d/l/n/r alternations

Nostratic roots “extend” IENH 98: *t[h](a|ë)l´- “to stretch, spread, extend” (primary meaning) IENH 106: *t[h](a|ë)n´- “to extend, spread, stretch” IENH 113: *t[h](a|ë)r- “to spread, spread out, expand, extend; to stretch, stretch out, scatter, strew” IENH 123: *t'[a|ë]l- “to stretch, extend” IENH 179: *c'(i|e)l- “to stretch out, extend, exceed; be wealthy, prosper, do well” (“extend” =?) “reach” IENH 128: *t'(u|o)l- “to reach, attain, strive for, come to; goal, end, result” IENH 149: *t´(a|ë)r- “to advance toward an end or a goal; to attain or achieve an end or a goal, reach, come to, arrive at; to master, become master of” “flow” IENH 145: *d´[a|ë]w- “to run, flow, gush forth” + l/r -> IENH 83: *d(a|ë)n- “to run, flow” IENH 118: *t'[u|o]l´- “to drip, fall in drops, sprinkle, wet, moisten” IENH 157: *t'´[u|o]r- “to run, flow” HSED 747: *dur- “flow” “grow” IENH 4: *b(a|ë)r- “to swell, puff up, expand” IENH 10: *b[u|o]l- “to swell, expand, spread out, overflow, puff up, inflate” IENH 24: *b(a|ë)r- “seed, grain” IENH 39: *p[h](i|e)r- “to bring forth, bear fruit” IENH 487: *wal- “to be or become strong” “shine” IENH 15: *b[a|ë]l´- “to shine, be bright” IENH 16: *b(a|ë)r- “to shine, be bright” “settled place” IENH 19: *b(u|o)rg´- “to protrude, be prominent” IENH 55: *p[h](a|ë)l- “settlement, settled place” IENH 61: *p[h](i|e)r- “house” (?) which is OK when we talk of a land of islands, I suppose “divide” IENH 35: *p[h](i|e)l´- “to split, cleave” IENH 37: *p[h](a|ë)r- “to separate, divide” “fear” IENH 64: *p[h](i|e)l- “to tremble, shake; to be frightened, fearful, afraid” IENH 68: *p[h](i|e)r- “to tremble, shake; be afraid, fear” “take” IENH 222: *g(a|ë)r- “to take, take hold of; to take away, carry off, remove” IENH 226: *g(a|ë)t´- “to take (with the hand), grasp” “twist” IENH 227: *g(a|ë)w-al- “to twist, turn, bend” IENH 239: *g(u|o)r- “to turn, twist, wind, wrap, roll” IENH 263: *k[h](a|ë)r- “to twist, turn, wind” IENH 267: *k[h](a|ë)d- “to twist, wind, wrap, bend” IENH 293: *k'(a|ë)r- “to twist, bend, wind, tie (together), bend, (adj.) curved, bent, crooked” IENH 306: *k´[h](e|ë)l- “to twist, twine, wind around, plait” IENH 331: *kw[h](u|o)r- “to twist or twine together, tie together, bind fasten” “bend” IENH 261: *k[h](u|o)n-k'- “to be bent, curved, crooked; hook” IENH 317: *kw[h](u|o)l- “to bend, curve turn, revolve; to move around” IENH 349: *G(u|o)l- “bend, corner, edge, valley, ravine, gully” “strike” IENH 229: *g(u|o)l- “to cut, cut off, pluck off, break off” IENH 246: *k[h](a|ë)r- “to cut” IENH 312: *gw(a|ë)n- “to hit, strike, slay, kill, wound, harm, injure” IENH 342: *k'w(u|o)d- “to strike, wound, hurt, slay” IENH 354: *q[h](a|ë)r- “to strike, split, cut, wound, injure” IENH 359: *q'w(a|ë)l- “to strike, hit, cut, hurt, wound, slay, kill” “dog” HSED 917: *ger- “dog, cub” HSED 1425: *kan- “dog” HSED 1434: *ka[ya]r- “dog” HSED 1498: *kun- “dog” HSED 1511: *küHen- “dog” HSED 1521: *kV(w|y)Vl- “dog, wolf” “man” HSED 1722: *ma[ya]n- “man” HSED 1740: *mar[ra?]- “man” HSED 1803: *mur- “man” HSED 1806: *mut- “man” “slave” HSED 1727: *mar- “slave” HSED 1783: *monVh.- “slave” “walk” HSED 1731: *mar- “walk” HSED 1746: *mat- “go, walk” HSED 1782: *mon- “move, go” “river” HSED 1733: *mar- “drop, rain” HSED 1747: *mat.ar- “water” HSED 1770: *min- “water, river” HSED 1774: *mir- “river” “spear” HSED 1738: *mar- “hoe (n.)” HSED 1750: *ma(w|y)at.- “tree” HSED 1763: *meti?- “spear” HSED 1807: *mut- “stick” HSED 1812: *mVd- “knife, axe” “house” HSED 1723: *m(a|i)n- “house” HSED 1732: *mar- “house” HSED 1748: *mawar- “roof, house” “eye” HSED 93: *?id- “eye” HSED 110: *?ind- “eye” HSED 112: *?ir- “eye” HSED 1084: *`ayVn- “eye” (> Omotic *?an- “eye”) HSED 1101: *`il- “eye” (seems based on Agaw *`il-; Central Chadic, Lowland East Cushitic, Highland East Cushitic, Dahalo, and Rift have *?il-) Back