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The Girl, and the Blog...
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Random Silliness and More!
Monday, 1 May 2006
Ummmmmmmmm..... this is just random silliness and thoughts.
Mood:  mischievious
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Topic: The Girl, and the Blog...
Hey there peeps just wanted to say welcome to my blog. It's fun and energetic and as you can tell by the title it's mostly random silliness. But sometimes if I'm feeling non-mischevious I may post a poem or part of my on-going story about Star. O by the way why don't I tell you about me and my blog. I'll make it a story too.
So one day there was this chika named StinkerBell who was like, "dude! this website rocks ur socks i gotta make a ws!" So she did and then she took forEVER to make a blog called Random Siliness (what a co-inky-dink! that's mine 2!) and then she posted an entry and here we are!
Wasn't that a great story? Feel free to comment but don't make it too rude or I'll have to erase your comment.
By the way feel free to post anything you like on here except ads for your own site. I'm not a commercial. He he I really hate commercials. Except some which are freakin hilarious. Not that any come to mind at the moment but hey, what can ya do?
O and try not to swear too much k?

Posted by punk/stinkerbell at 6:11 PM CDT
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