To start off roleplaying a wolf , one should use a simple single post of one wolf. Your wolf character should have a name. If you have more then one character make sure they all have different names. Instead of bringing in more characters to your post to roleplay with yourself , simply rp your characters one per post and not with themselves as it is not proper roleplaying and it looks rather foolish to be roleplaying with yourself as it is basically pointless to do so. In other words Don't Roleplay your characters with JUST yourself as it is stupid and not how you roleplay. Roleplay is ment to interact with others. It's supposed to be fun! Also the sentace structure and spelling are VERY important! Take a few extra seconds to Check your for spelling errors after you have typed it. And instead of saying the wolf's name over an over after everything they do like this example:

Dusty smiled and watched the other wolves. Dusty ran over to them. Dusty barked a hello.

The proper way:

Dusty smiled and watched the other wolves. He ran over to them and barked a hello.

Punctuation is also important , make sure you use a period after every sentance and quotation marks for when the wolf is talking, here is another example:

Dusty trotted over to sasha. He smiled warmly as he set next to her. "Hi im Dusty. What's your name?" He asked curiously , wanting to get to know her.

When making a starting post only post one character per post and they should not be roleplaying with themselves. And do not and I repeat DO NOT post one sentace per post! It is simply makes it boring and it can be annoying because it floods out the posts of other wolves. And if someone if roleplaying a post in response to one of your wolf characters, make sure you reply , as it is rude to ignore them! And if you are busy and do not want to roleplay with them kindy tell them on OOC wich stands for out of chararter. And if you have anything you want to say outside of roleplay that is IRL (in real life) you use post your message with OOC at the beginning. For example:

OOC: hey Im gonna go get something to eat and then i'll be back to roleplay!

BIC stands for back in character post BIC before your next roleplay post after you have been OOC.

Okay Now to roleplay fights, EVERY ATTACK in a fight has to be an attempt, seeing as IRL the attack might possibly be avoided, but a persistant attack cannot be avoided for ever here's an example:

Dusty snarled at sasha, and suddenly without warning he leapt at her, trying to knock her to the ground.

Sasha yelped as he came lunging at her. She quickly darted to the right , just barley getting out of the way.

Dusty snarled regaining his footing from the failed attack and as she was near he snaps at her side, to try and bite her

Sasha yelped as she was bitten for she had not been able to get away fast enough. She then shook wildly, all though it was painfull as he was biting down on her side she had to try and get him off.

See the underlined words? You don't have to use those words exzactly but as long as the attack is quite visably seen as an ATTEMPT then it is correct, and this my friends is how you roleplay, everything done to another character has to be an attempt for if you roleplay the hit the damage done on the other wolf then you are basically roleplaying the other person's character therefore the rp is VOID, meaning false since you can't roleplay another person's character, so everything done to another character like fighting or trying to pounce...., fight ect. ect. is an attempt...though I'm sure you all have enough logic to understand this. No i'm not telling you how to roleplay...I'm just posting the REAL Ways to properly roleplay.

Any questions? No...i hope not if so Neomail ultamiteleon

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