More Friends and Selphie's Heartache

A day had passed and Lulu was feeling very happy. For one thing her father was finally put away for all the horrible things he had done to his daughter and wife. And another, was because she, had found a temporary family with the Thomas family. Mai and Hiro Thomas treated her like she was the daughter they had never had. Wakka and Chappu like the sister they had never had. She was still very sore, but had been treated very well at the local hospital so her bruises and cuts weren’t as bad as before.

Lulu ran into the kitchen skidding to a halt, "hey," she smiled at Mai, who was sitting at the kitchen table.

Mai looked up, "oh, hello Lulu dear." She stood up, pushing her chair in, "did you sleep well?"

Lulu smirked, "welllll, better then I have in a long time, but still not as good as I could have," she looked behind her at the two redheads that were entering the kitchen, "did you know your sons snore?"

Wakka and Chappu gave Lulu sleep lidded stares. "Hey," Wakka yawned, gently shoving Lulu.

"That’s not very nice," Chappu said, stretching his arms wide.

Mai looked back and forth among the three teens, a smile on her face. "Now, children, be good."

"Okay, Mama," they all three said together.

Lulu smiled bright, hugging Wakka. "Ahh, what’s that for?" Wakka struggled to get free.

Lulu grinned, kissing him on the cheek. Wakka finally got free. "Eww, Lulu," he said in mock disgust. "Um you remember when I told you I was gay?"

Lulu put her hands on her hips, "sure, you remember when I told you I was dating a girl? That was cause I love you sooo much." She grinned, "you know as friends."

Chappu and Mai looked between Lulu and Wakka shaking their heads, smiles on their faces. They both quietly left the kitchen.

Wakka looked at Lulu and started to pout, "and here I thought I was too hot for you to resist."

"Oh, you’re plenty hot Wakka, but I don’t get hot for my family."

Wakka smiled, "um, thanks I think."

Julia and Mark Trepe looked at their sixteen-year-old daughter. She was biting her fingernails in nervousness.

"Quistis, dear, stop fretting, the plane will land in five minutes."

Her long blond hair falling over her porcelain skin, Quistis turned to her mother, "I hate flying," She murmured.

Mark leaned over and cupped Quistis’s chin in his hand, "it’s okay. Look out your window."

Quistis was shaking, but did as her father told her. She gasped, "wow, it’s so pretty." She looked back at her father. "It that really our hometown?" It looked like a Van Gogh painting. Or at least something similar. Like Starry Night, but with a lot of water.

"Yes, isn’t it lovely," Julia asked?

"Sure is," Quistis looked out her window again and smiled, jumping in her seat, "yay, were descending."

"LULUUUUU," a happy female voice screamed out. Lulu jumped and looked around. She smiled. She’d recognized that voice anywhere. She stood up from Wakka’s porch and ran to the end of the lawn.

"Qu," she screamed, hugging the tall blond girl as tight as she could stand. Both girls were crying happily. "You’re back," Lulu pulled away and looked into the girls violet eyes. "How’d you know I was here?"

"Yeah, our flight just got in. I asked your neighbor. She said you were staying at this address," she smiled brightly, grabbing Lulu in a painful hug.

"Ahh," Lulu screamed, tears coming to her dark eyes.

Quistis jumped back, a look of horror in her eyes. "I’m so sorry, Lu." She touched Lulu on her shoulder, "did I hurt you?"

Lulu looked down, biting her lip. She knew when she told Quistis about her father, the blond would blow her top. And be upset that Lulu never told her. She’d probably want to strangle Lulu’s dad as well.

"Lulu," Quistis looked at the girl in worry. "What’s wrong?" Quistis eyes went wide when she saw that the dark-haired girl was crying. "Lu," she whispered, wiping her tears off her face.

Quistis looked up when she saw two redheaded boys slowly approach them. She briefly looked at them and turned her attention back to Lulu. "Tell me," she softly spoke.

Lulu smiled, taking Quistis hand in hers, "I’m fine, Qu," she looked at Wakka and Chappu, "these guys have been taking care of me."

Quistis wearily looked at the two boys. Wakka saw her look and backed away putting his hands up in defense. "Whoa, whoa, you have nothing to worry about." He pointed to Chappu, "were gay."

Quistis smiled, "oh, you’re dating then?"

Lulu started to snicker, and Wakka and Chappu looked like they wanted to puke, "ahh, no!" Wakka screamed.

"Can’t you see the resemblance? We’re brothers," Chappu said.

Quistis smirked, "I know. I was teasing." She turned to Lulu, "will you please tell me what happened?"

"Yeah sure, but please don’t hurt," she pointed to Wakka, "him."

Quistis raised her eyebrow, "and why would I do that?"

