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Candy Mountain Lyrics


obligatory anarchy symbol picture (taken inside a toilet?)

These are the lyrics to some of our stuff, some images still to be loaded  (if you want lyrics for any of our other stuff, let us know innit), if you make a cover, we'd love to hear it.

In no particular order (click on name to go straight to lyrics for that particular song):




I’ve got a mate called Erik

He thinks he rules this land

One time he told me all about it

But I guess I’m too thick to understand

But there’s a few things I know for sure

Like he aint so keen on torture and pain

He don’t want shit sprayed in his eyes,

He don’t want you messing with his fucking brain


No, he don’t wanna give his life to science

He don’t give a shit about the fucking cause

He don’t really care about the government

And he got no time for their stupid laws

Maybe one day I’ll get through to him

And teach him how to fire a gun

And I’ll let him loose, out on the streets

And watch them sick old bastards run


Watch those sick old bastards run

Watch those sick old bastards run

Watch those sick old bastards run

Watch those fucking bastards run


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Felix – Whatever It Takes

Part One

They finally killed him

After a year of pain and torture

Alone, confused

No hope of salvation

No chance of escape

Never forget

Give him a voice


We don’t need your fucking medicine

Part Two

You aint fucking human

Wallowing in their pain

It’s all just cash and power

The same old fucking game

Sick, sadistic, mutilator

Piece of shit, fucking traitor

Dr. Bloodcoat, fucking nutter.

Psychopathic investigator



Take away their freedom

Torture every day

Stuff them with your poison

Just watch them waste away

He’s got a BA in mutilation

Hacking away in fascination

Government funded torture

Fucking scum


So you better start running

And find a place to hide

Cos we’re gathering an army

Gonna bust this open wide

And we’re never going to rest

Until every animal’s saved

And we’re drinking to their freedom

While pissing on your grave


Whatever it takes

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51st State


Blair, you greasy Islington ponce


We’re an outpost, of the U.S state

No way out, checkmate

Another frontier in their war

But what the fuck are we fighting for


The West, the East, are just the same

And we’re just a pawn in their deadly game

NATO’s just an American ploy

For somewhere to dump their atomic toy


It’s no use, to make a stand

Cos if they wanted, they’d rule this land

After nuclear war there’s nothing left

No victors, only death



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Do you know life?

Do you know suffering?

Have you seen the strife?

Do you really care?

What do you care?

As long as you’re alright

You’re their worst weapon

You don’t know why?

Cos you just sit there

And let the world go by

Yeah, you just sit there

And let the world go by

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Yeah that’s right, you aint worth shit

