
Thanks to all the people that came to our show last night. It was great show. Thanks to all the bands: All4Defiance, Airstream Giggalos, and The Rainman Suite. You guys were kick ass.



01.22.04   Make Over!

So I just renovated the site. Actually, this is going to be an ongoing process cuz I am gonna try to get new pics of the band and stuff. I'll have the place all finished soon.

Also, just to let you kids know, Wet 48v is open to playing any kind of show. If your party needs some great live music, just give us a holla, yo.




First of all, we'd like to thank Big Daddy's for letting us play at their cool bar. Also, thanks to all the bands for playing a kick ass show. It was awesome seeing a drummer as the lead singer in Say It Twice. And we can't forget Gainesville's finest: No More and Today Doesn't Count. Sterlo and Jennifer kick ass!

And don't forget, Wet 48v is playing on Dec. 12 at Floyd's Music Store right here in Tallahassee. We are selling tickets for $3. Come, tie your shoes really tight, and jump into the mosh pit.




Yes kids. 'Tis true what they say. Tickets for the Dec. 12th show are only $3!! How is that possible you ask? It's because we love our fans and want you guys to come and have a good time at our show. Email the band at wet48v@yahoo.com for tickets, or IM raquel at rylao.



Okay kids, we are playing at Floyd's Music Store on December 12th. Help Wet48v raise money for a professional studio recording by purchasing advance tickets from us! We will be selling them for $5 (which is a discount if you are under 21!).

Tickets will be available after Oct. 31st. You can get them by emailing the band at wet48v@yahoo.com or at any of our shows at the Warehouse. We also will be selling tickets around the FSU campus and other places around town. So look out for us!

It'll be a great show to get fucked up after finals week.



Go to the Warehouse on West Gaines Street and see Wet 48v perform! Bring all your friends and get drunk and sleep with the band members. (Okay, maybe not the last one.)

Also, check out the pics section and see a pic of young Scott in his first band. awwwwwww.....



Hells yeah! Wet48v is back and ready to rock Tallahassee! We got some new songs and they are better than ever! So if you want to hear them, be sure to go to upcoming shows!



Hey homie g's. I renuvated the place. The band has been busy for the summer. I'm at home working, Wade's in Tallahassee working, and Scott's at FSU taking classes. But don't worry kids. You'll hear from the band really soon!



We'd like to thank the people that listened to us at the party last night. (Hopefully you weren't so drunk to forget about us.) But thank you for the support. And for those who don't know what I'm talking about here's a little summary:

Wade and I were heading out to a pizza place to eat at 12:00am when we got a call from Scott. There was a huge party where the speakers had blown out. And of course, we are crazy. So we packed up all our equipment and came to the rescue!
Here are things that happen that we were not happy about:
1.) played on dirt which later started to become mud from the sprinkles of rain
2.) power chords were not long enough
3.) wade and I couldn't hear the drums and scott couldn't hear our instruments because of the way we had to set up
4.) the PA we used were just scott's speakers so it wasn't loud enough and distorted the vocals

BUT, although those things were not pleasant, it was a good show considering the conditions. We saved the party from musical despair. We all got home around 5:00am. Rock on!!




Wet48v opening for Off By One w/ Broken Sound at the Beta Bar! Bring all your friends! We'll be handing out FREE copies of our Rubber, Buns, And Liquor CD. So if your dying to get your hands on a copy- a free copy!- then come watch the show in Tallahassee, FL.




Yay! New CD! New site! What more can a teenager want??? The band has finally finished their 14 song CD, Rubber, Buns, And Liquor. Many of the songs can be found online at mp3.com but two special songs are missing. BUM BUM BUM!! If you would like a copy of the complete CD, just email us and we'll send one to ya! Put on the subject part of the email saying Wet48v CD or Rubber, Buns, And Liquor or something like that so we know it's not a porn site emailing us.....that stuff goes to a special special special account.



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