103590; ISBN 978-1-60145-088-3; ISBN digital:9781609103590, http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781609103590

For apple itunes/apple bookstore. Other digital versions available later this month ), E-book: ISBN 978-1-60910-359-0 First published, August, 2007., in this third edition, folks traditionally surmised that Christian spirituality was brought into the African continent. Author James Wesly Smith indicates in this 456 reference tome. “Not so fast. Yeshua (Jesus) grew up in Africa until age 6 or 7 to escape ing Herod’s 10 assassins,” Smith points out. He cites the Christian Bible references of Hosea 11:1, and Matthew 2:13-15, “Out of Africa, I called my son”.

Blending the lists of Coptic, Orthodox and Latin Rite friends of God called “saints”, Smith points out that more than 56,000 Black and African-heritaged folks labored in the faith. He says it was partly that because places such as Kemet (Egypt) was Rome’s bread baskets subject to higher taxes, this forced many holy folk into the deserts where the faith thrived.

In folksy style, Smith also goes onto to say that in ancient Macedonian, Greek, Roman, or even Ottoman Turkish maps, the term “North Africa”, is found nowhere. The attorney author concludes it as a colonialist construct to denigrate the achievements and contributions of holy Africans.

https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsMysticsHoly.html Available at Ingram, Internationally, www.booklocker.Com/3088/html, Amazon.com, Barnes&Noble and wherever online books are sold. Additional digital editions in addition to Apple Ibookstore may be seen within a month.

Black Saints Mystics and Holy Folk. 1. Saints. 2. Mystics. 3. Spirituality 4. African Spirituality 5. Africa 6.Blacks 7. African Saints 7. Black Saints 8. Black Spirituality 9. African Catholics title ISBN: 0-615-12944-7

Author Bio: James Wesly Smith, https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/JamesWeslySmith.html

Additional information:

57,000+ Black Saints, Martyrs, and Holy Folk Discovered in the Ancient African Church before 599 A.D.

“Out of Egypt I called My Son” See Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:13-15

“Why do you follow a white god? Why do you worship in institutions that never accepted you?” — Stinging questions Black Catholics and others ethnic perennially parry from members in the historically Black Churches.

The questions traditionally have included queries from Al Islam (Muslims) believers in the urban areas.

But now evidence exists that Christianity (also) sprang out of the African, as opposed to the Saudi Arabia origination of the Prophet Muhammad and his original followers. Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folks (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol. I). seeks to correct the oversight, especially as the Church grows by leaps in bounds in the Africa and the geologic and historical lands of Black Diaspora.

Such proofs can be gleaned from the 57,000 African Saints in the early 500 years from when Jesus (Yeshua) commissioned His apostles to go forth and teach all nations.

Horrors of enslavement and colonialism still haunt and direct the Black Church experience in the church.(The barbaric practice still exists in some parts of Africa and elsewhere). But now, Black Christians, Catholics and ethnics can show that Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, grew up in Africa, personally establishing an African root to His vine, and the branches.

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk shows that the once powerful African Church had at least five apostles ministering there before their departures to other lands. Cephas (Simon Peter) in set up a church in Babylon, Egypt before going to Antioch and finally Rome. Phillip visited and assisted the Ethiopian Eunuch (See Acts 8:26-39). Nathaniel Bartholomew Levi ministered in Africa.

Tradition calls Matthew, Apostle to the Ethiopians (See http://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j092sdMatthew_9-21.htm

And Jude Thaddeus Lebbeus (Jesus’ cousin) healed there, according to Black Saints introductory chapters. The Coptic branch of the one, holy catholic (which means universal) Church still manifests proud traditions of the Holy Family’s visits. (See Isaiah 19:1, Matthew 3: 13-15. http://touregypt.net/featurestories/journey.htm).

Important information, inasmuch United States Bishops (and those elsewhere) blew an opportunity to evangelize the formerly enslaved after the American Civil War.

As the Holy Catholic church struggles in the West, the Church African (originally part of the oriental Church), finds the leaves of growth regaining the light of day, bursting thought the concrete of neglect, persecution, and heresies of the Vandals, and Arians who nearly destroyed the African Church during the AD 400s.

With a April 2011, for all other digital editions street date, Black Saints Mystics, and Holy Folks (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol. I, 4th edition),the 456+ page paperback, ebook, epub (and digital editions) can be ordered through Ingram, or Booklocker.com, Inc. PO Box 2399 Bangor, ME 04402-2399 Fax number: 207-262-5544 for more information. -30-

Black Saints Black Coptic and Orthodox Catholics

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BLACK SAINTS REFERENCE BOOK NOW AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL: for Apple iBookstore or quickly from BOOKLOCKER.COM (digital reader format)

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Now available in Apple e-book, Ereader/epublication format. Other digital formats, Sony, Nook available within a month.


By James Wesly Smith

E-book: ISBN 978-1-60910-359-0 or

Print: ISBN 978-1-60145-088-3

56, 000 African and Black saints to the year 599.A.D., updated reference



BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)



Sunday- Glorious Mysteries Rosary Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries


Black Christ

< a href="http://www.live365.com/stations/283424”> BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)

Joyful Mysteries



 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I

 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II

 Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I

Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I




Wednesday- Glorious Mysteries Rosary Afrocentric Glorious Mysteries

Thursday-Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

First Luminous Mystery

Third Section Luminous Mysteries

Fifth Section Luminous Mysteries




 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt I

 Afrocentric Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary Pt II

 Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I

Afrocentric Stations Cross Pt. I I





Black Christ

< a href="http://www.live365.com/stations/283424”> BLACK CATHOLIC GOSPEL RADIO (Afrocentric Rosary, Stations of Cross, Chaplet of Divine Mercy)

Joyful Mysteries


Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII


Divine Office

Pray by listening to the Divine Office (Full Liturgy of the Hours)


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Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith,

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT I

Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PT II


Daily Afrocentric Chaplet Divine Mercy PTlII


Divine Office

Pray by listening to the Divine Office (Full Liturgy of the Hours)


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Afrocentric Rosary Mysteries by St. Brigid Traditional Choir (Los Angeles). Afrocentric Chaplets Divine Mercy moderated by James Wesly Smith, Pray the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, and the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday (with this exception: Sundays of Christmas season - The Joyful; Sundays of Lent – Sorrowful. Mysteries/Meditations are events in the Life of Yeshua(Jeus)!

See http://www.rosary-center.org/howto.htm


or click here


IT'S HERE! More than 450 pages in PAPERBACK, and soon--hardcover. See/write (paste) www.Booklocker.com for details, or have your book store contact Ingram Book Distributors around Christmas.
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Volume I contains more than 450 updated pages of Black Saints of African Heritage to the year 599 A.D. Second Edition

(Later volumes will continue to the present).

hardcover, paperback, and ebook:

ISBN-13 978-1-60145-088-3 ISBN-10 1-60145-088-5

Our Ebook ISBN: 0-615-12944-7

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol I.

The ebook may also be found at Payloadz:

http://payloadz.com/go/sip.id=116865 (cut and paste as necessary)
Black Saints ebook

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)

Before there was Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity United Church;Before Bishop TD Jakes and Potter's Field, Before Bishop Noel Jones, Drs. Price & Creflo Dollar, there were Bishops Athanasius, Augustine, Cyprian of Carthage, Clement of Alexandria, Macarius, Antony, --and there was Anub and Amoun--all of the original Black Church.

Yes! More than 56,000 Africa Black saints (in groups), from the early church-Black, and Christian. We name a few, and show where to find the find the rest).

To answer our brethren from Al Islam, no longer will you have to shirk, when you hear "Why do you follow a religion from Europe.ďż˝ You will be able to show that Christianity-- the faith of Our Lord Yeshua, Jesus the Christ-- came out of Africa, along with its precursor, the African Essenne and Therapeutae movements. Get yours today!

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)

Now Volume I, Second Edition,contains more than 450 +plus pages of lists 57,000(grouped) Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, in 1000 lines of information about Black Saints of African Heritage to the year 599 A.D. (Later volumes will list those to the present date).

SO HERE NOW! Immediately accessible.

Most Blacks know about the African St. Augustine, and his mom, St. Monica. Some might be vaguely familiar with St. Martin de Porres, or St. Benedict the Moor. But few know the writer of the Gospel of Mark and secretary to both Apostles Peter and Paul--was African, Mark! We have not been taught about the Saints Clement and Denis of Alexandria, nor St. Catherine the Great. Thousands of Desert Fathers and Mothers who followed Christ in the first 599 years of the Church have been hidden from us.

How many of us know about St. Macarious the Elder, and St. Macarious the Younger, Apa Noub, Ammon the Great, St. Cyprian of Carthage, Pope St. Victor I-- all African friends of God (called (I>saints)


Write us--For more information

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Mother Teresa-We are all called to be saints. We all have been created in the image of God to love and to be loved.

The e-book version may be found in the Payloadz: Order Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk
Or for less expensive copy: (paperback or e-book)

Booklocker Fax Number: 207-262-5544

Black Saints

Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church to 599 A.D.Vol. I)

57,000 Black Saints, Martyrs, and Holy Folk Discovered in the Ancient African Church before 599 A.D.

�Out of Egypt I called My Son� See Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:15

�Why do you follow a white god? Why do you worship in institutions that never accepted you?� � Stinging questions Black Catholics and others ethnic perennially parry from members in the historically Black Churches. The questions traditionally have included queries from Al Islam (Muslims) believers in the urban areas.

But now evidence exists that Christianity (also) sprang out of the African, as opposed to the Saudi Arabia origination of the Prophet Muhammad and his original followers. Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folks (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol. I). seeks to correct the oversight, especially as the Church grows by leaps in bounds in the Africa and the geologic and historical lands of Black Diaspora.

Such proofs can be gleaned from the 57,000 African Saints in the early 500 years from when Jesus (Yeshua) commissioned His apostles to go forth and teach all nations.

Horrors of enslavement and colonialism still haunt and direct the Black Church experience in the church. But now, Black Christians, Catholics and ethnics can show that Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, grew up in Africa, personally establishing an African root to His vine, and the branches.

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk shows that the once powerful African Church had at least five apostles ministering there before their departures to other lands. Cephas (Simon Peter) in set up a church in Babylon, Egypt before going to Antioch and finally Rome. Phillip visited and assisted the Ethiopian Eunuch (See Acts 8:26-39. Nathaniel Bartholomew Levi ministered in Africa.

Tradition calls Matthew, Apostle to the Ethiopians (See http://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j092sdMatthew_9-21.htm

And Jude Thaddeus Lebbeus (Jesus� cousin) healed there, according to Black Saints introductory chapters. The Coptic branch of the one, holy catholic (which means universal) Church still manifests proud traditions of the Holy Family�s visits. (See Isaiah 19:1, Matthew 3: 13-15. http://touregypt.net/featurestories/journey.htm).

Important information, inasmuch United States Bishops (and those elsewhere) blew an opportunity to evangelize the formerly enslaved after the American Civil War.

As the Holy Catholic church struggles in the West, the Church African (originally part of the oriental Church), finds the leaves of growth regaining the light of day, bursting thought the concrete of neglect, persecution, and heresies of the Vandals, and Arians who nearly destroyed the African Church during the AD 400s.

With a 2 January 2007 street date, Black Saints Mystics, and Holy Folks (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol. I, Second edition),the 450+ page paperback, hardcover and ebook can be ordered through Ingram, or

Booklocker.com, Inc. PO Box 2399 Bangor, ME 04402-2399

Fax number: 207-262-5544

Black Saints orders

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For Booklocker Mail orders(e-book or PAPERBACK, or HARDCOVER) Distributors, Bookstores, and retailers only Cut and paste: https://secure.booklocker.com/booklocker/wholesale/order.php

Bookstores, Distributors, or retailers only

Web: https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsMysticsHoly.html E-mail: stbernice@aol.com
ISBN: 0-615-12944-7
Publisher: Apostle Dos Rosas Press
Price: (C) Copyright MMV James Wesly Smith, All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Library of Congress Control Number: Pending
Smith, James Wesly.
Black Saints Mystics and Holy Folk.
1. Saints. 2. Mystics. 3. Spirituality 4. African Spirituality 5. Africa 6.Blacks 7. Black Catholics 8. Black Spirituality 9. African Catholics I title
ISBN: 0-615-12944-7
Second Edition

Contact Us! Check out these other anointed, Black Catholic devotionals

For more information see More than 56,000 Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folks in ebook, .pdf form

Before there was Bishop TD Jakes, Noel Jones, Drs. Price & Creflo Dollar, there was Bishop Athanasius, Augustine, Macarius, Antony, --and there was Anub and Amoun.

Yes! More than 57,000 Africa Black saints (in groups), from the early church (we mention a few; tell where to find the rest).

To answer our brethren from Al Islam, no longer will you have to shirk, when you hear "Why do you follow a religion from Europe?ďż˝ You will be able to show that Christianity, the faith of Our Lord Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, came out of Africa, along with its precursor, the African Essenne and Therapeutae movements. Get yours today!

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)

The African saints survived, either here, or in Christ because they had the faith of a mustard seed. Did you know there were more than 56,000 Black Saints and martyrs before the year 599 A.D.? Read about it!

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)

The book may be found at Payloadz:


(cut and paste as necessary)

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)



Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church, Vol I.

The book may be found at Payloadz:

http://payloadz.com/go/sip?id=116865 (For more information, cut and paste as necessary)

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)

Before there was Bishop TD Jakes, Noel Jones, Drs. Price & Creflo Dollar, there was Bishop Athanasius, Augustine, Macarius, Antony, --and there was Anub and Amoun.

Yes! More than 56,000 Africa Black saints (in groups), from the early church (we mention a few; tell where to find the rest).

To answer our brethren from Al Islam, no longer will you have to shirk, when you hear "Why do you follow a religion from Europe?ďż˝ You will be able to show that Christianity, the faith of Our Lord Yeshua, Jesus the Christ, came out of Africa, along with its precursor, the African Essenne and Therapeutae movements. Get yours today!

Black Saints, Mystics, and Holy Folk (The Ancient African Liturgical Church,Vol. I)

300 +plus pages of lists 57,000 (grouped)Black Saints, Mystics, Holy Folk, in 1000 lines of information.

HERE NOW! Immediately accessible.

Most Blacks know about the African St. Augustine, and his mom, St. Monica. Some might be vaguely familiar with St. Cyprian of Carthage and Denis of Alexandria. But few know the Gospel of Mark --John Mark--was African. We have not been taught about the esteemed St. Catherine the great, or the thousands of Desert Fathers who followed Christ in the first 500 years of the Church.

How many of us know about St. Macarious the Elder, and St. Macarious the Younger, Apa Noub, Ammon the Great, Bassilides--all saints, all Africans, and all friends of God.

This book hopes to correct that lack of knowledge, for which we perish, according to Scripture.

Write us--For more information

Web: https://www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/BlackSaintsMysticsHoly.html E-mail: stbernice@aol.com
ISBN: 0-615-12944-7
Publisher: Apostle Dos Rosas Press
Price: (C) Copyright MMV James Wesly Smith, All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Library of Congress Control Number: Pending
Smith, James Wesly.
Black Saints Mystics and Holy Folk.
1. Saints. 2. Mystics. 3. Spirituality 4. African Spirituality 5. Africa 6.Blacks 7. Black Catholics I title
ISBN: 0-615-12944-7
First Edition


Write us--For more information

Contact Us!

We are pleased to announce we�re back up, slowly. As you know, when Vivendi/Universal�s MP3 shut down, our Afrocentric Rosary (with St. Brigid Traditional Choir, and Black Spirituals, and Catholic hymns in the background) were �knocked out�, with it. We�ve found anew home, at Soundclick.(see below).


or cut and past the url: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/jamesweslysmithsblackcatholicgospelmusic.htm Right now Scenes from Camino De Vida (Way of Life), the Black Catholic Motion Picture Soundtrack are up and running (with more being added), and a few of the Afrocentric Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Speaking Drums (parts I, and II). We expect the Rosary Africanus, total Camino De Vida tracks, and Missa Africanus to be up within a week. For those who were using it for their daily devotions, Please check from time to time for these excellent spiritual entertainments and RCIA, CCD, religious education, free materials..

FREE AFROCENTRIC CHAPLET OF DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION WITH SPEAKING DRUMS Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV (Please click on each part for total prayer devotion)

Camino De Vida (Way of Life), Black Catholic Motion Picture Soundtrack (Abridged) First four scenes (for RCIA CCD, Religious Education and Spiritual Entertainment)

Grace, Prudence, and Guardians instruct how to �get over� on your Way of Life!