You’re just another product to be used as seen fit

Boxed and packaged the label says free

Sitting on a shelf with your lifetime guarantee

Loaded, Armed and primed, and ready for use

Waiting for a target for their human abuse

Well theres plenty of them, in this fucked up game

Take out enough and maybe they’ll give you back your name


God bless ‘em all, feed the flag

Another corpse for the blood soaked rag

Another victim of national pride

Another pointless suicide


So while your working, to serve their master plan

Blindly taking bribes, to screw your fellow man

Hiding your face from what you know is right

Cos if the Master says ok, you think it’s alright

The years of grafting, blood, sweat and tears

Paying for the bastards to prey upon your fears

Until the final day, when they lay your life to rest

Just say sorry to the human race


God bless ‘em all, feed the flag

Another corpse for the blood soaked rag

Another victim of national pride

Another pointless suicide


Well I heard all the hype and I still aint buying

Aint gonna turn my back on the suffering and dying

Aint going to contribute to your national wealth

If you want shit done you can do it yourself

Abuse me, erase me, you can never hide

I’m used to your poison, my eyes are open wide 

So kill me, erase me, I don’t really care

I’ll never subscribe to your glorious nightmare


God bless ‘em all, feed the flag

Another corpse for the blood soaked rag

Another victim of national pride

Another pointless suicide


Just another pointless suicide

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Bald Fat Farce


Globby hair and a pasty grin

It’s the shittest thing to see fat man sing

Neck begins to wobble, so does his belly

Resembling a bowl of fucking old jelly


Blimey how d’ya get to be so fat

How d’ya fit through the door like that

Bald fat farce, bald fat bloke

Singing out of his ass, what a fucking joke


Lost all your hair and your toupee needs a wash

You fucking old lard bucket, fucking old farce

You’re heavier than a bus, fucking lard tosh

You think you’re slim, like the rest of us


Blimey how d’ya get to be so fat

How d’ya fit through the door like that

Bald fat farce, bald fat bloke

Singing out of his ass, what a fucking joke

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Last Mourning


Early morning in the land of the rising sun

Children are playing, having their fun

Innocence, the war is far away

Sun is shining, it’s a beautiful day


Early morning in the land of the rising sun

Children are playing, having their fun

In the air, a bird of prey

It’s just a speck in the sky, oh what games we play


Early morning in the land of the risen sun

Blinding flash, the war has come

Searing heat, deadly rain

Roasting flesh, never let it happen again


Never let it happen again

Never let it happen again


We can never forget



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Living Room


Lonely park, dim moonlight

Orange glow, city night

Distant traffic, deepest drone

Windswept trees, whistle moan

Plastic bag, sticky mess

So what? I couldn’t care less

Inhaled vapours, intoxicated mind

Different world of a different kind


Noises come, bright lights flash

Space invaders, Colours clash

Phyunger phyuraps, deja vous

Been here before, but it’s something new

Thirteenth scream, who am I?

Going away, please don’t die

Morning now, dark has gone

Can’t remember where it’s from


Plastic bag, sticky mess

So what? I couldn’t care less

Inhaled vapours, intoxicated mind

Different world of a different kind

Thirteenth scream, who am I?

Going away, please don’t die

Morning now, dark has gone

Can’t remember where it’s from

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Mister Simms


Daylight comes, you wake up, you’re Mister Simms

Daylight comes and I wake up, I eat from bins

I just need some fucking place where I can crash

But you’re throwing squatters out, on the street for cash

Mister Simms


You think you’re so fucking decent, Mister Simms

But I’m sitting here and I’m counting out all your fucking sins

There’s plenty of good empty homes throughout this land

But you just seal them up and lay them all to waste

Mister Simms, yeah, fuck you, Mister Simms


You picked the wrong one to oppress, Mister Simms

I’ve got a phonebook here with your address, Mister Simms

I’ve got a few bob and I’m going down the town

Gonna buy some petrol and burn your fucking house down

Mister Simms


Now your home is gone, your lots the same as mine

My mind is on kill, I’ve got a crow bar made of iron

Gonna hunt you down cos it’s your death I crave

Gonna cave your skull in, and dance upon your grave

Mister Simms, yeah, fuck you, Mister Simms

Yeah, fuck you, Mister Simms

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On The Beat


You fucking shit bastard, you fucking shit scum

You think you’re a man in your uniform

Well, you’re walking your beat, down the same old street

But there aint much crime, you’re just killing time

So what you gonna do?


There’s these two guys with different hair

They’re on their way home, but do you really care

As you and your mate knock them to the ground

Their screams and their shouts is the only sound

They aint done nothing


A group of people on a protest march

Police keeping order, it’s just a farce

Baton, helmet, shield, kick ‘em up the arse

But their aint much crime, you’re just killing time

So what you gonna do?


There’s these two old geezers with walking sticks

Out of order… What? You taking the piss?

Kick ‘em  real hard, it’s how you get your kicks

Hide your name and number, yeah, we know all your tricks

They aint done nothing


No, you aint done nothing, then you hear their voice

You gotta go, you got no fucking choice

And when you’re down the station, you got no rights

Even though you’re innocent, you still gotta fight

Yeah, well, don’t I look so cool in my uniform?

If I act real good, maybe they’ll give me a gun

I just can’t wait to waste shit like you

Yeah, scream all you want, there’s nothing you can do


So, give some respect to the boys in blue

We’re on the beat, we’re coming for you

Give some respect to the boys in blue

Give us any lip, and we’ll kick the shit out of you

So give some respect to the boys in blue

Were on the beat, we’re looking for you

Give some respect to the boys in blue

Coming your way, and we’re gonna fuck you


You’re nicked, mate

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Same Old Shit


Aint gonna listen to you any more

So don’t come knocking on my fucking door

You got nothing worthwhile left to say

Well, I guess you never really did anyway

Shit scum slime, you lying old fucker

You think I’m so thick that I can’t see through you?

Shit scum traitor, bastard, fuckhead

Someone kick down that fucking fence


So now it’s a crime to be out of work

Too many people getting off on the perks

Let the rats starve, lock them away

Any sign of life, make the bastards pay

Best be regal if you’re an OAP

Or it’s three fucking weeks ‘til they find your body

Ninety years old, and she’s dead from the cold

No, I didn’t see that on the BBC

So what happened to her two minute fucking silence?


