So, You decided to follow the dragon after all hmmm??? well then, Here you will find a index of all the links you will need. The information here may not be suitable for those that are stuck up, and wish not to listen to other peoples ideas or theories. There is a reason for everything, even if it may not seem obvious right now. Ok, I will go on...and show you, The realms, of my World......

By the way, todays Date is:

-The Poetry Page--Updated!!

-The Theory Page

-My Religion Page

-The Rant Page From HELL

-About me

-Sun Signs This page tells you what Sign you are and what your personality is...

-All about, My FRIENDS This page is about my friends, if your not up here, Just tell me what you want up there And I will be sure to put you there!!!!

-My Favorite Songs This page has PapaRoach, Linkin Park, Disturbed, and more to come!!!

-Banners A place full of banners for people to come and explore!--Updated!!

-Articles A place where reality hits us hardest

-Friends Sites This is all of my friends sites...have a site, want me to add it to my webpage... EMAIL ME!!!--NEW!!!

Days until 2012!!!!

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Like many ribbon campaigns, this is a way for us to outwardly show our support for religious tolerance and the freedom to believe in our own paths. Pagans, Wiccans, Shamans, Native Americans and so many more of the various Earth Religions are misunderstood by most people with mainstream Christian backgrounds. We believe that it is fear that fuels the fires of misunderstanding and intolerance.--RavenFlight