Chapter 7

"...and that’s the theme for the dance," Mika’s voice could be heard over the loud speaker. "Now don’t be shy; if you want a partner but are afraid to ask, fill out our form and be paired off automatically."

A lot of people in Yuki’s classroom, looked at the purple haired teen, surprised that he had let them do this theme. Kyo just set at his desk, with a goofy grin on his face; probably fantasizing about dancing with Yuki. Tohru grinned, clapping her hands, thinking this theme sounded wonderful. Uo and Hana just smiled at Tohru; happy as long as she was happy.

"Yuki! Yuki! Prince Yuki!"

Yuki paled considerably, seeing a horde of teenage girls racing toward him. Here it comes, Yuki thought with a sigh. When will these girls understand, the rat was not interested in them? What would it take to get that message across?

"Are you taking someone to the dance?"

"Do you have a date?"

"Have you asked a girl yet?"

Those three questions were fired off at Yuki all at once. Yuki’s eyes darted around the school yard, looking for a way to get rid of these girls.

"Maybe, no, no." Yuki said, backing away from the girls, as they tried to get closer. Yuki frowned when he felt the school building behind his back. Great now he was stuck in-between a wall and a bunch of rabid fangirls.

"Maybe," the girls swooned. They started to talk excitedly amongst themselves. Yuki groaned, hearing them ‘bet he asks me’ ‘no way, he’ll ask me’ that sort of thing was being said, back and forth.

"WHY DON’T YOU GIRLS LEAVE YUKI ALONE?" A loud angry voice yelled. The girls jumped, yelping.

Yuki turned his head, seeing a black Haru being restrained by Kyo.

Seeing Haru look like he was about to murder someone, really frightened the girls so they fled.

"What . . . " Yuki looked at Kyo and Haru.

Kyo sighed, "he saw those girls bothering you. It made him mad so he went black." Kyo smirked, "I, myself was getting pretty mad. They need to give you space."

Yuki smiled, "thanks for your concern."

Sometime after the girls left, Haru had turned back into white Haru. He looked at Kyo who was still holding him and blinked, confused. "Kyo? Why are you holding me? I don’t like you like that."

Kyo shoved Haru away, "gah! You turned black and nearly murdered the female student body. I had to restrain you."

Haru blinked again, "I did? Why would I do something like that?" Haru looked back and forth between Yuki and Kyo, who were staring at each other, small grins on their faces. "Uh, did I miss something here?"

Yuki blushed and Kyo smirked. "Wow, Haru. It didn’t take you long to figure something was different."

Yuki looked down at the ground, blushing even more. Haru seemed to forget about asking the reason why he turned black; this was more interesting.

"Some things different? Wait!" Haru looked at Kyo, pointing a finger, "did you guys have sex?"

Yuki choked, and Kyo looked pretty flustered as well.

"What? What gave you that Idea? No we did not." Kyo shouted, his face red.

Yuki felt like he was going to pass out from all the embarrassment. Just thinking about him and Kyo doing that, made him want to grab Kyo and pull him to a closet and ravish him.

Haru shrugged, "I don’t know. Okay, if it’s not that, then what’s different?"

Yuki smiled, "well, we put our differences aside and admitted how we feel about each other."

"And we’re dating," Kyo added, with a smile.

"Oh!" Haru looked at Yuki, "good for you." Haru had long since given up on Yuki; in fact he already had his sight set on somebody else; a certain little blonde.

Seems he no longer has feelings for Yuki, but Black Haru sure does, Kyo thought.

Yuki smiled, brushing his hair out of his eyes, "thanks. Let’s keep this between us for now."

Kyo nodded, "people will find out sooner or later, but we’re not ready for them to find out just yet."

"I understand," Haru said, "I won’t say anything about your gay incestuous relationship."

Yuki put a hand to his head, nodding, "good." Gez, I don’t think either of us really thought about what people would say. We are related and everything.

Kyo peered at Yuki, looking concerned, "you okay?"

Smiling, Yuki nodded, "of course. Let’s go, before more of my fangirls find me."

"Yeah. Hey, there’s Tohru," Kyo made a face, "and the Yankee and physic."

"Miss Honda," Yuki smiled at Tohru as she and Uo and Hana walked up to them. "Have you been asked to the dance yet?"

Shaking her head, Tohru smiled, "no, not yet." Yuki smiled, seeing that Tohru didn’t seem too upset about that.

"Well, I’m sure that soon someone will ask you." Kyo said.

Hana nodded, "yes. They’re right. Tohru you’re very pretty."

Tohru blushed, "No, I’m not. I’m nothing special."

Hana made a shocked face. "Tohru Honda, you are very pretty and don’t you forget that."

"O..okay," Tohru said, her face almost as orange as Kyo’s hair.

"So Orange top, you asked a girl yet," Uo asked, raising an eyebrow when Kyo turned red.

"Not exactly," Kyo answered, hoping Uo would drop the matter.

Hana looked at Kyo then Yuki, "their electric signals have calmed down." Hana put a finger to her mouth puzzled, "that’s quite queer."

Oh good choice of words, Kyo thought, almost afraid to find out what Hana had sensed.

"What’s queer? Well besides the cow." Uo asked.

Everyone but Hana paled looking at Uo, shocked.

"Uh, because of his hair." Uo shook her head, "what’s with you guys? So Hana?"

"Oh yes, Yuki signals are all focused on Kyo and vice versa. What’s queer is that its no longer the anger and hatred but something quite different." Hana put a hand to her forehead, "oh, these signals are so powerful, I’m getting a headache."

"Something different?" Tohru laughed, nervously, "you don’t say. Well that’s interesting."

"So Haru what’s different," Uo asked, knowing she could get him to spill the beans if she asked a question catching him off guard.

Haru waved his hand, "oh, that they’re a couple."

"HARU!" Three voices yelled.

Haru blinked looking at Uo, "you tricked me into saying that."

Uo and Hana looked at Kyo and Yuki at a lost for words. Was Haru telling the truth?

"YOU STUPID COW! WHY DO YOU HAVE TO HAVE SUCH A BIG MOUTH?" Kyo screamed, calling Haru a cow on reflex. Nobody paid any attention to that, they were too busy looking at Haru, who now looked mad; real mad.

"Black Haru," Tohru whispered.

B. Haru glared at Kyo, about explode when someone walked up to their group.

"Hiya Haru," Momiji said, not noticing that Haru wasn’t himself.

Haru turned to the voice and his eyes softened. "Hi Momiji," he said in his normal voice.

Everyone blinked, shocked. Had Haru changed back into white Haru because of Momiji?

Momiji smiled at everyone, not noticing the tension in the group.

"Hi Tohru!" Momiji smiled at Tohru. "Hi Yuki, Kyo."

"Hi Momiji," Yuki and Tohru said together, while Kyo said, ‘hey.’

Uo and Hana was still giving Yuki and Kyo shocked looks and Momiji noticed this.

"Hey what’s going on?" He asked.

Momiji didn’t get an answer, making him pout. "Come on, tell me. Please!"

A/N Please review. The dance probably won’t be for another one or two chapters, sorry.

Review get this gear!

Chapter 8