*t-p- “heat, burn, fire”

PMA tap “heat, hot, burn, consume” Sanskrit, also tapas “fire” tapa “heat, hot season” Sanskrit IENH 92: *t[h][a|ë]p[h]- “to burn, to be hot” Proto-Nostratic > *t[h][e|o]p[h]- “to burn, to be hot” Proto-IndoEuropean *t[h][a|ë]p[h]- “to burn, to be hot” Proto-AfroAsiatic SIG, IESSG *d-b- pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic or *ð-b- pre-IndoEuropean-Semitic *t-p- “be warm” Proto-IndoEuropean tápa-ti “warms, heats up, burns; torments, injures” Sanskrit pra-tapati “burns, radiates; torments, harasses” Sanskrit saN-tapati “heats up, dries up; torments, worries” Sanskrit taptú part. “heated up, melted” Sanskrit abhi-pra-tapta “dried up” Sanskrit tápas “warmth, heat; torment” Sanskrit tapana “(of the sun) shining, warming, burning; tormenting” tepeo: “am warm, tepid” Latin Horace “am in love, pine for” Latin teplU “warm, hot” Old Church Slavonian topiti “make warm, hot” Old Church Slavonian topiti se~ “liquefy” Old Church Slavonian *ð-b- Semitic redupl. ðabðaba, in the transferred sense “he annoyed, molested, harmed, hurt (people)” Arabic single redupl. ðabba intr. “it dried, (the lip, tongue) became dry, lost its moisture by reason of vehement thirst, (a plant) withered, lost its moisture, (a pool of water) dried up, (the body) became lean and emaciated and lost its moisture” Arabic with w-infix *ð-w-b- Semitic dåB “melted” Syrian pa. “caused to melt away, harassed” Syrian za:bu inf. “melt away, perish” Assyrian za:B perf. “melt away, become emaciated, die” Hebrew ða:ba “it became liquid, melted, dissolved, (the body) became lean or emaciated, the sun became intensely hot” Arabic ðawwaba II caus. “he melted, liquefied (it)” Arabic 'a-ða:ba id. and in the transferred sense “it dissolved, emaciated (him)” Arabic ða:bu “melt away, perish” Arabic EIEC *tep- “hot” Proto-IndoEuropean tepeo: “be lukewarm” Latin thefian “to pant, gasp” Old English topitî “to heat” Russian *H2eps-top-eH1-ske/o- o-grade causative ftoh “make cold” Albanian ta:paiti “be warm” Avestan tápati “to warm, burn” Sanskrit cf. te / te: “hot” Old Irish ta:n “hot” Welsh suffixed forms *tep-(V)s- tess “heat, warmth” Old Irish tes “heat” Welsh tepor “warmth” Latin *teps-ro- tefru “burnt sacrifice” Umbrian tapissa “fever, heat” Hittite tapassa “fever, heat” Luvian tápas- “heat” Sanskrit tápus- “heat, glow” Sanskrit tapnú- “burning, glowing” Sanskrit NS 186: *t'äpV “warm, heat” Proto-Nostratic *tap “fire-place, stove” Sino-Tibetan IR 6: t'ip- “to roast” Sechelt t'ipe “burn emitting sparks” Wintu t'äpV “warmth, heat” Proto-Nostratic PMS tab “to burn” Sumerian PMA tafu “make fire” Samoa, Tonga tavu-tavu- “to burn down” Fiji tavu-cawa- “steam bath” Fiji dapug- “hearth, oven” Indonesia dapu- “hearth” Proto-Oceanic dapog- “fireside” Tagalog tap, tapak- “sun” Papuan kapu- “fire” Fate, Sesake kapi- “fire” Api tapa- “to burn” Manggarai tapu- “to put wood on a fire so it will burst into flame” Anutan Back