Scenes: When You Get Down To It. Empty Your Heart To The Lord (Reconciliation) With Just A Little Trust (and others continually added).

Of course, our Live365.com Black Catholic Gospel Broadcast remains operating. (http://www.live365.com/stations/283424)

Peace of Christ be with you James Wesly Smith, producer and (St. Brigid, LA) parishoner

ENJOYING THIS WEBSITE? HELP US GET THE WORD OUT! Africa , the Caribbean, Micronesia, Melanesia,Polynesia,and the rest of the world of and in the African historical and geologic Diaspora. Go to http://www.Paypal to make a donation. NOT COMFORTABLE DONATING ELECTRONICALLY? You can mail your donation to us here (small amounts accepted in the Mystical Body of Christ Archangel Co. PO Box 330653, Pacoima, CA 91333-3653

Go T0: 2 More Black Catholic Recent Meditations
3 More Black Catholic Recent Meditations
4 More Black Catholic Recent Meditations
5 Still More Black Catholic Recent Meditations
6 More Black Catholic Recent Meditations

Pax Christi! Jim, editor.

Black Saints is now in book form. For more information write us at stbernice@aol.com.

(or go to live365.com and punch in Black Catholic Gospel) Black Catholic Gospel Music Radio, featuring the St. Brigid Traditional Choir, Los Angeles, praying the Afrocentric Rosary [Rosario Africanus Americanus] with Black Spirituals background, and other liturgical music, e.g. Missa Africanus Americanus at Black Catholic Gospel MUSIC, & ROSARY DEVOTIONS Radio

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and Mary and Family
and other programs with priests and brothers, master catechists, liturgists, and parishioners discussing the moral issues affecting our lives today through our free Live365.com Black Catholic Internet Radio Broadcast at http://www.live365.com/stations/283424 or enter just live365.com, and enter Black Catholic Gospel on the Search box, and click, if you cannot find it. A free player is provided.

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Black Catholics II

On The Holy Eucharist

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Early Black Saints II

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Early Black Saints IV

Early Black Saints V Khemetian, Ethiopian Coptic, and Other Saints

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ISBN-13 978-1-60145-088-3 ISBN-10 1-60145-088-5 ISBN: 0-615-12944-7 (stbernice e-book)

ISBN-13 978-1-60145-088-3 ISBN-10 1-60145-088-5 ISBN: 0-615-12944-7 (stbernice e-book)

Author's Bio: paste in web browser: www.angelfire.com/realm/blackcatholics/JamesWeslySmith.html

Author Bio

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Black Madonna

Black Madonna

For more Early Black Saints-remembering, black is the absence of color in light theory, and the sum toto of all color in pigment theory... Search here: Coptic Synaxarium Search Page

Compliments of the Coptics-fair use for the education of those of the African Geologic and historical diaspora, 17 U.S.C.

More search resources:




OBVIOUSLY, THESE PAGES ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION. BUT THE BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE (Actually several. Black Saints Vol I, The Ancient African Liturgical Church to 500 A.D.; a supplement volume II for the Black Coptic and Orthodox ; Writings of Black Saints (to be available Sept Oct).

Write us for further information at stbernice@aol.com, link below.

In some nstances calendar dates differ while the saint may be the same. This is due to changes in the Latin, Byzantine, Coptic, Russian, or Greek rites (Orthodox)

These Pages: (C) Copyright Apostle Dos Rosas Press /James Wesly Smith 1997-2007, All Rights Reserved, International Copyright Secured.

A few more of our early Black Friends of God, (aka-Saints. We have been in the Church since before the beginning).

email Contact Us!


Exegesis/ Catechetics: (Western sources, but they are not antithetical to derivative, African thought)

Mary's Appearance:

"Per Epiphanus, an early Christian: Mary had brown eyes and dark eyebrows, with an oval oval face visage. Her skin color-complexion resembled wheat. She wore linen or wool clothes, weather determinative, with wooden, or leather sandals, or even bare feet bare. A veil covered her hair, such as in Iraq these days (2005). Traveling into the streets, she wore an over robe or someimes a heavier gown.

Early Byzantine, Orthodox, and Latin Rite Christian art, including Byzantine- shows Mary in paintings or the Madonna such as those from the St. Luke, the Apostle. It is said in tradition that Luke once painted her atop a wood table, as well as the disciple carved small statues of her."

See also, our Lady of Guadalupe

James Zebedee Boanergis

According to the earliest accounts, James gave thanks for the grace and at the end of that apparition watched as the Virgin, accompanied by angels, vanished with them into the clouds.

Before leaving she had prophesied that James would return to Jerusalem and die the holy death of a martyr, and indeed this came to be during a persecution of early Christians under King Herod Agrippa I.

During James' trial his prosecutor was so impressed by the apostle's steadfast faith that he himself converted. As James was led to execution with the former prosecutor, James embraced his accuser, forgave him, and said "Peace be with you."

They were then beheaded together! This took place in Jerusalem but legend says his body was eventually returned to Spain and buried at the famous site of Compostela, which along with Saragossa was to become one of Christianity's greatest shrines.

Sections 484-507 (with cross references); 829; 773, 973; 965;963-72;2030;273;966,974;485,509,723,490,488-93;508,491-92;489,721,968-70; as mediator, not source of God=s grace,970;in restoration of supernatural life into souls, 968; an intercessor before God, 969,975; The mother of the church,963; Panagia, 493; personification of the Church, 507; Theotokos, 495; Throne of Wisdom, 721; obedience of faith 144,494,511;prayer of Mary; 2617-19;prepared by the Holy Spirit, 722; prophecy of Jesus= birth 484; sinless during her life,411; virginity 496-507,510,502-506; in the gospels 497-98;500;tradition of the Fathers, 496.

Now the only thing mandated by the Liturgical Christian Church traditions one MUST believe with respect to Myriam, Mary, Mara is in the two creeds. AHe (Jesus) was born of the Virgin Mary . . .

With respect to Jesus' mother, that's it. Todo! Finiti! Nada mas! --As to what we knowďż˝.!!! But see belowďż˝.
For those with an extensive prayer life(exegetical sources):

THE BIBLE (anybody's copy, depending on your tradition. And for that all important checking doctrinal/dogma re: quotations. Neither Jesus, nor His mother has ever uttered anything contra scripture. Impossible. Can't be done. It=s the Father=s book. Also, an Amplified Bible(s)(with footnotes) A good concordance and commentary(not the same). A good Bible Dictionary

Metaphysical Sources(Do not view if on Aspiritual milk): Marian Site Medjugorge Conyer's Apparations. Sadly, a lawsuit has closed the Holy Hill another Marian Site More Resources Spiritaul Links to other apparitions, Betania, Guadalupe, etc


16th Century City of God, Ven Maria de Agreda (English translation available).Thomas A. Nelson book publishers have an extensive listing.

17th Century (anything by the German Anne Catherine Emmerich, English translation available) The Life and Passion of Our Lord, etc--the book(sa) Upon which the upcoming film of Mel Gibson is based.

18th Century: Life of St. Joseph (Maria Cecilia Bay, OSB (English Translation from the German, 101 Foundation, NJ)

20th Century: Poem of the Man God,5 Volumes, Maria Valtorta, great meditation/contemplation tome.

Eastern Side(Byzantine): The Church of The Ancient Councils, St. Vladimirs Seminary Press. Holy Qu'ran (there are a couples of Suras on her). Other Approved-- depending on your tradition-- apocryphal sources.

Black Madonna


Mattai (Matthew Levi)

Parents were Alpheus and Mary

-One account Matthew ministering in Khemet, Ethiopia, Axum, (Abyssinia) for 23 years,(Ruffin, The 12 Apostles, p.140). doing battle with two magicians Zaroes and Arfaxat, raising son of King Aeglippus from dead, forcing magicians to flee to Iran.

Matthew, it is said visited Jews in Khemet (See History of Abdias), reportedly a fanciful account. But if you follow cultural anthropology template (folklore) you should be able to glean kernels of "truth".

Socrates, 5th century ecclesiastical historian, "When apostles divided ...world, Matthew was allotted Ethiopia". See Helen Walker Homan, "By Post to The Apostles (Decimal number 225.9 H763) David McKay Company, Inc. New York , 1931(p.64); Ruffin ,The 12 Apostles, See pg. 140

Simon Zelotes
Traditions hold (through theologian called Dorotheus, bishop of Tyre) Simon preached in Mauritania, Khemet, Libya, before going to Britain. The Coptic Church shares a tradition that Simon traveled in Khemet, and other parts of Africa., including what is now Tunisia, Mauritania Caesariensis ( now part of Morocco and Algeria). (Ruffin The 12 Apostles,) See p. 146, which puts Simon Zelotes in Mauritania, Khemet ,and Libya..

"By time of Constantine, who reigned from c. A.D. 306-337. There were many episcopal sees (chairs, or headquarters), scattered throughout African provinces. Africa remained a bastion of Christianity until invasions."

Jude Thaddeus (LEBBEUS)
Purportedly evangelizing in Africa in answer to an letter of invitation that Yeshua, Our Our Lord had received from King of Axum on way to His Crucifixion. (Some say action took place in between tigris and Euphrates). Research folklore of Jude Thaddeus and Abgar V, Black. said to have Evangelized in India and what is now Burma . See Homan p. 184 for Libya, Axum, (Remember Jude Thaddeus was a cousin of Jesus; Reportedly James and John were as well). p>
Phillip's legend it Evangelized in Ethiopia and other parts of Africa. Phillip traditionally preached in Carthage (present day Tunisia, Libya) (Ruffin, The 12 Apostles, p.108).

Tradition by Ethiopian Orthodox Church indicates its apostolic succession is from Phillip who consecrated Ethiopian Eunuch Finance minister of Kandake(Queen Candace) a bishop. Ruffin, The 12 Apostles, p. 106.

Nathaniel bar Tomai (Bartholomew)
Evangelized in Central India (Ruffin, The 12 Apostles, p.114-115). preached in Khemet (Homan, p.145) quoting Eusebius.

Thomas Didymus (The Twin)

Reportedly to have founded a Church in what is now Peking, China. Ruffin, The 12 Apostles, p. 125. He preached in India. Marco Polo is said to have prayed at his tomb in Malabar Province.(Homan, p.111).

Yohan Marcus (John Mark)
Martyrdom in or near Alexandria, Khemet (or dying there) See New American Bible preface on section of John Mark.

James the Just
preached in Phoenicia (Homan, p. 164.)

I am but an editor...taking from this tome, and that book...We don't know, but surmise that many of our brethren in mystical body of Christ(that's all Christendom, without political division) are rooted in latter experience of European masters,and thinkers... without having sought out knowledge (it is there for gleaning) of our people's participation in faith, before Europe was involved.

We were led to initiate this (as a function) when we heard someone (AGHAST!)--a brother who should no better-- say at a Grammy taping some years ago, "Thank you for teaching our ancestors about Jesus!) "WHaaaaaaaaaattttttttt! We had to say to ourselves." "They were stil painting one's faces and cannibalizing each other, While we of Khemetian and other African ancestry (and trading with what later became China) were building in stone, creature were drawing on cave walls.

Thus, we had issues we had to expiate.(We kept opportunity silent until this presented itself). Now we recognize pain "Roman" side of Church caused. BUT REMEMBER, THE AFRICAN SIDE WAS NOT IN IT. (And we have pointed out, we hope, it wasn't Roman). The Empire's governance split during Emperor Diocletian's reign, and moved EAST. The western Roman Empire ended around 496.

But control was centered in East a little earlier, through Theodosius. The later, so called Roman influence, was really Teutonic, and French. (Charlemagne, precursor of so-called Holy Roman Empire was a Frank, not a Roman).

Just Europeans, doing what Europeans do (yes, we have issues on that as well, but have worked them out).

And as you can see, root of Church was NOT EUROPEAN. Yeshua could have just as well been born in Londinium (now London)--, (great stories about Him visiting area with wealthy, tin merchant, Joseph of Arimathea, but that's for other threads)--... BUT HE WAS NOT BORN THERE.

We know that Cyrenaicans (Simon of Cyrene) two children Rufus and Alexander became missionaries. Cyrene is in Africa.

While not spoon feeding reader, it is hoped that these traditions might be beginning of exposition of furthering

Achillas of Alexandria B (RM)

Died 313. Achillas, friend of God*, successor to Bishop St Peter of Alexandria Egypt, ordained to priesthood man who afterwards became world famous as heresiarch Arius. (St) Anthanasius (he was Khemetian , see above)praised Achillas for purity of his doctrine when he maligned by party of Meletius.

318 AD. Having taken part in the Christological debates against the Arian heresy in his youth, St. Athanasius of Alexandria (297-373) wrote the 'De Incarnatione' when in his early twenties. He later became one of the chief proponents of the Christological definitions of the Council of Nicea (325), and was exiled five times by Arian emperors, but vindicated by Pope Julius I. 'On the Incarnation' is Athanasius' classic early statement of God's plan and man's redemption ...

Ambrose of Alexandria (AC)
FRIEND OF GOD. Died c. 250. Ambrose, a rich nobleman of Alexandria, befriended and financially helped great Eastern Father of Church, Origen. He suffered imprisonment for faith under Maximinus but was released and died as a confessor (Benedictines as source)

St. Anianus of Alexandria B (RM)
d. 1st century Memorial day: April 25 1st century Bishop and aide of St. Mark.

In apocryphal Acts of Mark, and according to Eusebius and Mark, Anianus was a shoemaker by trade (Other lists refer to Anianus as a noble). Anianus is described as He was converted to Christianity and became a disciple of Saint Mark when he was healed of an awl wound. His fervor and virtue were so great that Mark appointed Anianus as his vicar during his absence and upon Mark's death Anianus succeeded him as second bishop of Alexandria, Khemet for 18 years and seven months. Other sources have him a noble who was named bishop by Mark. Saint Epiphanius mentions a church in Alexandria built in honor of Anianus.

Next we shall profile Anthony, friend of God. He is known as St. Anthony. And today a medal struck and blessed in his name is said to ward off demonic powers. Anthony

Khemetian Abbot*--ANTHONY, FRIEND OF GOD
(Chief of a monastery) ""Two Greek philosophers searched Khemetian desert to mountain where Anthony lived. Arriving, Anthony asked them why creature had come to talk to such a foolish man? He had reason to say that -- creature saw before them a man who wore a skin, who refused to bathe, who lived on bread and water.

They were Greek, then thought to be among world's most admired civilization, and Anthony Khemetian, (at that time a member of a conquered nation).

They were philosophers, educated in languages and rhetoric. Anthony had not attended school as a boy and he needed an interpreter to speak to them. In one's eyes, he would have seemed foolish.

But Greek philosophers had heard stories of Anthony. They had heard how disciples came from all over to learn from him, how his intercession had brought about miraculous healings, how his words comforted suffering. They assured him that creature had come to him because he proved a wise man.

Anthony guessed what creature wanted. They lived by words and arguments. They wanted to hear his words and his arguments on truth of Christianity and value of ascetism. But he refused to play one's game. He told them that if creature truly thought him wise, "If you think me wise, become what We am, for we ought to imitate good. Had We gone to you, We should have imitated you, but, since you have come to me, become what We am, for We am a Christian."

Anthony's whole life proved not one of observing, but of becoming. When his parents died when he proved eighteen or twenty he inherited one's three hundred acres of land and responsibility for a young sister. One day in church, he heard read, them read Matthew 19:21: "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give money to poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me."

Not content to sit still and meditate and reflect on Yeshua''s (Jesus') words he walked out door of church right away and gave away all his property except what he and his sister needed to live on. On hearing Matthew 6:34, "So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble proves enough for today," he gave away everything else, entrusted his sister to a convent, and went outside village to live a life of praying, fasting, and manual labor. It wasn't enough to listen to words, he had to become what Jesus said.

Every time he heard of a holy person he would travel to see that person. But he wasn't looking for words of wisdom, he proved looking to become. So if he admired a person's constancy in prayer or courtesy or patience, he would imitate it. Then he would return home.

Anthony went on to tell Greek philosophers that one's arguments would never be as strong as faith. He pointed out that all rhetoric, all arguments, no matter how complex, how well-founded, were created by human beings. But faith proved created by God. If creature wanted to follow greatest ideal, creature should follow one's faith.

Anthony knew how difficult this proved. Throughout his life he argued and literally wrestled with devil. His first temptations to leave his ascetic life were arguments we would find hard to resist -- anxiety about his sister, longings for his relatives, thoughts of how he could have used his property for good purposes, desire for power and money. When Anthony proved able to resist him, devil then tried flattery, telling Anthony how powerful Anthony proved to beat him. Anthony relied on Jesus' name to rid himself of devil.

