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Rant of the Week Comics!!!

Rant of the week Comics are updated whenever the hell I feel like updating them.

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Rants done by Mark:

March 19th 2001 - Evil Dead 2
March 25th 2001 - Pretentious Rap-age Bastards
March 31st 2001 - The evil that is the OLSEN TWINS!!!
April 21st 2001 - Bernard Landry
April 21st 2001 - School institutions and Calgary's News
April 21st 2001 - Everybody's sweetheart: ELISABETH FROM SURVIVOR!!!
May 1st 2001 - Violence in video games? BULLCRAP!
May 5th 2001 - Why it's good to be a guy
May 14th 2001 - The Coke Card : All talk but nothing in the sack
May 17th 2001 - Violence at school: What the hell?
May 19th 2001 - Subway's most annoying spokeshand yet: THE SHADOW KNOWS!!!!
May 23rd 2001 - How Chef Boyardee almost killed me
June 20th 2001 - World Peace through Beer
August 1st 2001 - Magic wigglees: Wanna see my wigglee?
November 24th 2001 - The sad state of toys today

Rants done by Moody:

May 2nd 2001 - Fruitopia Minus The Fruit
May 11th 2001 - All Your Base Are Belong to Who?

Movie/Game/Music reviews by both of us

June 27th 2001 - The Fast and the Furious
August 1st 2001 - Planet of the Apes 2001