Make Up and Video Games

Wakka groaned, walking through his front door. Math, English, Japanese and geography homework. On the first day. Didn’t Lulu say the first day was more like a party day? Ugh!

Mai looked at Wakka as he dragged his feet into the living room. “Hey, Wakka dear. Why such a long face?”

Wakka jumped, not knowing his mother was in the room, “geez mom, scare a guy half to death why don’t ya.” Mai shook her head, and laughed. “Homework,” Wakka groaned.

“Oh,” Mai looked to the TV, “let me know if you need help.”

Wakka smiled, walking slowly to his room, “okay,” he called over his shoulder.

Chappu looked up, when Wakka walked in, “took ya long enough,” he went back to his homework, writing something down. “What did you do, crawl here?”

“Ha ha, Chappu,” Wakka tossed his bag on his bed. “I stayed outside and talked with Tidus for a bit.”

Chappu hid his smirk, “oh.” He wrote something else, scrunching his nose up. “Hey, Wakka does this look right,” he shoved his book in Wakka’s face?”

Wakka looked down, “um,” he grinned, “yeah it looks fine, all but the word ‘here’.” He grinned, shaking his head, “what grade are we in, again?”

“Huh,” Chappu said confused?

“You meant hear, as in I can hear you. Not here, as in here I am.”

Chappu blushed, “oh.”

Wakka laughed, “it’s fine. You were writing so fast, so you just didn’t notice. I betcha would of noticed when you edited it.”

“I know. So what were you and Tidus talking about?” Hmmm, do I detect a crush?

“Homework. We have a lot of classes together.”

“Get a lot?”

Wakka groaned again, “yes! And here I thought the first day was like a party.”

“Hey,” A female voice exclaimed, “you should be happy. It is like a party. Usually you get twice as much homework.”

“Hey, Lulu,” Wakka grinned at the dark-haired girl, “you just get in?”

“Yep, Quistis’s mom dropped me off.” Lulu walked into the room, tossing her bag next to Wakka’s. “I meant what I said. You got off easy today.”

“Ohh, don’t tell me that Lu,” Wakka moaned.

Chappu was busy with his work again and waved a hand in hello, then went back, to writing, erasing, and chewing on his pen.

“Oy, Chappu, don’t tell me, you’re a homework nerd,” Lulu teased.

Chappu looked up. “I’m not a nerd, I just want to get this out of the way.”

“He’s telling the truth,” Wakka smiled, “he always finishes his work as soon as he can so he can relax and play.”

“Hmm, but it’s okay to be a nerd. I mean I date one after all.”

“Lu,” Wakka laughed, “that’s mean.”

“What? She calls me a slacker.”

“Are you,” Wakka asked, taking his Japanese book out of his bag?

“Maybe,” Lulu replied.

“Well, then there you go.” Wakka opened the book, to his homework. Memorizing some Japanese phrases.

“Japanese,” Lulu questioned?

“Yep,” Wakka said. “Dewa nochi hodo,” he said, reading one of the phrases out loud.

“I’ll see you later.” Lulu translated.

“Hey, how did you know?”

“I know a few phrases. I had a Japanese pen-pal. He taught me few things.”

“Oh, cool. I hope I’m able to pick this language up, at least enough to pass the class.”

“Well, I won’t lie. It’s not an easy language to learn.”

Wakka groaned, “I know. But it was the only language class still open.”

Chappu shut his book, putting it away. “Done, next is math. Ugh!” He grabbed his math book. “Why do I even bother,” he moaned, “I know I’m going to fail anyway.”

“Aww, poor Chappu,” Lulu teased, “need help?”

“Maybe,” Chappu opened his book, “rewind, yes! I do need help.”

Lulu grinned, going over to Chappu, “let’s go to the kitchen.”

Chappu nodded, getting up, and he and Lulu walked to the kitchen.

Wakka watched them go, then turned back to his Japanese book. “Atanjo omedeto. Happy Birthday.”

“Do desu ka?” Wakka set down on his bed. “How do you feel?”

“So you,” Lulu explained the proper steps for Chappu’s math homework. “Get it?”

“Wow. Hey, Lulu you explain it better then the teacher.” Chappu smiled, writing down the answer to the next problem, “thanks.”

“Hey, no prob.” Lulu stood up, “I’m gonna go do my homework.”

“Okay,” Chappu said, racing through the next set of problems.

Lulu grinned, shoving her homework away. Finally done. Bout time. Standing up, she walked to the living room, and set on the couch.

Taking the remote she clicked through the channels, looking for something good to watch. “Ah,” she exclaimed, “this looks good.”