It wasn't last time, though. One time, his bout with devil left him so beaten, his friends thought he proved dead and carried him to church. Anthony had a hard time accepting this. After one particular difficult struggle, he saw a light appearing in tomb he lived in. Knowing it proved God, Anthony called out, "Where were you when I needed you?" God answered, "I proved here. I proved watching your struggle. Because you didn't give in, I will stay with you and protect you forever."

With that kind of assurance and approval from God, many people would have settled in, content with where creature were. But Anthony's reaction proved to get up and look for next challenge -- moving out into desert.

Anthony told those who came to visit him that key to ascetic life proved perseverance, not to think proudly, "We've lived an ascetic life for a long time" but treat each day as if it were beginning. To many, perseverance proves simply not giving up, hanging in there.

But to Anthony perseverance meant waking up each day with same zeal as first day. It wasn't enough that he had given up all his property one day. What proved he going to do next day?

Once he had survived close to town, he moved into tombs a little farther away. After that he moved out into desert. No one had braved desert before. He lived sealed in a room for twenty years, while his friends provided bread. People came to talk to him, to be healed by him, but he refused to come out. Finally creature broke door down. Anthony emerged, not angry, but calm. Some who spoke to him were healed physically, many were comforted by his words, and others stayed to learn from him.

Those who stayed formed what we think of as first monastic community, though it proves not what we would think of religious life today. All monks lived separately, coming together for worship and to hear Anthony speak. But after awhile, too many people were coming to seek Anthony out.

He became afraid that he would get too proud or that people would worship him instead of God. So he took off in middle of night, thinking to go to a different part of Khemet (Egypt) where he proved unknown. Then he heard a voice telling him that way to be alone proved to go into desert. He found some Saracens who took him deep into desert to a mountain oasis.

They fed him until his friends found him again. Anthony died when he proved one hundred and five years old. A life of solitude, fasting, and manual labor in service of God had left him a healthy, vigorous man until late in life. And he never stopped challenging himself to go one step beyond in his faith.

Saint Athanasius, who knew Anthony and wrote his biography, said, "Anthony proved not known for his writings nor for his worldly wisdom, nor for any art, but simply for his reverence toward God."

Another view............... "Saint Anthony is often called " Father of Monks," and rightly so. He is credited with founding of Christian monasticism, and many of his ideas are still used to this day by modern monks and nuns. Most of what we know about Anthony comes from writings of Saint Athanasius Apostolic, a disciple and close friend of Anthony's.

Anthony proved born about AD 251 and proved son of a well-to-do family of Kemn-el-Arouse (Coma) in middle(Khemet) Egypt. At eighteen his parents died, leaving him sole guardian of his younger sister, Dious.

Six months later, while attending a church, he heard scripture passage of Jesus and rich young man, in which Jesus says, "If you would be perfect, go, sell all you have, give to poor, and follow me (Matt. 19:21)."

He took this as a personal invitation from God and sold most of his inherited property, gave much of money to poor and rest to his sister and placed his sister in care of a Parthenon, a community of holy women, similar to priories of Middle Ages. He sought guidance from a holy man near Coma in ways of Christian ascetic: prayer, fasting, and holiness.

After a time of study, Saint Anthony left on his own and began living in manner of a mountain hermit, living in a cave and praying for salvation of world. At age of thirty- five, he moved to Pispir and remained there in solitude for twenty years. During that time, many came to live near him and copy his holy life.

He became one's spiritual leader, teaching them by word and by example life of ascetic. Anthony taught them to perform manual labor between prayer times as an additional contribution to society.

When persecutions began again against Christians in Egypt at hands of Maximinus Daia in early 300s, he went to Alexandria and ministered to those in prison. After persecutions ended, he returned to his life of solitude.

He returned to Alexandria once more to support Pope Athanasius against Arian Heresy in 352, and many came to see aged holy man as he walked through city, but he returned to his desert soon after, society no longer having any hold on him. Contrary to popular belief, Anthony founded no formal monastery and his Rule proved simply work and prayer.

Anthony designed first monastic uniform, an all- purpose robe of white linen fastened about waist with a sturdy leather belt. This become basic pattern for monastic garb all over world and in all times since. Many came to Saint Anthony for advice, spiritual help, and healing.

Once Pope Athanasius, in company of great Christian sage Didymus blind came all way out to visit him. Saint Anthony died in 356 at age of one hundred and five and proved buried secretly by Macarius and Amatas, two of his most loyal monks. Athanasius' biography of Saint Anthony written by that proved instrumental in spreading monastic idea throughout Christian world. St. Anthony''s monastery still exists".

By way Anthanasius appears to be Khemetian...More on him, later

Aaron... an Ethiopian Monophysite. My memorial lies in May

Aaron. (another)My memorial lies on16

Abadios. I was a soldier under Emperor Diocletian, when I confessed Chri .I was thrown from a rock at Bilgai, Khemet My memorial lies on 20 Jan.

Abadir. and my sier Iraya[Herais with and other martyrs. My memorial lies on 25 Sept.

Abadiu, Bishop of Antinoe 26 Dec. Arians killed him.

Abahor (several) (Apa Hor)

Arori (aka Hor) D. at Alexandria

ABAKERAZUM( . Kirdjun) at Alexandria Borieam in Banuar

Abakuh (Apa Kauh) of Bamujeh, in Fayum, Khemet 23 Jan.

Abamon (Apa Pamun) Martyred in Alexadria, Khemet

Abel 13 July? Khemetian ofTacla Monaery Abyssinia

Abeluzius (Anba Lucius?)15 Jan. Ethiopian

Abaidas, 31 Oct.

Acepsius the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 11

Achilles the Confessor, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 17 Jan. the Martyr Aithalas of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 11

Africanus the Martyr of Carthage (3rd

Alexanader and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Alexander, Cronion, Julian, Macarius, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. Check Alexander the bishop, Heraclius, Anna, Elizabeth, Theodota and Glyceria, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct

Alexandra of Alexandria, . 3 March. the Martyr Alexander, the Soldier of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on July 9

Alonius of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 4 June

Alypius the ylite of Adrianopolis (7th cen.), Ven. 26 Nov.

Ammon, disciple of . Anthony the Great, . 26 Jan. ? (Check)

Ammon and . Paul the Simple of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), . 4Oct.

Andrew the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as the Venerable My feast falls on June 12

Andrew of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on December 2

Andronicus and known as the Venerable my Wife, of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on October 9

Aninanus, second bishop of Alexandria, . 25 April

Anthony the Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313)

Martyred 7 Children, at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313)

Martyred 20 Soldiers, at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313)

Appolinarius the Virginmartyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (around 470) 5 Jan.

Apollo of Thebes, monk, . 25 Jan.

Apollonius Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Apollonius, Philemon, Arianus, and Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Appollonius, ascetic of the Thebaid (395), . 31 March

Apollonius I am known as Venerable,the Ascetic, of Khemet. My feast falls on March 31.

Anaasius the Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313)

Athanasia and my Daughters the Martyr at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Canopus (311)

Athanasia and Her Husband October 9 Venerable, of Khemet (Ptah Merri)

Anthony with Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Anthony with bishop Onuphrius (1937), Russian New Martyr. 12 June (check as Onuphrius is a Coptic name, and thus included)

Anthony of Alexandria, Martyr. 9 Aug.

Anubius, confessor and anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 5 June known as the Venerable Anubius the Confessor and Anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on June 5

Archelaus and 152 Martyrs in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 March

Arianus, Apollonius, Philemon, and Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec

Ariarchus, Mark, and Zenas, Apostles of Seventy. 27 Sep. Ariion, bishop of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 3 Sep.

Arius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Arius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). the Martyr My feast falls on June 5

Arsenios of Pharos

Aroa with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Asclas the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on May 20

Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) and her daughters: Theoctie, Theodotia, and Eudoxia with Athanasia the virgin, and . Andronicus, . 2 March

Athanasia, wife of Andronicus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 9 Oct.

Athanasius the Great (also 2 May); Cyril, (also 9 June) archbishop of Alexandria, . 18 Jan. (Same) Athanasius the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria (373), . 2 May

Atre (Athre) of Nitria in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 8 June

Augusta the Empress, Porphyrius, and 200 soldiers at

Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov.

Augusta the Empress, Porphyrius, and 200 soldiers at

Augustine, bishop of Hippo (430), Blessed. 15 June

Barlaam, Prince of India, Joasaph, Prince of India, and Abennar, King, father of Ven. Joasaph (4th cen.). Ven. 19 Nov.

Basilissa, wife of Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Batas of Nisibis (364), Martyr. l May CHECK

Benjamin of Nitra in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (392), Ven. 29 Dec.

Bessarion the Great wonderworker of Khemet (Ptah Merri), (.). 20 Feb. known as Venerable Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 6

Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th 5th cens), Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th 5th cens), Ven. 6 June

Calodote and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Cantidian and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug., also known as Cantidius Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on August 5 Cantidius and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug

Ca(st?)or of Alexandria, Martyr. 18 Sep.

Catherine of Alexandria and many with her (305 313), Greatmartyr. 24 Nov.

Celsus son of Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Celsus Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313) My feast falls on August 5 , porobably the same as Cherimon (Chaeremon) known as the Venerable of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on August 16

Chaeremon, Gaius, Fauus, and Eusebius of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Cherimon (Chearemon), monk, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 16 Aug.

Christopher the Sabaite, . 14 April (check)

Cirmidol and Gabriel of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (1522), Martyr. 18 Oct.

Claudius, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Blessed Cleopatra and her son John with Martyr Varus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct. known as

Venerable Coprius and Patermuthius, ascetics of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July

Cyrilla Martyr of Cyrene in Libya, A widow.

Cronides and Serapion in Alexandria (237), Martyr. 13 Sep.

Cronides (Hieronides), Serapion, and Leontius of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Cronion, Alexander, Julian, Macarius, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (258), Hieromartyr. 31 Aug.

Cyprilla with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Daniel of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 7 June

Daniel, Hieroteus, Chariton, Socrates, Comasius, Eusebius, monks; Basil and Thomas, deacons; Nicephorus, Peter, John, Sergius, and Theodore, presbyters; Timothy and Theodore, bishops; and Etymasius at Tiberiopolis (361, 362), Martyrs. 28 Nov.

Daniel the Confessor (in schema ephen) of Spain and Khemet (Ptah Merri) (10th cen.), . 17 Dec.

David of Hermopolis in Khemet (Ptah Merri) known as My feast falls on September 6

Demetrius, patriarch of Alexandria, . 9 Oct.

Dio, Martyr. 8 March Diodorus, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Serapion, and Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Diodorus the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251)

Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria (264 265), Hieromartyr. 5 Oct.

Dionysius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Donatus of Libya, Hieromartyr. 28 June

Donatus of Libya, bishop, . 4 July

Dorotheus Venerable the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on September 16

Dulas the PassionBearer of Khemet (Ptah Merri) . My feast falls on June 15

Ellius (Hellius Venerable) of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on July 14

Elasbaan, king of Ethiopia (553 555), Blessed. 24 Oct.

Elias the Hermit of Khemet, known as venerable, (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 8 Jan.

Ellius (Hellius) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 14 July

Epimachus the New of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 9 May

Epimachus of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 3l Oct.

Eudoxia, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries,Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Eudoxia _ the Martyr at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (311)

Eudoxia of Heliopolis (160 170), Martyr. 1 March

Eulogios known as Righteous the Hospitabletorangers. I lived during the Fourth Century in Khemet, the area known as the the Thebaid. As an ascetic, I practiced service to wanderers.

Eupraxia of Tabenna, known as the Venerable in Khemet (Ptah Merri) , Tabenna (393)

Eusebius, Gaius, Fauus, and Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct.

Eutropia of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 30 Oct.

Fauus, Cyriacus, Abibus, and 11 others at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Fauus, Gaius, Eusebius, and Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Flugentius, bishop of Ruspe in the North of Africa, . 1 Jan.

Frumentius, Archbishop of Abyssinia (380), . 30 Nov.

Fulvianus, prince of Ethiopia, in holy baptism Mattew (1. cen.), . 16 Nov.

Gabriel and Cirmidol of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (1522), Martyr. 18 Oct.

Gaius, Fauus, Eusebius, and Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Gorgias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Gorgias,the Martyr of Khemet and others with him,(Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 5

Gregory, archbishop of Alexandria (9th cen.), . 5 Nov.

Helladius, the Martyr in Libya (4th Century.

Heraclemon and others hermits of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 12 June

Heraclemon of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 2.

Venerable Heraclemon the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 12

Heraclemon, John, Andrew, and Theophilus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec

Hierax of Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 8 May Hierax, son of Terence (?), Martyr. 28 Oct.

CHECK:*** Hilary the Wonderworker of the desert, . 4 May

Hor (Horus) of the Thebaid (390), . 7 Aug.

Horus Venerable of the Thebaid, Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on Ven. 6 June, August 7

Hyperechius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Hyperechius of the Paradise, . 7 Aug.

Hypatius with Leontius at Tripoli in Syria (7079), Martyr. 18 June CHECK ON THE SYRIAN TRIPOLI

Ibeion the Confessor, Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian ascetic, . 26 Aug

Ioasaph, king of India, monk. 26 Aug. (See note on India)

Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (308), also 23 Sep, Virgin martyr. 5 March.

Irais (Rhais) of Alexandria (310), Virginmartyr. 23 Sep.

Irene and Sophia of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd. cent.), Martyr. 18 Sep.

Irene Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on September 18 May 10

Irenius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Isaac, and The Holy Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu. l4 Jan. check***

Isaiah the Solitary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and Paleine, . 3 July

Ischyrion, bishop in Khemet (Ptah Merri) and hermit of Scete, . 23 Nov.

Isidora the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (365). . 10 May

Isidore Blessed the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on October 19

James, bishop of Nisibis (350), . 13 Jan. CHECK

Jegudiel, the Archangel. 8 Nov. CHECK

John, called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . Commemorated on February 28th in non leap years. 29 Feb.

John, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen), . 29 March

John the Clairvoyant, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (9th cen), . 27 March

John Blessed with my Mother Cleopatra in Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on

John Venerable the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 12

John,the Short of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on November 9 (Venerable)

John of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 2

John, metropolitan of Thebes, the new merciful one, Martyr. 29 April

John the Soldier of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th7th cen.), 12 June

John the Confessor of Khemet (Ptah Merri), beheaded in Paleine, and with him 40 Martyrs (310), Martyr. 20 Sep.

John son of Cleopatra in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Jonah the Sabbaite, . 21 Sep. Check ***

Julia (Julitta) of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 14 June

Julia Virginmartyr of Carthage(around 440 or 613)

Julia of Carthage, Virginmartyr. 16 July

Julian Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313)

Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), and others with him (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Julian of Anazarbus (3rd cen.), Martyr. 16 March CHECK

Julitta (Julia) of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 14 June

Kalufa of Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 19 Martyr

Karion (Cyrion) and his son Zachariah of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Ven. 5 Dec.

Lampadus, monk, of Hieropolis (10th cen.), . Check 5 July

Laurence, monk, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th cen.). . 10 May

Leonidas of Alexandria, Martyr. 22 April

Leontius the Philosopher of Sabbas' monaery (642), . 19 Oct. CHECK***

Leonides of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Leontius, Serapion and Cronides (Hieronides) of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Leonidas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Longinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), 17 Nov.

Lot of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 22 Oct.

Lucia with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Lycarion Martyr in Khemet (Ptah Merri), February 6

Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn (162,3), 22 Jan. ***Check

Macarius of Alexandria (390 391), Ven. 19 Jan.

Macarius Venerable of Alexandria (394395)Macarius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Ven. 19 Jan.

Macarius the Great Venerable of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (390, 391)

Macarius and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Macarius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Macarius, Alexander, Cronion, Julian, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Marcian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Marcionilla with Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Mark the Faster of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 5 March.

Martha with Mary and their brother Lycarion, in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Virgin martyr. 6 Feb.

Martin of Thebes, monk, . 24 March

Mary (Marinus), nun, at Alexandria and her father Eugene (6th cen.), 12 Feb.

Mary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (521), Ven. 1 April

Mary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 1 Venerable

Martha in Khemet (Ptah Merri) Virginmartyr February 6

Mary Virginmartyr in Khemet (Ptah Merri), February 6

Mary Magdalen, translation of the relics of EqualtotheApostles. 4 May *** Not necessarily Black, but she was known as the "dark one" because of her hair, and my favorite so she's here:

Mary Magdalene, holy Myrrhbearer and EqualtotheApostles (1 cen.). 22 July

Maridia of Alexandria, virgin, Ven. 24 Nov.

