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Sixteen (Bob)
She ran away from home at the sweet young age of sixteen years old
she thought that she could outrun life.
Her parents abused her for so long that she didn't really think that it was wrong
if she sold her body for just a few nights.
Standing all alone watch a million people walking up and down on the corner of some small town.
Sixteen years of life sit in your room always cry but mom and dad dont care...ya see
Moms too drunk to see, and dads always at work its eating you up inside
these problems never seem to go away

Now your afraid your all alone. (4 X)

What did you think did you really think that life would change if running away
could ever solve anything
Its cold tonight no place to call home where will you go.
It doesn't have to end like this ya know it doesn't have to be this way.
You can go back home stick it out i know its tough but your strong i know you'll make it.

Now your afraid your all alone. (4 X)

Where will you go? Where will you go? When will you go back home? (2 X)

**Sixteen is a song about how kids run away from home
thinking it will make their lives better when
in actuality it only makes it worse. There
are too many run away kids who end up on
drugs as a result of them running away. So instead of
making your situation worse maybe you should
try getting some real help...**

Iraq 1990 (Wounded Bill)
Nine years ago on a day much like today i was covered in soot
and the sky turned ugly and gray.
My town was engulfed in flames as i watched my life burn away.
nothing was left everything was gone
including the life of my five year old son.
Now my heart is empty like the place where he use to play.

More money more bombs, more death more oil.
More oil, more money. PROBLEM SOLVED! (2 X)

Six years ago on a day much like today my son was born with no arms and no legs.
The government said they would pay for all my bills
doctors visits prescription pills.
Thats no consolation for the dreams that he will never be able to fulfill.
Now my heart is broken bye the shadow of death my familys broken theres nothing left.
I call it murder.
I call it theft.

More money,more bombs. More death, more oil.
More oil,more money.PROBLEM SOLVED! (2 x)

Stolen by the hands of liberty.
Murdered by the boys from the land of the free.
Terorized because of who i am.
They dont see me.
Left to die by their racist pride.
They're shooting at me now theres nowhere to hide.
IM being torn apart by Their genocide.

More money, more bombs. More death, more oil.
More oil, more money. PROBLEM SOLVED! (2 X)

**Iraq 1990 is about how the U.S. government uses its
its superior military power to work for the financial
interests of America. The U.S. takes
advantage of the fact that they can bomb anyone
anywhere and have no conciquemces for their actions.
One day we are gonna have to pay for the
devestation we caused else where in the world.**

"Wireless World" (Bob)
Open your door to your wireless world, and see the monster you created.
Open your eyes to the pain that lies inside. where ya gonna run where ya gonna hide.
If ya think technology is gonna save your life, ya better start diggin your grave tonight.
Because all the people ya think have all the answers, are just the ones who built the question.

Theres no room for apathy, because time is running out.
Yeah we gotta act now.
Theres no room for mistakes, because we only got one chance.
Yeah we gotta get this right.

Take a look around, can't you see the problem now...yeah its all gonna come crashing down.
There inventions haven't brought us a perfect world. They only created hell on earth.
Gotta make a stand now cuz there will be nothing you can do. When it all backfires on you.
Its not a question of if, its a question of when, and maybe tomorrow will be the end.

Theres no room for apathy, because time is running out.
Yeah we gotta act now.
Theres no room for mistakes because we only got one chance.
yeah we gotta get this right.

**Wireless world is a song about how people let their entire lives depend on technology.
The song is not to be taken out of context.
I have nothing against the use of technology in general,
but when its used as a means for survival then we need to reavaluate our lives.**

"Senceless"(Wounded Bill)

Violence kills the kids off just like a plague.
The sights and sounded of it numbs my brain.
Now i can't bear to watch my heart stops as another body drops.

And another senceless fight claims another life what were these kids thinking
too much drugs, too much drinking

Another Body lays cold in the street.
The Screems get drowned out by the urban beat.
As the blood fills the cracks his friends run away with out looking back.

And another senceless fight claims another life what were these kids thinking
too much drugs, too much drinking.

**This song is written about the way kids today feel the need to beat or kill eachother.
Violence in society is a problem that effects everybody.
It doesn't matter where you live you can be a victim no one is in a better postion than anyone else.**

"Over the years"(Bob)
Growing up and getting old always seemed so much more than it's become.
Back when i was young the world was so less complicated there wasn't so much that i hated.
Things are easier when you are growing up.
Sometimes i wish i could get out of this. Sometimes it's my youth that im gonna miss.