"Because I slept with him the other night," Lulu said, laughing at the looks on both Wakka and Quistis faces. She sighed, "you know the snoring type of sleeping."

Quistis was crying, "Lu, why did you never tell me?" She shook her head, "I would have told you, if something like that ever happened to me."

"Qu, I wanted to tell people, but I was too scared." Lulu started to cry. "Please stop crying."

"B...but you told Wakka," She wiped the tears off her face. She looked down, hurt clearly on her face.

"Qu, you know I would have gone to you first," Lulu assured her, "but you weren’t here. Daddy scared me so much. I had to tellll," she sobbed.

Quistis stopped crying. She felt like a fool, of course Lulu had to tell. And Wakka had been there for her. "Lulu I’m sorry. I understand."

Lulu smiled, "so you’re not angry that I told Wakka before I told you?"

"Of course not. I’m glad. What if you had decided to stay at your place. It scares me to think what would have happened to you."

"Don’t think on it," Lulu smiled, "Look," she raised her shirt, making Quistis blush, "the bruises and cuts are healing well."

Quistis smiled, "good." She went to Lulu, pulling her into a gentle hug.

Wakka was sitting on his porch, drinking lemonade, when a young girl with blond hair, face planted on the side walk in front of him.

He jumped up and ran to the girl, pulling her to her feet. "Ouchy," the girl whined, "stupid skates," She looked up at Wakka and smiled a brilliant smile, her green eyes shining. "Thanks."

Wakka smiled. "You’re welcome." He helped her walk to his house, "lets get you some ice."

The girl smiled, "Okie," She started to walk with Wakka, but slipped, almost falling again. Wakka caught her. "Phew, thanks, again," the girl giggled. "You’re very helpful."

Wakka laughed, "if you say so." He picked the girl up. "It’ll save me the trouble of catching you again."

The small green-eyed girl nodded, "you’ve got a point."

Wakka smiled and entered his house, gently sitting the girl on the living room couch.

Wakka ran to his kitchen and stopped, putting his hand over his eyes, "ahh," he blushed, "I see you guys got over your kissing problem."

Chappu and Luzzu jumped apart, blushing madly.

Wakka laughed, "don’t mind me. I just need some ice." He ran to the fridge and took out a ice pack.

Chappu shook his shoulders and pounced on Luzzu, kissing him hard. Luzzu blushed, but kissed back.

Shaking his head, Wakka walked back into the living room. He smiled when he saw the girl making herself at home. Holding the remote and watching T.V.

"Whatch watching," he asked, handing her the ice pack?

"Um, Whose Line." She smiled, putting the pack on her knee.

"Oh, Whose Line is it Anyway," Wakka set next to the girl, and watched as the balding man, Colin, and the tall man, Ryan acted out a funny scene, while the black guy, Wayne, and the host Drew acted as props.

"Ah haha," the small girl laughed. "That was funny." She clicked off the T.V.

"Yeah, so who are you?"

"Oh, Hehe, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Rikku Highwind."

Hmm, so this is one of Lulu’s friends. Wakka smiled, "I’m Wakka Thomas. My family and I just moved in a week or so ago."

Rikku smiled, her braids bouncing, "welcome to Dark Ridge."

Wakka wrinkled his nose. He never liked the name of this town. It didn’t sound very nice.

Rikku nodded, "I know, weird name."

"Yeah," Wakka said, agreeing. "So Rikku where were you going, before you fell?"

Rikku’s eyes clouded over, and she looked sad. Wakka was confused. Didn’t Lulu say this girl was very hyper? So why is she sad?

"I was going to visit a friend." She looked away from Wakka, trying to hide the tears in her eyes, "Her baby sister," she sniffled, "was killed." She was now obviously crying.

Wakka gasped, he didn’t expect to hear that. "K..killed," he whispered.

Rikku nodded, facing Wakka. She painfully smiled, "yeah. She was a sweet little girl." Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Wakka didn’t know this girl but he hated to see such a hyper and cheerful girl greave like she was. "I’m so sorry."

Rikku rubbed her hand across her eyes, "t..thanks."

Wakka nodded, "um . . . can I ask something?"

"You want to know how she was killed?" Rikku looked sick at the thought of reliving that moment but she nodded, "I’ll tell you."

Wakka kept quiet waiting till she was ready to go on.

Rikku let out a big sob, "it was two days ago. Me, my friend Selphie, her mom and her four-year-old sister Shawna went to the bank to get a loan, Selphie’s mom needed."

Shaking slightly, Rikku went on, "Her mom told us to wait in the waiting room, and keep an eye on Shawna while she went into one of the offices to see about the loan."

Rikku squeezed her green eyes tightly shut, "Me and Selphie started to play a game with Shawna to keep her calm." She smiled, "I Spy, Shawna’s favorite game."