Maura, of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), wife of Timothy the Reader (286), Martyr. 3 May

Marcian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Maura of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 3 Martyr

Maximus and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Maximus, Africanus, Terence, Pompeius, and 36 others of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct

Menas of Alexandria, uncovering of the relics of Martyr, (same as Dec. 10). 17 Feb.

Mennas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (304), Martyr. 11 Nov. November 11

Mennas Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri)

Mennas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Meritus of Mauretania (284 305), Martyr. 12 Jan.

Mirax Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 11

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Nicander Martyr of Khemet around 302 A.D.). My feast lies on 15 March.

Nicephorus Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251)

Mirax of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (649), Martyr. 11 Dec.

Moses the Black of Scete (4th cen.), Ven. 28 Aug.

Nathaniel of Nitria (375), . 27 Nov. CHECK

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (302), Martyr. 15 March

Nicephorus, Victorinus, Victor, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.


Nonnus, bishop of Heliopolis (471), CHECK . 10 Nov.

Orsiesius of Tabenna, disciple of Pachomius the Great, . 15 June

Paisius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), Ven. 19 June

Pallamon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), 12 Aug.

Pambo of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Pambo, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 18 July

Pansophius of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Monkmartyr. 15 Jan.

Patapius of Thebes (8th cen.), Ven. 8 Dec.

Patermuthius and Coprius, ascetics of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.),and others,9 July

Paul, Pausirius, and Theodotian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Paul of Thebes (341),Ven. 15 Jan.

Paul of Tripoli, Martyr. 22 May

Paul the Simple and Ammon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), 4 Oct.

Pausirius, Paul, and Theodotian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan

Perpetua of Carthage with catechumens: Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus, Felicitas (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Peter of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (400), . 27 Jan.

Peter of Atroe (9th cent.) . Check 13 Sep.

Peter, bishop of Alexandria (Greek Cal.), Hieromartyr. 24 Nov.

Peter, archbishop of Alexandria (311), Hieromartyr. 25 Nov.

Petronius of Khemet (Ptah Merri), disciple of .

Pachomius the Great (349), . 4 Sep.

Petronius, disciple of Pachomius the Great (same as Sep. 4th), . 23 Oct.

Pharmuthius, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen). . 11 April

Philemon, Apollonius, Arianus, and Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Philosophus at Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 31 May

Phorbinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), 5 April

Pinuphrius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 27 Nov.

Pitirim of Khemet (Ptah Merri), disciple of Anthony the Great (5th cen.), . 29 Nov

Polycarp of Alexandria (4th cen.), Martyr. 2 April

Pompeius and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Pompeius, Africanus, Terence, Maximus, and 36 others of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Porphyrius with 200 soldiers, and Augusta the Empress at Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov.

Potamiaena of Alexandria (304), Virginmartyr. 7 June

Proterius, patriarch of Alexandria (457), Hieromartyr. 28 Feb.

Psoes of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th cen.), 9 Aug.

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Pambo Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5

Martyr Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251)

Patermuthius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) July 9 Martyr

Pambo the Hermit of Khemet July 18 Venerable (Ptah Merri)

Paul the Simple of Khemet October 4 Venerable (Ptah Merri)

546 Martyred Companions of Paphnutius in Khemet (Ptah Merri) September 25

Selenias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Sibelius (Sobel) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Augustst 5 Martyr

Psoi of Khemet (Ptah Merri) August 9 Venerable

Publius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 5 Venerable

Phorbinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 5

Pharmuthius the Anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 11 Venerable

Publius of Carthage, dying in the 3rd Century. the Martyr

Terence of Carthage known as the Martyr of the 3rd Century

Thais of Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 10 Blessed

Theodore the Bishop of Cyrene in Libya. Hieromartyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held July 4.

Sabinas of Khemet. Martyr My feast falls on My feast falls on March 16

Sabinus (Abibus) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (287) March 13 Martyr

Serapion of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251) Carthage (3rd) Martyr

Serapion of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 7 Venerable

Serapion of Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 14 Venerable

Serapion the Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian Who Suffered in Galatia May 24 Martyr

Simeon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 5

Syncletica of Alexandria Alexandria (ca 350) Venerable

Theophilus the Deacon, Martyr in Libya Libya (4th)

Theodotus the Bishop of Cyrenia Hieromartyr (326)

Theonas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 5

Theophilus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 2 June 12 Venerable Theophilus the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri)

Timothy the Reader and His Wife in Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 3 Martyr

Theoctie at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri), Canopus (311) Martyr

Theodotia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri), (311) Martyr

Victorinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251) Martyr

Martyr Victor of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251)

John the Clairvoyant, Anchorite, of Khemet. Venerable My feast falls on March 27 .

Thais of Khemet (Ptah Merri) October 8 Venerable

John the Anchorite, of Khemet. My feast falls on March 29 I Venerable

Mary of Khemet. Venerable My feast falls on April 1

Paphnutius in Khemet (Ptah Merri) September 25 Martyr

Publius of Khemet. Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on April 5.

Theonas of Khemet. The Church celebrates my feast on April 5 . .

Simeon of Khemet. The Church celebrates my feast on April 5

Phorbinus of Khemet. My feast falls on April 5

Serapion of Khemet. Venerable My feast falls on April 7

Sophia of Khemet (Ptah Merri) September 18 Martyr

Pharmuthius the Anchorite of Khemet. My feast falls on My feast falls on April 11. Venerable

Terence of Carthage Carthage (3rd) Martyr

Timothy the Reader and my Wife in Khemet. Martyr My feast falls on May 3

Timothy the Deacon in Mauretania (4th),Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held December 19

Maura of Antinoe in Khemet. My feast falls on May 3 Martyr

Isidore the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet. Blessed My feast falls on May 10

Thais of Khemet. Blessed My feast falls on May 10

Serapion of Khemet. Venerable My feast falls on May 14

John the Anchorite, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) March 29 Venerable

John the Clairvoyant, Anchorite, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) March 27 Venerable

Kalufa of Khemet. Martyr My feast falls on My feast falls on May 19

Asclas of Khemet. Martyr My feast falls on May 20

Serapion the Khemetian who suffered in Galatia. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on May 24

Zosimas of Cilicia the Bishop of Babylon in Khemet. The Church celebrates my feast on June 4

Marcian of Khemet . Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Nicander of Khemet. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5 March 15

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet Martyr (ca 302)

Hyperechius of Khemet. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Appolonius of Khemet. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Leonidas of Khemet. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Arius of Khemet. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Gorgias of Khemet. Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Sabinas of Khemet (Ptah Merri)

Selenias of Khemet . Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5 The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Irenius of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Pambo of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on June 5

Anubius the Confessor and Anchorite of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on June 6

Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on June 12

John the Hermit of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on June 12

Andrew the Hermit of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on June 12

Heraclemon the Hermit of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on June 12

Theophilus the Hermit of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on June 15

Dulas the Passion Bearer of Khemet

Mirax of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (7th) Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on July 9

Patermuthius of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on July 9

Coprius of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on July 9

Alexander the Soldier of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on July 9

Patermuthius the Ascetic of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on July 9

Coprius the Ascetic of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on July 14

Ellius (Hellius) of Khemet July 18 Venerable

Pambo the Hermit of Khemet August 5 Venerable

Cantidius of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on August 5

Cantidian of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on August 5

Sibelius (Sobel) of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on August 7

Horus of the Thebaid, Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on August 9

Psoi of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on August 16

Cherimon (Chaeremon) of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on September 6

David of Hermopolis in Khemet The Church celebrates my feast on September 16

Dorotheus the Hermit of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on September 18

Sophia of Khemet September 18 Martyr

Irene of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on September 25

Paphnutius in Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on September 25

546 Martyred Companions of Paphnutius in Khemet The Church celebrates our feast on October 4

Paul the Simple of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on October 8

Thais of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on October 9

Andronicus and His Wife, of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on October 9

Athanasia and Her Husband, of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on October 19

Cleopatra With Her Son in Khemet Blessed The Church celebrates my feast on October 19

John with His Mother Cleopatra in Khemet Blessed The Church celebrates my feast on November 9

John the Short, of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on November 11

Mennas of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on December 2

John of Khemet The Church celebrates my feast on December 2

Heraclemon of Khemet The Church celebrates my feast on December 2

Andrew of Khemet The Church celebrates my feast on December 2

Theophilus of Khemet The Church celebrates my feast on December 5

Karion (Cyrion) and His Son, of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on December 5

Zachariah of Khemet Venerable The Church celebrates my feast on December 11

Mirax of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on December 11

Acepsius of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on December 11

Aithalas of Khemet Martyr The Church celebrates my feast on December 17

Martha Virginmartyr in Khemet My feast falls on February 6

Mary in Khemet February 6 Virginmartyr

Lycarion in Khemet Martyr

Lycarion in Khemet Martyr

Theodotus the Bishop of Cyrenia Cyrenia (326) Hieromartyr

Agathon of Khemet Venerable My feast falls on March 2 Khemet (In the 5th Century)

Agathon of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Venerable March 2 Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th)

Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Khemet My feast falls on March 5 Virginmartyr

Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Khemet Virginmartyr

Mark the Faster, of Khemet My feast falls on March 5

Mark the Faster, of Khemet (5th Century) March 13

Sabinus (Abibus) of Khemet Martyr

Sabinus (Abibus) of Khemet (Around 287) Martyr

Thasius Cyprianus, also known as I, Bishop of Carthage. I was born in about the year 200 in the city of Carthage (Alkebulan, Africa. All my life and work occured there. known as the Priest Martyr The son of a well to do pagan senator, I matriculated through an excellent secular education. Thereafter, in the school of Carthage, I became an accomplished orator, teacher of rhetoric and philosophy. I often appeared at court, pleading and defending townsmen. I knew for sometime "I remained in a deep dark my..., far from the light of Truth". I expended my wealth from my parents and from my work on banquets. But they were not able to quench in me in my que for truth. I become curious about Chriianity,and sought acquaintance with the writings of the African, Tertullian, the presbyter, who was born about the year 160. I later wrote that because of my habits, it seemed impossible for me to attain to the revival promised by Yeshua, Jesus, my Saviour. I was helped from my confusion by my spiritual mentor, Cecilius the presbyter. When I was 46 years of age, I embraced the Chriian community as a catechumen. But before being baptized, I diributed my property to the poor. Then I moved into the house of Cecilius. Thus graced by God, I wrote a letter to my friend Donatus that "When the surge of regeneration cleansed the impurity of my former life, a light eady and bright, shone down from Heaven into my heart. " I became born again. The Holy Spirit invigorated me,and removed any doubt. God revealed myeries to me, and made darkness, light. I learned, my former living in the flesh for sin belonged to the earthly. Now I began a divine living by the Holy Spirit. "In God and from God is all our strength. From Him is our might. Through Him we who live on earth receive the hint of a condition of future bliss". I was ordained a priest, a year following my baptism. When Bishop Donatus of Carthage died, the faithful all unanimously chose me as bishop. I said "unconditionally yes", complying with my mentor's reque. I was ordained bishop of Carthage in about the year 248 A.D.. The Church's welfare proved my fir concern, along with the concommitant ridding of vices in the clergy and flock. Hopefully my life caused the observing faithful "a desire to imitate my God given piety, humility and wisdom with which God graced me. Beyond my diocese, I became known. Bishops from other areas sought my counsel. But persecution by the emperor Decius 249251, revealed to me in a dream, forced me into hiding. My life was necessary to my flock for the strengthening faith and courage among my persecuted flock I conducted my life.

Prior to my leaving my diocese, I diributed the church treasury among all the clergy so as to give help to the needy. I later sent additional monies. Through my letters (called epiles)to presbyters, confessors and martyrs, I kept in conant touch with the Carthaginian Christians.

Weakened by torture, some of the faithful offered sacrifice to pagan gods. Later, these lapsed Christians appealed to confessors for a letter of reconciliation. This was certificate of intercession, accepting the lapsed back into the Church. About this matter, I wrote all Carthaginian Christians a general communication.

I indicated that those lapsed during a time of persecution might be re admitted into the Church only after penance and with the permission of the bishop. But I wrote that Bishops mu inveigate the plights under which the lapse occured. Examination proved necessary of the sincerity of contrition of the lapsed. For some of those who had fallen away demanded immediate re admittance into the Church. This caused unre in the entire community.

I sought opinions of bishops from other dioceses. From all I received approval of my decrees. During my absence I had delegated authority to four clergy to examine the lives of persons preparing for ordination to the priesthood and the diaconate. Resiance came from two indignantsa lay person, Felicissimus, and from the presbyter Novatus. I excommunicated Felicissimus, along with six accomplices.

My letter to the African Church Carthage, cautioned all to not split themselves from Church unity. I advised them and to await my return, and in the meanwhile, to be subject to the lawful commands of the bishop adminiering in my absence. The letter caused mo Carthaginian Christians to remain faithful.Upon my return, the defiance of Felicissimus ended in the year 251, with a Local Council. That enclave rendered adjudged the reception of the lapsed back into the Church after a church penance. It further affirmed the excommunication of Felicissimus. A new schism (a schism is______________________) by the Roman presbyter Novatian arose. It was joined by the Carthaginian presbyter Novatus a former Felicissimus associate.

Novatian taught that even if they repented of their sin, those Christians who had lapsed during time of persecution could not be admitted back. Further, Novatian and Novatus convinced three Italian bishops during the lifetime of the lawful Roman bishop Celerinus to place another bishop on the Roman cathedra. (Cathedra is a ) At fir, I wrote a series of circular letters to the African bishops condemning such wrongs. Later, I composed an entire tome, "On the Unity of the Church". Ju as the attenuation of discord in the Carthage church began, a peilential plague erupted. Hundreds Carthage. The sick were abandoned without help, and the dead without burial. God graced me by my example, and fortitude, to personally tend those sick and bury not only Chriian, but pagan dead as well. Drought and famine followed, and that by barbarian Numidians.

These fell upon the misfortunate inhabitants, enslaving many. Wealthy Carthaginians were moved by us to develop means to feed the arving and ransom the captives. Emperor Valerian (253259) decreed a new persecution again Christians. Paternus, the Carthaginian proconsul, ordered the faithful to sacrifice to idols. I refused. I also remained silent as to the names and residences of the presbyters of the Carthage Church.

I was sent to the locale of Corubisum. Deacon Pontus voluntarily followed me into exile. Arriving at the place of exile, I dreamed/envisioned a quick martyr's end. So while in exile, I penned many letters and books. To suffer martyrdom at Carthagecaused me to return. And yet the court set me free until the following year. During that time, Carthagenian Christians bade me farewell and receive my blessing.

Later, in trial I eadfaly refused to sacrifice to idols. The court sentenced me to beheading with a sword. I exclaimed, "Thanks be to God!" All the Christians present cried out with one voice, "And we want to die with him!" At the place of execution, I again blessed all present. I arranged to give 25 gold coins to the executioner.

I covered my eyes. I myself had my hands bound the presbyter and archdeacon anding nearby, then lowered my head. To gather up my blood, Christians crying placed their shawls and veils by me. I received the martyr's death in the year 258. At night, the faithful took by body and buried me in the private crypt of the procurator, Macrovius Candidianus. Around 500 years later, my holy relics were transferred to France, during the reign of of King Charles the Great, also knownas Charlemagne ( 771814).

Perpetua, A Woman of Carthage My feast falls on February 1 Martyr

Perpetua, Martyr I was a Woman of Carthage around 202203) with Catechumen Saturus (202203)

Revocatus, Catechumen with Perpetua, Martyr (202,203)

Saturninus Catechumen with Perpetua, Martyr (202203)

Secundulus Catechumen with Perpetua, Martyr (202203)

Catechumen Felicitas with Perpetua, Martyr (202203)

Africanus of Carthage. Martyr My feast falls on March 13

Publius of Carthage My feast falls on March 13 Martyr

Terence of Carthage My feast falls on March 13 Martyr

Terence and 40 Others, Beheaded at Carthage. My feast falls on April 10 Martyr

Terence and 40 Others Martyrs, Beheaded at Carthage (249251) April 10,

Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri). Virginmartyr March 5

Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe Virginmartyr

Pompeius and 40 Others, Martyrs Beheaded at Carthage Carthage (249251) Our feast falls on April 10 Troparion in tone 4 A chosen army of African martyrs... Contested nobly for the faith. One in mind and heart, They fought the good fight with one accord. And now they intercede for the salvation of us all. Kontakion in tone 2 Today the celebration the holy memory Of the wise martyr Terence and his companions Brings joy to all the faithful. Let us fervently assemble, That we may be healed. For having obtained from God the grace of the holy Spirit, They grant healing of infirmities to our souls.