“Whatch watching,” Lulu looked to her left and smiled.

“Hey Wak, um some anime.”

“Cool!” Wakka walked over to Lulu and set down next to her, “does it have a name?”

“Um, Azumanga Daioh, I think.” Lulu laughed at something, “it’s pretty funny. That girl Osaka is such an air head. Sakaki is pretty cute though.”

Wakka rolled his eyes, “Lulu are you saying you find animated characters attractive?”

“Maybe...and you don’t, pulease.”

“We’re not having this conversation,” Wakka laughed.

“Come on, I bet you think that guy in Xenosaga ishot. What’s his name, Jin?”

“Ha! You’re wrong. I think all the guys in Xenosaga are hot.”

“Haha, what about in Star Ocean?”

“HOT! Albel is so HOT! Fayt and Cliff are pretty cute too.”

“What are you saying? Did you just prove you’re a video game nerd?”

Wakka stuck his tongue out at Lulu, “maybe. Are you?”

“Girls don’t play video games,” Lulu said, a mock look of horror on her face, “we’re too busy doing our make up.”

“Lu, you don’t even wear make up.”

“Oh,” Lulu touched her face, “you’re right. Fine, fine, girls do play video games, me included.”

“What are you two talking about?” Chappu walked into the living room.

“Make up and video games,” Wakka said with a straight face.

“Oh, getting pointers,” Chappu teased, “why Wakka you’re make up skills are just fine.”

“Ha ha.” Wakka, Lulu, and Chappu looked at each other, cracking up.

Tidus ran through his yard, chasing his sister. “Abby, get your baby booty over here,” he laughed.

“No, catch me,” Abby stuck her tongue out at Tidus making a raspberry sound.

“I’m gonna get you.” He ran, chasing Abby to the next lawn. Abby shrieked, when Tidus got near her, running up to Wakka’s door.

“Hey, Abby.” Tidus rolled his eyes, “that’s not very neighborly,” Abby had opened Wakka’s door and ran into his house. “Geez, braking and entering at two.” He ran up to the door and peered in.

“You hooo, Abby,” he yelled.

“You hooo, Abby,” a boys voice yelled.

“What,” Wakka jumped. “Huh, who was that?” Lulu and Chappu had left a little while ago. His parents left too, so he was alone, or so he thought.

“My brother,” Wakka looked behind him and laughed, seeing Abby. “I’m hiding.”

Wakka grinned, “okay, get in the cabinet.” He opened the empty cabinet door, and Abby giggled, going inside.

“Hello, I’m coming in,” Tidus yelled. “I’m not robbing ya, I promise.” Wakka snorted, walking into the living room.

“Well if you were, you wouldn’t get much.” He made confused face, “now what can I do for you?”

“Well, you see,” Tidus looked around the living room, “my sister came in here.”

“Are you sure,” Wakka said, leading Tidus to his kitchen, “I haven’t seen anyone?”

Tidus nodded, “I’m positive. I saw her coming in here.”

“Hmm,” Wakka looked up, “then maybe she’s playing hid and seek.”

Both boys heard a muffled giggle, coming from the cabinets. Tidus grinned, “hey, you know. I bet you’re right.”

“Well lets look for her,” Wakka said. Both boys made like they were looking for her.

Tidus started to pout, “we’ve looked everywhere,” he acted like he was crying. “We can’t find her. What will I tell Auron and Rin?”

“Oh, Tidus don’t cry.” Wakka grinned.

“But...I lost my baby sister. What will I do? I feel so sad.”

The cabinet door slowly opened and a worried Abby climbed out, “don’t cry. Here I am.” She ran up to Tidus and hugged him.

Tidus grinned, hugging her back, “Abby I thought you disappeared.”

Abby smiled, “no silwy, I was hiding.” She looked at Wakka and winked. Wakka winked back and made a ‘shh’ sign.

“You know for a two year old, she’s really smart,” Wakka looked at the siblings.

“She’ll be three soon. And you’re right she’s really advanced for her age.”

Wakka smiled, blushing when Tidus touched his arm, “thanks for humoring her.”

“No problem, ya.”

“We have to go, Rin will be pulling his hair in worry, if he notices were gone.”

“Oh, okay. See ya later.”

“Dewa nochi hodo,” Tidus grinned, waving, as he picked up Abby and headed home.

A/N This chapter is not done, but I’m gonna post what I have done so far. I hope ya like! Please review. The Japanese and Translations come from a little Japanese to English book.

Review get this gear!
Chapter 9