Chapter 4

A/N Implied rape warning.

Baralai pulled away from Gippal, a bright smile on his tan face, "thank you. I haven’t been hugged in so long."

Gippal blushed, "it’s no problem." Gippal hugged the pillow closer to his stomach and looked around the room, "so who were you talking to earlier?"

"One of my neighbors; they needed to borrow some flour."

"Oh, were they baking a cake, or something?"

"Yes, their son’s birthday is tomorrow." Baralai smiled, "bit 1-0."

Gippal laughed, "hitting the double digits, is he."


Baralai stood up and started to walk to his front door. It was hot in the house, so he wanted to open the door and let the fresh air in. Not watching where he was going, Baralai tripped over a shoe, falling on top of Gippal. Baralai put his arms on Gippal’s shoulders, trying to sit up.

Gippal tensed up, his eyes going wide. All at once terrible memories that he had been trying his hardest to suppress came back to him.


"Look Bud. We’ve got a fresh one." The tall man shoved a young boy ahead of him, into the chest of Bud. Bud caught him and licked his lips. The young boy of about twelve, looked up at the man and trembled. He didn’t understand what was going on. The man, Bud grabbed him, forcing his pants down. The boy started to cry, feeling hands all over his lower body.

"Oh, he’s never been touched," Bud said, looking satisfied. He pulled the boy’s pants back up. "What’s your name boy?"

"Answer me!"

Trembling even more the boy looked up at Bud, his green eyes wide, "G...Gippal . . . sir."

Bud laughed, "you hear that, Ned, he called me sir. It’s really good this beauty hasn’t been touched."

Cruel laughter could be heard, "that won’t last long. How much do you think we can make off him?" Ned asked, his eyes taking in Gippal.

"A lot, I’d wager. Look at his smooth skin, those taunt muscles, the mesmerizing green eyes. He’ll be worth a lot."


"You’re nothing but a tool! Do as I say, get on the ground." A cruel, black-haired man yelled.

Gippal shook his head no, "Leave me along . . . I don’t wanna. Please."

The man turned red, "You obey me! Now obey my orders, slut!"

"I’m not a slut . . . I’m not . . . let me go, please. I don’t want to do this."

The man just laughed, shoving Gippal on the ground.


"Gippal, you look radiant, when I do this . . . do you like it?" An older blonde man asked.

"I don’t . . . it hurts so much! Please stop."

"Don’t take that tone with me. I’m your master. Nobody will ever care for you. I’m all you’ll ever have."

Gippal cried, believing his words.


"Look a beggar." A ruffian said, pointing to a very dirty Gippal.

"See if he has any gil" Another said.

The first man walked over to Gippal, shoving him against the alley wall. He reached into his pockets, taking out a small bag.

"No stop . . . I need that to . . . " Gippal hung his head, that money was all he had to live on. Gippal had managed to steal it, before running away from his master.

"SHUT UP." The man yelled.

"Just take the money. Leave the boy."

"Wait!" The first man, kneed Gippal in the groan. Gippal yelled, putting his arms up, as the man hit him again and again.

"You didn’t have to hit him so hard, we have the gil."

"Ugh . . . " Gippal’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, as he passed out.

"You’re going to be okay." Gippal faintly heard a kind voice say.


Baralai climbed off Gippal, looking worried. Gippal was shaking and yelling. He eyes were wide open, but they were blank. Like he was seeing something, Baralai could not.

"No don’t . . . I don’t like it . . . stop."

"Gippal, it’s okay. You’re safe." Baralai started to cry. What had this teen been through?

"I’m not a slut! It’s not my fault." Tears were now streaming down Gippal’s cheeks, "don’t make me do it. Please!

"Gippal, Gippal, please snap out of it. You’re really safe. You’re here with me, Baralai, remember?"

Gippal continued to moan and mumble stuff, his eyes wide in fright.

"Did me falling on you, make you go over your bad memories?"

Gippal didn’t say anything, only whimpered.

"I’m so sorry. I tripped, I wasn’t trying to do anything to you."

Still Gippal stayed quiet; save for the whimpers and moans.

Baralai paced back and forth in front of Gippal. What should he do? "Gippal, Gippal, please snap out of it."

Baralai went to Gippal, doing his best to pick him up. For the second time, in less then two days, Baralai walked him to his bedroom, laying him in his bed. Crying, Baralai pulled a chair close to his bed. He’d sit next to him, for as long as it took.

"I won’t leave your side."

A/N Wahhhhh, poor Gippal. It seems I’ve been making my fics more angsty. Sorry this is so short . . . but, it can’t be helped. I have a lot on my plate. Please review!

Chapter 5
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