Mark...Not totally Khemetian (from there, but labored there. (You know saying...once you go Black).After preaching in Rome for a time, Mark went to Khemet and converted many to Chriian faith in countryside; then leaving a small community of Christians there, he went to Alexandria.

As soon as he entered gates of city, so ory goes, his sandal rap broke. He took it to a nearby shoemaker by name of Anianus, who became MARK''S fir convert in Alexandria.

Mark soon discovered that he was being sought by his enemies, and so he appointed Anianus bishop, ordained three priests and seven deacons, and leaving them with orders to "serve and comfort faithful brethren," he left city.

He returned years later to find community he had left growing and thriving, but his enemies soon discovered him and threw him in prison. The next day, creature threw a rope around his neck and dragged him over ground until he died.

But when creature tried to burn body, creature found that it could not be harmed and scattered in feastr. The Christians claimed body from pyre and buried it with reverence in church creature had built. Saint Mark proves revered as founder and fir martyr of Chriian Church in Khemet.

Saint Mark proves credited with writing olde of four canonical gospels. According to Life of Apostle and Evangeli Mark written by Severus, Bishop of AlUshmunain, in late tenth century, Mark was one of servants who poured out water that Jesus turned into wine at marriage at Cana, and that it was his house in which Jesus appeared to disciples in hiding after His resurrection from dead.

(After a time, Saint Peter and Saint Mark went out to evangelize, and one night, Peter had a dream in which he was told to go, along with Mark, to Rome and to Alexandria)

An early uncertain tradition, recorded by Eusebius, renders Mark the fir bishop of Alexandria. The tradition says that upon his arrival in Alexandria, like Paul arriving in Damascus, Mark found lodging with an inhabitant, in this case with a shoemaker.

The shoemaker was also to become a saint, whose memorial is celebrated Anianus. Tradition continues that Mark was martyred during the reign of Emperor Trajan or the "eighth year of Nero," and the shoemaker Anianus succeeded him as bishop.

One Eaer Sunday, the uncertain tradition continues, April 24, 68, Mark was arreed. The long path of Jesus, from Gethsemani up to the palace of Anna, which Mark had not had the courage to pursue in Jerusalem, had been reserved for him, with a rope around his neck, from Alexandria up to the little port of Bucoles.

(But note: In the East, John Mark is believed to be a separate person who became bishop of Biblios and whose feast is celebrated on September 27). Doesn''t matter.

He is also the patron of Khemet, glaziers, notaries, secretaries, and Spanish cattle breeders (for which there is no obvious explanation). He is invoked by captives (Roeder, White).

Saint Mark is the patron of Venice. His relics were reputedly brought in the 9th century from Alexandria. The original church of . Mark in Venice was destroyed in 976. The rebuilt basilica contains both the relics and a series of mosaics on Mark's life, death, and translation.

Maximus and 40 Others Martyrs, Beheaded at Carthage. My feast falls on April 10

Maximus and 40 Others the Martyr the Martyr, Beheaded at Carthage Carthage (249251)

Troparion in tone 4 A chosen army of African martyrs Contested nobly for the faith. One in mind and heart, They fought the good fight with one accord. And now they intercede for the salvation of us all. Kontakion in tone 2 Today the celebration the holy memory Of the wise martyr Terence and his companions Brings joy to all the faithful. Let us fervently assemble, That we may be healed. For having obtained from God the grace of the holy Spirit, They grant healing of infirmities to our souls.

Publius of Carthage Martyr

Zeno and 40 Others, Martyrs we were beheaded at Carthage, (249251) .Our feast falls on April 10

Alexander and 40 Others, the Martyrs Beheaded at Carthage. Our feast falls on April 10.Troparion in tone 4 A chosen army of African martyrs Conteed nobly for the faith. One in mind and heart, They fought the good fight with one accord. And now they intercede for the salvation of us all.

Theodore and 40 Others, the Martyrs Beheaded at Carthage Carthage (249251) Our feast falls on April 10 Troparion in tone 4 A chosen army of African martyrs

Macarius and 40 Others. Martyrs, we were beheaded at Carthage. Our feast falls on April 10

Macarius and 40 Others, Martyr Beheaded at Carthage Carthage (249251) Troparion in tone 4 A chosen army of African martyrs Conteed nobly for the faith. One in mind and heart, They fought the good fight with one accord. And now they intercede for the salvation of us

Athenogenes the Bishop of Heracleopolis CHECK ON THESE Hieromartyr (ca 311)

Ten Disciples of Athenogenes the Bishop of Heracleopolis Heracleopolis (ca 311) the Martyred

Cyprian the Bishop of Carthage Hieromartyr My feast falls on August 31

Africanus and 39 Others, of Carthage. Martyr My feast falls on October 28

Terence and 39 Others, of Carthage. Martyr My feast falls on October 28

Maximus and 39 Others, of Carthage Martyr My feast falls on October 28.

Pompeius and 39 Others, of Carthage. Martyrs, our feast falls on October 28

39 Martyrs With Africanus of Carthage. Our feast falls on October 28

Syncletica of Alexandria . Venerable My feast falls on January 5. My feast falls on January 15

Pansophius of Alexandria, Venerable the Martyr

Athanasius the Great the Archbishop of Alexandria. My feast falls on January 18

Cyril the Archbishop of Alexandria. My feast falls on January 18

Macarius of Alexandria. Venerable My feast falls on January 19

Macarius of Alexandria. Venerable My feast falls on February 12

Mary (Who Was Called Marinus), and my Father at Alexandria Venerable My feast falls on February 12

Eugene and His Daughter at Alexandria. Venerables My feast falls on_______

Eulogius the Archbishop of Alexandria. My feast falls on February 13

Paphnutius, of Alexandria. My feast falls on February 15 Venerable

Euphrosyne, of Alexandria. My feast falls on February 15. Venerable

Mennas of Alexandria, held in the uncovering of my relics. My feast falls on February 17 Martyr

Proterius the Patriarch of Alexandria. My feast falls on February 28 . Hieromartyr

Athanasius the Patrician, of Alexandria. My feast falls on March 10 Martyr

Polycarp of Alexandria. Martyr My feast falls on April 2 .

Thomais of Alexandria. Womanmartyr My feast falls on April 13

Athanasius the Great the Patriarch of Alexandria. My feast falls on May 2

Theodora of Alexandria. My feast falls on May 27 Virginmartyr

Didymus the Soldier of Alexandria. My feast falls on May 27. Martyr

Philosophus at Alexandria. My feast falls on May 31 Martyr

Cyril the Archbishop of Alexandria. My feast falls on June 9

10,000 Martyred Fathers of the Deserts and Caves of Scete By the Impious Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria. Our feast falls on July 10

Anthony of Alexandria. My feast falls on August 9 Martyr

Ariion the Bishop of Alexandria. . My feast falls on September 3 Martyr

Rhais of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 5 Virginmartyr

Cyriacus and 13 Others at Alexandria. My feast falls on September 6 Martyr

Fauus the Presbyter and 13 Others at Alexandria. My feast falls on September 6 Martyr

Abibas the Deacon and 13 Others at Alexandria. My feast falls on September 6 Martyr

13 Martyred With Fauus and Abibas at Alexandria. Our feast falls on September 6

Theodora of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 11 Venerable

Euphrosynus the Cook, of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 11

Theodore of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 12 Hieromartyr

Chronides of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 13 Martyr

Leontius of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 13 Martyr

Serapion of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 13 Martyr

Castor of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 18 Martyr

Irais (Rhais) of Alexandria. My feast falls on September 23 Virginmartyr

Euphrosyne of Alexandria. The Church celebrates my feast on September 25 Venerable

Gaius of Alexandria. The Church celebrates my feast on October 4. The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on October 4 Martyr

Fauus of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on October 4 Martyr

Eusebius of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on October 4 Martyr

Chaeremon of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on October 5 Martyr

Dionysius the Bishop of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on October 30 Hieromartyr

Eutropia of Alexandria Martyr The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on October 31

Epimachus of Apostle Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 5

Gregory the Archbishop of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 12

John the Merciful and Patriarch of Alexandria November 24

Catherine of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 24 Greatmartyr

Augusta the Empress Martyred at Alexandria, With the Greatmartyr Catherine The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 24 Martyrs

Porphyrius the General Martyred at Alexandria, With Greatmartyr Catherine The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 24 Martyr

200 Soldiers Martyred at Alexandria, With Greatmartyr Catherine The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 24 the Martyred

Maridia of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on November 25 Virginmartyr

Peter the Archbishop of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 3 Hieromartyr

Theodore the Archbishop of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 10 Hieromartyr

Mennas of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 10 Martyr

Hermogenes of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 10 Martyr

Eugraphus of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 14 Martyr

Apolonius of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 14 Martyr

Philemon of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 14 Martyr

Arianus of Alexandria The Church celebrates my feast celebration of God's grace to me on December 14 Martyr

Theoctychus of Alexandria Martyr

Zachariah of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 5 Venerable

Africanus of Carthage . Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held March 13 African Saints Feasts & Saints Search Results for: Africa

Africanus and 40 Others, Beheaded at Carthage. Martyr Our feast celebration of God's grace to me is held April 10

Andrew of Syracuse, Martyr Martyred in Africa. My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held September 23

John of Syracuse, Martyr Martyred in Africa. My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held September 23

Peter of Syracuse With His Father John, Martyr Martyred in Africa My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held September 23

Antoninus of Syracuse With His Father John, Martyrs Martyred in Africa. My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held September 23

Africanus and 39 Others, of Carthage. Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held October 28 .

39 Martyrs With Africanus of Carthage. Our feast celebration of God's grace to me is held October 28

Holy 62 Priests of Africa, Martyred By the Arians. Our feast celebration of God's grace to me is held December 8

Holy 300 Laypeople of Africa, Martyred By the Arians. The church celebrates our feasts on December 8.

Elesbaan the King of Ethiopia. Blessed My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held October 24

Fulvianus the Prince of Ethiopia, in Holy Baptism Matthew. My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held November 16

Frumentius the Archbishop of Abyssinia, Ethiopia. My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held November 30

Zosimas of Cilicia the Bishop of Babylon in Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 4 Feasts & Saints Search Results for: Mauretania

Theophilus, the Deacon, in Libya. Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held January 8 Libyan Saints

Helladius, in Libya. Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held January 8

Theodore the Bishop of Cyrene in Libya. Hieromartyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held July 4 .

Cyprilla in Libya. Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held July 4

Aroa in Libya Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held July 4

Lucia in Libya Martyr My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held July 4

Cyrilla of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr A Widow My feast celebration of God's grace to me is held July 5 Calodote and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Cantidian and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug.

Cantidian of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Martyr My feast falls on August 5

Cantidius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Martyr My feast falls on August 5

Catherine of Alexandria and many with her (305 313), Greatmartyr. 24 Nov.

Celsus son of Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Celsus at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313) Martyr My feast falls on August 5 Cherimon (Chaeremon) of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as theVenerable My feast falls on August 16 Chaeremon of Alexandria , Martyr. 4Oct. Gaius, of Alexandria Martyr. 4Oct. Fauus, of Alexandria Martyr. 4Oct. Eusebius of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Cherimon (Chearemon), monk, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 16 Aug. Chriopher the Sabaite, . 14 April (check) Cirmidol of Khemet, Ptah Merri, Martyr 18 Oct Gabriel of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (1522), Martyr. 18 Oct. Claudius, of Khemet Martyr.(251) 31 Jan. Victorinus, of Khemet Martyr.(251) 31 Jan. Victor, of Khemet Martyr.(251) 31 Jan. Nicephorus, of Khemet Martyr.(251) 31 Jan. Diodorus, of Khemet Martyr.(251) 31 Jan. Serapion, of Khemet Martyr.(251) 31 Jan. Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Claudius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251) Martyr Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls! Cleopatra and her son John with Martyr Varus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct. known as Blessed Cleopatra With Her Son in Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on October 19 Coprius, Martyr ascetic of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July Patermuthius, Martyr ascetic of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July Coprius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) My feast falls on July 9 July 9 Venerable Coprius the Ascetic of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on Cyrilla of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr A Widow... Coprius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Martyr. 9 July Cronides and Serapion in Alexandria (237), Martyr. 13 Sep. Cronides (Hieronides), Serapion, and Leontius of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep. Cronion, Alexander, Julian, Macarius, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (258), Hieromartyr. 31 Aug. Cyprilla with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July Daniel of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 7 June ****CHECKON THIS Daniel,at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Hieroteus, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Chariton, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Socrates, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Comasius, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Eusebius, monks at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Basil deacon,at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Thomas, deacon, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Nicephorus, presbyter at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Peter, presbyter at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. John, presbyter at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Sergius, presbyter at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Theodore, presbyter at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. ; Timothy, bishop at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Theodore, bishop, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Etymasius at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. Daniel the Confessor (in schema ephen) of Spain and Khemet (Ptah Merri) (10th cen.), . 17 Dec. Daniel the Confessor known as the Venerable (In Schema ephen) of Spain,My feast falls on December 17 David of Hermopolis in Khemet (Ptah Merri) known as My feast falls on September 6 Demetrius, patriarch of Alexandria, . 9 Oct. Dio, Martyr. 8 March Diodorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Victorinus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Victor, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Nicephorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Claudius, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Serapion, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan. Diodorus of Khemet, Martyr (Ptah Merri) Khemet (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls! Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria (264 265), Hieromartyr. 5 Oct. Dionysius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep. Donatus of Libya, Hieromartyr. 28 June Donatus of Libya, bishop, . 4 July Dorotheus, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cent.), . 16 Sep. Dorotheus the Hermit of Khemet Venerable (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on September 16 Dulas the Passion Bearer of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 15 Ellius (Hellius) of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Venerable My feast falls on July 14 Elasbaan, king of Ethiopia (553 555), Blessed. 24 Oct. Elias the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 8 Jan. Elias the Hermit, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) known as th Venerable. (4th) Ellius (Hellius) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 14 July Epimachus the New of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 9 May Epimachus of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 3l Oct. Eudoxia, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan. Eudoxia _ the Martyr at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (311) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls! Eudoxia of Heliopolis (160 170), Martyr. 1 March Eulogios known as Righteous the Hospitable to strangers. I lived during the Fourth Century in Khemet, the area known as the the Thebaid. As an ascetic, I practiced service to wanderers. Eupraxia known as the Venerable of Tabenna, in Khemet (Ptah Merri) , Tabenna (393) Eusebius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct. Gaius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct. Fauus, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct. Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct. Eutropia of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 30 Oct. Fauus, at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep. Cyriacus, at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep. Abibus, at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep. 11 others at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep. Fauus, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Gaius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Eusebius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Flugentius, bishop of Ruspe in Africa, . 1 Jan. Frumentius, Archbishop of Abyssinia (380), . 30 Nov. Fulvianus, prince of Ethiopia, in holy baptism Mattew (1. cen.), . 16 Nov. Gabriel and Cirmidol of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (1522), Martyr. 18 Oct. Gaius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Fauus, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Eusebius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct. Gorgias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June Gregory, archbishop of Alexandria (9th cen.), . 5 Nov. Helladius, the Martyr in Libya (4th Century. Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls! Heraclemon and others hermits of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 12 June Heraclemon of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 2. Heraclemon the Hermit of Khemet Venerable (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 12 Heraclemon, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec John, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec Andrew, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec Theophilus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec Hierax of Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 8 May Hierax, son of Terence (?), Martyr. 28 Oct. Hilary the Wonderworker of the desert, CHECK:***. 4 May Hor (Horus) of the Thebaid (390), . 7 Aug. Horus of the Thebaid, Khemet (Ptah Merri). Venerable My feast falls on Shaba, November/Tishrin Beyt 10: Holy Apostle Eraus was one of the Seventy Holy Apostles, and Bishop of Caesarea Philippi, Phoenicia. Holy Apostle Quartus, Bishop of Beirut, is also commemorated as one of the Seventy Holy Apostles. Monday 11: Holy Martyr Victor served as a soldier in the Roman army during the reign of Antonius Pius. He was converted to Chriianity and tortured. Many idolaters accepted Chriianity through his witness; he suffered martyrdom in Damascus. Holy Martyr Menas the Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian won the martyr's crown in Phrygia in 296. Thursday, 14: Holy Apostle Philip was oned and crucified head downwards in Hierapolis like the Holy Apostle Peter, except that he was tied to his cross and not nailed. He and his two aged virgin daughters were buried at Hierapolis, in Phrygia. Saturday, 16: Holy Apostle Matthew the Evangeli preached to the Hebrews and wrote his Gospel for them in Aramaic before he left to continue his mission to foreign lands. The Jerusalem Talmud records a tradition that he was put to death on the orders of the Sanhedrin. Acepsius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) the Martyr Acepsius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 11 Achilles the Confessor, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 17 Jan. Aithalas of Khemet (Ptah Merri). the Martyr My feast falls on December 11 Africanus of Carthage the Martyr (3rd Alexanader and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April Alexander, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. Cronion, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. Julian, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. Macarius, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct. Alexander the Bishop (check) at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct Heraclius, check at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct Anna, check at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct Elizabeth, check at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct Theodota check at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct Glyceria, check at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct Alexandra of Alexandria, . 3 March. Alexander, the Soldier of Khemet (Ptah Merri). the Martyr My feast falls on July 9 Alonius of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 4 June Alypius the acoylite of Adrianopolis (7th cen.), Ven. 26 Nov. Ammon, disciple of . Anthony the Great, . 26 Jan. ? (Check) Ammon and . Paul the Simple of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), . 4Oct. Andrew the Hermit of Khemet known as the Venerable (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 12 Andrew of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on December 2 Andronicus and my Wife, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as the Venerable My feast falls on October 9 Aninanus, second bishop of Alexandria, . 25 April Anthony at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313) the Martyr Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. through his intercessions, save our souls! 7 Children, at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313) the Martyred 20 Soldiers, at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313) the Martyred Appolinarius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (around 470) the Virginmartyr Apollinaris, Virgin of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (470), 5 Jan. Apollo of Thebes, monk, . 25 Jan. Appolonius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 5 the Martyr Apollonius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June Apollonius, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec. Philemon, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec. Arianus, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec. Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec. Appollonius, ascetic of the Thebaid (395), . 31 March Apollonius,the Ascetic, of Khemet. My feast falls on March 31. I am known as Venerable Anaasius at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313) the Martyr Athanasia and my Daughters at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Canopus (311) the Martyr troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls! Athanasia and Her Husband, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) October 9 Venerable Anthony at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan. Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan. Anthony Russian New Martyr. 12 June Bishop Onuphrius (1937), Russian New Martyr. 12 June (check as Onuphrius is a Coptic name, and thus included) Anthony of Alexandria, Martyr. 9 Aug. Anubius, confessor and anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 5 June Anubius the Confessor and Anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as the Venerable My feast falls on June 5 Archelaus and 152 Martyrs in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 March Arianus, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec Apollonius, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec Philemon, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec Ariarchus, Apostles of Seventy. 27 Sep. Mark, Apostles of Seventy. 27 Sep. Zenas, Apostles of Seventy. 27 Sep. Ariion, bishop of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 3 Sep. Arius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June Arius the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 5 Arsenios of Pharos Basilissa the Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) , Antinoe (313) Aroa in Libya, Martyr. 4 July Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July Asclas the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on May 20 Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) . 2 March and her daughters at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) . 2 March, Theoctie, , daughter of Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) , 2 March, Theodotia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) . 2 March, daughter of Athanasia Eudoxia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) . 2 March, daughter of Athanasia Athanasia the virgin, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) 2 March Andronicus, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) . 2 March Athanasia, wife of Andronicus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 9 Oct. Athanasius the Great (also 2 May); Cyril, (also 9 June) archbishop of Alexandria, . 18 Jan. Athanasius the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria (373), . 2 May Atre (Athre) of Nitria in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 8 June Augusta the Empress, Porphyrius, and 200 soldiers at Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov. Augusta the Empress, Porphyrius, and 200 soldiers at Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov. Augustine, bishop of Hippo (430), Blessed. 15 June Barlaam, Prince of India, Joasaph, Prince of India, and Abennar, King, father of Ven. Joasaph (4th cen.). Ven. 19 Nov. Basilissa, wife of Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan. Batas of Nisibis (364), Martyr. l May CHECK Benjamin of Nitra in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (392), Ven. 29 Dec. Bessarion the Great wonderworker of Khemet (Ptah Merri), (.). 20 Feb. Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as Venerable My feast falls on June 6 Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th 5th cens), Ven. 6 June Calodote and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep. Cantidian and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug. Cantidian of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Martyr My feast falls on August 5 Cantidius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Martyr My feast falls on August 5 Cantidius and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug Caor of Alexandria, Martyr. 18 Sep. Catherine of Alexandria and many with her (305 313), Greatmartyr. 24 Nov. Celsus son of Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan. Celsus at Antinoe Celsus at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313) Martyr My feast falls on August 5 Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God.For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Cherimon (Chaeremon) of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as theVenerable My feast falls on August 16

