Chapter 3

Gippal watched the water swirl down the drain, horrified at how much dirt was actually on him. The water was practically black. Gippal was confused, why in the Spira would Baralai bring him to his house and lay him in his bed? He was nothing special, or so he thought.

Rinsing his body one last time, Gippal turned off the water, standing in the shower for a few minutes, drip drying. When he stopped dripping, Gippal opened the shower curtain and peeked out, making sure Baralai hadn’t walked into the bathroom.

Getting out of the shower, Gippal took a towel off the towel rack and dried off the rest of the way. He then walked over to the bathroom door and peered out. His cheeks flushed when he came face to face with Baralai.

Baralai’s eyes went wide and he turned crimson. "I brought you these," he said holding out a shirt and a pair of sleep pants. "Sorry, there the biggest pants I have."

Gippal nodded and reached out for the clothes. "Thanks," he said, closing the bathroom door again. He quickly put the clothes on, blushing when he realizes the shirt was skin tight on him, and the pants were two inches too short. "Gee, I’m going to look great," he muttered.

"Everything okay in there," Baralai called?

"Um, yeah." Gippal took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

Baralai took one look at Gippal and a smile quirked at his lips.

"What," Gippal yelled, feeling self conscious. He crossed his arms, trying to mask his showing muscles. He wasn’t used to showing off his form.

Baralai waved his hand, "sorry," he said, as girlish giggle sounded, "it’s just that you look . . . "

Gippal pulled at his shirt trying to stretch it, "I look . . . what?"

Baralai flushed, "never mind . . . "

Gippal frowned, "no, tell me."

"Fine, you look adorable." Baralai saw Gippal’s shocked look and sighed, "hey, you asked me to tell you and I did." Baralai looked away from Gippal feeling like a dope. Why’d I have to go say something like that? Now I’m going to scare him off.

"Baralai," Gippal questioned, feeling like he was being left out on something big, "what’s wrong?"

Baralai slightly smiled, "you mean you don’t care that I said you looked adorable?" He mustn’t care, if he’s talking to me and sounding worried.

Gippal shrugged, "not really. I . . . Baralai . . . " Gippal looked down, biting his lip, "thank you."

"Huh," Baralai looked up. "For what?"

Gippal shuffled his feet, seeming to find the carpet very interesting, "oh, you know. Everything. Taking me in, caring for my wounds . . . saying I was adorable. Nobodies ever said that before."

"Really? I’m surprised, I mean you’re very ho . . . " Baralai cut himself off, going blood red.

"Very . . . " Gippal was almost sure what Baralai almost said, and felt a wave of happiness. Nobody had ever said those sorts of things to him before. Could this boy even be interested in him? Would Gippal be interested back?

The answer was simple. Yes. Truthfully, Gippal knew he was gay since the age of thirteen. He had never met someone as strikingly, beautiful before. Baralai really did look like an angel.

"Very . . . uh . . . uh," Baralai stuttered, "what were we talking about?"

Smiling, Gippal shrugged, deciding to let it go. It was obvious that Baralai was very shy about this sort of thing. Admitting that he almost called him ‘hot.’ Yes, Gippal was sure, that was what Baralai almost said. "Dunno. Say who were you talking to earlier? I heard voices."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Baralai walked to the bedroom door, "come on, I’ll tell you in the living room."

Nodding, Gippal followed Baralai through the house. He was surprised when they didn’t come across any adults. Where are his parents? He’s much to young to be living by himself.

Baralai stretched, plopping down on his over stuffed couch. He looked up at Gippal, who was eyeing the living room, a look of curiosity on his face. "What..." Baralai smiled, "come on, sit." He pointed to the spot next to him, and Gippal slowly made his way over to him and set down, grabbing a throw pillow, and covering his stomach.

"What, what?" Gippal asked.

"Huh?" Baralai jumped, having been lost, staring at Gippal as he looked around, his green eyes wide. "Oh," Baralai blushed, "you looked like you were wondering about something."

Gippal looked down, hugging the pillow tighter to himself, "I, uh, was . . . but, really it’s none of my business."

"Hey," Baralai reached out, touching Gippal’s shoulder. Gippal flinched. "Oh, sorry," Baralai pulled away.

"No, it’s okay." Gippal mentally smacked himself. Why did I flinch? I know he’s not like those others. He was touching me because he was concerned. "What were you going to say?"

"Just that . . . well you said that you didn’t mind telling me about your past, and . . . I don’t mind telling you about mine either." Baralai smiled, "so ask, whatever you wanted to know."

At hearing that Gippal almost beamed. I’m not a girl. Guys don’t beam. But I feel so good. Nobody has ever been this open with me. He’s willing to tell me about himself. I just meet him, but I feel like we can talk about anything. "Okay, I was wondering . . . are . . . well . . . are you alone here?"

Pain flashed across Baralai’s face, and Gippal couldn’t help but notice. "Yes," Baralai whispered. "When I was fourteen, my parents, for the first time, allowed me to stay home along. They went out and . . . well, never came home. There was reports later that the ship they were traveling on sank for some reason." A tear fell down Baralai’s cheek before he could stop it. "My neighbor sort of watched over me, while I lived here alone, but she died last . . . she died . . . " Baralai was now really chocked up.

Gippal frowned, when he slumped, fresh tears flowing down his cheeks. Gippal didn’t know what to do. Should he reach out and embrace the teen? How would Baralai react if he did that? Gippal didn’t know, but he couldn’t stand seeing him so hurt.

"Baralai," he whispered.

Baralai looked up, blinking his golden-brown eyes. Seeing the obvious concern in Gippal’s eyes, a sad smile broke out on his face. "T . . . thank you."

Gippal didn’t understand what Baralai meant, but he smiled, nodding his head, "sure," he whispered. "Would you hit me . . . if I hugged you," he quietly asked?

Baralai blushed through his tears, shaking his head, "I . . . I think, I could really use . . . a hug, ya know. It’s been a long time . . . since anyone cared . . . "

"I do," Gippal whispered, pulling the smaller teen closer to him, and wrapping his arm around him in a friendly hug.

A/N Well there ya go. Next chapter we may learn a little about how Gippal came to be homeless, or maybe there will be more cutesy, fluffy stuff. Please R&R

Chapter 4
Review get this gear!