Chapter 2

A/N Thank you to the persons who told me Drake and Diana’s real last names

To the review who asked if there was going to be flashbacks:

I often do flashbacks in my fics, so there is a good chance that this one will have flashbacks.

A/N # 2 I can’t seem to remember if Dee was gay or bi. If he was bi, then this fic is even more AU, making him totally gay.


Dee smiled at Ryo, “so how bout it, Ryo?”

“How bout what?” Diana asked. She overheard Drake, and she had to agree. Oh yes, Dee was going to fall; he was going to fall so hard for this Ryo. Diana just hoped that Ryo returned the feelings when that time came.

“I asked him to join us at my house.” Dee explained to Diana and the others.

“Oh, yeah, Ryo, you should come.” JJ said, “we have lots of fun. Dee’s a great host.”

Dee grinned sheepishly, “Nah… you’re just saying that because you like to eat my food.”

“Well, true, but that wouldn’t be nice to say.” JJ teased.

“Well!” Dee huffed, “I’ve never.” Dee started to pout, mockingly of course.

Ryo giggled, reminding Dee of wind chimes, “Dee, you’re funny.”

Dee scratched his head, “is that a good thing? Funny crazy, or funny ha ha?”

“Funny crazy,” Drake answered before Ryo could.

“Hey!” Dee exclaimed, sticking his tongue at Drake.


“This is my room! That’s my dresser. That’s my bed. That’s the closet.” Dee pointed out everything in his room, being silly. “This is Diana’s red skirt… hey, Diana, why is this here?” Dee held up the skirt, giving it a confused look.

Diana gave Dee a hurt look, snatching the skirt from his hands, “I’m disappointed; you don’t remember?”

Thinking she was being serious; she sure looked it, Dee shook his head.

“Well, it was only our first time together.” Diana huffed.

“What!?” Dee yelled, covering his ears. “Eww…”

“You hurt me with your words,” Diana pouted.

“I can’t help it… ewww…” Dee groaned, “That’s so gross; don’t even tease.”

Ryo set down on Dee’s bad, laughing lightly.

“Is the thought of having sex with a girl really that gross?” Diana asked, honestly wanting to know.

“Yes; I am gay, or have you forgotten.”

“So then sex with a guy doesn’t sound so gross?” Diana asked, plopping down next to Ryo on the bed.

Dee flushed, “hey, I’m not about to have this talk with you, and especially not in front of a straight guy. Do you want to traumatize him?”

At that everyone in the room turned to Ryo, who was flushing something fierce.

“It doesn’t bug me, much,” Ryo mumbled, “just don’t give any bid details.” Ryo continued to blush, looking away from everyone.

‘Aww, he’s so cute,’ Dee thought, mentally smacking himself. He knew he shouldn’t go thinking things like that about someone who would never be interested.

Of course, Dee had no idea if Ryo could ever be interested, and didn’t want really want to face any rejection if he did start to like the sandy haired teen.

“Well in that case, yes, but I couldn’t give you any details…” Dee started to say.

“Because he’s still a virgin,” Diana whispered in Ryo’s ear; just loud enough for Dee and everyone else to hear, of course.

“Well, so are you, Diana.” Dee countered, trying not to blush. ‘Why do I feel the need to blush? I never used to blush so much,’ Dee thought, perplexed.

Diana rolled her eyes, “let’s face it, we’re all virgins. We’re 14 and 15 for Pete’s sakes!”


After watching TV for a couple of hours, the teens walked to Dee’s kitchen in search of something to eat.

“Mmm, chocolate cake!” JJ moaned, opening the fridge; he did it as if he lived here.

“Oh, Jesse made that,” Dee said. Jesse was Dee’s adopted dad. He wasn’t home much.

“Can we eat it?” JJ asked, licking his lips at the thought of the chocolaty goodness filling his warm mouth.

Drake hated it when JJ did this; JJ knew how it affected him. Trying to look away from JJ as he licked his lips again, on purpose staring deeply into his boyfriend’s eyes.

Dee shrugged, “sure, why not? Jesse just made it for me to enjoy. He probably expected I’d share it with you guys.” Dee smiled, looking at Ryo, “help yourself, Ryo.”

Ryo bit his lower lip, looking uncomfortable about something. He shuffled his feet, “I can’t,” he whispered.

Diana gave Ryo a shocked look, “why ever not?”

“Because of my sickness,” Ryo mumbled. He hated this; whenever he talked about being sick, everyone started to treat him different; and soon people started to avoid him. It was hard.

“What?” Dee put a hand on Ryo’s shoulder, “what did you say?” he asked.

Ryo looked anywhere but Dee’s eyes as he whispered, “you guys already know I’m sick; that much is obvious.” Ryo sighed, “I have Leukemia, but that’s not all.”

Dee gave Ryo’s shoulder a comforting squeeze.

“I got cancer at the age of five, but when I turned ten, we learned that I had type 2 of diabetics.”

Dee frowned. That sucked. Really, really sucked. And it wasn’t fair. Oh-so-not fair. Ryo seemed like such a great guy, why should he have to get sick; and when he was just a baby?

“I’ve never known anyone whose sick with something so serious, so excuse me if I ever ask or say something that offends you. I say and ask things a lot with out thinking.” Dee gave a small, sad smile. “I’m sorry, ya know?”

Ryo felt himself blushing, as he looked back into Dee’s eyes. “Thanks. I don’t mind any of you asking questions. I mean, I’d love to answer anything, rather then have people just assume things about me before asking.”

“So can I ask something?” Diana whispered.

Ryo glanced at the blond, “sure.”

“H-how are you doing right now?” Diana asked. The room was dead silent as they all looked at Ryo. If a pin dropped, it would be heard.

Ryo gave a big smile, “all in the clear for now. I went into remission last week… hehe, that’s why I have peach fuzz on my head.”

Four sighs sounded, making Ryo feel the best he had in a long time.

He had friends, and they cared about him; they didn’t treat him like he was crippled.

But now JJ felt bad; he shut the fridge door, not really wanting to eat cake in front of Ryo when the teen could not. And that was saying something, because nothing could keep JJ away from sweets.

Ryo noticed this and waved his hands in front of his face, “no, no, no, eat it. I don’t mind, really.”

“Nah, maybe we should save it anyway…. Jesse might of wanted some.” JJ said.

That wasn’t true and JJ knew that; everyone knew Jesse liked to bake, but he didn’t like chocolate at all.

“Wait, I know!” Dee exclaimed. “Jesse left some angel food cake; It’s sugar free.” Dee grinned at Ryo. “Can you eat that?”

Ryo thought for a moment, “yes, if you’re sure it’s sugar free.”

Dee nodded his head, “it is.” Dee said, happy that he had something sweet to offer his new friend.

A/N Please review!

Review get this gear!

Chapter 3