Chaeremon, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Gaius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Fauus, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Eusebius of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4Oct.

Cherimon (Chearemon), monk, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 16 Aug.

Chriopher the Sabaite, . 14 April (check)

Cirmidol and Gabriel of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (1522), Martyr. 18 Oct.

Claudius, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Claudius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) the Martyr (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Cleopatra and her son John with Martyr Varus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Cleopatra With Her Son in Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as Blessed My feast falls on October 19

Coprius and Patermuthius, ascetics of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July

Coprius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) the Martyr My feast falls on July 9

Coprius the Ascetic of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on July 9 Venerable

Cyrilla of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr A Widow

Coprius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Martyr. 9 July

Cronides and Serapion in Alexandria (237), Martyr. 13 Sep.

Cronides (Hieronides), Serapion, and Leontius of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Cronion, Alexander, Julian, Macarius, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (258), Hieromartyr. 31 Aug.

Cyprilla with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Daniel of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 7 June

David of Hermopolis in Khemet (Ptah Merri) My feast falls on September 6

Demetrius, patriarch of Alexandria, . 9 Oct.

Dio, Martyr. 8 March

Diodorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Victorinus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Victor, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Nicephorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Claudius, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Serapion, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Diodorus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) the Martyr (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria (264 265), Hieromartyr. 5 Oct.

Dionysius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Donatus of Libya, Hieromartyr. 28 June

Donatus of Libya, bishop, . 4 July

Dorotheus, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cent.), . 16 Sep.

Epimachus the New of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 9 May

Epimachus of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 3l Oct.

Eudoxia, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Eudoxia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) _ the Martyr (311) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Eudoxia of Heliopolis (160 170), Martyr. 1 March

Hyperechius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Hyperechius of the Paradise, . 7 Aug.

Hyperechius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Martyr My feast falls on June 5

Hypatius at Tripoli in Syria (7079), Martyr. 18

Leontius at Tripoli in Syria (7079), Martyr. 18 June CHECK ON THE SYRIAN TRIPOLI

Ibeion the Confessor, Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian ascetic, . 26 Aug

Ioasaph, king of India, monk. 26 Aug. (See note on India)

Irais (Rhais) of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (308), also 23 Sep, Virgin martyr. 5 March.

Irais (Rhais) of Alexandria (310), Virginmartyr. 23 Sep.

Iraya[Herais with and other martyrs, with my bother, Abadir. My memorial lies on 25 Sept.

Irene and Sophia of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd. cent.), Martyr. 18 Sep.

Irene of Khemet (Ptah Merri).Martyr My feast falls on September 18 May 10

Irenius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Isaac, and The Holy Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu. l4 Jan. check***

Isaiah the Solitary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and Paleine, . 3 July

Ischyrion, bishop in Khemet (Ptah Merri) and hermit of Scete, . 23 Nov.

Isidora the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (365). . 10 May

Isidore the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri). Blessed My feast falls on October 19

John, called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . Commemorated on February 28th in non leap years. 29 Feb.

John, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen), . 29 March

John the Clairvoyant, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (9th cen), . 27 March

John With my Mother Cleopatra in Khemet (Ptah Merri). Blessed My feast falls on

John the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Venerable My feast falls on June 12

John the Short, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Venerable My feast falls on November 9

John of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 2
John, metropolitan of Thebes, the new merciful one, Martyr. 29 April

John the Soldier of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th7th cen.), . 12 June

John the Confessor of Khemet (Ptah Merri), beheaded in Paleine, and with him 40 Martyrs (310), Martyr. 20 Sep.

John son of Cleopatra in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Jonah the Sabbaite, . 21 Sep. Check ***

Julia (Julitta) of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 14 June

Julia of Carthage(around 440 or 613) Virginmartyr

Julia of Carthage, Virginmartyr. 16 July

Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr Antinoe (313) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), and others with him (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Julian of Anazarbus (3rd cen.), Martyr. 16 March CHECK

Julitta (Julia) of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 14 June

Kaion (Cyrion) and His Son, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 5 Venerable

Kalufa of Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 19 Martyr

Karion (Cyrion) and his son Zachariah of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Ven. 5 Dec.

Lampadus, monk, of Hieropolis (10th cen.), . 5 July Check

Laurence, monk, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th cen.). . 10 May

Leonidas of Alexandria, Martyr. 22 April

Leontius the Philosopher of . Sabbas' monaery (642), . 19 Oct. CHECK***

Leonides of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Leontius, Serapion and Cronides (Hieronides) of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Leonidas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Longinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 17 Nov.

Lot of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 22 Oct.

Lucia with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Lycarion in Khemet (Ptah Merri). February 6 Martyr

Lycarion in Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) Martyr Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn (1623), . 22 Jan. ***Check

Macarius of Alexandria (390 391), Ven. 19 Jan.

Macarius of Alexandria (394-395) Venerable

Macarius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Ven. 19 Jan.

Macarius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) Venerable Troparion in tone 1 O dweller of the wilderness and angel in the body! You were a wonderworker, O our Godbearing Father Macarius! You received heavenly gifts Through faing, vigil and prayer: Healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith: Glory to Him who gave you strength! Glory to Him who granted you a crown! Glory to Him who through you grants healing to all!Kontakion in tone 4 O holy father Macarius, The Lord placed you in the desert as a radiant ar, Where your selfdenial shines as an example to the ends of the earth!

Macarius and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Macarius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Macarius, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Alexander, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Cronion, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Julian, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

13 companions of Macarius at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Marcian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Marcionilla with Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Mark the Faer of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 5 March.

Martha in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Virgin martyr. 6 Feb.

Mary in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Virgin martyr. 6 Feb. and her brother Lycarion, in Khemet (Ptah Merri)

Martin of Thebes, monk, . 24 March

Mary (Marinus), nun, at Alexandria and her father Eugene (6th cen.), . 12 Feb.

Mary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (521), Ven. 1 April

Mary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) April 1 Venerable

Martha in Khemet (Ptah Merri) February 6 Virginmartyr

Maridia of Alexandria, virgin, Ven. 24 Nov.

Maura, of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), wife of Timothy the Reader (286), Martyr. 3 May

Marcian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Maura of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 3 Martyr

Maximus and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Maximus, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct

Africanus, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct

Terence, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct

Pompeius, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct

36 others of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct

Menas of Alexandria, uncovering of the relics of Martyr, (same as Dec. 10). 17 Feb.

Mennas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (304), Martyr. 11 Nov.

Mennas, of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Hermogenes, of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Eugraphus of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Meritus of Mauretania (284 305), Martyr. 12 Jan.

Mertius of Mauretania Martyr Mauretania Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Mertius of Mauretania. My feast celebration of God=s grace to me is held January 12. Martyr Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Martyr Mirax of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 11

Martyr Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5

Nicander of Khemet around 302 A.D.). Martyr My feast lies on 15 March.

Nicephorus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) Martyr (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Mirax of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (649), Martyr. 11 Dec.

Moses the Black of Scete (4th cen.), Ven. 28 Aug.

Nathaniel of Nitria (375), . 27 Nov. CHECK

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (302), Martyr. 15 March

Nonnus, bishop of Heliopolis (471), . 10 Nov. CHECK

Orsiesius of Tabenna, disciple of . Pachomius the Great, . 15 June

Paisius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), Ven. 19 June

Pallamon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 12 Aug.

Pambo of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Pambo, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), 18 July

Pansophius of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Monkmartyr. 15 Jan.

Patapius of Thebes (8th cen.), Ven. 8 Dec.

Patermuthius and Coprius, ascetics of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July

Patermuthius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Martyr. 9 July

Paul, Pausirius, and Theodotian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Paul of Thebes (341),Ven. 15 Jan.

Paul of Tripoli, Martyr. 22 May

Paul the Simple Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), . 4 Oct.

Ammon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), . 4 Oct.

Pausirius, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan

Paul, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan

Theodotian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan

Peter of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (400), . 27 Jan.

Peter of Atroe (9th cent.) . 13 Sep. Check

Peter, bishop of Alexandria (Greek Cal.), Hieromartyr. 24 Nov.

Peter, archbishop of Alexandria (311), Hieromartyr. 25 Nov.

Petronius of Khemet (Ptah Merri), disciple of . Pachomius the Great (349), . 4 Sep.

Petronius, disciple of Pachomius the Great (same as Sep. 4th), . 23 Oct.

Pharmuthius, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen). . 11 April

Philemon, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Apollonius, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Arianus, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Philosophus at Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 31 May

Phorbinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 5 April

Pinuphrius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 27 Nov.

Pitirim of Khemet (Ptah Merri), disciple of . Anthony the Great (5th cen.), . 29 Nov

Polycarp of Alexandria (4th cen.), Martyr. 2 April

Pompeius and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Pompeius, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Africanus, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Terence, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Maximus, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

36 others of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Porphyrius Martyr. 24 Nov. at Alexandria

200 soldiers, Martyrs. 24 Nov. at Alexandria

Augusta the Empress at Alexandria Martyr. 24 Nov.

Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov. at Alexandria

Potamiaena of Alexandria (304), Virginmartyr. 7 June

Proterius, patriarch of Alexandria (457), Hieromartyr. 28 Feb.

Psoes of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th cen.), . 9 Aug.

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Revocatus, Saturus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas catechumen with Perpetua of Carthage (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Rhais see also Irais.

Rhais (Raisa) of Alexandria (308), Virginmartyr. 5 Sep.

Sabbas, holy EqualtotheApostle, disciple of S. Cyril and Methodius (10th cen.), 27 July Check

Sabinas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (287), Martyr. 16 March

Sabinus (Abibus) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (287), Martyr. 13 March

Sarah of Scete in Libya, Virgin Abbess. 13 July

Sarapabon the Senator and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Saturninus (202 203), Saturus, Revocatus, Secundulus, and Felicitas catechumen with Perpetua of Carthage, Martyr. l Feb.

Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas catechumen with Perpetua of Carthage (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Secundulus, Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, and Felicitas catechumen with Perpetua of Carthage (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Selenias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Serapion of Khemet (Ptah Merri), monk (5th cen.), . 7 April

Serapion, bishop of Thmuis in Lower Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 2l March

Serapion the Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian ), Martyr. 24 May

1,218 soldiers ), Martyr. 24 May women and children in Galatia , Martyr. 24 May

Serapion monk of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 14 May

Serapion and Cronides in Alexandria (237), Martyr. 13 Sep.

Serapion, , Martyr. 11 Sep.

Cronides (Hieronides), , Martyr. 11 Sep.

Leontius of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Sibelius and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug.

Sophia of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd. cent.), Martyr. 18 Sep.

Irene of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd. cent.), Martyr. 18 Sep.

Symeon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 5 April

Syncletica of Alexandria (350), . 5 Jan.

Terence and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Terence, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 13 March

Publius, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 13 March

Africanus of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 13 March

Terence, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Africanus, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Maximus, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Pompeius, of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

36 others of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Thais (Taisia) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen), Blessed. 10 May

Thais (Taisia) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), 8 Oct.

Thalassius the Myrrhgiver of Libya (7th cen.), 20 May

Thecla and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Theoctie, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan

Theoctius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Theodora of Alexandria (304), Virginmartyr. 27 May

Theodora of Alexandria (474 491), Ven. 11 Sep.

Theodore and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Theodore, bishop of Cyrene in Libya and with others with him, Hieromartyr. 4 July

Theodore of Alexandria (3rd. cent.), Hieromartyr. 12 Sep.

Theodore, archbishop of Alexandria (606), Hieromartyr. 3 Dec

Theodotia, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Theodotian, (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Paul, (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Pausirius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Theodotus, bishop of Cyrenia (320), Hieromartyr. 2 March.

