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Broken Wings
Wed, Jun 22 2005
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: "I'm just a girl" No Doubt
Topic: Stupidity
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Misquote of Elbert Hubbard

My sister bought a new cream colored Chrysler 300 . When I asked what the MPG's (miles per gallon) were on her V6 over 200 horses "beast"? She thumbed her nose at the high price of gasoline by stating: "I can afford it". But wait, thats not it... There is more: She and her young daughter were so proud to point out (to go with their new "Gangsta Car") they bought a bullet ridden licence plate frame! The licence frame was manufactured with bullet holes in it? Is it made to look like someone had emptied their gun into the back of your car as you left the scene? Now this is where I shake my head... She is an Over-thirty, White, Suburban, Middle-class Want-To-Be-G? She takes her daughter to school in that car with the fake bullet holes? I don't get it. I thought the local freeway shootings (4 fatal) would make a bullet ridden car a thing NOT to be proud of. I thought the families of the 5 American solders killed today in Iraq might NOT be proud of a bullet ridden car?

Posted by Psy/Bitterfly at 9:04 PM PDT
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