Just wish i could remember what it was like when i was young. (2 x)

Now everyday im getting older, every week its getting colder. i just wish i could go back.
And all the memorys in my mind all just fade away. Its all turning black.
And one day this will all be over and ill look back on my life maybe ill remember a few good times.
Then death will come creeping in and maybe it will all begin abain.

Just wish i could remember what it was like when i was young.

**This song is about my life as a child and how everything seem so much clearer then.
When i was young nothing mattered except what was fun and what wasn't.
As i grew older i noticed a few problems about life, one being that life is too short
and no one has enough time to do everything they want.
And two you can't ever experiance life like you did
when you were young.**

"kids on the run"(Bob)
Remember back in the day we had so much fun. What did we think we were kids on the run.
Drinking and smoking what had we become but we always thought things would stay the same.
But somehow people always change and we use to say that we'd always be friends.
Well look at us now we're nothing at all seems we always end up kids on the run.

Another year i watch the time go by.
Another friend to whom we say goodbye.
but as i look back now on all this time gone bye i still can't see why our friendships die.

Too many lies and a bunch of beer we were so happy we loved it here.
But they went their oun way and we went our i guess our ambitions didn't go far
but we use to say that we'd always be friend well look at us now were nothing at all
we always seem to end up kids on the run.

Another year i watch the time go bye.
Another friend to whom we say goodbye.
And ass i look back now on all this time gone bye i still can't see why our friendships die.

Looking back now on friends who come and go we
Always sit and wonder where did they all go?
The years go by like a nonstop dream. Well i guess our
good friends wern't as good as they seemed, but
we use to sat that we'd always be friends and look at us now
we're nothing at all. It seems we always end up
kids on the run.

Another year i watch the time go bye
Another friend to whom we say goodbye
and as i look back now on all this time gone bye i still can't see why our friendships die.

**This song is about the friends i have had over the
years and how they alway seem to leave regardless of
what they say and how much they swear that they
will be your friend for ever. With the exception of a few people Mainly
Bill, Steve, Carl, Bern, Kristen, and Sibbohan everyone i use to be friends
with is no longer a friend of ours.**

piggie bank
(Bob & Wounded Bill)
Its sad what we are today. its sad that we don't care.
Its sad we're in such a hurry to get nowhere.
Its sad we can't think for ourselves its sad that were wasting our lives away.
workin 9 to five why do we pay to stay alive.

I never asked to be born so why should i waste my life working everyday.
with nothing to show for it is money really that important anyway

Its sad we don't care that we are running to the grave
its sad we live our lives as the corporate slave.
its sad that they control everything we do
its sad they take our lives away from me and you
for the weekly reward we were taught to accept by the genration before us

I never asked to be born so why should i waste my life working everyday
with nothing to show for it is money really that important anyway.

**This song is about how we all waste our lives
working so that we make money to survive and how
we believe that this is the only way to live. None of us ever
asked to be born and what we don't realize is
there is so much more to life than making money
we shouldn't get so caught up in making money.**

Destruction=Intelligence (Bob)
Staring out over what once a horizon its been blotted out by this city spreading like a plague.
Consumed by glass and now we can't see the sun rising it doesn't seem to end and thats what makes me so afraid

Why must it be that everything we do just makes it harded for us to live with eachother
Why must it be that destruction equals intelligence.

Clawing my way through the urban decay everyday our lives our being wasted.
trying to make some sence of this tragedy etched in stone
the concrete highrise was just the disguise this is no place to call home

Why must it be that everything we do just makes it harded for us to live with eachother
Why must it be that destruction equals intelligence.

**Destruction=Intelligence is about the way we destroy the only world we have because
we believe that we are superior and the world belongs to
us. We have only one Earth and when its gone we don't
get another there is no way to reverse the damage
that we are doing when we realize that its killing
us all. Simply because we can think doen't mean
we can take ownership of the whole world.**

Breaking the rules (Bob)
Wasted time wasted lives trying to have some fun yeah.
The times were good and the times were bad but all and all it was fun.
The time i spent with those friend i never thought it would end.
But now that times is gone so now i move on what happend to them.

Yeah we thought we were so cool. breaking all the rules.
But now everything has changed, were growing up.

9 to 5 was our demise why did it happen this time.
places we went things we saw i dont think it was the end of us all
we fell apart we lost our heart maybe it was better that way.
But now time rolls on and everyones gone but i'll never forget those days.