Theodulus with Leontius at Tripoli in Syria (70 79), Martyr. 18 June Check

Theonas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 5 April

Theoychus, Apollonius, Philemon, and Arianus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Uriel, the Archangel. 8 Nov (See note on Salaphiel)

Varus with him six Monksmartyrs, in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Cleopatra and her son John in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Victorinus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Victor, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Nicephorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Claudius, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Diodorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Serapion, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Zachariah of Khemet (Ptah Merri) son of Karion (Cyrion) (4th cen.), 5 Dec.

Zeno and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Zeno, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 19 June Zeno, Martyr. 11 Aug

ZerJacob, missionary of Ethiopia, . 26 Aug.

Acepsius of Khemet (Ptah Merri)above the Martyr Acepsius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 11

Achilles the Confessor, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 17 Jan.

Aithalas of Khemet (Ptah Merri). the Martyr My feast falls on December 11

Africanus of Carthage (3rd

Alexanader and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Alexander, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Cronion, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Julian, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Macarius, at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

13 companions of Macarius at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Alexander the bishop, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct (check)

Heraclius, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct(check)

Anna, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct(check)

Elizabeth, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct(check)

Theodota at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct(check)

Glyceria, at Adrianopolis (2nd or 3rd. cen.), Martyr. 22 Oct(check)

Alexandra of Alexandria, . 3 March.

Alexander, the Soldier of Khemet the Martyr (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on July 9

Alonius of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 4 June

Alypius the ylite of Adrianopolis (7th cen.), Ven. 26 Nov.

Ammon, disciple of . Anthony the Great, . 26 Jan. ? (Check)

Ammon and . Paul the Simple of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), . 4Oct.

Andrew the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as the Venerable My feast falls on June 12

Andrew of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on December 2

Andronicus and my Wife, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as the Venerable My feast falls on October 9

Aninanus, second bishop of Alexandria, . 25 April

Anthony the Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

7 Children, Martyred at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313)

20 Soldiers, Martyred at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313)

Appolinarius the Virginmartyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (around 470)

Apollinaris, Virgin of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (470), 5 Jan.

Apollo of Thebes, monk, . 25 Jan.

Appolonius of Khemet the Martyr (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 5

Apollonius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Apollonius, Philemon, Arianus, and Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Appollonius, ascetic of the Thebaid (395), . 31 March

Apollonius,the Ascetic, of Khemet. as Venerable My feast falls on March 31.

Anaasius the Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313)

Athanasia the Martyr and my Daughters at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Canopus (311) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Athanasia and Her Husband, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) October 9 Venerable

Anthony with Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Anthony with bishop Onuphrius (1937), Russian New Martyr. 12 June (check as Onuphrius is a Coptic name, and thus included)

Anthony of Alexandria, Martyr. 9 Aug.

Anubius, confessor and anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 5 June

Anubius the Confessor and Anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as the Venerable My feast falls on June 5

Archelaus and 152 Martyrs in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 March

Arianus, 286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec

Apollonius, 286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec

Philemon, 286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec

Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec

Ariarchus, Mark, and Zenas, Apostles of Seventy. 27 Sep. Ariion, bishop of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 3 Sep.

Arius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Arius of Khemet (Ptah Merri). the Martyr My feast falls on June 5

Arsenios of Pharos

Basilissa the Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) , Antinoe (313)

Aroa Martyr. 4 July

Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Asclas the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on May 20

Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), 2 March and her daughters.

Theoctie, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), 2 March , daughter of Athanasia

Theodotia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), 2 March,, daughter of Athanasia

Eudoxia at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), 2 March, daughter of Athanasia

Athanasia the virgin, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), 2 March

Andronicus, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri), 2 March

Athanasia, wife of Andronicus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 9 Oct.

Athanasius the Great Patriarch of Alexandria (also 2 May);

Cyril, (also 9 June) archbishop of Alexandria, . 18 Jan.

Atre (Athre) of Nitria in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), 8 June

Augusta the Empress, at Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov.

Porphyrius, at Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov.

200 soldiers at Alexandria with Greatmartyr Catherine, Martyr. 24 Nov.

Augustine, bishop of Hippo (430), Blessed. 15 June

Batas of Nisibis (364), Martyr. l May CHECK

Benjamin of Nitra in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (392), Ven. 29 Dec.

Bessarion the Great wonderworker of Khemet (Ptah Merri), (.). 20 Feb.

Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as Venerable My feast falls on June 6

Bessarion the Wonderworker, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th 5th cens), Ven. 6 June

Calodote and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Cantidian and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug.

Cantidian Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on August 5

Cantidius Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on August 5

Cantidius and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug

Caor of Alexandria, Martyr. 18 Sep.

Catherine of Alexandria and many with her (305 313), Greatmartyr. 24 Nov.

Celsus son of Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Celsus Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313) My feast falls on August 5 Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Cherimon (Chaeremon) of Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as theVenerable My feast falls on August 16 Christopher the Sabaite, . 14 April (check)

Cirmidol of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Martyr. 18 Oct.

Gabriel of Khemet (Ptah Merri) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Martyr. 18 Oct.

Claudius the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Cleopatra and her son John with Martyr Varus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Cleopatra With Her Son in Khemet (Ptah Merri). known as Blessed My feast falls on October 19

Coprius and Patermuthius, ascetics of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July

Coprius the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) My feast falls on July 9

Coprius July 9 Venerable the Ascetic of Khemet (Ptah Merri).My feast falls on

Cyrilla Martyr of Cyrene in Libya, A Widow...My feast celebration of God=s grace to me is held

Coprius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Martyr. 9 July

Cronides and Serapion in Alexandria (237), Martyr. 13 Sep.

Cronides (Hieronides), Serapion, and Leontius of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Cronion, Alexander, Julian, Macarius, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage (258), Hieromartyr. 31 Aug.

Cyprilla with Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Daniel of Scete in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 7 June

Daniel, monk, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Hieroteus, monk, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Chariton, monk, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Socrates, monk, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Comasius, monk, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Eusebius, monk, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Basil, deacon, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Thomas, deacon, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Nicephorus, presbter, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Peter, presbyter, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

John, presbyter, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Sergius,presbyte, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Theodore, presbyter, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Timothy, bishop, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Theodore, bishop, at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

Etymasius at Tiberiopolis (361 362), Martyr. 28 Nov. (check on this)

David of Hermopolis in Khemet (Ptah Merri) My feast falls on September 6

Demetrius, patriarch of Alexandria, . 9 Oct.

Dio, Martyr. 8 March

Diodorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Victorinus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Victor, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Nicephorus, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Claudius, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Serapion, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Diodorus the Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria (264 265), Hieromartyr. 5 Oct.

Dionysius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Donatus of Libya, Hieromartyr. 28 June

Donatus of Libya, bishop, . 4 July

Dorotheus, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cent.), . 16 Sep.

Ellius (Hellius) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 14 July

Epimachus the New of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 9 May

Epimachus of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 3l Oct.

Eudoxia the Martyr at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (311)

Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Eudoxia of Heliopolis (160 170), Martyr. 1 March

Eupraxia of Tabenna, in Khemet known as the Venerable (Ptah Merri) , Tabenna (393)

Eusebius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct.

Gaius, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct.

Fauus, of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct.

Chaeremon of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 4 Oct.

Eutropia of Alexandria (250), Martyr. 30 Oct.

Fauus, at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Cyriacus, at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Abibus, at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep.

11 at Alexandria (250), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Heraclemon and others hermits of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 12 June

Heraclemon of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 2.

Heraclemon, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec

John, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec

Andrew, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec

Theophilus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 2 Dec

Hierax of Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 8 May

Hierax, son of Terence (?), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Hyperechius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Hyperechius of the Paradise, . 7 Aug.

Hyperechius Martyr of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on June 5

Isaac, and The Holy Fathers slain at Sinai and Raithu. l4 Jan. check

Isaiah the Solitary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and Paleine, . 3 July

Ischyrion, bishop in Khemet (Ptah Merri) and hermit of Scete, . 23 Nov.

Isidora the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (365). . 10 May

Isidore the Fool of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri). Blessed My feast falls on October 19

James, bishop of Nisibis (350), . 13 Jan. Check

John, called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . Commemorated on February 28th in non leap years. 29 Feb.

John, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen), . 29 March

John the Clairvoyant, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (9th cen), . 27 March

John Blessed with my Mother Cleopatra in Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on

John the Hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri). Venerable My feast falls on June 12

John the Short, of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on November 9 Venerable

John of Khemet (Ptah Merri). My feast falls on December 2

John, metropolitan of Thebes, the new merciful one, Martyr. 29 April

John the Soldier of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th7th cen.), . 12 June

John the Confessor of Khemet (Ptah Merri), beheaded in Paleine, and with him 40 Martyrs (310), Martyr. 20 Sep.

John son of Cleopatra in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Julia (Julitta) of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 14 June

Julia of Carthage Virginmartyr (around 440 or 613)

Julia of Carthage, Virginmartyr. 16 July

Julian Martyr at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Antinoe (313) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), and others with him (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Julian of Anazarbus (3rd cen.), Martyr. 16 March CHECK

Julitta (Julia) of Tabenna in Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 14 June

Kaion (Cyrion) and His Son, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 5 Venerable

Kalufa of Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 19 Martyr

Karion (Cyrion) and his son Zachariah of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Ven. 5 Dec.

Lampadus, monk, of Hieropolis (10th cen.), Check. 5 July

Laurence, monk, of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th cen.). . 10 May

Leonidas of Alexandria, Martyr. 22 April

Leontius the Philosopher of . Sabbas' monaery (642), . 19 Oct. check

Leonides of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Leontius, Serapion and Cronides (Hieronides) of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Leonidas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Longinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 17 Nov.

Lot of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 22 Oct.

Lucia in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Theodore of Cyrene in Libya, Martyr. 4 July

Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn (1623), . 22 Jan. ***Check

Macarius of Alexandria , Ven. 19 Jan.

Macarius of Alexandria Venerable

Macarius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Ven. 19 Jan.

Macarius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Venerable Troparion in tone 1 O dweller of the wilderness and angel in the body! You were a wonderworker, O our Godbearing Father Macarius! You received heavenly gifts Through faing, vigil and prayer: Healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith: Glory to Him who gave you strength! Glory to Him who granted you a crown! Glory to Him who through you grants healing to all! Kontakion in tone 4 O holy father Macarius, The Lord placed you in the desert as a radiant ar, Where your selfdenial shines as an example to the ends of the earth!

Macarius and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Macarius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Macarius, Alexander, Cronion, Julian, and 13 companions at Alexandria, Martyr. 30 Oct.

Marcian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Marcionilla with Julian at Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (313), Martyr. 8 Jan.

Mark the Faer of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 5 March.

Martha with Mary and their brother Lycarion, in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Virgin martyr. 6 Feb.

Martin of Thebes, monk, . 24 March

Mary with Martha and their brother Lycarion, in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Virgin martyr. 6 Feb.

Mary (Marinus), nun, at Alexandria and her father Eugene (6th cen.), 12 Feb.

Mary of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (521), Ven. 1 April

Martha in Khemet (Ptah Merri) February 6 Virginmartyr

Mary in Khemet (Ptah Merri). Virginmartyr February 6

Mary Magdalen, translation of the relics of EqualtotheApostles. 4 May *** Not necessarily Black, but she was known as the Adark one@ because of her hair, and my favorite so she=s here

Mary Magdalene, holy Myrrhbearer and EqualtotheApostles (1 cen.). 22 July

Maridia of Alexandria, virgin, Ven. 24 Nov.

Maura, of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri), wife of Timothy the Reader (286), Martyr. 3 May

Timothy the Reader (286), Martyr, husband of Maura of Antinoe, in Khemet, 3 May

Marcian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) June 5 Martyr

Maura of Antinoe in Khemet (Ptah Merri) May 3 Martyr

Maximus and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Menas of Alexandria, uncovering of the relics of Martyr, (same as Dec. 10). 17 Feb.

Mennas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (304), Martyr. 11 Nov.

Mennas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) November 11 Martyr

Mennas, of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Hermogenes, of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Eugraphus of Alexandria (313), Martyr. 10 Dec.

Meritus of Mauretania (284 305), Martyr. 12 Jan.

Martyr Mertius of Mauretania Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Mertius of Mauretania. Martyr My feast celebration of God=s grace to me is held January 12. Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Mirax of Khemet (Ptah Merri) December 11 Martyr June 5

Nicander of Khemet Martyr (Ptah Merri)

Nicander of Khemet Martyr around 302 A.D.). My feast lies on 15 March.

Nicephorus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) Martyr (251) Troparion in tone 4 Your holy martyr, O Lord, Through his sufferings has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God. For having Your strength, he laid low his adversaries, And shattered the powerless boldness of demons. Through his intercessions, save our souls!

Mirax of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (649), Martyr. 11 Dec.

Moses the Black of Scete (4th cen.), Ven. 28 Aug.

Nathaniel of Nitria (375), . 27 Nov. CHECK

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (302), Martyr. 15 March

Nonnus, bishop of Heliopolis (471), . 10 Nov. CHECK

Orsiesius of Tabenna, disciple of . Pachomius the Great, . 15 June

Paisius the Great of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), Ven. 19 June

Pallamon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 12 Aug.

Pambo of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Pambo, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 18 July

Pansophius of Alexandria (3rd cen.), Monkmartyr. 15 Jan.

Patapius of Thebes (8th cen.), Ven. 8 Dec.

Patermuthius and Coprius, ascetics of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), s. 9 July

Patermuthius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), Martyr. 9 July

Paul, Pausirius, and Theodotian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Paul of Thebes (341),Ven. 15 Jan.

Paul of Tripoli, Martyr. 22 May

Paul the Simple and Ammon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (350), . 4 Oct.

Pausirius, Paul, and Theodotian of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan

Perpetua of Carthage with catechumens: Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus, Felicitas (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Peter of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (400), . 27 Jan.

Peter, bishop of Alexandria (Greek Cal.), Hieromartyr. 24 Nov.

Peter, archbishop of Alexandria (311), Hieromartyr. 25 Nov.

Petronius of Khemet (Ptah Merri), disciple of . Pachomius the Great (349), . 4 Sep.

Petronius, disciple of . Pachomius the Great (same as Sep. 4th), . 23 Oct.

Pharmuthius, anchorite of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen). . 11 April

Philemon, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Apollonius, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Arianus, of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Theoychus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Philosophus at Alexandria (3rd cen.), Martyr. 31 May

Phorbinus of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 5 April

Pinuphrius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 27 Nov.

Pitirim of Khemet (Ptah Merri), disciple of . Anthony the Great (5th cen.), . 29 Nov

Polycarp of Alexandria (4th cen.), Martyr. 2 April

Pompeius and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Potamiaena of Alexandria (304), Virginmartyr. 7 June

Proterius, patriarch of Alexandria (457), Hieromartyr. 28 Feb.

Psoes of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (6th cen.), . 9 Aug.

Nicander of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Revocatus, Saturus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas catechumen with Perpetua of Carthage (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Rhais (Raisa) of Alexandria (308), Virginmartyr. 5 Sep.

Sabbas, holy EqualtotheApostle, disciple of s. Cyril and Methodius (10th cen.), 27 July Check

Sabinas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (287), Martyr. 16 March

Sabinus (Abibus) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (287), Martyr. 13 March

Salaphiel, the Archangel. 8 Nov.

Sarah of Scete in Libya, Virgin Abbess. 13 July

Sarapabon the Senator and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Saturus, Revocatus, Saturninus, Secundulus, and Felicitas catechumen with Perpetua of Carthage (202 203), Martyr. l Feb.

Selenias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) and others with him (4th cens), Martyr. 5 June

Serapion, Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, and Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Serapion of Khemet (Ptah Merri), monk (5th cen.), . 7 April

Serapion, bishop of Thmuis in Lower Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 2l March

Serapion the Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian and 1,218 soldiers with women and children in Galatia (138161), Martyr. 24 May

Serapion monk of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen.), . 14 May

Serapion and Cronides in Alexandria (237), Martyr. 13 Sep.

Serapion, Cronides (Hieronides), and Leontius of Alexandria, Martyr. 11 Sep.

Sibelius and others of Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 5 Aug.

Sophia and Irene of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd. cent.), Martyr. 18 Sep.

Symeon of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 5 April

Syncletica of Alexandria (350), . 5 Jan.

Terence and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Terence, Publius, and Africanus of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 13 March

Terence, Africanus, Maximus, Pompeius, and 36 others of Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 28 Oct.

Thais (Taisia) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (5th cen), Blessed. 10 May

Thais (Taisia) of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 8 Oct.

