Will You Do It To Me?

Waking up, Yuna went blood red. Rikku was still laying over her, almost completely naked.

“Oh, gosh, oh gosh, Rikku wake up! Get off of me,” Yuna frantically shouted, afraid her mom and dad would walk in and catch them.

Still sleepy eyed, Rikku raised up. Her eyes went wide when she caught sight of Yuna pinned under her. “Eik, Yuna,” she screamed, bolting off the girl.

“So it wasn’t a dream,” Yuna asked, getting up and gathering her shirt, bra and skirt?

“Uh, I’m guessing not,” Rikku said, picking her clothes up as well.

“Well we were only experimenting, so it doesn’t mean anything, right?”

“Right, yeah,” Rikku said running into Yuna’s shower. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Okay, hurry, cause I want one too,” Yuna called to her cousin.

Wakka woke up and turned around and smiled at his sleeping brother. His cheeks burned, remembering what he did in the shower. I can’t believe I did that, I touched him down there, he thought, running his hand threw Chappu’s hair.

Feeling a hand in his hair, Chappu faintly smiled, and opened his eyes, “morning, Wakka,” he said with a light yawn.

Blushing Wakka pulled his hand back, “morning, Chappu.”

“Sleep well,” Chappu asked?

“Uh huh,” Wakka replied. “You?”

Sitting up, Chappu stretched, “Sure did.”

Blushing, Wakka set up, “Um, Chappu?”

“Yeah,” Chappu said, looking at his flushed brother.

“UmcanIkissyou,” Wakka said, all in one breath?

Chappu laughed, “Um, what was that Wakka? Could you say it slower?”

“Er, what I mean, is um, you know,” Wakka looked down, his face the color of his hair, “can I kiss you?”

Turning red, Chappu smiled, “sure.”

Wakka grinned and scooted closer to Chappu, leaning forward, he pressed his lips against Chappu’s. Chappu smiled into the kiss and put his arms around Wakka’s neck.

Breathing hard, Wakka pulled away, he smiled, at Chappu, leaning into his chest, feeling safe in his arms.


“Yes, Chappu,” Wakka said, looking up at his face.

Kissing Wakka on the lips, Chappu got out of bed, “I’ve got to go.”

Wakka pouted, “do you really have too.”

Nodding Chappu, pulled Wakka up off the bed, kissing him hard on the mouth. “Yup, someone’s got to hold down a job for this family.”

“Oh, okay,” Wakka said, watching as his brother get changed.

Chappu blushed, throwing his sleep clothes at Wakka, “see something you like, ya?”

“Yup,” Wakka said, looking at Chappu through the clothes draped over his head, “don’t you think you should change your underwear?”

“Oh, you wish,” Chappu chuckled, pulling on his clean clothes. Walking past Wakka, Chappu smacked him on the backside.

“Hey,” he called, but Chappu was already gone, “Hey, that felt good. Get back here and do it again,” Wakka yelled. Luckily no neighbors were around, to hear Wakka’s strange shout.

Yuna dried off from her shower, after dressing, she walked out of her bathroom, blushing when she saw Rikku sitting on her bed. Rikku looked up and smiled at Yuna.

“Hi, Yunie,” she looked down blushing, “um Yuna,” she asked?

“What, Rikku?”

“Well you remember yesterday,” Rikku said, blushing more.

Yuna nodded.

“Well, um did you like it,” she looked up at Yuna?

“Oh . . . ah um, well yeah it felt nice,” she turned away from Rikku going to her dresser, and grabbing a brush. She started to brush her hair.

“Will you do it to me, you said you would,” Rikku whispered, “I wanna know what it feels like?”

Yuna nodded, “sure, um later though. We just had our showers.”

Wakka laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling when, Chappu entered the bedroom. Wakka did not even notice this. He just kept looking at the ceiling.

Chappu smiled and quietly stripped down to his boxers. He was ready to go to bed. It’d been a long day. Walking over to the bed, Chappu brought Wakka out of his thoughts by straddling his hips.

“Chappu,” Wakka groaned, feeling Chappu’s arousal on his. Chappu grinned and leaned forward, kissing Wakka, sliding his tongue over Wakka’s teeth. Wakka moaned into the kiss and parted his mouth, allowing Chappu’s tongue access.

Chappu groaned, letting his hands explore Wakka’s body.

Wakka blushed, looking at Chappu’s flushed face, “what’s gotten into you,” he moaned, when Chappu’s fingers slipped into his boxers?

Chappu grinned, kissing Wakka again, “can’t explain it,” he said in a breathless voice, his hand going farther into Wakka’s boxers. “You make me feel things, I’ve never felt before.”

Wakka moaned arching his back, “CHAPPU,” he screamed.

Chappu jumped, “whaa, did I hurt you,” he let go of Wakka and set back.

Wakka smiled sitting up, hugging the boy that was still straddling his hips, “no, um, you surprised me. That’s all.”

Chappu grinned, “good,” Chappu said, lying down next to Wakka and snuggling up against him.

Wakka sighed, and laid his head on Chappu’s chest, “how was work?”

Chappu groaned, “boring.”

Wakka giggled, “What, no fiends to fight?”

Chappu shook his head no, “not one in sight. Which I guess is a good thing.” Chappu got paid by keeping the village safe from fiends.

“Yeah, and you still get paid, right?” Wakka yawned loudly.

“Right, but bagging fiends, gets you extra.”

Chappu looked down at Wakka, smiling when he saw that he was asleep. He placed a small kiss on his forehead, carefully getting off him, and lying him back. He then, curled up next to him, and went to sleep.

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Chapter 5

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