When we thought we were so cool, breaking all the rules.
But now everything has changed, were growing up.

And i'll never have so much fun again.
And i'll never have those friends again.
And now that time has gone.
So now i move on.

When we thought we were so cool, breaking all the rules.
But now everything has changed, were growing up.

**Breaking the rules is about all the fun i had
when i hung out friends who are no longer around
to hang out with.**

"Boundaries"(Wounded Bill)

Do i have your permission
to enter something that aint even yours?
Can i step foot on the ground
where you murdered the people that were there before?
Do you really think you can control something
that was there before you existance?
Do you really think that you are that powerful?

We got invisible lines.
And chain linked fences to keep out the less fortunate.
We got armed guards.
And brick walls to symbolize our wealth.
keep out undesirables.

How can you charge us
for utilizing something thats there for everyone?
How can you build walls
and still say we are all equals?
Do you really think you can control something
that was there before you existance?
Do you really think that you are that powerful?

We got invisible lines.
And chain linked fences to keep out the less fortunate.
We got armed guards.
And brick walls to symbolize our wealth.
keep out undesirables.

***People in a powerful position have a tendency to force their ideals on others. private property is an ideal not a fact. Its as simple as this all people have few basic rights. just by simply existing you have the right to a place to live food to eat cloths to wear "the basic needs of life." THESE THINGS ARE NEEDS NOT PRIVILEGES. When we build walls, and bounaries and put up fences too keep people off of a peice of earth that we do not own we are denying others there rights NO ONE OWNS THE LAND ESPECIALLY NO WHITE PERSON IN THE UNITED STATES.***

"More important things"(Bob Bill and carl)

Blink 182 they suck and so do you.
I hate those pricks they can suck my dick.
Main stream punk rock its really not that hot.
And if you think that they are cool you should be in grade school

Say it aint so they really blow
They made 3 million Bux off music that sucks

Ohh no its on the song we stole this from
it makes me so sick how can anyone like this shit.
Whats with this lame craze 12 year old girls throw their bras on the stage.
They get off at your expence it doesnt make any sence.

Say it aint so they really blow
They made 3 million Bux off music that sucks

***this song is basicly about how bands like blink 182 fuck up the punk scene by making it marketable and just plain stupid. Plus we got a kick out of writing it.***

"Wish it away"(Bob)
I drag myself out of bed this morning
To see the same ugly world.
Everything we've built is crumbling,
and there's no room left in this world
I closed my eyes and wished it all away,
But nothing ever seems to change.

Not thinking, Not thinking we've destroyed everything
Not thinking, Not thinking we stole the lives of the children
Not thinking, Not thinking we've ended this world

And i wish it all away. I wish it all away but it seems to stay. (2x)

So i think about how we've grown and changed.
One less day left in my life.
And i think about the world we live in today.
No one even seems alive.
Let it go watch the world deteriorate.
Abuse it till we die.

Not thinking, Not thinking we've destroyed everything
Not thinking, Not thinking we stole the lives of the children
Not thinking, Not thinking we've ended this world

And i wish it all away. I wish it all away but it seems to stay. (2x)

***This song is about how everyday i am faced with the realization that the world is not a good place to live. I hate to wake up everyday and see things the way they are and feel totally helpless. The song is basicly a wish that our generation realizes that the world is what we make of it and decided to stand up and make a difference so that children like my neice can grow up in a safe world***

"In Vein"(Bob)
Yesterday i watched the sun rise.
Light seeped into my eyes. A vison of a broken world
Today i finally realized
I've wasted most of my life tryna make this a pefect world
And i always thought i was so free
But there was so much i couldn't see i slowly traded in my time

Another one slips into the corperate death machine
Another day we waste in a dead end job
Another chance for salvation is not gonna come
Work through the day everyday and now our lives seem gone

Yesterday they thought it was for the best.
They invested everything they had and raised the children in their mess
Today i try to reclame the things i've lost
but damage never comes without a cost i fall to my knees and scream I LOST.
Throw my hands in the air and scream out in vein.
There is no relief for the pain i've watched the world go insane.

So i dress myself for the corperate death machine
Another day i waste in my dead end job
Give up hopes for my salvation to come
Work through the day everyday and now my life seems done

***In Vein is about how i wake up everyday and go to work knowing that i hate what i do and i hate how i live. All the time i have spent trying to avoid the system has been in vein now that i have realized the system is much stronger than i am. I alone will never change the world but i never thought i would become part of the world that i want to change so much.***

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