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A Witness for Christ
Tuesday, 30 August 2005
A Witness for Christ
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: religion
The Christian life is never promised to be an easy one. We are told by jesus that we will have a hard time of it in this world(John 16:33), but we are not to be poor me about because the world crucified our Lord and he tells us to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world(John 16:33). Now before going to prepare a place for us, our Lord commanded us to go into all the world "...and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and, the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoeverI have commanded you..."(Matthew 28:19-20) The witness for Christ is not an independent contractor who does as he wishes nor is the witness to create his/her own script. We are to teach the world only those things which the Lord has taught us and to not add to those teachings.
This means then, that the Gospel of Christ contains all the truth that a sinner needs to come to faith in Christ. There is no other information we can add whereby the message of Christ can be improved upon. The Apostle Paul issues a warning to us when he says, "And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him."(Colossians 2:4,6) A true witness for Christ relies not upon his/her own abilities but upon the one who has called the witness, Jesus Christ. We are not our own we have been bought with a steep price, that price was the death of our Lord. The message we preach is not our own, but that from the one who has called us. Our message is not of angels, nor of man or any combination of the two. Our message is the cross, the resurrection of our Lord and his Godhood. We do not beguile others with vain words or tempting philosophies. The cross is foolishness to the lost, but to us, who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ it is the power of God unto salvation. We are to bear fruit for Christ, yet we often ignore the call to witness for him, because we have that important golf date, or that important concert to go to or anything we can come up with so that we can get out of doing the Lord's work. What are we doing? The life of a Christian is not as an island unto oneself, we are part of the family of God ingraffted to the tree. yet not because we have deserved such an adoption, but because of his love and mercy we have been called. Who are we to decide who can and cannot hear the gospel? A true witness for Christ is not one who strives for glory but one who serves and is humble. Let us then be odedient servants, properly redeeming the time for our Lord.

Posted by pro2/eternallife at 9:58 AM CDT
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