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Thursday, 23 June 2005

my freaking housemate has been locked in the bathroom TALKING ON THE PHONE for the last half hour and i have to PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! !#LKEjfalsdkjfASLDK!L#@#@$@#$#$#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by eileen at 04:23 MEST
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please excuse all grammatical errors (Gram)
It looks like until I can take my HTML to the next level, and above all, until I get my photos back from Paolo the photographer - my web page is destined to remain a blog. Sad for you, as boring as my life has been lately.

Today I passed the last of my exams (both 29 out of 30 - go me!(i can't find brackets - after all of my stressing I have to brag a little)) and now I need to find some work. At the very least I have the fiera (hopefully I won't have to dress as space woman ever again) and most likely I'll be able to find something in PR. I'm hoping to find a stage (stahhhhge - internship in anglicized Italian) for men's week which is coming up soon, which would be a great experience, but of course, not paid.

Tonight, to celebrate the successful completion of my exams, I went out with my - gasp!!!! - classmates. Yes, none other than the personalities that some of you have heard badmouthed this year quite a few times. I must say, however, that I actually enjoyed myself and made some Italian friendships. Above all I was shocked at the positive reactions to my collection from people who I thought assumed they were superior to me and my creations and multiple suggestions to be or at least pretend to be more of a b with an itch. Hmmmm. Yes, the key that i have yet to master in the world of fashion is to present myself at all times as a self obsessed genius. Well, to at least my mother and her colleagues I seem to have gotten the whiny princess down - maybe egomaniacal genius is just a step away! (mom and friends - i love you and i hope you know i'm joking)

Ah - before i forget! . . . (please ignore the word "shoot" and the context of the following episode as it's supposed to be a surprise for all of you but my mom who I could NOT not tell)
For all of my female friends . ..
Even models (yes - professional models) hate to wear bathing suits and are convinced that they look fat in them! Yes! I had to hear a six foot , 100 lb 18yr old tell me that she hates swimwear because of her "cellulite" (????? cellulite is now smooth????) and attempt not to laugh while she excused herself for not being able to fit her "fat thighs" into my pants. Arghhhh!

Posted by eileen at 03:57 MEST
Updated: Thursday, 23 June 2005 04:07 MEST
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005
coming soon
By the end of the month I hope to have my page up and running. No one is actually even supposed to see this page.

Posted by eileen at 21:10 MEST
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