Chapter 3


Italics mean flashbacks, memories, and such.


They were halfway through the angel food cake, when Ryo suddenly jumped up, a panicked look on his face.

Everyone looked at him, startled. They were worried that Ryo was hurt or something… Dee even panicked; maybe the cake hadn’t been sugar free.

“Ryo, are you all right?” Dee asked, his dark eyes wide, clearly showing his worry.

Ryo gave an apologetic grin, “oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you; I’m fine, but I’m gonna be so dead when I get home.”

“What, why?” Diana asked.

“I forgot to call mom and dad and let them know where I am.” Ryo sighed, “they’re sooo protective of me. I bet they’re really worried.”

“I’m sorry, Dee, but I’ve got to go.” Ryo said, getting up from the table, “thank you for including me today. I’ve had a lot of fun.” Ryo flashed Dee a sweet, cute smile.

Dee smiled back, “no problem… wait, are you walking home?” Dee asked, watching as Ryo got ready to leave.

Ryo nodded, lightly, “yeah, it’s not that far.”

Dee jumped up from the table, “I’ll walk you.” he offered. It was dark out, and there was no way he was going to let Ryo walk home alone. Ryo was just too cute for his own good.

Ryo flushed, “you don’t have to do that.”

“Ahh, but I want to.” Dee said.

Diana nudged Drake in the side, whispering in his ear, “he looks like a love sick puppy; never has he offered to walk one of us home, and we’re best friends.”

“Yeah, but we live next door and across the street.” Drake murmured out of the corner of his lips.

Diana lived on the left side of Dee, and JJ on the right. Drake, on the other hand lived right across the street.

Jesse Laytner had adopted Dee at the age of four; that was when five year old Drake, and four year old Diana and JJ meet the dark haired toddler.

“I’m Dee, wanna play?” The four year old held out a pudgy hand, grabbing the hand of four year old Diana.

“Okie! Let’s wace.” Diana gurgled.

“Kay. One, two, phee, go!” Dee hollered.

It didn’t take long for the four to become fast friends, almost like siblings… They were still like siblings these days, but now Drake and JJ had admitted to having more then friend feelings for each other. Both boys, since an early age really got on well… too well. JJ was about eleven when he first realized he was in ‘like’ with the older Drake.

“I think I-I like him,” JJ said, his eyes wide; he held his beating heart, watching as twelve year old Drake walked away.

The eleven year old flushed when Drake looked behind him, flashing him a smile and a wave.

And when Drake turned thirteen, he too realized his feelings for JJ were much deeper.

“Can it be? When he smiles at me my heart seems to stop beating… could I really… I know I’m gay, but do I really like my best friend?” Drake held his heart in the same manner JJ had done a year ago.

The thirteen year old smiled. “I think I do.”

It was just recently, with many nudges and hints from Diana and Dee, that the two got together; though it was known since about the age of ten and eleven that the boys were gay. Everyone knew Dee was gay, as well.

“Dee, I think JJ and Drake like each other.” Diana whispered. “Should we play matchmaker?”

Dee smiled a wickedly, handsome smile, “oh, yeah.”

That was found out the hard way when a girl from Dee’s class kissed him and he shouted ‘eww’.

He was nine year old; he came out a year later at age ten.

Yes, it was a bit odd that out of four friends that meet at a very young age that three of them came out around the same time. But the four friends didn’t really think so; they were happy, and that was all that mattered.


Ryo smiled at Dee, “thanks, Dee.” he said, as they walked up to his house. As expected all the lights were on, and a pair of angry, worried parents were standing on the stoop.

“Randy Maclean! Do you not know what time it is?” Ryo’s dad, Koji yelled, his face red.

Ryo hung his head, “sorry, ma, sorry, dad,” he said. “I went to a friends house and I forgot to call you.”

Ryo’s mother, Hana, gave her son a startled look. It had been a long time since she’d heard the word ‘friend’ from her sickly son.

“Friend?” She asked, for the first time noticing Dee standing next to Ryo.

Ryo smiled, a truly dazzling smile, like no other smile Hana had ever seen before. “Mamma, this is Dee.” Ryo nudged Dee, by putting his hand on the small of his back and pushing him forward.

Dee shivered by the contact, giving Hana and Koji a smile. He bowed, respectively, “Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Maclean. I’m Dee Laytner, I go to Ryo’s school.”

