*bh-r/l- “bright, castle, bank, high, and many other strange things etc” (or numinous light above island?)

PMA vara “to keep, ward off” Sanskrit vari “enclosure” pali “line, row, bank, dike” pur “fortified city, citadel, fortress” palli “village” pur “exogamous units among the Sakadwipi brahmins of Bihar, marriage is not allowed within the same pur, although marriage may take place within the same gotra” varna “race, species, caste, kind, form, character, nature, color” Sanskrit NDAP 106: *pur- “house” Dravidian *bir-/*bur- “fort, fortress” AfroAsiatic NDAP 107: *ur- “place” Dravidian *u:r- “village, town, house” Dravidian *ar- “room, house” Dravidian *w[a|u]r- “kin, family, house, village, city, place” AfroAsiatic *?(a)yr-/?ary- “city, house” AfroAsiatic *wer- “fort, fortress, city” Indo-European *werV- “place” Finno-Ugrian *orun “place” Turkic-Mongolian uru “city” Sumerian PMA burunga- “clan” Arosi barangay- “communal unit usually smaller than village, ship” Philippines baronga- “character, disposition, nature” Arosi perangai- “character, nature, disposition” Indonesia, Malay bal.u- “village, community, house” Proto-Austric(Benedict) fera- “village” Proto-Malaitan puruwa- “village” Faita peuru- “village” Bilua felakoe- “village, ship” Lavukaleve TP: So, what does all this "village, mountain, bright, sky, bank, high" have in common? This may be an explanation: from PMN: A more romantic method [than those previously mentioned for detecting islands beyond the horizon] is the detection of aura reflected off clouds, or the radiation rising off islands in the midst of a cool sea. Obviously, these methods are not well-known even to those who have investigated Austronesian navigation. Back