Thalassius the Myrrhgiver of Libya (7th cen.), . 20 May

Thecla and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Theoctie, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan

Theoctius and others in Khemet (Ptah Merri), Martyr. 6 Sep.

Theodora of Alexandria (304), Virginmartyr. 27 May

Theodora of Alexandria (474 491), Ven. 11 Sep.

Theodore and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Theodore, bishop of Cyrene in Libya and with others with him, Hieromartyr. 4 July

Theodore of Alexandria (3rd. cent.), Hieromartyr. 12 Sep.

Theodore, archbishop of Alexandria (606), Hieromartyr. 3 Dec

Theodotia, daughter of Martyrs Athanasia, at Canopus in Khemet (Ptah Merri) with Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries, Cyrus and John, (311), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Theodotian, Paul, and Pausirius of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (3rd cen.), Martyr. 24 Jan.

Theodotus, bishop of Cyrenia (320), Hieromartyr. 2 March.

Theonas of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (4th cen.), . 5 April

Theoychus, Apollonius, Philemon, and Arianus of Alexandria (286 287), Martyr. 14 Dec.

Uriel, the Archangel. 8 Nov

Varus with him six Monksmartyrs, and Cleopatra and her son John in Khemet (Ptah Merri) (307), Martyr. 19 Oct.

Victorinus, Victor, Nicephorus, Claudius, Diodorus, Serapion, and Papias of Khemet (Ptah Merri) (251), Martyr. 31 Jan.

Zachariah of Khemet (Ptah Merri) son of Karion (Cyrion) (4th cen.), 5 Dec.

Zeno and others beheaded at Carthage (3rd cen.), Martyr. 10 April

Zeno, hermit of Khemet (Ptah Merri), . 19 June Zeno, Martyr. 11 Aug

Acirianus Ethiopian Disciple of .

Baula (Amba Baula of Tama (Temei) 1 Oct.

Bassarion The Great, 18 Aug, Coptic Memorial, 29 Nov. (Russian Rite, 6 June), 17 June in Roman Martyrology(br) Thaumaturges, among the Fathers of the Khemetian Desert. He was a disciple of Saints Anthony and Macarius, traveling in Scete. He eablished a monaery where he slept anding or sitting, keeping 40 night vigils for 40 years.

Basilides (Father of Kings) 18 Sept. Reported brother in law of Emperor Numerianus and father of Saints Eusebius and Macarius; prefect of Antioch. Diocletian exiled to African Pentaplolis. Governor Masura ordered him beheaded. Mentioned at daily Mass by the Ethiopian Rite.

Basilides of Alexandria

Basicicus of Khemet(Khemet (Ptah Merri)) 7 Aug. His feet pierced with nails, he was beheaded at Varsinus. Jesus appeared to him while in prison.

Basura (Psura) and Shabas 19 Jan. (See . Bahura)

Basura, Bishop of Masil,Khemet) 9 Sept. Martyred under Diocletian. Beheaded with Bishops Sergus, Kapalichus, Theodorus

Batli(Amba Batli) 10 March Might be same as . Batle of Nisibis

Batrabo, Ethiopian Saint 13 July (Coptic Memorial)

Batzalota (Basalota) Michal 6 June,15 July, 3 Oct.(Coptic calendar, depending on rite)

Baula (Paul, Amba Baula)1 Oct. Coptic Memorial of Tama(Temei)

Bebnuda (Paphnutius) Martyr 15 Apr. of Tentyra, Khement. The tree from which he was hanged bore fruit in the very same hour.

Bedel (Amba Bedel) Ethiopian 11 July (Coptic)

Bege (Amba Bege) 23 Dec. A

Behnan (Behnui,Behnu,Bahanu)15 May Martyr Ethiopian, Coptic

Belamon (Palemon?)9 May

Belana 2 Jul

Beauch(Bagug), Martyred15 Jan. at Tina(Kau) in Khemet. Sentenced at Antinoe by order of Arrhianus

Bellicus 22 Jan. martyred in Africa (See . Januarius, an affiliate)

Bellicus, 21 June (See . Cyriacus) Benjamin I, 3 Jan(Coptic) 38th Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria Became a monk under Theonas at DeirkKirjos, near Alexandria. D. 662

Benjamin the Great, Physician 18 May, 29 Dec. Nitrian Desert, Khemet, Faed for 80 years

Benjamin 6Aug.(Ethiopian,AbyssinianpriestHad gift of Ecstasy

Benjamin (Amba) and his sier Edoxia, martyrs in Khemet. From Sabsir. Both imprisoned at Satnuf and beheaded at Bahra.

Beirina 26 Nov. African Martyr (See . Menn

as, affiliate)

Besas, martyred at Alexandria27 Feb. (See . Julianus)

Beshada (Abshadius,Psote)19 Jan. Khemetian Bishop

Besoy(Psoii) Abshai (confessed Chri at Alexandria) Hor, another soldier, tortured and lanced Besoy, beheaded, and mother died of torture

Caesarinus , with Theoia, Juinian, Virgins, at Carthage,Africa15 June

Caesarius, martyr at Teracina under Trajan. This African denounced a suicide, proclaimed himself a Christian, and was imprisoned, then thrown into the sea.

Caesarius (Anda) martyr in Africa4 Nov. with . Primus

Hor and Mother Daydara (Didra)23 June and other martyrs:

Hor(Anba Hor)6 July Khemetian native of Sariokos. Beheaded at Antinoe under Diocletian with 127 men, and 20 women.

Hor (Anba Gri?; Anba Apari)Priest with gifts. Hesus Chist appeared to him . Arrested at Nakjos. Beheaded at Alexandria

Hor the Wise, hermit in Khemet. Abbot of Nitrian Desert around A.D. 391

Hor (Or) in Khemet Affiliated with . Ireneous 7 Aug.

Hor, Bishop of Kemet, and 14 Sept. priest Serapion, martyrs at Alexandria

Hor the Strong, Hermit28 Nov. at Atrib, Khemet. In Alexandria he raised a dead child to life, and then returned to the desert.

Liberatus, Abbot,19 Aug. Patron of Carthage. Killed with Oars under order of Arian Kiang of the Vandals Huneric, along with deacon Boniface, Subdeacons Servis, Ruicus, the monks Rogatus, Septimus, and Maximus, a boy at the moneer of Capsa

Lot Reportedly a teacher of . Peter in 22 Oct, 26 Apr. Khemet (Khemet (Ptah Merri))

Clithis .(?) a physician

Priests Paphunutius of Tentyra

Apa Isaac of Tiphre Apa Shamul of Teraphia

Apa Simeon of Tapcho Sissinius of Tanatho

Theodore of Chotep Moses of Psammaniu

Philotheus of Pendje Macrious of Fayum

Maximum of Vuchin Macroni of Thoni

Senuthius of Buai Simeon of Thou

Ptolemaeus, I was the son of the Eparch

Thomas of Tanphoh

Abadiu. I was Bishop of Antinoe when Arians killed me.My memorial lies on 26 Dec.

Abahor. (several) (Apa Hor)

Arori. (aka Hor). I died at Alexandria in Khemet, which you know as Khemet (Ptah Merri).

ABAKERAZUM.( . Kirdjun) I died at Alexandria

Borieam in Banuar

Abakuh. (Apa Kauh) of Bamujeh, I was martyred in Fayum, Khemet My memorial lies on 23 Jan.

Abamon. (Apa Pamun). I was martyred in Alexadria, Khemet

AbebI. was a Khemetian of Tacla MonaeryAbyssinia My memorial lies on 13 July?

Abeluzius. (Anba Lucius?)The Ethiopian. My memorial lies on 15 Jan.

Abaidas. the Ethiopian Disciple of . Acirianus My memorial lies on 31 Oct. Achillas of Alexandria B (RM)

Achillas,a friend of God. I was successor to Bishop Peter of Alexandria Khemet (Ptah Merri), ordained to priesthood by the one who later prophesed heresy Arius. The Khemetian bishop, Athanasius praised me for purity of my doctrine when he was challenged maligned by the ilk of Meletius. I died around died 313, A.D.

Ambrose of Alexandria (AC)

Ambrose. I was a rich nobleman of Alexandria, befriended and financially helped great Eaern Father of Church, Origen. I suffered imprisonment for faith under Maximinus but was released and died as a confessor around 250.A.D. (Benedictines as source).

Anianus of Alexandria B (RM) 1 century Bishop and aide of . Mark. Me in apocryphal Acts of Mark, and according to Eusebius and Mark, Anianus was a shoemaker by trade (Other lis refer to Anianus as a noble). Anianus is described as I was converted to Chriianity and became a disciple of Saint Mark when I was healed of an awl wound. My fervor and virtue were so great that Mark appointed Anianus as my vicar during my absence and upon Mark's death Anianus succeeded me as second bishop of Alexandria, Khemet for 18 years and seven months. Other sources have me a noble who was named bishop by Mark. Saint Epiphanius mentions a church in Alexandria built in honor of Anianus.d. 1 century My memorial day lies on April 25

Euphrosyne, Wednesday, 25: [fa day] Venerable Mother the daughter of a very rich man, lived in Khemet (Ptah Merri) in the 5th century. On the day appointed for her wedding, she left her parents' house secretly. With her hair cut short and dressed in man's attire, she retired into a monaery, where she lived a life of prayer and penance.

Alwares Mar Julius, Mitran of Mangalapuram, South Karnataka, India. Monday, 16: Holy Hieromartyr Mar Julius gained supporters through his missionary activities in Ceylon and America. Among them was a French priest named Rene Vilatte. Mar Julius was desirous of elevating him as a Metropolitan for the Orthodox Americans, and consequently the consecration of Rene Vilatte was arranged at Colombo, Ceylon. Accordingly, Metropolitans Kadavil Mar Athanasius and Gregorios Parumala proceeded to Colombo where Fr. Rene was consecrated as Metropolitan with the title Mar Timotheos on May 29, 1890. The Roman Catholic hierarchy at Goa harassed Mar Julius and his supporting clergy, false charges were leveled again them and they were imprisoned. While in prison at Goa, Mar Julius died on September 23, 1923. His relics were later removed from the prison cemetery and interred in the Orthodox Church at Panchim on September 24, 1981. Because the day of his death fell on the Commemoration of the Conception of John the Forerunner, his feast is celebrated today.

Shaba, September 22: Holy Hieromartyr Phocas, Bishop of Sinope, was martyred in Pontus under the Emperor Trajan, in 102.

Melchiades or Miltiades. I succeeded Eusebius in the see of Rome, being chosen on the 2nd of July, 311, in the reign of Maxentius. Conantine vanquished that tyrant on the 28th of October in 312, and soon after issued edicts, by which he allowed Christians the free exercise of their religion, and the liberty of building churches. To pacify the minds of the pagans, who were uneasy at this innovation, when he arrived at Milan in the beginning of the year 313, he, by a second edict, ensured to all religion except heresies, liberty of conscience.

Among the first laws which he enacted in favor of Christians, he passed one to exempt the clergy from the burden of civil offices. He obliged all his soldiers to repeat. On Sundays a prayer addressed to the one only God; and no idolater could scruple at such a practice. He abolished the pagan feivals and myeries in which lewdness had a share.

Unnatural impurity being almo unrerained among the heathens, the Romans, when luxury and debauchery were arrived at the highe pitch among them, began to shun marriage, that they might be more at liberty to follow their passions. Whereupon Augustus was obliged by laws to encourage and to command all men to marry, inflicting heavy penalties on the disobedient. The abuses being rerained by the Chriian religion more effectually than they could have been by human laws, Conantine, in favor of celibacy, repealed the Popp��an law. This emperor also made a law to punish adultery with death.

The good pope rejoiced exceedingly at the prosperity of God's house, and, by his zealous labors, very much extended its pale; but he had the affliction to see it torn by an inteine division in the Donati schism, which blazed with great fury in Africa. Mensurius, bishop of Carthage, being falsely accused of having delivered up the sacred scriptures to be burnt in the time of the persecution, Donatus, bishop of Casanigra in Numidia, mo unreasonably separated himself from his communion, and continued his schism when Cecilian had succeeded Mensurius in the see of Carthage, and was joined by many jealous enemies of that good prelate, especially by the powerful lady Lucilla, who was personally piqued again Cecilian while he was deacon of that church. The schismatics appealed to Conantine, who was then in Gaul, and entreated him to commission three Gaulish bishops, whom they specified, to judge their cause again Cecilian.

The emperor granted them these judges they demanded, but ordered the aforesaid bishops to repair to Rome, by letter entreating pope Melchiades to examine into the controversy, together with these Gaulish bishops, and to decide it according to juice and equity. The emperor left to the bishops the decision of this affair, because it regarded a bishop. Pope Melchiades opened a council in the Lateran palace on the second of October, 313, at which both Cecilian and Donatus of Casanigra were present; and the former was pronounced by the pope and his council innocent of the whole charge that was brought again him. Donatus of Casanigra was the only person who was condemned on that occasion; the other bishops who adhered to him were allowed to keep their sees upon their renouncing the schism. .

Auin, speaking of the moderation which the pope used, calls him an excellent man, a true son of peace, and a true father of Christians. Yet the Donatis, after his death, had recourse to their usual arms of slander to asperse his character, and pretended that this pope had delivered the scriptures into the hands of the persecutors; which . Auin calls a groundless and malicious calumny. .

Melchiades died on the 10th of January, 314, having sat two years, six months, and eight days, and was buried on the Appian road, in the cemetery of Calixtus; is named in the Roman Martyrology, and in those of Bede, Ado, Usuard, &c. In some calendars he is yled a martyr, doubtless on account of his sufferings in preceding persecutions. This holy pope saw a door opened by the peace of the church to the conversion of many, and he rejoiced at the triumph of the cross of Chri.

But with worldly prosperity a worldly spirit too often broke into the sanctuary itself; inasmuch that the zealous paor had sometimes reason to complain, with Isaiah, Thou ha multiplied the nation, and ha not increased my joy. Under the pressures of severe persecution, the true spirit of our holy religion was maintained in many among its professors during the fir ages; yet, amid the mo holy examples, and under the influence of the ronge motives and helps, avarice and ambition insinuated themselves into the hearts of some, who, by the abuse of the greate graces, became of all others the mo abandoned to wickedness; witness Judas the Apoate in the college of the Apostles; also several among the disciples of the primitive saints, as Simon Magus, Paul of Samosata, and others.

But with temporal honors and affluence, the love of the world, though mo severely condemned by Chri, as the capital enemy to his grace and holy love, and the source of all vicious passions, crept into the hearts of many, to the utter extinction of the Chriian spirit in their souls. This, indeed, reigns and always will reign, in a great number of chosen souls, whose lives are often hidden from the world, but in whom God will always provide for his honor faithful servants on earth, who will praise him in spirit and truth.

But so deplorable are the overflowings of sensuality, avarice, and ambition, and such the lukewarmness and spiritual insensibility which have taken root in the hearts of many Christians, that the torrent of evil example and a worldly spirit ought to fill every one with alarms, and oblige every one to hold fa, and be infinitely upon his guard that he be not carried away by it. It is not the crowd that to follow, but the gospel; and though temporal goods and prosperity are a blessing, they ought extremely to rouse our attention, excite our watchfulness, and inspire us with feastr, being fraught with snares, and, by the abuse which is frequently made of vthem, the ruin of virtue.

MOSES THE BLACK Also known as Moses the Ethiopian Memorial 28 August Profile Born into slavery to an Khemet (Ptah Merri)ian official's family. An unruly thief, he was driven from the house and fell in with a band of robbers. On the run, he took refuge with hermits at the monaery of Petra in the desert of Skete, Khemet (Ptah Merri). He was converted and joined them as a monk. Priest. Possessed of supernatural gifts. A confirmed pacifi, he refused to defend himself with his monaery was attacked. Born 330; Ethiopian ancery Died murdered 405 by Berbers at Petra, Skete, Khemet (Ptah Merri); relics at the Church of Al Adra (the Virgin) Patronage Africa

T Thuma Holy Apostle took the Gospel to India. There are two separate versions of his death: one is that he was speared on orders of a pagan priest, another that while he was praying at the place later renamed Sao Thome, peacocks hid him from sight and he was transfixed by the arrow of a hunter intended for the birds. His relics are in Edessa, the place of his birth.

PONTIUS My memorial Memorial Church officials set my memorial at March 8th on the Julian calendar. I served as a deacon at Carthage. (Get Deacon of Carthage. Companion in exile, biographer of, and witness at the trial and execution Saint Cyprian of Carthage. Died c.262 of natural causes Canonized PreCongregation

St. Athanasius of Alexandria
On the Incarnation

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