Rikku Meets Riku, Coming Out

"Come on Sora," Rikku grabbed Sora’s hand, "let’s go talk to the other Riku." Selphie grabbed Sora’s other hand.

"Good idea," Selphie smiled.

Sora blushed, but both girls were two busy dragging him, so they didn’t notice. I wonder if he even remembers me. Of course he does, it was only the other day, that you met him.

"Hey," Riku jumped when a energetic voice called to him. He looked up and blinked. There was Sora being led by two hyper teens. A small blond and the girl from the memorial.

Sora smiled, "hey. My friends were dying to meet you."

Riku raised his eyebrow, "cool...but why?" It’s not like I’m that fascinating of a guy.

The burnett smiled, "it’s because of your name." She pushed the blond girl closer to Riku."

Riku’s eyebrow rose further, it that’s at all possible, "my name," he frowned, "why, it’s nothing special."

"Hey," the blond finally spoke. She started to pout, "Why would you say a thing like that?"

Riku didn’t understand this girls reaction, why is she acting like I insulted her?

Sora grinned, "you sort of insulted her."

The blond nodded, "my name’s Rikku, too."

"Wha, no way!" Riku blinked, "you for real?"

Rikku nodded, "yup, Rikku with a double k."

"One k," Riku looked at Rikku, "sorry for the insult," he grinned, "I’ve always thought this was a girly name, now I know why."

"Hey it’s not girly," Sora exclaimed, getting a glare from Rikku, "I mean it’s fine for a boy or a girl. On a guy it sounds cute," Riku blushed, "one a girl it sounds pretty." Rikku grinned.

"You realize you just called me pretty and Riku cute," Rikku teased.

Selphie started to pout, "and what about me?"

Riku smiled, "you’re pretty and Sora’s cute," ahhk why did I just say that? Well Sora called you cute, so what’s the big deal?

Sora turned beet red.

Selphie smiled, "that’s more like it."

Sephiroth watched Riku like a mother hawk as he talked with two girls and a boy. He noted how red Riku got whenever the boy looked or talked to him and vise versa. Of course he didn’t care one way or another what gender his brother preferred, but he was protective all the same.

"Hey," Sephiroth looked away from his brother and into startling blue eyes. The owner of the blue eyes smiled. "So you’re new."

Sephiroth nodded, not being able to take his eyes off the slightly shorter blond in front of him.

"I’m Cloud," the blond smiled again. "In the tenth grade."


"Sephiroth, yeah I remember. Say is your hair really natural?"

Sephiroth nodded, "yes, I can prove it, if you don’t believe me." He smirked when Cloud went beet red, his eyes looking down his body.

"I believe you," Cloud exclaimed. "Besides, I don’t think they take kindly to striping here at Dark Ridge High."

Sephiroth nodded, "you’re probably be right. If you ever want me to prove it, let me know."

Cloud’s eyes went wide.Did he just hit on me? I mean he basically asked me to tell him if I ever want to see him naked. Oh boy, this is going to be a interesting year.

Sephiroth smiled, he could tell when someone was interested in him. And boy was this Cloud interested. And it just so happened that Sephiroth was interested as well.

"Okay," Cloud whispered.

Sephiroth frowned, not understanding, "okay, what?"

Now it was Cloud’s turn to smirk. Man I’m sure being bold. "Prove it!"

Irvine and Squall were in a fit of giggles. Well Irvine was, Squall was just smirking and rolling his eyes at the burnett. They had overheard that new kids and Cloud’s whole conversation.

"Geez," Irvine looked at Squall, "if I knew Cloud was like that then I would of so been after him."

Squall raised his eyebrow in surprise. Did he just say, what I thought he said? "You, you’re..."

Irvine nodded, "gay." He backed away from Squall, "that’s not a problem for you is it?" Squall was one of his best friends, the last thing he wanted was to lose that friendship.

"Problem," Squall shouted, "it’s a huge problem!" Irvine trembled, waiting for the worst. "How come you never told me? It would of saved me loads of trouble."

"Trouble," Irvine blinked in confusion, "what do you mean?"

"Do you know how long I’ve liked you? And how miserable I felt, cause I thought you’d never feel the same way about me? If I had known you were gay, then maybe I wouldn’t feel that liking you was such a lost cause."

Irvine’s mouth opened and closed a few times, "whaaa," Irvine blinked a few times. All at once everything Squall said hit home. "WHAT," he hollered. He blushed and lowered his voice. "Y..you like me?" Tears came to his eyes, "I never realized. I’m sorry."

"Why are you sorry," Squall whispered?

"I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you when I realized I was gay, I’m sorry for all the lost time. Time we would of had, because I have the biggest crush on you." His tears fell down his cheeks, "I’m sorry I made you feel miserable."