And if you should ever be a little unwell

Best go private, ring your fucking bell

Or you can die on a trolley, care of the NHS

A treat set aside for the rest of us

Killing us all, the young and the old,

Dying and bleeding, lying in the cold

Let the rats starve, no great loss

Bring down the figures at any fucking cost

Cut the lists, bring out your dead, boys


Well it aint their fault, they’re just following the law

I think I heard that story somewhere else before

Different time, different place

Same old shit from the Master race

Same old abuse, same old pain

Divide and rule, and life down the drain

New fucking labour, same old lies

Paying for the shit they spit in your eyes

We got the Haggerston Estate, who needs Belsen?

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Soldier Soldier


We’ve got a job that’s just for you

Come, lad, be a soldier

You’ll get all of the best pay

Just think what you could put away

Travel the world, go afar

Wear a uniform, be a star

Only thing you gotta do

Is fight and kill before they kill you

Soldier, soldier, what’s your trade?

We march and train and drill

Soldier, soldier, what’s your aim

To fight and maim and kill


Travel away to foreign places

Carry you home in a couple of cases

You don’t know what you’re fighting for

Stuck in someone elses war

Do exactly as that say

Up at six every day

And if some time you lose your head

You’ll most likely end up dead

Soldier, soldier, what’s your trade?

We march and train and drill

Soldier, soldier, what’s your aim

To fight and maim and kill


Soldier, soldier, what do you get?

What do you get for all the pressure?

What do you get that makes it worth it?

I’ll tell you

You get a military funeral for the family

Keeps them down, keeps them proud

You get your name engraved on a block of marble

But what’s it to you?

What’s it to you, when you’re dead?

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Take Care


There are some that say that you’re now eternal

But I don’t subscribe to that dream

Alone in the centre of the crowd

In a place I’ve never seen

Memory fades but never dies

A splinter from the past for future lives

And I know the selfish grief I feel

Reflects a time that is so unreal

Fate can be harsh when a future dies

No longer can I question why

For there is no answer

Like there is no reason


A reason to live, no reason to die

Here and now, and I could reply

That you’re still here, and alive today

Although I never got the chance to say

Take care of yourself

You hear me? Take care

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I saw the news today, oh boy

They’re telling me some shit about Shock and Awe


We’ve got another casualty on the floor

And, there’s all too much civilian gore

It’s something that we just cannot ignore

So you demonstrate against their fucked up war

Boldy announcing your resistance

Also known as civil disobedience

You rocked the boat when you protested

So join all the terrorists that they arrested

Well, the games are now getting so very old

Too many times, this story’s been told

Human flesh worn thin and raw

Power mongers just shutting the door


I saw the news today, oh boy

Must be the tenth time they killed that fucking guy


In the face of all decency

Desecrate the stone of humanity

Continuing to inflict their lies

On the gullible idiots they despise

Illuminate the blood red skies

Ignore all the wretched cries

Warm the people to the bone

Tearing into their shattered homes

Broken bodies everywhere

Branded traitor if you stop and care

So close your eyes to what they’ve done

Pretend they saved us, pretend we fucking won


I saw the news today, oh boy

They pulled down some statue, it’s just a fucking joke, right?


I seen people crying out, tortured by greed

I guess it’s ok, cos Arabs don’t bleed

And we can repair all the damage, so done be alarmed

There’s an endless supply of little plastic arms

Six months now after their liberation

And they’re still shooting back all over the nation

But it’s good for business in the land of the free

So quit you whining, it’s fucking great TV


And you’re life’s just fucking dispensible

Life’s just fucking dispensible

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Bush and Blair, your bombs kill babies

Bush and Blair, you lying shits

Bush and Blair, your bombs kill children

Bush and Blair, fucking hypocrites


Lying, murdering, bastard scum


Lying, murdering, bastard scum


Bush and Blair, you killed those children

Bush and Blair, you killed those kids

Bush and Blair, murdering bastards

Bush and Blair, you’re just full of shit

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So stand up tall you hypocritical fool

You think you speak on behalf of us all

You vocalise your inner thoughts

Cos that’s just what your parents taught

You think you’re up on a pedestal

And never going to take the fall

You’re just part of the gutter race

Floundering in that cess pool place

Stand up like the rest of us

He’s got a little roof, but it’s all too much

Different culture from another place

Don’t try to mix with the master race

So stand up tall, you hypocritical fool

You think you speak on behalf of us all

It’s ok, he’s not like the rest

So give him a white name, he passed your test

He’s just a guy with different colour skin

So open the door and let him in

Thinking that you’re so fucking right

But you’re just full of shite

Laying down your rules at the entry gate

Saying: don’t integrate

Must segregate, don’t congregate

Or they’ll contaminate us all




Just who’d you think you’re talking to?

You ignorant fucker

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