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Tuesday, 20 September 2005
Assorted Newness
Things have been picking up recently and (in part) due to this traffic and I just think that I need it I'm adding a lot of new content. I'll have some recipies, a lot more asstd. information I.E. I will be posting links for animal friendly charities, companies, foods, etc...

Just thought I'd write this real quick to keep you in the loop!

Posted by psy/citizen_ex at 4:08 PM EDT
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Thursday, 15 September 2005
I've been kinda swamped, but FINALLY a new entry
Alright, I apologize.. I've been slacking with this blog, I promise I'll try to be better.

On to the matters that be..
First off in site related matters..

I'm looking for essays, pics, or whatever else that you've created reguarding animal rights. As usual anything for, against, or in between. Just email them to me.. (citizen_ex[at] [at] = @) If you have any comments or questions feel free to do the same.
I've posted in my forum soon about the (limited) rules. Now, I'm not typically into the whole "rules" thing but due to my hosting I need to have a couple..

My forum..
The rules are under "The Basics"

Now those of you who visit my forum will remember me posting this..

Click Here Fon An.. "Interesting" Story

Its a post about animal crackers. Yes, you heard me right ANIMAL CRACKERS. Now the reason it bothers me so much. The person wonders if it is alright to eat them concidering that they are in the shape of animals. *sigh*

I just thought I would numb your brain whith that little

Posted by psy/citizen_ex at 12:10 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 September 2005 12:51 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 24 August 2005
Mood:  loud
I'll soon post about the pros and cons of the Animal Rights groups. Altho there are some extremists, a lot of them aren't bad at all. This all ties into my site :Anesthesia's Wonderland . I try to dispel a lot of the myths and bs that people are told... My forum : is always open to new members and opinions on both sides of the fence. I also am going to have ACTUAL quotes from both sides. (Some of them are pretty rediculous.)

I happen to be a vegan. Altho this does NOT hinder my abilites to remain partial. I don't care what anyone else eats, this is just MY lifestyle. I will not try to "convert" anyone don't worry... However I hate being lied to, and I don't think other people should be lied to. It bothers me a lot, hence my site and this blog..

There are however many wonderful animal groups. I'll post about them too. For now I have to go, so keep checking in!

--Citizen Ex

Posted by psy/citizen_ex at 3:20 PM EDT
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