Squall hated to see the burnett upset, and pulled him into a hug, not caring who saw. "Hey don’t cry, Irvine."

Irvine sighed in Squall’s arms, now this is what I’m talking about. Irvine grinned, "so does this mean, we’re like a couple?" (A/N They didn't fall in 'like' after 5 or 10 seconds. Both boys have always had a crush on the other.)

Squall laughed, "it would seem so. We don’t have to be open about it though."

Irvine snorted, "we kinda already are." Squall pulled away from Irvine and looked around him. He was right. Everyone was looking at them, talking to each other. Some people looked sick, others looked like the couldn’t care less. And Irvine and Squall’s friends looked thrilled.

"Well Rikku and Selphie looked like they’re happy for us." Squall motioned to where they stood with two of the new students. "And their friends don’t look like they care about us being a couple."

"On no they better not become fangirls or... gasp fanboys," Irvine moaned

"Baralai and Gippal sure seem happy," Squall pointed to the blond and silver haired boys.

"Probably because now they’re not the only open gay couple." It was true Baralai and Gippal had came out as being a couple last year.

"Yeah you’re probably right." Squall grinned, "Tidus and Zell sure look surprised. But I somehow don’t think Tidus will care. I mean being who his guardians are. Zell will get over it."

Irvine smiled. Zell was one of their good friends. Poor boy must be close to having a heart attack from shock. "Seifer looks like he always looks. I guess he doesn’t care one way or another. Lulu and Quistis sure look happy."

"Yeah, they’re dating you know."

"What...hmmm I guess I should of saw that coming."

"The football players look like they want to murderize us," Squall nodded to where the said boys were glaring at the two boys.


"What, it’s a word." Squall smirked, "I’ve used it in scrabble and everything."

"Okay, of course it is. Oh no, one’s coming this way!" Irvine felt the beginnings of panic come on, as the said person walked up to them.

"Hey, that’s Rikku’s brother."

Brother eyed the two boys, and smiled, "hey have either of you seen Rikku?" Irvine sighed in relief and pointed to Rikku.

"Thanks," Brother started to walk away. "Oh, and it’s about time."

"What," Irvine sputtered, "what did he say?"

Squall blushed, "he knew I had a crush on you. He caught be checking you out. I thought he was going to beat me up. He never stuck me as the type who would except anything other then the norm. But he didn’t and he never told anyone."

Irvine blushed. Stupid Brother. You should of told me!

Rikku and Selphie started to jump up and down when they saw Irvine and Squall embrace. "Awww, that’s so cute," Rikku squealed.

Selphie nodded, "they’re so right for each other."

Sora and Riku looked at their new friends, surprised at how they were acting.

"You don’t care that they’re gay," Sora whispered.

Rikku and Selphie stopped jumping and looked at Riku and Sora, "no of course not, you love who you love," Rikku narrowed her eyes, "why? Do you care?"

Sora blinked, Rikku looked scary all of a sudden, "no I don’t care. There’s nothing wrong with being gay. At least I don’t think so."

Riku nodded, agreeing, "same here."

Selphie and Rikku grinned, "good, because if you gave them a hard time, I’d have to beat you up," Rikku said, only half joking.

Just then Rikku tensed up when she saw Brother approaching Irvine and Squall. Oh no, he better not be starting anything. If he is, I’ll kick his blond behind!

Rikku watched as the three talked, then Irvine pointed over at her. Huh, what’s he want?

Brother started to walk toward Rikku, but paused saying something that plainly stunned Irvine.

"Rikku," Brother called, "I read the paper." He surprised Rikku by hugging her. "I’m sorry I yelled about something as unimportant as the computer." He ruffled Rikku’s hair and walked away, leaving a very shocked Rikku behind.

Rikku looked at Selphie, "did he just hug me...and apologize?"

Selphie nodded, just as stunned as Rikku.

"Er boyfriend," Sora questioned Rikku?

Rikku choked, "ahhh, ugh, no way. No way! That guy would never be my boyfriend! Ugh, oh gross."

"Um that’s a little harsh," Riku said, surprised by Rikku’s reaction, "I mean he ain’t that bad looking."

Selphie started to giggle. "Oh, haha, you don’t get it. That’s Rikku’s brother."

Sora and Riku looked at each other and started to crack up, "I’m so sorry," Sora said.

Rikku started to laugh too, "it’s okay."

"Hey, ya’ll," a loud voice called through the microphone. Everyone stopped their talking and looked up at the stage. "Class starts in ten minutes," Barret grinned, "don’t be late!"

Everyone yelped and scrambled to their lockers, getting ready for their first class.

Review get this gear!
Chapter 8

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