More tears started to stream down Rikku’s cheeks, "As we played the game, we watched people go up to the tellers to get or deposit money." She shuddered, "Then three men came in. They were wearing ski masks. They started to demand all the money. One of the tellers made the leader mad, and he pulled out a gun, and shot and killed the teller. Now people were screaming and trying to leave. The robbers would have none of that, and started to randomly shoot their guns. One of the bullets hit Shawna in the chest. It was to late for her when the police showed up. It was to late for almost everyone in the banks main lobby. Only Selphie and I lived. All the tellers and the customers were killed."

Wakka was stunned. Luzzu and Chappu who had wondered in and heard the whole story, were stunned as well. The only sound you could here in the room where Rikku’s quiet sobs.

Rikku looked up and dried her eyes, "her services were yesterday. So I wanted to go see Selphie."

Luzzu, who was friends with Rikku and Selphie, fell to his knees, "Rikku," Rikku looked up and was surprised to see Luzzu, "how come nobody told me? Or Lulu?"

"It should be in the paper today," Rikku guessed, "I’m sorry nobody told you guys. Lulu is one of my best friends, but I’ve been so . . . it was so scary. This is the first time I’ve really talked about it."

Luzzu nodded, understanding, "It’s okay. So nobody else knows?"

Rikku shook her head, "the services were for family only, so I don’t think anyone in our circle of friends know about it."

"Oh," Luzzu’s spaced out, thinking of how happy the small child always seemed. It just wasn’t fair.

Chappu looked at the pain on Luzzu’s face and his heart broke. He hated to see someone he cared about look that way. He set next to Luzzu and hugged the boy.

A regular Rikku smile broke out on Rikku’s face, "hey, are you guys together? I was wondering why you were here."

Luzzu and Chappu looked at Rikku, blushing, "er yeah," Chappu said, wondering what the girls reaction would be.

"Ugh," Chappu thought her ‘ugh’ was one of disgust, and cringed, waiting for what people normally said, "you," she pointed to Chappu, "could do waaaaay better then this guy," she teased.

Chappu smiled, relief clearly on his face, "Maybe, but I wouldn’t have anyone else."

Luzzu blushed. Wakka and Rikku looked at each other, "Awwwww," they both cooed.

Wakka took the now, warm ice pack off Rikku’s knee, "does it feel better?"

Rikku nodded, standing up, and started to hesitantly skate around, testing her knee. "Yep," she exclaimed. "Um, Luzzu will you come with me to Selph’s house?"

Luzzu nodded, standing up, "of course."

Wakka and Chappu said bye to Rikku and Luzzu and watched as they made their way down the street.

Auron looked at Rin, worry on his face. The younger blond was still crying. They had just found out about the bank robbery and that the little Tilmitt girl had been killed. Auron didn’t cry, although he felt very upset. A four year old girl . . . and many other people killed. And for what? So some greedy men could have some money. No not just greedy . . . evil too.

"Rin," he whispered. Rin jumped, and looked at the dark-haired man.

Rin smiled, "don’t worry. I’m okay now," he wiped the tears off his face and stood up. "How do you think Tidus is taking it?"

Tidus was their fifteen-year-old adopted son. Abigail was Tidus’s sister. Both had started to live with Rin and Auron when their father Jecht had died in a car crash. It wasn’t too long before they decided to adopt them.

Tidus was a very emotional boy. Even reading about something sad would make him act withdrawn and depressed. But this was about someone he actually knew. So who knows how he was taking it.

Auron frowned, "as soon as he read the paper, he ran to his room. He locked it and won’t answer it for anyone."

"What about Abby," Rin asked, knowing their reactions to what they had read, must be confusing the young girl?

Auron’s frown deepened, "she doesn’t understand. She started to cry when she saw that we were sad. But she’s having a nap now."

Rin nodded. He went and set next to Auron, cuddling up to his side. "I feel so bad for the Tilmitts," he sniffed.

Auron smiled, hugging the younger man, "Rin, you have the biggest heart."

Rin looked up and blushed. "And right now, my heart hurts," Rin grinned, "can you fix it?"

"Not really, but I can help you forget, at least for a few seconds," Auron leaned forward and gently kissed Rin.

Rin indeed forgot about the pain in his heart as he deepened their kiss.

"Geez guys," came a horse voice, "if you’re gonna do that, get a room." Auron and Rin broke apart and looked at the speaker, surprise on their faces.

"Tidus," Rin jumped up and went to the boy. "How do you feel?"

Tidus shrugged, "um, well still really sad." His face was one big frown, and his eyes were red and puffy from crying.

His voice must be horse from crying, Rin thought, sadly.

"That’s understandable. We all feel that way." Auron looked out the window, "it’s a nice day, why don’t you go get some fresh air. Maybe you can go introduce yourself to the new neighbors."