Hana smiled, at once at Dee’s side, “My, my, what a handsome, polite boy. You must come in…” Hana went on and on, fawning over Dee. It was as if she wanted to treat him sooo good so that Dee would never leave her Ryo friendless one day.

Ryo blushed by the way his mother… and father was treating Dee; it was as if Dee was a prince from a neighboring kingdom and his parents were Queen and King of this kingdom.

It was surprising that they weren’t trying to hand feed him grapes or something.

“Hehe,” Ryo suddenly giggled, laughing at the image of Dee being hand fed grapes by his mother and father.

Hana led Dee in their house, Ryo and Koji following.

“Here sit down,” Hana said, gently shoving Dee down on a overstuffed chair.

Ryo walked over to Dee, sitting on the arm of the chair. Hana and Koji scrambled away, saying they would be fixing some snacks.

“Wow, your parents….”

Ryo made a face, “a bit overwhelming, huh? Sorry, they’re not used to me having friends.” Ryo looked down at Dee. “You don’t have to stay, ya know?”

Dee shrugged, “Ahh, I don’t mind. You’re parents are cool. I can tell they love you very much.”

Ryo nodded, “yeah, they do.”

“Here, you go.” Hana suddenly appeared, holding two hot cups of coco; sugar free of course.

She handed one to Ryo and one to Dee.

“It’s cold outside, so you guys drink all of that.” Hana then disappeared back into the kitchen.

Ryo blew on his drink, drinking it when it was cooled down a bit. He glanced at Dee as he drank, “is it okay?” He asked. Ryo of course was used to eating and drinking sugar free things, but people who were not, often times found some sugar free things gross.

Dee smiled, licking coco off his lips, “yep, it’s good.” he said.

“Good.” Ryo said, going to take another drink. But things did not go as planned; Ryo’s hand gave a involuntary twitch and he spilled his drink on his lap. Ryo yelped as the still somewhat hot liquid seeped through his pants. Not meaning to, Ryo jumped, falling right into Dee’s lap.

“Ryo!” Dee set his drink down on the coffee table. “Are you okay?” he asked, trying not to think to hard on the fact that a cute boy was sitting in his lap.

“Y-yeah,” Ryo mumbled, quite embarrassed. “It’s a bit hot.”

‘You’re telling me…’ Dee blushed at his thoughts, shaking his head.

Dee stood up, still holding Ryo in his arms. “Can you walk?” he asked.

Ryo flushed… “It hurt when it rubs.” He mumbled.

“I’ll carry you… tell me how to get to the bathroom.”

Dee picked up Ryo, fully supporting him in his arms. Fighting a blush, Ryo put his arms around Dee’s neck.

“Out that door, then it’s two doors down on the left side,” Ryo said, pointing to a door.

Nodding, Dee started to walk.

‘God, he smells good… no, Dee, bad thoughts, bad! He’s straight!!’


Dee set Ryo down on the toilet, then made a face, as if just realizing something.

“You know… where the burn is… it’ll be hard for you to clean up and bandage yourself…” Dee looked away from Ryo. “Should I get your dad? I’d do it for you, of course, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable… ya know, the whole gay thing.”

Ryo smiled a shy smile, “umm… I really don’t want my dad to touch me… down there, nor my mom…”

Ryo flushed, “I’d like you to do it; I trust you. I’ve just meet you, but I trust you. I don’t believe you’d ever take advantage of me, or anyone else for that matter.”

Dee gave Ryo a shocked look; he rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly. “Aww, you’re making me flush…”

Dee got a serious look on his face, “I’d never take advantage of anyone; ever!”

‘Least of all someone as sweet and innocent as you.’ Dee thought.

Going to Ryo’s medicine cabinet, Dee got some gauze and burn cream. Then he got a rag, wetting it.

‘I’m getting ready to touch him down there! So close to his…’ Dee mentally smacked himself, ‘best not to think of things like that…’

Going over to Ryo, Dee got on his knees in front of him. He looked up at Ryo. “You sure you don’t care me doing this?”

“I-I don’t care.” Ryo said, biting his lower lip, “it’s really hurting… please hurry.”

Dee nodded, “all right.” he said, undoing Ryo’s pants with trembling fingers.

A/N Hahaha Mawhahaha. +Evil laugh+ Please review!

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Chapter 4