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Download My Mixes :)

Facing A Fading Light (RAR)

Seeking Perfection (RAR)

Browse Using Ftp (Might Not Work)

Well, here you can download the mixes I've made. Just press the links at top to start the downloads. They are both compressed as .Rar files because otherwise you wouldn't get all the files included! But you can also try browsing through the mixes, using the last link.

The Mixes:
"Facing A Fading Light" - Chill/Ambient.
"Seeking Perfection" - Trance/Prog.

I have a few more mixes in production, one experimental dubmix and one progressive psychedelic mix. They will be up as soon as I finish them. Stay tuned for more info. ;)

If you for some reason want to contact me, you can either send me an e-mail to the adress in the bottom of the page or just leave me a msg in #Tranceland @ Qnet. And don't forget to leave a comment in the guestbook before you leave!

Hope you'll enjoy them as much as I did making them =D

//Greetz From Martin (XenoX)

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