*H-kw- “eye, see”

PMA iksh “to look, behold, perceive, know” Sanskrit. Also iksi “eye” Sanskrit iki “eye” Syrian Gypsy aki “eye” Oriya, Bihari, Bag'eli, Kanauji it “eye” Kohistani itsin “eye” Gawar-bati SIG *y-g1- “eye, see” Pre-Proto-AfroAsiatic whence with suffix n- yŕin(u) “eye” Proto-AfroAsiatic e:nu “eye” Assyrian *yék1- Proto-IndoEuropean whence *'ók1 (since yé > yó > ó) in *ók1-si Proto-IndoEuropean áks^i “eye” Sanskrit as^i “eye” Old Persian *yok2- Proto-IndoEuropean whence *'ok2- in oko “eye” Slavic oc^i, dual “pair of eyes” Slavic osse: “eye” Greek oculus “eye” Latin akěs “eye” Lithuanian opsomai, fut. “see” Greek opo:pa, perf. “have seen” Greek The Semitic suffix -n- is probably the same as the one in akn “eye” Armenian *aug-n- “eye” Germanic okno “window” Slavic EIEC *H3ekw- “see” opo:pa “have seen” Greek opipeúa “stare at” Greek íshate “sees” Sanskrit *H3éni-H3kw-o/eH2 enech “face” Old Irish enep “face” Middle Welsh *H3okw- “eye” oculus “eye” Latin auga “eye” Old Norse e:age “eye” Old English eye English ouga “eye” Old High German augo: “eye” Gothic ackis “eye” Old Prussian akis “eye” Lithuanian acs “eye” Latvian oko “eye” Old Church Slavonian oshi (pl., old dual) “eyes” Old Church Slavonian ossi (dual) “eyes” Greek omma (< okw-mn-) “eye” Greek o:ps “face” Greek akn “eye” Armenian ach'k (acc.) “eye” Armenian ek “eye” TokharianB perhaps *sekw- “see” is really *s-H3ekw- (with causative s-preformative) “watch, make (oneself) perceive visually” and *seH3g- “perceive acutely, seek out” is *s-eH3g-, an alternate form HSED 93: *?id- “eye” *?id- “eye” West Chadic ido “eye” Hausa yit “eye” Sura yit, yid “eye” Angas yit “eye” Montol has-yid “eye” Ankwe yit “eye” Gerka ?ido “eye” Bolewa ?ido “eye” Karekare yero “eye” Dera idu “eye” Tangale ido “eye” Ngamo ida “eye” Maha ido “eye” Bele iro “eye” Kirfi iid.i “eye” Gera iirya “eye” Galambo ida “eye” Geruma ado: “eye” Diri ida “eye” Jimbin da “eye” Ngizim Some forms with -r- may go back to HSED 112 *?ir- “eye” as well. *?id- “eye” Central Chadic idi “eye” Tera di “eye” Nzangi *?id-/?ud- “eye” East Chadic uda: “eye” Dangla ?id.e “eye” Migama ?ude “eye” Jegu id- “eye” Sokoro East Chadic *?ud- < *?idu- or a trace of an apophony? Although this root is preserved only in Chadic, its derivatives also occur in Cushitic, see HSED 110 “eye” and we may, there- fore, consider it as an Hamito-Semitic archaism. HSED 110: *?ind- “eye” *?Vnd- “eye” Central Chadic nde “eye” Dghwede No traces of the original first syllable. *?int- “eyes” (pl.) Saho-Afar intit “eyes” (pl.) Saho intit “eyes” (pl.) Afar Unvoiced *-t- < Hamito-Semitic *-d- is not clear. *?ind- “eye” Lowland East Cushitic ind.o “eyes” (pl.) Somali indo “eye” Rendille iynd.a “eye” Arbore iinda “eye” Gidole Secondary -d.- in Somali and Arbore? Derived from HSED 93: *?id- “eye” with a nasal infix. HSED 112: *?ir- “eye” ir.t “eye” Egyptian (pyramids) yr.t “eye” Demotic *yiri “eye” Coptic ieire “eye” Lycopolitan *?ir-/*yir- “eye” West Chadic yir “eye” Polchi yir “eye” Sayanchi yerr “eye” Geruntun yir “eye” Kir ge-ir “eye” Tala yeer “eye” Fyer *yir- is a result of further development of *ir-. Note a prefix in Tala. *?ir- “eye” Central Chadic iri “eye” Lame ir “eye” Mesme ira “eye” Banana Related to *?ir- is a derivative *?aray- (< *?iray-?) “eye” Central Chadic ?aray “eye” Balda aray “eye” Munjuk arai “eye” Masa *?ir- “eye” East Chadic ir-in “eye” Mubi HSED 1084: *`ayVn- “eye” *`ayn- “eye” Semitic i:nu “eye” Akkadian `n “eye” Ugaritic `ayin “eye” Hebrew `ayno: “eye” Aramaic (Syrian) `ayn- “eye” Arabic `ayn “eye” Ge'ez `n, `yn “eye” Egyptian (ancient) Borrowing from Semitic? *?an- “eye” Omotic an “eye” Gim Regular development from *`ayn-? HSED 1101: *`il- “eye” *?il- “eye” Central Chadic yel, yil “eye” Buduma el “eye” Gulfey ili “eye” Lamang *`il- “eye” Agaw `il, `el “eye” Bilin el, iel “eye” Xamir ël “eye” Xamta el, yel “eye” Kwara il, yil “eye” Dembea yil “eye” Kemant el, ëll, ill “eye” Aungi *?il- “eye” Lowland East Cushitic il “eye” Somali ila “eye” Oromo il, ili “eye” Bayso ille “eye” Arbore iil “eye” Geleba il-da “eye” Konso il-c^a “eye” Busso il-ta “eye” Gidole *?ill- “eye” Highland East Cushitic illee “eye” Sidamo ille “eye” Darasa illi “eye” Hadiya ille “eye” Alaba ille “eye” Bambala ille “eye” Kambatta ?ila “eye” Dahalo ila “eyes” Mogogodo *?il- “eye” Rift ila “eye” Iraqw ila “eye” Alagwa ila “eye” Burunge ?ilat “eye” Asa ilito “eye” Kwadza NS 35: *Huk'a “eye, see” Proto-Nostratic *-gwV “eye” Sino-Caucasian *kWe:-n (~*gW) “look” Sino-Tibetan if -n is a suffix *?agwV “see” North Caucasian PMS igi “eye” Sumerian PMA ike- “to see, perceive” Hawai'i ite- “to see” Tahiti k-ite- “to see” Mangar., Tonga, Maori ma-k-ita- “to see” Tagalog kita- “visible” Tagalog ita- “to see” Ouma, Bina, Wedau t-ingin- “eye” Tagalog pan-ingin- “eye” Tagalog h-ingo- “eye” Kapau ma-k-ita- “eye” Parawen, Yorawata te, de- “eye” Papuan ta, da- “eye” Austro-Tai ang-k “eye” Danaru ege- “eye” Usu agi-utu- “eye” Duduela engge- “eye” Usino ite-c “eye” Meax oto- “eye” Samahi atsing “eye” Mt. Goliath ite-ja- “eye” Meninggo enggio- “eye” Dem eki- “eye” Suma Back