*pul- “hair”

PMA balah “hair” Sanskrit, and balo “hair” Prakit EIEC *pou-m-s “(human) body-hair” pu:be:s “pubic hair” Latin pu:be:s “one adult enough to bear arms” (< “one characterized by adult body-hair”) Latin pu:be:sco: “attain adulthood, come to maturity” Latin paustìs “animal hair” Lithuanian dialect pukh “down, fluff, fine hair” Russian push “hair, down, fibre, fur” Albanian pushem “begin to grow a beard, body-hair” Albanian *poum-gon- po:go:n “beard” Greek pu:m “down, fluff” Shugni púma:n pumsás gen. “man, male” (< “one characterized by adult body-hair”) Latin *pulos “(a single) hair (of the human body)” *pulu ul “beard” Middle Irish púlinges “hairs of the body” Greek pal “fringe of hair” Pashto pu:r “headhair” Kurdish pulaka:s (pl.) “bristling hairs of the body” Sanskrit pulastin- “wearing the hair straight or smooth” Sanskrit *pilos “(a single) hair (of the human body)” pilus “(a single) hair (of the human body)” Latin *piles “felt” *pilseyo- pilleus “felt” Latin TP: Minimally, inexplicably different roots of similar semantics. Obviously loanwords. G: -bùdì “hair on body” Proto-Bantu PMA balahibo- “fine hair” Tagalog bol-bol- “hair” Tagalog bulo- “hairs” Tagalog bolou- “hair” Bouru boloi- “hair” Amblaw bolo- “hair” Baju pulu- “hair” Sulu Is. bulbul- “hair” Sulu Is. fulu- “hair” Nanumea vulungi- “hair” Mosina volo- “hair” Malagasy vul- “hair” Lakon vului- “hair” Vureas vulu- “hair” Gog, Torres Is. buloe- “hair” Salon bulu- “hair” Indonesia, Malay bila- “hair” Lamenu bele-ti- “hair” Pagu Back