Rin smiled, "good ides. Tidus, they’ve got two boys around your age."

Tidus brightened up at the thought of two new people his age in the neighborhood. "Okay, I’ll go see if they’re around."

Tidus walked into his neighbors yard, and was surprised to see a big group of people hanging out around the porch.

He squinted. Hey isn’t that, Lulu, Quistis, two redheaded boys, those must be the brothers, Luzzu, Rikku and . . . SELPHIE . . . poor girl. I didn’t expect her to be out. She smiling and jumping around, acting like her normal hyper self. But I can see the pain written on her face.

Tidus blinked in surprise when he saw the older redhead lean over and kiss Luzzu’s cheek. He sniffled his amused laughter. Oh that’s so cute.

Rikku was telling everyone a story about her brother, who was weirdly enough was Brother, when she noticed Tidus, watching them.

"Yo," she called out, making everyone turn to where she was staring, "Tidus, come join us."

Wakka nearly dropped the lemonade he was drinking when he watched the boy named Tidus walk up to them. Oh my gosh! I don’t think I’ve seen anyone with such blue eyes. They’re hypnotizing.

Tidus shyly smiled at Wakka and Chappu, "you’re my new neighbors?"

Wakka and Chappu nodded, "yeah, I’m Chappu Thomas and that’s," he pointed to Wakka, "my younger brother, Wakka."

Tidus turned his startling blue eyes to Wakka, "welcome to our town."

Wakka mentally smacked himself, so he’d stop drooling, "thanks," he said, smiling.

Tidus nodded, "I’m Tidus Daniels." Tidus turned nervously to Selphie. He was never sure how to act around people when someone died.

"I’m really sorry, Selph," he whispered.

Selphie looked at Tidus and could see that he had been crying. But I should of expected that. Tidus is so sensitive. "Thank Ti," Selphie smiled. It wasn’t a normal smile. It didn’t reach her sky blue eyes. "There is going to be a town memorial service for all the people that died. Will you all come?"

Everyone nodded, "Of course, Selphie," Rikku said, hugging her brown-haired friend.

Selphie blushed and hugged Rikku back.

Selphie looked at Wakka and Chappu, "you guys don’t have to came, if you don’t want to. I know you don’t know anyone that died."

"But of course we want to come," Wakka exclaimed, tears coming to his eyes. "We want to pay our respects." Chappu nodded, feeling the same way. "And besides, you’re our friends now. We want to be there for you all."

Selphie smiled, and surprised Wakka by hugging him, "thank you."

"You’re welcome," he said, hugging her back.

Lulu smiled, "in happier news, congratulation to Selphie and Rikku. Finally in highschool."

"Yeah, ninth grade, here I come," fourteen year old Rikku yelled.

"Oh boy, the school will never be the same," Tidus teased.

"Hey," Selphie and Rikku shouted.

Everyone rolled their eyes and started to laugh.

Selphie and Rikku started to cutely pout, "everyone will love us." Rikku insisted.

Lulu smirked, "as long as you two don’t eat to much sugar."

Selphie started to laugh, but a second later she felt bad. Everyone noticed this and hushed.

"Selphie, just because you’re grieving, does not mean you can’t laugh or be happy," Quistis told the fourteen year old girl, "your sister and all the others would want you to be happy."

Selphie smiled, knowing Quistis was right, "I’m okay, I mean I’ll get better."

"It does get better, it’ll always make you sad, when you think about it. When my dad died, I was depressed forever, but eventually I got over it. Not really over it, but you know what I mean. I have to be strong for Abby." Tidus told everyone.

Rikku nodded, "it’s the same for me. When my mom died, I thought I’d never feel happy again. I have to be strong for dad and Brother."

Selphie smiled at her two friends, "thanks guys, it’s good to know, I won’t always feel this way."

Rikku and Tidus smiled, "what are friends for," they both said together.

Selphie faintly smiled, "um the services are tomorrow at ten in the highschool auditorium."

Selphie looked down, "um can you guys call everyone else? I don’t feel like explaining what happened."

Lulu nodded, "sure. Who do you want us to call?"

"Um all of our friends, Baralai, Gippal," she looked at Rikku, "you can call them, since your good friends with Gippal." Rikku nodded, "Squall, Zell, Quistis will you call them?" Quistis nodded.

"Irvine and Seifer, Lulu will you?" Lulu nodded. "Tidus will you call Zidane and Cloud?"

"Sure," Tidus nodded.

"Hmm, who else? Yuffie and Aeris, Luzzu?"

Luzzu nodded.

"Don’t worry, Selphie we’ll make sure all are friends that can will be there," Lulu assured Selphie.

"Thanks," Selphie smiled.

Everyone hung out for about a half hour then said goodbye, going their separate ways.

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Chapter 5

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